Program Guide Outline

67th IBS Ð Intercollegiate Broadcasting System


Six Sessions in six  conference rooms running at the same time


11:30 AM-12:30 PM

* Politics/Music/Your Station


* WIBS Ð Live from New York City Ð Webcast Radio goes on the AIR!

á         Sign up for your shift on WIBS Ð IBS Digital Radio Network

á          By NEIA Ð


* Launch:  IBS Digital Radio Network

12:40-1 PM

* Convention overview

1-2 PM

* Information providers/local news
* Station Critiques
* Radio 2007 (first of two)
* Electronic Music on college stations
* Radio drama
* Punk 2007!

2:15-3:15 PM

* Music licensing and copyrights 
* FCC Questions & Answers (1 of 3)
* "Farm-to-College"/Working with local/national

   non-profits and community organizations 
* Hot Topics! LPFM   Low Power FM  - FCC License Window?
* Station Training Programs 
* The Music Industry and College Radio



* Station relations with your campus and community 
* An Audience with CMJ!
* Public Affairs/Information programming 
* Improve your storytelling through sound design 
* Satellite Radio
* An Audience with Race Taylor of WPLJ-FM NYC


* Equipment purchasing decisions
* College radio station managers 
* Building your news and information image 
* Publicity, Marketing, Promotions 
* On Air Skills..An Audience with

   Marc Coppola and Maria Milito of Q-104.3 NYC
* Radio and Record company relations (first of two) 


* An audience with...  TBA
* The role of faculty advisers 
* Radio and Record Company relations (two of two)    
* Community Radio in 2007
* Broadcast Writing 
* Classic Rock..An Audience with

   Bob Buchmann and Jonathan Clarke of WAXQ 104.3FM NYC

7:15-8:15 PM

* The Future of Music and the Music Industry 
* An audience with staff from Democracy Now!
* Reggae- political, reggaeton, dancehall, rockers, dub 
* Latin/Salsa music programming 
* High School Radio
* How to do a Broadcast Remote 

8:15-9:15 PM

*Hooking Up! sessions
Station Managers
Program Directors
News and Public Affairs Staff
Faculty Advisors
Music Directors

IBS regional conference planning  


9:30-10:30 AM

* Hot Topics! Podcasting 
* Voice Workshop/Critique 
* Community College Stations 
* High School Stations
* Streaming/web design/etc. workshop 
* FCC Questions & Answers (2 of 3)


* War News Radio

* Special events/programs/projects and your station 
* Independent labels and your station 
* Maintaining and developing your station  
* Classical music and creativity..Beethoven for Brainiacs! 
* Morning Show production/preparation


* Production and Imaging
* Careers in Broadcasting and Media
* World Music
* Engineering for non-engineers 
* Artist Round Table
* The Local Music Scene and college radio 


* An Audience with The Radio Chick (Leslie Gold) Free FM 92.3 NYC
* Academic planning for media career choices 
* Using computers at your station/web site page creation 
* Commercials /Advertising  
*Making the Magic! A creativity workshop


* Radio 2007/State of the Medium 
* Station budgets and finances 
* College Station program directors 
* Software solutions for the production director 
* An Audience with J.J. French of Twisted Sister
* Working with other student media organizations on campus 


* Hard Rock/Loud Rock programming 
* An Audience with Lynn Hoffman of VH1
* FCC Questions & Answers (3 of 3)
* Hip-hop and urban programming
* Jazz programming 
* Automating your station with free software (from the open source community)


* College Music Directors 
* New media technologies/formats/issues
* News and Public Affairs Workshop/open forum discussion  
* Carrier current, cable FM and other alternatives to licensed FM 
* Station organizational structure-effective management-leadership
* Sports Broadcasting    


*Hooking Up! Sessions

News programmers
Music programmers
News and Public affairs/promotions staff
Faculty Advisers



Convention wrap-up session/plans for 2008