David Keller
Jeffris, was born in Janesville township May
28,1867, and has inherited the business acumen and tireless energy of his father. He was
educated in the common schools of Janesville. His first business experience was
obtained in his father's lumberyards, and in 1887 he embarked in trade upon his
own account. At that time he was but twenty years old, and his subsequent
success in life might be regarded as phenomenal by those who should fail to take
into account his admirable mental endowment and quick, ready grasp of the
problems of every-day life. In 1890 he sold out his original plant, and in that
year erected mills in what is know as Jeffries, a village having sprung up
around them. Since that time his business enterprises have steadily increased in
number. His brother Frederick is associated with him as a partner, and the firm
owns and operates a large factory in Janesville, for the manufacture of sash,
doors and blinds and window screens, employing between 250 and 300 men. They
also own sawmills at Jeffries, Wis. Mr. Jeffris is also an extensive owner of
real estate, and holds large tracts of valuable pine lands in the northern part
of the State, besides being a director in the various moneyed corporations in
the city of his residence. He is a man of generous impulses and social
instincts, living the companionship of his friends and being both loved and
honored by them in return. He is a member of Janesville Lodge, No. 55, A. F. &
A. M., as well as the K. ofP. and the B. P. O. E. He also belongs to that widely
reputed social organization of lumbermen known as the "Hoo Hoos," whose good
fellowship and love of mirth are known throughout the Northwest. Being of Scotch
descent on the maternal side, he has been eligible for election in the
Caledonian Society, of which he is one of the most esteemed members. Politically
he is a Republican. Mr. JEFFRIS was married Jan. 2, 1889, his bride
being Miss Della HANCHETT, a daughter of Gerando M. and Anna (SPAULDING) HANCHETT. Their
three children are named Donald H., Jean E., and Grace M. Mrs. JEFFRIS is a
member of the Congregational Church.
Takenfrom "Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Rock, Green, Grant, Iowa and Lafayette Wisconsin" (c)I90J, p. 252-253. Courtesy of Carol