IBS West Coast College Radio/High School Radio and Webcasting Conference, Los Angeles, California. At IBS/Champs Charter School for the Performing Arts - Radio/Webcast Conference, Los Angeles, CA. IBS coast to coast conferences for college radio, high school radio, webcasting, and podcasting conference. For IBS Member college radio, high school radio, streaming audio, webcasting webcast streaming collegiate broadcasting.

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IBS - college radio, TV, webcasting, podcasting, streaming, and high school radio!
IBS - trusted resource for college radio, TV, webcasting, streaming, and podcasting

IBS West Coast Radio and Webcasting Conference, Saturday, December 3, 2011,
At Champs Charter School for the Performing Arts - Radio/Webcast Conference, Los Angeles, CA

IBS West Coast school/college radio/webcasting, Conference

Saturday, December 3, 2011, in Los Angeles, CA.

At Champs Charter High School Phoenix Building,
6842 Van Nuys Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 91405

Don't Miss it!

2011 IBS West Coast Conference Program/Session Guide/Speaker List click here

Print out IBS One Day Registration Form click here

Here's Some of What to Expect:

IBS One Day Conference Seminar Schedule

(Current Draft - More exciting events coming)

IBS Coast To Coast Fall Conference Seminar Schedule
Subject to change, update and addition

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IBS West Coast Music and Radio Industry Conference,

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011,

10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Host: Champs Charter High School Phoenix Building,

6842 Van Nuys Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 91405



9:00 – 10:00 - Registration


10:00 – 11:00 Session 1: (Rooms TBD)


1. - Music Copyrights and Royalties

Panel Hosts:   Karen Pals – Music Licensing

                        Fritz Kass, IBS COO

Perhaps the most confusing issue facing academic broadcasters over the last few years has been royalties for music streaming. Get the latest on this sensitive and confusing subject. This session separates myth from fact in this ongoing battle. What do we owe? When do we owe it? Who should we pay? What are we likely to pay in the future? Get answers to these questions and more.



2. - Building Your News & Information Image

  Panel Host:   Len Mailloux - Communications Faculty - Simmons College &

30-year veteran Radio News Director

Tammy Trujillo Professor of Broadcasting Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA

Newscasts, PSA's, Special Topic Broadcasts, Updated Campus and Community Announcements, these are all elements of a station's information image. Learn how to create or upgrade your station's news product and credibility and learn how to better use the information system your school already has to build the station sound and image.



11:15 – 12:15 Session 2: (Rooms TBD)


1. - Are We There Yet?  Will A New Generation of Touring Bands Reshape

How We Experience Music?


How will young bands (Arcade Fire, Mumford and Sons, and the Black Keys), with the potential to tour for years to come, change the way we think about concerts, being on the road and sustaining a touring career.


Confirmed Panelists:

Lewis Sanford – PR and Publicity

Mike Gormley – Mike managed Rod Stewart, Danny Elfman, and The Bangles and is now the

co – founder of Yes Dear Entertainment a management and tour event co-ordination company


Invited Panelists:


Anjali Ravel – Live Nation

Ryan Rockwell – APA Talent Agency

Dave Eaton – Music Producer

Yatrika Shaw-Rais – Skirball Center booker, KPFK Global Village Radio Host

Easton Konn – Promotions

Jon Deardoff – Live Nation Promoter


12:30 – 1:30 Lunch






John Tesh – Tesh Media

Steve Jones from Jonesy Jukebox and KROQ

Kevin from Kevin and Bean on KROQ



1:30 – 2:30 Session 3


The State of Radio


How does Radio play a role in shaping the career of an artist and in effecting the consciousness of a community of people?  What role will Radio play in allowing for the voice of a new generation to manifest?


Confirmed Panelists:


Holly Adams – KCRW - Holly works in radio production and is one of the board operators at KCRW 89.9 FM Los Angeles


Egil Avlik - Sweedish Egil - Egil has been a music programmer and on air radio personality working with KROQ 106.7 FM. Eqil now produces shows for SIRUS and POWER 106 FM


Lori Downey – Outlaw Radio


Jim Nelson – KSUN


Sergio Mielniczenko – Radio Personality & DJ on Global Village KPFK


Invited Panelists:   


Connie Sellecca Tesh – Tesh Media


Paul Preston – On Air Show Host – Inside Education


Sheena Metal – LA Talk Radio


2:45 – 3:45 Session


New Technology and the Music Industry


From the days of the first phonograph to the advent of the mp3 file, technology has played a role in changing how we listen to, consume, purchase music.  If you are an artist, you now can create, market, and distribute your music.


This panel will ask what can we be doing to adjust to the daily changes in technology affecting our listening habits now and in the future?


Confirmed Panelists:                                                                               


George Capalbo –Backbone Radio – IBS Student Radio Network - Worldwide


Panelists Invited:


Representatives from Apple, Soundcloud, Topspin, Reverb Nation, Band Camp, Spotify, and Online music marketing firms such as Total Assault and M80


Jonathan Block – Aadva Inc. band apps and networking

Frank Fitzpatrick – composer and non-profit founder

Jeff Hogan -  Heyday Music founder and producer

Jon Mattox – composer, studio manager and drummer

Julius Robinson – Music Supervisor

Jack Rudy – CBS Music Supervisor

Andrew Bush – Grandma’s Warehouse Studio Owner

Luka Mielnicenko – Stones Throw Music

Ron Imhoff and Scott Humphrey  - Jammit app development for music education



4:00 – 5:00 Session 5


Getting Signed - Is it Really Worth It?


Does the fact that, Do It Yourself Artists, who can create, produce, publish, and distribute their music online, mean that getting signed by a major music label is no longer the ultimate goal?


Confirmed Panelists:


Phil Sandhaus – Marketing and PR

Mike Gormley – Management and Event Promotion


Invited Panelists:


Phil Soussan – Grammy Foundation

Ryan Rockwell – APA Talent Agency

Barbara Cane – BMI

Jennifer Corner – BMI Legal

Ayappa Biddanda – Renaissance Records

Alessandra Sandhaus –Vanguard Records Intern

Big Elf - Musician



Writers Block - Unconfirmed Panel


Confirmed Panelist

Lily Moeri – online journalist


Invited panelist:

Leona Laurie – Journalist for bestnewbands.com


IBS Conference Airports, Airlines and Hotel (See below)

For those of you where air travel or overnight stay is desirable the IBS Conference is very near a major airport and many fine hotels.

for questions e-mail IBS at: IBSHQ@aol.com

email: IBSHQ@aol.com

Phone: 845-565-0003

Fax: 845-565-7446

Mail: IBS - 367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553-7900

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Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc.,

367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553-7900

Phone: 845-565-0003

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Web site design and content by

Jeff Tellis, IBS Vice President for Information Services
September 15, 1941 - - March 14, 2006