IBS - Intercollegiate Broadcasting System: 72nd Annual International College Radio and Webcasting Conference NYC 2012 March 2 - 4, 2012
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System :: 72nd Annual International College Radio & Webcasting Conference :: NYC 2012 Intercollegiate Broadcasting System
72nd Annual International College Radio &
Webcasting Conference - NYC 2012!
March 2 - 4, 2012 ∙ Hotel Pennsylvania

Benefits of Attending IBS NYC 2012!   REGISTER TODAY FOR IBS 2012!
Over 150 speakers and panelists participated in IBS NYC 2011 and many will return again in 2012! PLUS there will be many NEW Speakers THIS YEAR!

Benefits of attending:
  • 2012 FCC Noncommercial License Renewal Information!
  • Broadcast YOUR Station on the FM Band (New LPFM)!
  • FCC just fined NCE licensee $10,000.00 (They were NOT an IBS Member)!
  • IBS Members at IBS NYC will learn how to avoid that $10,000 FATE!
  • Bring Home an IBS Member Station Microphone Award Trophy!
    March 1, 2012, Click here for IBS AWARD FINALISTS!

  • LIVE Webcast: IBS Student Radio Network by Backbone!
  • Job and Internship Information!
  • Network with top Broadcasting Professionals!
  • Cybercast LIVE FROM New York City to YOUR HOME on WIBS!
  • Workshops on Webcasting/Streaming, Writing, Announcing!
  • Listen to and talk with TOP Bands, like the RAMBLERS!
  • Be an IBS NYC Presenter/Speaker, build YOUR RESUME!  
    Click here to see the 2009 speaker list
    YOUR IBS NYC registration form (Click here)!
    FAX YOUR registration to 845-565-7446
    Pay IBS by

    Email Newsletter icon, E-mail Newsletter icon, Email List icon, E-mail List icon Sign up for our IBS Electronic Email Newsletter

      Reserve YOUR room at the Hotel Pennsylvania and take advantage of our special IBS - only conference rates!
    Call 1-800-223-8585 and mention YOUR reservation is for IBS Radio Conference!

    Do YOU Have Suggestions?
    Do YOU want to participate on an IBS Panel?
    Do YOU have Questions?
    No problem! Let us know. IBS will HELP YOU!
    e-mail: ibshq@aol.com

    Please look through the Schedule Grids to find all the exciting and informative sessions at IBS NYC 2012!

    Scroll Down/or click on the box for more session information, including session and tour descriptions.

    See the schedule!  
    Grid: - Thursday
    - Friday
    - Saturday
    - Sunday
    - Friday
    - Saturday
    - Sunday


    Thursday, March 1:
    Click on the session title for more information!  All times tentative and subject to change.
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    Join a growing Coast to Coast network of IBS Member College, University, and High School Internet Radio Stations

    All delegates to the IBS International College Radio and Webcasting Conference are welcome to attend.

    IBS SRN is the ONLY College Radio Student Broadcasting Network in the World!

    YOU can see the network in operation and even sign up for a FREE trial IBS SRN Affiliate Station with Backbone!

    More details CONTACT (IBSHQ@aol.com) TODAY!

    Friday, March 2:
    Click on the session title for more information!  All times tentative and subject to change.
    SPECIAL Live from New York City CYBERCAST on the

    IBS SRN will AGAIN be broadcasting live from our glass studio in the center of the IBS Conference floor.

    All delegates to the IBS International College Radio and Webcasting Conference are welcome to broadcast their best work/show from the glass studio. Sign up for YOUR shift TODAY!.

    IBS SRN is the ONLY College Radio Student Broadcasting Network in the World!

    YOU can see the network in operation and even sign up for a FREE trial IBS SRN Affiliate Station with Backbone!


    More details CONTACT (IBSHQ@aol.com) TODAY!

    Click on the session title for more information!  All times tentative and subject to change. Printer-Friendly Version Printer-friendly version

    SCHEDULE 11:00-11:55 12:00-12:20 12:25-1:20 1:30-2:25 2:40-3:35 3:50-4:45 5:00-5:55 6:10-6:55
    IBS 2012
      From Concept to Air
    How to create a new radio program
    by WNYC - FM (NYC)
    Future of Music
    and the Music Industry
    Independent Music Labels
    and YOUR Station
    Streaming (Audio and Video), Webcasting
    and Archiving Workshop
    Radio and Record Company
    An Audience with:
    the staff of
    WPLJ-95.5 FM (NYC)
    The Status
    of the
    Local News Room
    An Audience with
    ESPN Radio
    Audience with:
    WBLS 107.5 FM NYC!
    An Audience with:
    Airstaff of Q104.3 NYC
    Radio 2012
    The State of and
    Future of the Radio Medium
    A Creative Overview
        HOT TOPIC!
    Going Mobile
    Mobile “Apps” and YOUR Station
    Staff Building,
    Station Relations
    with YOUR Campus;
    FCC Rules
    YOU Need to Know
    Social Networking/ FACEBOOK
    YOUR College Radio Station
    Science Reporting
    on the Radio
        HOT TOPIC!
    FCC NCE FM License Renewal
    Time is NOW!
    Are YOU Ready?
    FCC Fines NCE Station
    How YOUR Station Can Avoid
    A Similar Fate!
    Do YOU want an FCC NCE FM License?
    Where Channel 6 TV audio used to be?
    On 87.5 MHz or 87.7 MHz
    Support IBS NPRM Session!
    Public Affairs Programming
    For YOUR Station
    Making the Magic:
    Creativity Workshop
    How to Improve YOUR Station Finances:
    How Do We Get More Money?
        IBS Student Radio Network

    by Backbone:
    Information Session
    Academic Planning for
    Media Career Choices
    Radio Drama
    College Radio
    Station Managers
    Building YOUR News
    and Information Image
    for Non-Engineers
        The Role of
    College Radio
    During an Emergency Situation
    Broadcast Writing
    Commercials and Advertising:
    Strategies and Solutions
    Jazz Programming in 2012 The Role of
    Faculty Advisers
    High School Radio
    Tour Schedule:

    - 10:30 AM: Tour WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - NOON (12:00 PM): Tour WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - 1:30 PM: Tour WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - 2:30 PM: Tour the Paley Center for Media (Former Museum of Television & Radio)(Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - 3:00 PM: Tour WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - 6:15 PM: Tour CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - 7:30 PM: Tour CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - 8:00 PM: the RAMBLERS Band at Rockwood Music Hall, 196 Allen Street (First 40 IBS Delegates FREE-Sign Up at IBS) Arranged by Norm Prusslin, IBS President Emeritus (Click Here For Event Description)!

    - 8:00 PM: Event: Mardi Gras 2011 at 230 FIFTH (Club), 230 Fifth Avenue, (near 27th St.) Time: 6 PM - 11 PM (Admission FREE) Arranged by Jill Morrison, (ON-AIR Personality at WUSB FM) (Click Here For Event Description)!


    Saturday, March 3
    Click on the session title for more information!  All times tentative and subject to change.
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    SCHEDULE 9:30-10:25 10:35-11:30 11:45-12:40 12:45-1:15 1:20-2:15 2:30-3:25 3:40-4:35 4:50-5:45 6:00-6:55
    Radio on the Tube?
    Working with Public Access
    and College TV Stations
    The Conclave Presents:
    Breaking Into The Business
    Show & Tell!
    Scholarships Available
    Meet and Greet the
    National Association of Broadcasters
    2012 IBS AWARDS!
    Golden Microphone Trophy
    Awards Presentations!
    Awards and Administration
    How to grow YOUR program
    An Audience with
    May Pang
    (John Lennon)
    The Beatles....and College Radio Musicians' Showcase:
    An Audience with Corky Laing
    College Radio Station
    Program Directors
    Morning Show
    Production and Preparation
    Featuring the
    Local Music Scene
    on YOUR Station
    An Audience with the Pros:
    On-Air Personalities
    Student Media Leadership
    Careers in
    Broadcasting and Media
    Music Licensing,
    Copyrights and
    News Reporting:
    Tips and Tricks
    Hip-Hop, R&B
    and Urban Programming
    Hard and Loud Rock
    Community College Station
    Scheduling Marathons
    Special Events
    Fund Raising Programs

    Projects for YOUR Station
    An Audience with:
    with Today's Hottest Bands
    Beyond Radio:
    Using New Technology
    to Become a
    Media Content Provider
    Working with
    Other Student Media
    and Campus Organizations
    Grant Writing
    and YOUR Station
    FCC Rules
    YOU Need to Know!
    Great Interviews
    Around the World in 60 Minutes:
    Global and
    International Music
    FCC EAS (Emergency Alert System)
    National Test
    Are YOU Ready?
    Society of Broadcast Engineers
    SBE Chapter 15 (NYC)
    Learn How YOU can be SBE Certified!
    College Radio Station
    Music Directors
    Playing the
    Voice-Over Game
    IBS Fall Coast-to-Coast Conferences
    Invitation to be a HOST!
    Being a
    Better Manager
    Taking YOUR Station
    out of the Station:
    How to do a
    Remote Broadcast
    Political and Election Coverage
    and College Radio
    Resume Tips,
    Tricks and
    Radio Across Borders:
    Global and International Broadcasting
    FCC Q&A:
    How to Obtain a Broadcast License for YOUR Station
    Marketing On-Line
    Without A Budget!
    New FM Band Frequencies
    87.5 MHz and 87.7 MHz
    for YOUR Station?

    Cable FM and other
    Unlicensed Alternatives
    to Licensed FM Broadcasting
    Sports in the Field:
    Sports Broadcasting
    and YOUR Station
    Future of classical music
    on college radio
    and Is Opera relevant?
    Web 2.0
    at YOUR Station,/b>
    IBS Aircheck
    and Station Critiques
    YOU Have a Website,
    Now What?
    Web Design/Content

    Software Solutions for the
    Production Director
    Organizing and Digitizing
    YOUR Music Library
    Station Budgets
    and Finances
    Automating YOUR Station
    with Free Software
    Tour Schedule:
    - 9:30 AM: Tour the Broadcast Facilities atop the Empire State Building!
    - 10:45 AM: Tour the Studios of Z100, 103.5 KTU, Q104.3, Power 105.1 & Lite FM (Clear Channel Radio)(Click For Tour Description)!

    - 10:45 AM: Tour CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!

    - 12:30 PM: Tour CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor (Click Here For Tour Description)!


    Sunday, March 13th
    Click on the session title for more information!  All times tentative and subject to change.
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    - 10:00 AM: IBS Conference Review and Wrap-Up! (Paris Suite)

    2012 IBS CONFERENCE SESSION DESCRIPTIONS Printer-Friendly Version Printer-friendly version

    TOUR: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor Friday 3/2 ∙ 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    Description: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor.
    This tour has been generously provided by Thomas R. Ray, III CPBE, AMD, DRB, Vice President/Corporate Director of Engineering, Buckley Radio, WOR News Talk Radio 710HD, Chairman, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15 New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    To register for this tour YOU must be an IBS Delegate staying at the Hotel Pennsylvania on Thursday, night March 1, 2012. Please pre-register for this tour by e-mail in advance (IBSHQ@aol.com), or at the IBS Registration Desk on the Sixth Floor Conference Center at 10:00 AM. The Tour will leave at 10:10 AM. YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 Qualified delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.

    IBS 2012 Kickoff Friday 3/2 ∙ 11:00-11:55 AM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: Stay tuned for updates about a special 2012 IBS Conference Kickoff event, featuring a special guest!
    Panelists: Len Mailloux, Chair of the IBS Board of Directors


    Welcome and Conference Overview Friday 3/2 ∙ 12:00-12:20 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: As an “early bird” attendee, here is YOUR opportunity to speak with members of the IBS Board and Staff about the conference program schedule. As experienced “conference-goers,” YOUR IBS colleagues can help YOUR station and staff navigate the “ins and outs” of conference participation.
    Panelists: Len Mailloux, Chair of the IBS Board of Directors

    TOUR: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor Friday 3/2 ∙ NOON (12:00 PM) - 1:00 PM
    Description: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor.
    This tour has been generously provided by Thomas R. Ray, III CPBE, AMD, DRB, Vice President/Corporate Director of Engineering, Buckley Radio, WOR News Talk Radio 710HD, Chairman, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15 New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    To register for this tour YOU must be an IBS Delegate staying at the Hotel Pennsylvania on Thursday, night March 1, 2012. Please pre-register for this tour by e-mail in advance (IBSHQ@aol.com), or at the IBS Registration Desk on the Sixth Floor Conference Center. The Tour will leave at 11:30 AM. YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 Qualified delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.


    From Concept to Air: How to create a new radio program Friday 3/2 ∙ 12:25-1:20 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: From Concept to Air: How to create a new radio program
    Panelists: Kaari Pitkin, Senior Producer, Radio Rookies, WNYC-New York (Facilitator); Chris Thomas (WLTL-GM and IBS Board)

    The Status of the Local News Room Friday 3/2 ∙ 12:25-1:20 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: What is the role of news—especially local news—in today’s radio programming mix? What is the trend regarding the state of newsroom support across the country? Can college stations continue to serve as an outlet for news and information, and in return, provide true local service to campus and off-campus listeners?
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision)(Facilitator)

    HOT TOPIC!: Going Mobile: Mobile “Apps” and YOUR Station Friday 3/2 ∙ 12:25-1:20 PM
    London Suite
    Description: Having quickly skyrocketed in popularity since their introduction, “apps” for mobile devices such as iPhones, DROIDS, and Blackberries have become the latest and most cutting-edge media distribution platform for radio stations as well. Learn how to make and market an app for YOUR station and discuss how YOU can use this new technology to better promote YOUR station.
    Panelists: Dr. E. Michael Harrington, Ph.D. (Facilitator)

    HOT TOPIC! FCC NCE FM License Renewal Time is NOW! Are YOU Ready? Friday 3/2 ∙ 12:25-1:20 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: FCC NCE FM License Renewal Time is NOW! Are YOU Ready?
    Panelists: Allen Myers (Previous with the FCC for 37 years/ IBS Board of Directors)

    IBS Student Radio Network by Backbone: Information Session Friday 3/2 ∙ 12:25-1:20 PM
    Board Room
    Description: Join the discussion as IBS staff discusses the IBS Student Radio Network (IBS SRN). IBS SRN is a digital online radio network by Backbone.

    IBS SRN is an exciting new service brought to YOU in conjunction with Backbone, using its advanced client-server radio software to enable school/college stations to syndicate live and produced radio programming among member stations, and to access a vast amount of royalty-free programming from numerous worldwide resources.
    Panelists: Richard Cerny, George Capalbo, and Paul Kamp, all from Backbone, Inc. (IBS SRN); Len Mailloux (IBS Board Chair); Dan Braverman (President - Radio Systems - Leading Equipment supplier to IBS Members); Cedric Watson (Technical Administrator, WLIU-BK, Long Island U., Brooklyn, NY);

    The Role of College Radio During an Emergency Situation Friday 3/2 ∙ 12:25-1:20 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: In recent years, the college/university community and nation at large has witnessed tragedies unfold on the campuses of Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois Universities, as well as several “close calls” at other institutions. During the time of a campus emergency, campus radio stations have a unique and important role to play in disseminating accurate news and information to students and the general public alike  .In this session, discuss strategies for YOUR station to plan and be prepared for any emergency that may arise.
    Panelists: Isobel Breheny-Schafer (Moderator)(WUSB General Manager /Media Advisor/Assistant Director Student Activities); Mark Laiosa (WBAI-FM NYC); Katie Singleton (General Assistant WVYC - York College);


    The Future of Music and the Music Industry Friday 3/2 ∙ 1:30-2:25 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: The music industry is evolving, due to factors internal to the field, and from external pressures and influences.  Is there agreement as to what is meant by the “music industry” today?  What impact do new technology, audience taste and preference, artist creativity, and economics/business models have on defining the current and future music industry?  Our distinguished panel will help us sort through the myriad of important and challenging issues being faced by the industry today. 
    Panelists: Dr. E. Michael Harrington, Ph.D (Moderator); Richard L’Hommedieu (Founding Chairman, Long Island Music Hall of Fame; On-air Personality, WUSB, Stony Brook Univ., Long Island, NY); Joe Rock (WBAB-FM and WBLI-FM - Vice-Chairman, Long Island Music Hall of Fame); Jann Klose (Artist/Musician); Blaise Delfino (Recording Artist and WSPC Radio)

    An Audience with Justin Craig, Program Director of ESPN Radio 1050 New York Friday 3/2 ∙ 1:30-2:25 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: An Audience with Justin Craig, Program Director of ESPN Radio 1050 New York
    Panelists: Chris Thomas (Facilitator/Arranger of Session) (WLTL-GM and IBS Board); Justin Craig, (Program Director of NYC ESPN Radio)

    Staff Building, Recruitment and Training Friday 3/2 ∙ 1:30-2:25 PM
    London Suite
    Description: One of the challenges facing college/school radio stations is how to recruit and train new staff members.  Whether YOUR station is student-only or is also open to non-students, getting and retaining dedicated staff and is important to its survival.  A good training program will help ensure that all the good work YOU’re doing at YOUR station will be carried on.  In this panel, learn ways to recruit, teach and mentor new staff.
    Panelists: Isobel Breheny-Schafer (WUSB General Manager /Media Advisor/Assistant Director Student Activities) (Moderator); Stephen Roberts Training Director / Assistant Music Director WVYC; Phil Effinger (General Manager WVYC); Jason McMullen (WHUS Program Director); Heather Campos (Operations Director - Simmons College Radio)

    FCC Fines NCE Station $10,000.00: How YOUR Station Can Avoid A Similar Fate! Friday 3/2 ∙ 1:30-2:25 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: During 2012 an aggressive FCC Field Office inspected an FCC NCE, Noncommercial Educational Licensee, NOT an IBS Member Station, and found that the station Public File was NOT available during normal business hours, in violation of FCC Rules. The FCC fined the NCE station $10,000.00! YOUR station is an IBS Member Station. This session will assist YOU in complying with FCC Rules and avoiding a similar fate, a $10,000.00 FCC Fine!
    Panelists: Allen Myers (Previous with the FCC for 37 years/ IBS Board of Directors)(Moderator)

    Academic Planning for Media Career Choices Friday 3/2 ∙ 1:30-2:25 PM
    Board Room
    Description: How do YOU identify and develop academic opportunities to prepare for media careers while YOU are still in college?  How do internship programs work and how do YOU get to do real work and not just run errands?  This session will give YOU valuable tips and suggestions for landing a great internship and bolstering YOUR media-related academic credentials in preparation towards a media or broadcasting career.
    Panelists: David J. Fabilli (Professor of Broadcasting - Point Park University - Faculty Advisor WPPJ Pittsburgh, PA)(Moderator); Bayley Brown (WCLG-AM/FM); Kwame "KD" Dankwa (CBS RADIO Hartford & WILI FM); Tom Zarecki (Professor - Lincoln College of New England); Catherine Chalpin (Promotions and Integrated Marketing Director - Clear Channel Hudson Valley)

    Broadcast Writing Workshop Friday 3/2 ∙ 1:30-2:25 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: It is said that great radio programming starts and ends with great writing. This session will focus on tried and true methods of writing for radio, along with newly developed tips and techniques that will help YOUR station’s air sound stand out from YOUR “competitors” on the dial. This session will also teach YOUR staff skills that can be used “post-college,” within or beyond the broadcast industry.
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision)(Co-Moderator); Professor Joe Lamachia (Saint Peter’s College) (Co-Moderator); Tom Zarecki (Professor - Lincoln College of New England);

    TOUR: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor Friday 3/2 ∙ 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
    Description: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor.
    This tour has been generously provided by Thomas R. Ray, III CPBE, AMD, DRB, Vice President/Corporate Director of Engineering, Buckley Radio, WOR News Talk Radio 710HD, Chairman, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15 New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.


    TOUR: Paley Center for Media Friday 3/2 ∙ 2:30 PM
    Description: The Paley Center for Media, formerly The Museum of Television & Radio, is a cultural institution dedicated to the discussion of the cultural, creative and social significance of television, radio and emerging platforms for the professional community and media-interested public.  At the Paley Center, YOU can enjoy archives, footage and exhibits of broadcasting’s past, present and f, including two full-sized theaters. More than 120,000 television shows, commercials and radio programs are available in the Paley Center's library, and during each visit, viewers can select and watch, at individual consoles, shows totaling an hour in length. Radio programs are accessed through these same consoles. 
    Registration: Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.


    Independent Music Labels and YOUR Station Friday 3/2 ∙ 2:40-3:35 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: What is an independent label in the year 2012? How does your station interact with label representatives, artists and bands? What roles are the new delivery systems for music playing for the future of independent music worldwide?  Here is your chance to discuss these pertinent issues with representatives from independent record labels.
    Panelists: Dr. E. Michael Harrington, Ph.D (Moderator); Richard L’Hommedieu (Founding Chairman, Long Island Music Hall of Fame; On-air Personality, WUSB, Stony Brook Univ., Long Island, NY); Joe Rock (WBAB-FM and WBLI-FM - Vice-Chairman, Long Island Music Hall of Fame); Jann Klose (Artist/Musician); Kris Agathos (Music director WUSB-FM); Blaise Delfino (Recording Artist and WSPC Radio); Jimmy Cassoday (WGCS- FM Chief Announcer and Specialty Show host/ Victory Records Label)

    Audience with: Skip Dillard, Program Director of WBLS-FM 107.5 FM NYC Friday 3/2 ∙ 2:40-3:35 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: This is YOUR chance to meet with and discuss radio with the Program Director of one of the TOP STATION in New York City
    Panelists: Skip Dillard (Program Director of WBLS-FM 107.5 FM NYC)

    Station Relations with YOUR Campus and Community Friday 3/2 ∙ 2:40-3:35 PM
    London Suite
    Description: A broadcast license requires YOU to serve YOUR community. If YOUR school/college is the licensee, they are ultimately responsible for its operation and programming. What lines of communication exist between the station and the administration?  How can YOU create understanding and support before a crisis?  How can YOU build a stronger, long-lasting relationship with YOUR campus and off-campus communities and the listeners at large?
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); Isobel Breheny-Schafer (WUSB General Manager /Media Advisor/Assistant Director Student Activities); Liz Verhagen (WHUS Operations Manager); Matt Difabio (Special Programs Director WVYC); Katie Singleton (General Assistant WVYC - York College); Serene Lazaro (Station Manager WDVL Fredonia Radio Systems);

    Do YOU want an FCC NCE FM License?
    Where Channel 6 TV audio used to be? On 87.5 MHz or 87.7 MHz
    Support IBS NPRM Session!
    Friday 3/2 ∙ 2:40-3:35 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: Allen Myers, IBS Board Member, and a retired member of the FCC Staff, for over 37 years, has been working on our IBS Comments to FCC NPRM, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, Docket No. 10‐235. (Innovations in the Broadcast Television Bands Allocations) IBS Comments are due to the FCC next week. Allen and IBS would appreciate your comments and support for having IBS Members option FCC Licenses on 87.5 MHz and 87.7 MHz. These are where the old channel 6 tv audio was. Come to this session and be heard. The FCC is listening!
    Panelists: Allen Myers (Previous with the FCC for 37 years/ IBS Board of Directors)(Moderator)

    Radio Drama and Documentaries Friday 3/2 ∙ 2:40-3:35 AM
    Board Room
    Description: Join our talented group of panelists and learn how to use the resources of the college community to produce special, quality, and educational radio drama and documentary programs. Enjoy a special radio drama tribute to the late Irwin Gonshak, of the Writers’ Guild of America East and longtime supporter of IBS.
    Panelists: Anita Michaels (Moderator)(Professor on Behavioral Sciences at NYIT); Ricky Young, (host of What is in YOUR Hand on WHCR FM); Tom Zarecki (Professor - Lincoln College of New England); Tanja Milojevic (Simmons College Radio)

    Commercials and Advertising: Strategies and Solutions Friday 3/2 ∙ 2:40-3:35 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: This session will discuss how to find advertisers, how to get their money, and the steps to retain their business year after year.  Topics such as setting rates, producing spots and career opportunities in radio sales and management are some of the ideas covered in this session.
    Panelists: Professor Joe Lamachia (Saint Peter’s College)(Moderator); Jason Samuel (Asst. Professor/ General Manager WGCS-FM - Goshen College); Catherine Chalpin (Promotions and Integrated Marketing Director - Clear Channel Hudson Valley);

    TOUR: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor Friday 3/2 ∙ 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    Description: WOR studios are located at 111 Broadway, 3rd Floor.
    This tour has been generously provided by Thomas R. Ray, III CPBE, AMD, DRB, Vice President/Corporate Director of Engineering, Buckley Radio, WOR News Talk Radio 710HD, Chairman, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15 New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.

    Streaming (Audio and Video), Webcasting and Archiving Workshop Friday 3/2 ∙ 3:50-4:45 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: More and more radio stations are streaming their programming online.  Additionally, many stations have begun new “internet-only” online streams, while others offer archived programs through their websites.  Many stations also now use computers to digitally store their music and production library.  This session provides ideas and tips on how to integrate webcasting and archiving into YOUR station’s programming efforts.
    Panelists: Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK)(Moderator); Anthony Zaragoza (GM, WRAJ Internet Radio); Tom Zarecki (Professor - Lincoln College of New England);

    An Audience with Q104.3 Airstaff Jonathan Clarke, Marc “The Cope” Coppola and Maria Milito Friday 3/2 ∙ 3:50-4:45 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: Q104.3 is the most listened to classic rock radio station in America, boasting a “who’s-who” of acclaimed broadcasters.  Join them as they share their experiences as longtime radio personalities, discuss the state of classic rock and classic rock radio today, and focus on what makes for great on-air announcing and voiceover skills!
    Panelists: Jonathan Clarke, Marc “The Cope” Coppola, Maria Milito

    FCC Rules YOU Need to Know Friday 3/2 ∙ 3:50-4:45 PM
    London Suite
    Description: Join communications analyst Allen Myers as he discusses FCC regulations as they pertain to the licensing and operation of YOUR college/school radio station, and answers YOUR questions. 1st of 2 sessions.
    Panelists: Allen Myers (Previous with the FCC for 37 years/ IBS Board of Directors)(Moderator)

    Public Affairs Programming and YOUR Station Friday 3/2 ∙ 3:50-4:45 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: From local productions to nationally syndicated shows, college and school stations are producing and carrying a diverse array of excellent information-oriented programs. Our panel of producers will review opportunities available to radio stations for successful news/public affairs programming efforts.
    Panelists: Danielle Fugate (Promotions Director WVYC);

    College Radio Station Managers Friday 3/2 ∙ 3:50-4:45 PM
    Board Room
    Description: At the local college station, the “buck stops here!”  There is no equivalent student organization leadership experience on campus similar to that of serving as a station manager.  This session serves as an opportunity for managers to discuss the myriad of issues facing college radio operations today.
    Panelists: Isobel Breheny-Schafer (Moderator)(WUSB General Manager /Media Advisor/Assistant Director Student Activities); Phil Effinger (General Manager WVYC); Liz Verhagen (WHUS Operations Manager); Anthony Costulas (Station Mgr., WPPJ/PPU, Pittsburgh); Jay Figueroa (WSPC Operations Manager); Trisha Handrich (WGCS-FM Manager and Morning On-Air Host); Jill Ruddock (Station Manager - Simmons College Radio); Serene Lazaro (Station Manager WDVL Fredonia Radio Systems); Catherine Chalpin (First Simmons College Radio Station Manager - went on to commercial radio)(Promotions and Integrated Marketing Director - Clear Channel Hudson Valley); Seth Duin (KWLC - Luther College Iowa Station Manager)

    Jazz Programming in 2012 Friday 3/2 ∙ 3:50-4:45 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: Jazz programming on college stations goes back as long as the medium itself. What is happening in 2012?
    Panelists: David Jaye (Moderator); Professor Joe Lamachia (Saint Peter’s College);


    Radio and Record Company Relations Friday 3/2 ∙ 5:00-5:55 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: This annual conference highlight session focuses on ways for college radio stations and record companies to establish productive working relationships. IBS welcomes many of the nation’s leading record company representatives to this panel. 1st of 2 sessions.
    Panelists: Chris Thomas (Moderator)(IBS Board of Directors)(WLTL FM Lyons); Jessica Weber (Co-Sign Collective); Rob Wilcox (The Syndicate); Kris Agathos (Music director WUSB-FM);

    Radio 2012: The State of and Future of the Radio Medium Friday 3/2 ∙ 5:00-5:55 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: Radio, as we know it, is in for major changes in the future.
    New methods of delivering programming to listeners can bypass local stations. HD and Satellite radio offer multiple channels and digital audio quality, internet/webcast radio is growing rapidly, and many cell phones now offer streaming audio capabilities.

    Remember what FM did to AM? This time, the changes will be greater and more rapid. Where is it all going, and what will it mean for YOUR station?
    Panelists: Len Mailloux (IBS Chair)(Co-Moderator); Norm Prusslin (IBS President Emeritus)(Co-Moderator); Chuck Platt (IBS Board); Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK);

    Social Networking and College Radio Friday 3/2 ∙ 5:00-5:55 PM
    London Suite
    Description: College and school stations are finding creative ways to integrate Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YOUTube, imeem, and other social networking websites into their programming, marketing and outreach efforts.  Share YOUR experiences and discuss ways to integrate these innovative services into YOUR station's operations.
    Panelists: Dr. E. Michael Harrington, Ph.D.; Anthony Zaragoza (GM, WRAJ Internet Radio); Tom Zarecki, Professor - Lincoln College of New England; Alvin Clay (President, Quadpain Media, CTO - Kelly Music Research, Havertown PA); Danielle Fugate (Promotions Director WVYC); Katie Singleton (General Assistant WVYC - York College);

    Making the Magic: A Creativity Workshop Friday 3/2 ∙ 5:00-5:55 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: This annual session gets to the heart of what made radio unique and important to listeners in the first place...so many years ago.  In this era of an ever-expanding media “pie” environment, radio, through the effective use of sound and imagination, remains the most magical of media.  David Fabilli will charge YOUR creative juices...long enough for YOU to return home to inject YOUR energy and enthusiasm into the hearts and minds of YOUR station colleagues. Make the magic!
    Panelists: David J. Fabilli (Professor of Broadcasting - Point Park University - Faculty Advisor WPPJ Pittsburgh, PA); Catherine Chalpin (Promotions and Integrated Marketing Director - Clear Channel Hudson Valley);

    Building YOUR News and Information Image Friday 3/2 ∙ 5:00-5:55 PM
    Board Room
    Description: How do YOU cover news in YOUR community?  How does it get written and delivered on air?  Do YOU use locally-gathered sound in YOUR newscasts, and if so, how does it fit in with YOUR news copy?  Who reads YOUR newscasts...the person who writes them, or an announcer?  Learn ways to integrate local news into YOUR programming.
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision)(Moderator)

    The Role of Faculty Advisers Friday 3/2 ∙ 5:00-5:55 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: A good faculty adviser can be an important asset to any school/college radio station.  Join our experienced panel to review what role an adviser should play in serving the station, students, and the institution.
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); David J. Fabilli (Professor of Broadcasting - Point Park University - Faculty Advisor WPPJ Pittsburgh, PA); Isobel Breheny-Schafer (WUSB General Manager /Media Advisor/Assistant Director Student Activities); Jason Samuel (Asst. Professor/ General Manager WGCS-FM - Goshen College); Jennifer Cantine (Faculty Manager, KWLC Radio Luther College Iowa); Allen Myers (IBS Board);


    An Audience with the Production/Program Staff of WPLJ 95.5 FM
    One of NYC leading stations for decades!
    Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:10-6:55 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: WPLJ has consistantly led NY City radio ratings in their program category, for decades. This is YOUR chance to discuss with the best of the best how powerful, effective, creative, production for radio is accomplished.
    Panelists: Chris Thomas (Facilitator/Arranger of Session) (WLTL-GM and IBS Board); Dan Kelly (WPLJ)

    Podcasting: A Creative Overview Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:10-6:55 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: This session will acquaint YOU with this rapidly developing technology and concept, and discuss ways in which YOUR station can conceptualize, produce, program and promote podcasting and integrate it into YOUR radio station’s programming and publicity efforts. 
    Panelists: Anthony Zaragoza (GM, WRAJ Internet Radio)(Moderator)

    Science Reporting on the Radio Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:10-6:55 PM
    London Suite
    Description: Coverage of scientific issues on the radio is becoming increasingly popular, spurred on by the success of such programs as “Science Friday.”  Whether you are reporting on health care issues, global warming, weather, natural disasters, or other scientific discoveries or phenomena, effective and creative scientific reporting can engage the listener and expand their minds.  Join our panel of seasoned science programmers for a discussion about this fascinating topic.
    Panelists: Rohan Pereira (WUSB - Science, Medicine World News)(Moderator)

    How to Improve YOUR Station Finances:
    How Do We Get More Money?
    Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:10-6:55 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: During difficult economic times, non-commercial and college stations face increased difficulties in raising money and meeting their fundraising goals.  This session provides an overview on what college radio stations can do to raise more money, and how to operate on a shoestring budget.
    Panelists: Jason Samuel (Asst. Professor/ General Manager WGCS-FM - Goshen College)

    Engineering for Non-Engineers Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:10-6:55 PM
    Board Room
    Description: YOU’re holding down the late-night shift and suddenly YOU are off-the-air...or YOU are out in the field on a remote broadcast, and YOUR link to the studio goes dead.  This “beginner” session will help to demystify terminology of the “techie” world and help all staff gain a better understanding of radio engineering and technology.
    Panelists: Dan Braverman, President - Radio Systems (Moderator)(Leading Equipment supplier to IBS Members); Chuck Platt (IBS Board - IBS, Inc. Corp Secretary)

    High School Radio Workshop Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:10-6:55 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: This session focuses on the many pertinent issues and challenges facing high school radio stations today, including programming, management, engineering, staffing and more!  YOUR panelists are experienced in both the academic and professional broadcast environments.  If YOU are a high school student or station adviser...this session is for YOU!
    Panelists: Chris Thomas (IBS Board/WLTL Lyons Township High School, IL)(Moderator); Stephen Day (Program Director Champs (Charter High School) Radio - AER Van Nuys, CA) (IBS West Coast Conference Host)


    TOUR: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM
    Description: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor
    This tour has been generously provided by Christopher Tobin 1010WINS-AM NYC, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15, New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.


    TOUR: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor Friday 3/2 ∙ 7:30 PM - 8:20 PM
    Description: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor
    This tour has been generously provided by Christopher Tobin 1010WINS-AM NYC, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15, New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.


    TOUR:The Ramblers in Concert! are located at Rockwood Music Hall
    196 Allen Street (downtown)(8 PM)
    Friday 3/2 ∙ 8:00 PM
    Description: Rockwood Music Hall
    Free admittance to the first 40 IBS member delegates who sign up at the IBS registration desk!

    The Ramblers play a 'raucous, bluesy alt-country' mix of rockin' Americana music. They have collaborated with members of The Counting Crows and have opened for The Band's Levon Helm. Their new CD 'Getting There' is receiving much critical acclaim and their live shows have been called 'a gritty, feel-good rock and roll experience!
    Registration: Free admittance to the first 40 IBS member delegates who sign up at the IBS registration desk!


    TOUR: Mardi Gras 2011 at 230 (Club)
    230 Fifth Avenue, (near 27th St.)(6 PM to 11 PM)
    Friday 3/2 ∙ 6:00 PM to 11 PM
    Description: Mardi Gras 2011 at 230 (Club)
  • Mardi Gras 2011 at 230 (Club) website
    click here
    Free Admission

  • Registration: FREE go to 230 Club Arranged by Jill Morrison, (ON-AIR Personality at WUSB FM)



    TOUR: Empire State Building Broadcast Facilities Saturday 3/3 ∙ 9:30 AM
    Description: Join us on a tour of the radio/TV broadcast facilities at the top of the world-famous Empire State Building, and enjoy a spectacular view of the city from above as well!  The tour will take place on Saturday, March 3, with departure from the hotel at 9:30 am for the short walk over to the Empire State Building.  The tour will last approximately 50 minutes. 
    Registration: Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.

    Radio on the Tube? Working with Public Access and College TV Stations (Streaming Video with your audio) Saturday 3/3 ∙ 9:30-10:25 AM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: More and more radio stations are finding diverse mediums of delivering and complementing their programming, in addition to just radio.  From public access television shows to working with YOUR campus TV station, there are many options for YOUR station to start producing great television as well as radio!
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK);

    Morning Show Production and Preparation Saturday 3/3 ∙ 9:30-10:25 AM
    Paris Suite
    Description: A high energy, well-produced and fast-moving morning show is the key to success for most commercial radio stations.In this session, college station representatives can learn many of the tricks of the trade.
    Panelists: Shawn "Puffy" Novatt (Executive Producer, “BLI In The Morning” 106.1 WBLI / Long Island)(Moderator); Trisha Handrich (WGCS-FM Manager and Morning On-Air Host)

    Community College Station Workshop Saturday 3/3 ∙ 9:30-10:25 AM
    London Suite
    Description: This is YOUR opportunity to discuss the challenges of operating a college radio station at a two-year campus.
    Very few dormitory students. Sometimes a lack of campus identity. Student Radio Staffs that graduate in two years.

    Yet many IBS FCC licensed Community College Members have the best student radio stations in the nation.
    Hear about WGCC-FM Genesee Community College and WGFR-FM Adirondack Community College, two of the BEST!
    Panelists: Chuck Platt (IBS Board)(Moderator); Kevin Ankeny (WGFR Faculty Advisor); Valerie Pawlowski (WGCC Faculty Advisor)

    FCC Rules YOU Need to Know to avoid a $10,000 FINE! (Part #2) Saturday 3/3 ∙ 9:30-10:25 AM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: Join communications analyst Allen Myers as he discusses FCC regulations as they pertain to the licensing and operation of YOUR college/school radio station, and answers YOUR questions.
    During 2012 an aggressive FCC Field Office inspected an FCC NCE, Noncommercial Educational Licensee, NOT an IBS Member Station, and found that the station Public File was NOT available during normal business hours, in violation of FCC Rules. The FCC fined the NCE station $10,000.00! YOUR station is an IBS Member Station. This session will assist YOU in complying with FCC Rules and avoiding a similar fate, a $10,000.00 FCC Fine!
    2nd of 2 sessions.
    Panelists: Allen Myers (Previous with the FCC for 37 years/ IBS Board of Directors)(Moderator)

    Voice Workshop Saturday 3/3 ∙ 9:30-10:25 AM
    Board Room
    Description: When YOU are on the air, YOUR voice and presentation are YOUR "calling cards."  YOU may have the most amazing music to program, or the timeliest topics to discuss, but, if YOU cannot communicate effectively, YOUR hard work and best intentions are for naught.  Vocal hygiene, management, and awareness will be discussed as well as announcing tips to consider prior to, during, and following YOUR radio show.
    Panelists: Mary Anne Devine (Voice Improvement Expert)

    Equipment Purchasing Decisions Saturday 3/3 ∙ 9:30-10:25 AM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: Station budgets are tight.  How can YOU plan for and choose from the various equipment options and offerings that are available?  This session will help YOU set purchasing priorities for YOUR station.
    Panelists: Dan Braverman, President - Radio Systems (Leading Equipment supplier to IBS Members)


    The Conclave Presents: Breaking Into The Business – Show & Tell!
    Scholarships Available
    Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:35-11:30 AM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: In this candid session, industry professionals reveal why NOW is the time for YOU to enter the ever-changing world of broadcasting and media. What are the jobs of the future? How do YOU get that first job? How can YOU best prepare for engagement in an industry that is rapidly morphing into a multi-platform universe?  Join this panel for a straightforward glance of an industry in need of breaking out-of-the-box to face tomorrow’s challenges…and why YOU are essential to its future.
    Scholarships Available - Apply at the session!

    Apply for a $1,000.00 Conclave Scholarship.

    Conclave Scholarship Application - click here

    Panelists: Bob Taylor (Conclave)(Moderator); Beth Bacall (Star 99.1 Air Personality); Will 2 B (PD/On Air - Goom Radio)

    Featuring the Local Music Scene on YOUR Station Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:35 AM-11:30 AM
    Paris Suite
    Description: This session will focus on the symbiotic relationship between college stations and the music scene in YOUR community, and how to promote the local scene through YOUR on-air and programming efforts.  In addition, YOU will have the opportunity to welcome musicians and artists who understand the role that college radio plays in the music community.
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); Alvin Clay (President, Quadpain Media, CTO - Kelly Music Research, Havertown PA); Richard L’Hommedieu (Founding Chairman, Long Island Music Hall of Fame; On-air Personality, WUSB, Stony Brook Univ., Long Island, NY); Roz Smith (Program Director for WSPC Radio); Jimmy Cassoday (WGCS- FM Chief Announcer and Specialty Show host/ Victory Records Label)

    Creating Award-Winning Production Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:35-11:30 AM
    London Suite
    Description: Now that YOU have learned the basics of radio production, it’s time to take YOUR skills to the next level.  In this session YOU will learn how to take everyday material and turn it into award-winning production.  The session will include audio samples and discussion of integrating controversial content into public service announcements.
    Panelists: Shawn "Puffy" Novatt (Executive Producer, “BLI In The Morning” 106.1 WBLI / Long Island)(Moderator); Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK);

    Conducting a Great Interview Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:35-11:30 AM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: The art of a great interview is as timeless as the medium of radio itself, one which is particularly engaging for the listener.  Learn how to secure interviews with notable personalities, effectively prepare for an interview, how to ask the right questions, and how to improve YOUR on-air presentation with our panel of experienced radio programmers and interviewers.
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision)(Moderator); Andy Troy (On-Air Radio Host for The Andy Troy Show, Social Network Expert, author of “Living Young:32 Habits of Ageless People)

    Taking YOUR Station out of the Station: How to do a Remote Sports Broadcast Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:35-11:30 AM
    Board Room
    Description: New broadcast technology makes it easier than ever to plan, schedule and program remote events and features.From sports to live music to debates and interviews, stations are taking their studios to the streets, and gaining valuable experience and great exposure for their stations.  This session will cover remote broadcast planning from A-Z.
    Panelists: Jeff Smith CSRE,CBNT, (Supervisor Broadcast/Studio Systems - Clear Channel Radio NYC); Rob Mayer (WVYC-FM Sports Director/ Host -The SPORTS TAKE)(Moderator); Benjamin Kelly (WGCS Sports Director)

    Future of classical music on college radio and Is Opera relevant? Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:35-11:30 AM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: Beethoven for brainiacs...and more!  Classical music still has a home on college stations throughout the country. Find out how programmers are mixing traditional and contemporary classical pieces in formats that are certainly NOT the stereotype of YOUR parents classical music!
    Future of classical music on college radio and Is Opera relevant?
    Panelists: Mark Laiosa (WBAI-FM NYC)


    TOUR: Clear Channel Radio Studios Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:45 AM
    Description: Join us on a tour of the brand-new studio facilities of Clear Channel radio stations Z100, 103.5 KTU, Q104.3, Power 105.1 and Lite FM in Tribeca.  The tour will take place on Saturday, March 3, with departure from the hotel at 10:45 am.  The tour will last approximately 45 minutes.
    YOU must purchase a roundtrip Metro Card, which is required to get downtown to the Clear Channel Studio.
    Ask at the IBS Registration Desk if YOU need assistance in purchasing Metro Cards for the NYC SUBWAY.
    Registration: Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.

    TOUR: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor Saturday 3/3 ∙ 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
    Description: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor
    This tour has been generously provided by Christopher Tobin 1010WINS-AM NYC, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15, New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.

    Meet and Greet - NAB - National Association of Broadcasters Saturday 3/3 ∙ 11:45 AM - 12:40 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) is the representative in Washington, DC, and around the world for all FCC Licensed Broadcasters, and most commercial radio simulcast webcasters. Noncommercial stations, IBS Members, and IBS, as YOUR association, work with NAB, as Associate Members of NAB. This is YOUR opportunity to discuss with the NAB YOUR concerns about RIAA/SoundExchange Performance Rights Act (PRA) legislation being passed. Or the DMCA violation of FREE SPEECH for broadcasters/webcasters with DMCA content regulations.
    Panelists: NAB - Jane Mago Executive Vice President and General Counsel

    An Audience with the Pros: On-Air Personalities Saturday 3/3 ∙ 11:45 AM-12:40 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: Join this panel of distinguished and experienced radio personalities for a discussion on their careers as professional broadcasters and on-air personalities, their views on the radio/broadcasting industry, and their advice as to how to pursue and jump-start YOUR broadcasting career.
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision)(Moderator); Joe Rock (WBAB-FM and WBLI-FM - Vice-Chairman, Long Island Music Hall of Fame); Liz Solar (Boston Voice Over Expert); Kwame "KD" Dankwa (CBS RADIO Hartford & WILI FM); Professor Joe Lamachia (Saint Peter’s College); Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK);

    Scheduling Marathons, Special Events, and Fund Raising Programs and Projects for YOUR Station Saturday 3/3 ∙ 11:45 AM-12:40 PM
    London Suite
    Description: Join us as we discuss effective and efficient ways to use YOUR own airwaves to not only promote YOUR station on campus and among the community, but also how to go ahead and raise some money for YOUR station as YOU do so. Join Chris and Roy as they discuss how they have been doing it at WLTL (raising more than $100,000 during the past six years), and brainstorm with others on how YOUR station can be doing the same!

    Nowadays, many college radio stations are more than just broadcast operations.  Many program and collaborate on concert production and presentation, others interact regularly with local music associations and organizations, still others release their own CD’s, while others have expanded their efforts to produce magazines or TV programs.  Here are ways that YOUR station can become a FULL SERVICE music and entertainment provider for YOUR campus and local community.
    Panelists: Chris Thomas (Moderator)(General Manager WLTL - IBS Board); Roy Harris (Fund Raising Coordinator WLTL); Danielle Fugate (Promotions Director WVYC); Jud Heussler (WDVL PD at Fredonia Radio Systems)

    Around the World in 60 Minutes: Global and International Music Saturday 3/3 ∙ 11:45 AM-12:40 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: In recent years, college and community stations have been presenting increasing amounts of music from all over the world.  What was once music earmarked for “specialty show” status is now a staple of college radio programming.  Our panel of radio programmers, artists and singers-songwriters will take YOU on a whirlwind tour of the musical universe.
    Panelists: Richard Segan (Moderator), Amanda Colbertson --Tuff Lion; Stephen Day (Champs Charter HS AER - Los Angeles, California)

    Political and Election Coverage and College Radio Saturday 3/3 ∙ 11:45 AM-12:40 PM
    Board Room
    Description: College and non-commercial radio play an important role in providing an outlet to multiple voices and sources of information that may not be found elsewhere on the dial.  One of the ways in which this is accomplished is through political and election coverage.  This panel will discuss how to most effectively incorporate coverage of political issues or electoral races into YOUR station’s programming, as well as tips, tricks and advice for interviewing elected officials or candidates for office.
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); Adam Peck (WUSB News and Politics);

    Harnessing Web 2.0 at YOUR Station Saturday 3/3 ∙ 11:45 AM-12:40 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: The innovations of web 2.0 and the open source movement provide new and exciting opportunities for radio stations and programmers to promote themselves and their work.  From setting up a blog or RSS feed for YOUR station, to distributing YOUR podcast or increasing YOUR website’s interactivity, this session will give YOU the tools and knowledge YOU need to embrace the powers afforded by new technology.
    Panelists: Shawn "Puffy" Novatt (Executive Producer, “BLI In The Morning” 106.1 WBLI / Long Island)(Moderator); Anthony Zaragoza (GM, WRAJ Internet Radio); Alvin Clay (President, Quadpain Media, CTO - Kelly Music Research, Havertown PA);


    TOUR: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor Saturday 3/3 ∙ 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
    Description: CBS Radio Facility are located at 345 Hudson St, 10th floor
    This tour has been generously provided by Christopher Tobin 1010WINS-AM NYC, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) Chapter 15, New York City.

    YOU may become a Student Member of SBE ($20). Applications for SBE Membership are at the IBS Registration Desk, on the IBS Website, and in all IBS/SBE Engineering Sessions.

    YOU will need a round trip METROCARD for this tour. Information on purchasing a METROCARD is available from IBS, the Hotel, or any METRO Station.
    Registration: The TOUR is limited to the FIRST 20 delegates that apply. Registration for the tour will be possible at the conference site and is first-come, first serve!  Tour departure from the registration area.


    Mini-session: 2012 IBS AWARDS! Golden Microphone (Statute) Awards Presentations! Saturday 3/3 ∙ 12:45-1:15 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: 2012 IBS AWARDS! Golden Microphone (Statute) Awards Presentations!
    Each of the thirty (30) Award Category WINNERS will be presented with an IBS Golden Microphone statute, like the OSCAR, or Golden Globe.
    A last year IBS AWARD Winner was able to take home their IBS trophy and with the help of the University President they received an additional $50,000.00 in funding for their IBS Member student radio station.
    Also being presented will be the fabulous Glossy IBS Stations Awards (GOLD-Silver-Bronze) that EVERY IBS Member can earn (peer to peer) by downloading from the IBS Website (www.collegeradio.tv) the AWARD Checklist and FAXing in the IBS Member result to IBS (845-565-7446).
    Multiple copies of this IBS AWARD can be received by the IBS Member for the College and key IBS Member Personnel!
    Panelists: Len Mailloux, IBS Chairman of the Board, IBS AWARDS HOST!

    Mini-session: Student Media Leadership Workshop Saturday 3/3 ∙ 12:45-1:15 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: Being a club/organization officer, editor, director or manager involves more than being able to achieve goals set for yourself - YOU need to set goals for YOUR whole organization.  Here are some tips for effectively leading YOUR media organization to achieve its goals, and how YOU can go from being one of the staff to leading YOUR organization.
    Panelists: Isobel Breheny-Schafer (WUSB General Manager /Media Advisor/Assistant Director Student Activities) (Moderator)

    Mini-session: Publicity, Marketing and Promotions Saturday 3/3 ∙ 12:45-1:15 PM
    London Suite
    Description: The radio industry today is more dependent on creative and skilled promotions, publicity and marketing staff than ever before.In this session, panelists from both college radio stations and the professional workplace will help YOU plan to position YOUR station for maximum success and listenership.
    Panelists: Shawn "Puffy" Novatt (Executive Producer, “BLI In The Morning” 106.1 WBLI / Long Island)(Moderator); Sarah Dulaney (Simmons College Alumni - Web Super Star); Danielle Fugate (Promotions Director WVYC);

    Mini-session: FCC EAS (Emergency Alert System) - National Test - Are YOU Ready? Saturday 3/3 ∙ 12:45-1:15 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: FCC EAS (Emergency Alert System) - National Test - Are YOU Ready?
    Panelists: Jeff Smith CSRE,CBNT, (Supervisor Broadcast/Studio Systems - Clear Channel Radio NYC)

    Mini-session: Résumé Tips, Tricks and Advice Saturday 3/3 ∙ 12:45-1:15 PM
    Board Room
    Description: Here is YOUR opportunity to network and get to know representatives from radio stations, broadcasters, record labels, promoters and others, who will outline important tips, tricks and advice for creating an effective resume, preparing for a job interview, and making a great first impression to prospective employers. 
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision); Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK);

    Mini-session: IBS Aircheck and Station Critiques Saturday 3/3 ∙ 12:45-1:15 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: Have an aircheck?  Here is YOUR opportunity to have some of the most experienced radio programmers in the industry review YOUR aircheck and to share with YOU advice, suggestions, and constructive criticism about YOUR on-air work.
    Panelists: Liz Solar (Boston Voice Over Expert); (Available in Board Room if required: Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK)


    IBS Awards and Administration. How to grow YOUR station program! Saturday 3/3 ∙ 1:20-2:15 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: Join two award winning faculty advisers as they discuss the various ways in which they have taken the awards their stations and students have won and turned them into big improvements for their station. Along with building great relations with their school/college administration. Come ready to hear ideas and ask questions about how YOUR station can win awards and gain the attention of YOUR school.
    Panelists: Chris Thomas (General Manager, WLTL, Lyons Township H.S., LaGrange, IL); Scott Vyverman (Faculty Adviser, Radio DePaul, DePaul University Chicago)

    Careers in Broadcasting and Media Saturday 3/3 ∙ 1:20-2:15 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: The options for careers in communications extend well beyond the broadcast industry itself.  This session will explore and discuss careers in traditional broadcasting/media environments, as well as in some of these career alternatives, particularly in light of developing technology and the changing regulatory climate.
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision)(Moderator); David J. Fabilli (Professor of Broadcasting - Point Park University - Faculty Advisor WPPJ Pittsburgh, PA); Bayley Brown (WCLG-AM/FM); Ed Berenhaus (Broadcast and Online Marketing Producer and Strategy Consultant, NYC);

    An Audience with the RAMBLERS BAND Saturday 3/3 ∙ 1:20-2:15 PM
    London Suite
    Description: An Audience with the RAMBLERS!
    This is YOUR chance to meet and chat with members of one of the most exciting new Americana/rock bands recording and touring today! (In Concert Friday 3/11 8pm Rockwood Music Hall)
    Panelists: Norm Prusslin, IBS President Emeritus, (Facilitator); Ramblers band members Jeremiah Birnbaum, Scott Stein and Shanna Zell; Jim Faith (James Faith Entertainment/Island Agency)

    Society of Broadcast Engineers
    SBE Chapter 15 (NYC)
    Learn How YOU can be SBE Certified!
    Saturday 3/3 ∙ 1:20-2:15 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: Upgrade YOUR Resume to SBE Certified.

    Upgrade your station Chief Engineer Job Description to give preference to SBE, Society of Broadcast Engineers, Certified Applicants.

    Join National SBE as a Student Member ($20).

    SBE Membership Application - click here

    Learn about what it takes for YOU to be SBE Certified.

    SBE Certification Handbook - click here

    Subscribe to The CONNECTOR, the Student and Educator SBE Newsletter.
    In this Winter 2011 Issue $1,000.00/$2,000.00 Scholarship Information!

    SBE Connector Winter 2011 Volume 13, Issue 2 - click here

    Panelists: Jeff Smith CSRE,CBNT, (SBE National Board Member)(SBE Chapter 15 - NYC)(Supervisor Broadcast/Studio Systems - Clear Channel Radio NYC); Christopher Tobin 1010WINS-AM NYC, SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers); Thomas R. Ray, III CPBE, AMD, DRB, Vice President/Corporate Director of Engineering, Buckley Radio, WOR News Talk Radio 710HD, Chairman, SBE - Society of Broadcast Engineers Chapter 15 New York City); Doug Irwin (CPBE, Clear Channel NYC Supervisor of Transmission Systems)

    Radio Across Borders: Global and International Broadcasting Saturday 3/3 ∙ 1:20-2:15 PM
    Board Room
    Description: In recent years, the growth of online streaming and webcasting has introduced listeners to a world of radio they previously had not been able to explore, without traveling or listening to short-wave radio.  Radio broadcasts still reach billions of listeners each day, and the differences in radio broadcasting from country to country and culture to culture are fascinating.  This session will take YOU on a whirlwind tour of radio broadcasting beyond our borders.
    Panelists: Dan Braverman (Facilitator), President - Radio Systems (Leading Equipment supplier to Radio (Southern) Sudan), Dr. Robert (Rob) Quicke, Ph.D. (Founder of Oxford University College Radio, the first FM College Radio Station in England); Matteo Mattola (WUSB -Italian Show);

    YOU Have a Website, Now What? Web Design and Content Workshop Saturday 3/3 ∙ 1:20-2:15 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: Today, a radio station’s online presence is just as vital as its on-air presence.  Developing an informative, attractive and easy-to-navigate website will attract more listeners to YOUR station, and allows stations to supplement their on-air sound.  If YOUR station has a great website that draws listeners 24/7, or YOU are investigating the various ways to get YOUR site up-and-running, YOU should not miss this workshop!
    Panelists: Shawn "Puffy" Novatt (Executive Producer, “BLI In The Morning” 106.1 WBLI / Long Island)(Moderator); Anthony Zaragoza (GM, WRAJ Internet Radio); Sarah Dulaney, (Simmons College Alumni - Web Super Star); Alvin Clay (President, Quadpain Media, CTO - Kelly Music Research, Havertown PA)


    An Audience with May Pang Saturday 3/3 ∙ 2:30-3:25 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: An Audience with May Pang

    May Pang is a Media On-Air Personality doing a radio talk show called, Dinner Special with May Pang and Cynthia Neilson and has spent many years in the music industry.

    May Pang, world-renowned as the confidant and companion of John Lennon, has been in the public eye for over three decades. She recently documented her relationship with Lennon in Instamatic Karma – a collection of candid and historical photographs Pang took during her time with Lennon, a period he fondly referred to as his Lost Weekend.
    Panelists: Jill Morrison, (ON-AIR Personality at WUSB FM - Conference Host) arranged the gracious appearance of May Pang at our IBS Conference.
    Jill will act as moderator for May.

    Music Licensing, Copyrights and Royalties Saturday 3/3 ∙ 2:30-3:25 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: College radio stations must follow many of the same regulations and practices as do commercial radio stations when it comes to music licensing and copyright requirements.  Our IBS guest speaker experts will lead the discussion, provide background on the topic, and discuss the latest updates regarding royalty payments which all college and high school radio stations and webcasters should be aware of!
    Panelists: Fritz Kass (Lead IBS Washington, DC, Advocate)(Moderator); Paul Kamp (Attorney)

    Musicians' Showcase: An Audience with the Bands Saturday 3/3 ∙ 2:30-3:25 PM<
    London Suite
    Description: IBS is proud to welcome several of today’s top recording and touring artists for a panel discussion dedicated to them and their work. Spanning many genres and styles of music, this is YOUR chance to learn about their music, careers and much more!2nd of 2 sessions.
    Panelists: Norm Prusslin, IBS President Emeritus, (Moderator); Steve Adelson; Jeff Cohen (Suburbia); Jim Faith (James Faith Entertainment/Island Agency); Jonathan Goldman (Spanglish Fly); Kerry Kearney (Kerry Kearney Band); Patrice Zapiti (Mother F'Nature); Kris Gruen (Artist)

    College Radio Station Music Directors Saturday 3/3 ∙ 2:30-3:25 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: The college radio station music director is one of the keys to the station’s on-air programming identity.  From dealing with record labels and promoters, to bands and artists, to publications like CMJ, to playlist logging and charting, the Music Director has a diverse range of responsibilities.  Here is YOUR opportunity to discuss music programming and relations with labels, trade publications, retail outlets and more!
    Panelists: Kris Agathos (Music director WUSB-FM)(Moderator); Arthur Monkam (Music Director Champs Charter HS AER - Los Angeles, California); Kelsey Morris (WGCS-FM Goshen College - Assistant Music Director); Melissa Palardy (Music Director - Simmons College Radio)

    How to Obtain a Broadcast License for YOUR Station Saturday 3/3 ∙ 2:30-3:25 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: Join communications analyst Allen Myers for a discussion on how YOUR school can apply for and obtain an FM broadcast license, whether it is for a “full-power” FM station, an LPFM station, an AM station, a translator of an existing frequency or a signal booster.
    Panelists: Allen Myers (Previous with the FCC for 37 years/ IBS Board of Directors)(Moderator)

    Software Solutions for the Production Director Saturday 3/3 ∙ 2:30-3:25 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: Long-time radio production “ace” Alan Peterson facilitates this workshop.  Widely recognized for his extensive writing about the radio production field, Alan’s participation in Conference 2012 is a great opportunity for the production staff at YOUR station to learn from one of the best in the industry.
    Panelists: Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK)(Moderator)


    The Beatles....and College Radio Saturday 3/3 ∙ 3:40-4:35 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: The music of The Beatles is as popular today as it was when first heard on top 40 AM radio back in 1964. College radio programmers understand the impact their music has had on generations of bands that followed the Fab Four. The session will discuss the music, artistry and pop culture impact of one of the most popular bands in recording music history. .
    Panelists: Norman Prusslin, IBS President Emeritus (Moderator); Paul Michael Barkan, Artistic Director, The Beatles Magical Orchestra Inc., Musician, "Mostly Moptop" band; John Tabacco, Musician, "Mostly Moptop" band

    News Reporting: Tips and Tricks Saturday 3/3 ∙ 3:40-4:35 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: Join us for a session that will help YOU bolster YOUR skills as a journalist and broadcaster. From gathering and writing news, scheduling newscasts, to reporting it on the air, YOU will learn the “tricks of the trade” which will help YOU become a better journalist, and help YOUR station become a respected source of news and information.
    Panelists: Lisa Ritchie (News 12/Cablevision)(Moderator); Rebecca S. Myles (WBAI Pacifica Radio NYC);

    Beyond Radio: Using New Technology to Become a Media Content Provider Saturday 3/3 ∙ 3:40-4:35 PM
    London Suite
    Description: This session will provide an overview of new innovations in the world of technology and telecommunications.  Our panel of experts in the field will discuss ways in which college radio stations and programmers can best utilize the range of technological options available to them to become more than just a radio station, but a media content provider.
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); Kwame "KD" Dankwa (CBS RADIO Hartford & WILI FM); Alvin Clay (President, Quadpain Media, CTO - Kelly Music Research, Havertown PA); Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK);

    Playing the Voice-Over Game Saturday 3/3 ∙ 3:40-4:35 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: As a broadcaster, YOUR voice is one of YOUR greatest assets. In this session, learn how to develop and cultivate YOUR voiceover skills and on-air delivery abilities. Additionally, find out more about how YOU can put those valuable skills to good use by pursuing a career as a voiceover talent!
    Panelists: Professor Joe Lamachia (Co-Facilitator)(Saint Peter’s College); Liz Solar (Co-Facilitator)(Boston Voice Over Expert)

    Marketing On-Line Without A Budget! Saturday 3/3 ∙ 3:40-4:35 PM
    Board Room
    Description: Marketing On-Line Without A Budget!

    With today's economy it's all but impossible to find money for good marketing. This session will focus on several free ways to drive listeners to YOU. Bring YOUR site and station together as a strong free marketing tool with the experience this session has to offer.
    Panelists: Sarah Dulaney, (Simmons College Radio Alumni - Owner of GMD Designs Website Development Company); Maureen Azor (Promotions Director - Simmons College Radio)

    Organizing and Digitizing YOUR Music Library Saturday 3/3 ∙ 3:40-4:35 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: Today, college radio stations have more options than ever before to organize their ever-expanding music library.  New technology offers college radio stations practical solutions for digitally storing and preserving their music and using it for playback on-air.  This panel will explore the many options that are available to radio stations for music storage and digital on-air playback.
    Panelists: Sean Russell (Co-Moderator)(Library Director, WVYC); Dante Watson (Co-Moderator)(Assistant Librarian WVYC); Kelsey Morris (WGCS-FM Goshen College - Assistant Music Director);


    Musicians' Showcase:
    An Audience with Corky Laing
    Saturday 3/3 ∙ 4:50-5:45 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: IBS is pleased to welcome legendary drummer Corky Laing! Corky is best known as a member of Mountain (Mississippi Queen) and currently is fronting his new band Corky Laing and the Memory Thieves.
    Panelists: Norm Prusslin, IBS President Emeritus (Facilitator); Corky Laing; Josh Horton (Corky Laing and the Memory Thieves/ BIG SUGA)

    Hip-Hop, R&B and Urban Programming Saturday 3/3 ∙ 4:50-5:45 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: Join our panelists for a discussion on a discussion on hip-hop and r&b music and culture.  Emerging artists, airplay, gender issues, culture, artist touring, music videos and other contemporary issues will be discussed, as well as the “mainstreaming” of the music. Join in on the discussion of where this vibrant musical style...with a message...is heading.
    Panelists: Afriyie "Free" Amankwaa (Urban Director - RLC Radio-90.3 The Core)(Moderator)

    Working with Other Student Media and Campus Organizations Saturday 3/3 ∙ 4:50-5:45 PM
    London Suite
    Description: Many college stations have seen the benefits of working with their student media colleagues on campus.  Working on projects with staff at YOUR campus newspaper(s), yearbook, web publications, TV stations and pre-professional chapters can lead to improved programming at YOUR station while offering resources to the other organizations as well.  The winners?  YOUR listeners (and viewers and readers)!
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); Katie Singleton (General Assistant WVYC - York College); Matt Difabio Special Programs Director / Student Activities Liaison;

    IBS Fall Coast-to-Coast Conferences PREVIEW!
    Invitation to be an IBS Conference HOST!
    Saturday 3/3 ∙ 4:50-5:45 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: IBS currently has three coast-to-coast Fall (October - December) Regional School/College Radio and Webcasting Conferences. The conferences draw over 400 IBS Member delegates nationwide. The registration fee is only $25 and includes breakfast and lunch.
    IBS invites YOU to tell IBS what sessions/programs YOU would like to have at these IBS Fall One Day (Saturday) Conferences.
    IBS would also like to INVITE YOU/YOUR Station to Host an IBS Regional Conference, even as early as this Fall (2012).
    Stop by this IBS Fall Conference session and IBS will help YOU attend/host a conference.

    The Prestigious Columbia College of Chicago National High School Radio AWARDS are made at the Columbia College/IBS Conference, Saturday, October 20, 2012, in Chicago!
    Panelists: Len Mailloux (IBS Board Chair)(Moderator); Barbara Calabrese (Radio Chair - Columbia College of Chicago); Stephen Day (Champs Charter HS AER - Los Angeles, California); Chris Thomas (IBS Board and WLTL - FM - Lyons)

    New FM Frequencies for YOUR Station?
    Cable FM and other Unlicensed Alternatives
    to Licensed FM Broadcasting
    Saturday 3/3 ∙ 4:50 PM-5:45 PM
    Board Room
    Description: Can’t get a non-commercial FM frequency in YOUR town or city for YOUR school/college station?  Learn about alternative methods of delivering YOUR station’s audio and programming to YOUR target audience.
    Panelists: Fritz Kass (IBS Volunteer Chief Operating Officer)

    Station Budgets and Finances Saturday 3/3 ∙ 4:50-5:45 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: There's more to station budgets than simply finding money to spend, although that's certainly quite important in itself.  YOU also have to plan and keep track of the spending, and lobby YOUR school/university or student government (and possibly underwriters) for funds.  If this all sounds easy, YOU're probably either doing it wrong, or YOU've been to this session at a previous national conference!
    Panelists: Liz Verhagen (WHUS Operations Manager)(Moderator); Danielle Fugate (Promotions Director WVYC);


    College Radio Station Program Directors Saturday 3/3 ∙ 6:00-6:55 PM
    Zurich Suite
    Description: The college station program director has to be a multi-talented individual...able to coordinate and operationalize a working program schedule while dealing with the day-to-day demands of staff issues and listener requests and expectations.  At stations with a professional or faculty General Manager, the program director is oftentimes the highest-ranking student “officer,” leading to a myriad of other pressures and demands.  This session is YOUR opportunity as a program director, or as an incoming PD for next year, to discuss issues with YOUR peers.
    Panelists: Ari Davanelos (Program Director WUSB)(Moderator); Jason McMullen (WHUS Program Director); Nate Zerambo (P.D., WPPJ Radio, Point Park Univ., Pittsburgh, PA); Jud Heussler (WDVL PD at Fredonia Radio Systems);

    Hard & Loud Rock Programming Saturday 3/3 ∙ 6:00-6:55 PM
    Paris Suite
    Description: IBS conference hard & loud rock panels go back as far as the late 1960’s (Blue Cheer...ROCKS!!!).At many stations, listener requests for the genre are at an all-time high.  Take part in a session that promises to cut to the core of this still evolving format, and discuss emerging artists, airplay and more.
    Panelists: Phil Effinger (General Manager, WVYC - York College)(Moderator);John Hay (FM Programming Director WVYC); Nick Sperdute (WPPJ - Assistant General Manager)

    Fundraising, Underwriting, Grant Writing and YOUR Station Saturday 3/3 ∙ 6:00-6:55 PM
    London Suite
    Description: Stations express an increasing interest in methods of generating funds from external sources to supplement monies received from the school/university. Liberalization of FCC rules has heightened interest still further.  We’ll discuss some methods which have already proven successful, as well as potential mistakes to avoid.
    Panelists: John Murphy (IBS Chair Emeritus - WHUS GM)(Moderator); Rebecca S. Myles (WBAI Pacifica Radio NYC); Isobel Breheny-Schafer (WUSB General Manager /Media Advisor/Assistant Director Student Activities)

    Being a Better Manager Saturday 3/3 ∙ 6:00-6:55 PM
    Budapest Suite
    Description: A school/college radio station’s programming is a reflection of the quality of its management. An effective management team will ensure that YOUR station sounds “polished” and functions smoothly and efficiently.  This session will review organizational management possibilities and techniques, ranging from staff manual development, staffing station director positions, the use of community volunteers and alumni, and more!
    Panelists: Jay Figueroa (WSPC Operations Manager); Trisha Handrich (WGCS-FM Manager and Morning On-Air Host)

    Sports in the Field: Sports Broadcasting and YOUR Station Saturday 3/3 ∙ 6:00-6:55 PM
    Board Room
    Description: Sports broadcasts can generate great interest (and oftentimes financial support!) for school and college stations, while also providing valuable broadcast and programming experience. IBS stations are carrying everything from volleyball to major division college football. This session will discuss planning and programming sports broadcasts, and will highlight some common mistakes and ways to avoid them!
    Panelists: Josh Frketic, (Sports Director & Pioneer Play-by-Play Announcer, WPPJ Radio & U-View, Point Park Univ., Pittsburgh, PA)(Moderator); Rob Mayer (WVYC-FM Sports Director/ Host -The SPORTS TAKE); Matt Mankiewich (Sports Announcer/Producer/Host, WUSB - Sports Reporter, M2 Communications); Benjamin Kelly (WGCS Sports Director);

    Automating YOUR Station with Free Software Saturday 3/3 ∙ 6:00-6:55 PM
    Bombay Suite
    Description: The open-source community is a resource that is the answer to a production director’s dreams. From station automation, to song logging, to editing and production software, Alan Peterson will introduce YOU to the world of FREE and low-cost open source software solutions for YOUR station.
    Panelists: Alan Peterson (RADIO AMERICA NETWORK)



    Conference Review and Wrap-Up
    Sunday 3/4 ∙ 10:00-11:30 AM
    Paris Suite
    Description: Here’s YOUR chance to talk with the IBS Conference Staff in a more informal setting, to voice YOUR opinions, ideas and suggestions...what YOU liked and didn’t like...what YOU’d like to see more (or less) of...and any other thoughts that might help to make next year’s conference even better!  Members of the IBS Board and staff look forward to seeing YOU at this closing session.
    Panelists: Len Mailloux (IBS Board Chair); Norm Prusslin (IBS President Emeritus); Fritz Kass (IBS Board/ Chief Operating Officer - COO); IBS Board Members Chuck Platt, Allen Myers, Chris Thomas

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