IBS East Coast Regional Conference – 2008

IBS East Coast-to-Coast Conference – 2008

Simmons College - Boston, MA.

Saturday, October 18, 2008



Len Mailloux, M. Ed.

Communications Faculty, Simmons College, Boston, MA

IBS Chairman of the Board of Directors

E-mail: mailloux2@cox.net


8:00 – 9:00 – Registration – Lefavour Building

                    2 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA


Session #1 – 9:15 – 10:15


Building a News and Information Image

Join Art Cohen of WBZ Radio, Boston and a member of the Digital Media faculty at The New England Institute of Art along with Henry Santoro, News Director of BostonÕs WFNX Radio for a discussion on basic news tips, developing sources and creating a better sound for your stationÕs news and information image.


Producing a Killer Show – Great shows donÕt just ÒhappenÓ. They are carefully planned and produced. Find out how the pros do it each and every day. Join Shawn Novatt of The Long Island Radio Group and Greater MediaÕs Amanda Giles of WMJX Radio – Boston to find out how to better plan and organize your shows and make the content more interesting, entertaining and relevant to your audience.


Radio Engineering - Questions about studio equipment? Facility upgrades? Studio Maintenance? New Equipment Purchases? FCC Compliance? This is the session for you. YouÕll pick up great tips that will keep your station operating smoothly and sounding great. WTCCÕs Fred Krampits will host this panel on keeping your hardware and signal output at top quality levels. He will be joined by Fred Tankel, who heads Future Media Design, a technology company that works with broadcasters and other media in creating, editing and storing both analogue and digital media.


FCC Law, Copyright and Licenses – New Webcaster Settlement Act of 2008, the new LAW, from Congress (replacing CRB) that makes any agreement reached, through February 15, 2009, between (IBS) Webcasters and SoundExchange for rates and terms for eleven (11) years beginning retroactively to January 1, 2005, will replace the CRB Decision as law.  With IBS negotiating with SoundExchange on your behalf, what does that mean?  So whatÕs all this talk about copyright royalties and new EAS rules?  Find out the latest on the regulatory front from retired FCC official Allen Myers and IBS COO Fritz Kass.  From LPFM to licensing requirements, this panel will answer your questions.


Sports Sports RadioÉitÕs one of the hottest formats in the business. Learn some producing, interview and general programming tips and ideas from some of the top sports producers in the Boston market. WEEI Radio is among the top five sports stations in America and this panel can answer any question you have on this important and popular part of your programming. Join Executive Producer James Stewart of WEEI, Sports Radio, Boston for great tips on putting together a sports product for your station.


Session #2 – 10:30 – 11:30


Adobe Audition WorkshopWhether youÕre just learning the basics of digital recording and production of if youÕve got the basics down pretty well, this hands-on workshop will show you the ins and outs of using Adobe Audition. Learn everything from the basics to more advanced technique with long time radio personality and New England Institute of Art Radio faculty member Larry Miller. Perhaps you know some special ÒtricksÓ of your own that youÕd like to share with the group.



Getting Into Voice-Overs – As the world of media expands to new technologies, the need for good voice-over artists is also growing. Commercials make up only a small part of the voice-over world. Learn from nationally known talent Liz Solar about commercial, corporate, stationality, medical and corporate voice-over opportunities and what it takes to produce a good demo and make it in this interesting and fun part of the business



Copyright and Royalties – The rumors have been flying about how much itÕs going to cost to stream on the Internet. Some predict the doom of Internet radio, as we know it while others say itÕs too early to tell. What is expected of you in terms of copyright and royalty obligations? Join IBS Chief Financial Officer Fritz Kass, Allen Myers, a 30-year veteran of the FCC and attorney Paul Kamp of Backbone Networks to discuss this confusing issue.


Radio PromotionsLearn about the elements that make up a good promotion and the creative and organizational skills you need to help make your stationÕs image shine. As competition for audience grows, the need for exciting and effective promotions is growing as well. This panel will introduce you to promotional ideas and new ways you can Òget the word outÓ about your product. Greater MediaÕs Amanda Giles of WMJX Radio – Boston, Ben Shaiken – Operations Director at WHUS, Univ. of Conn. and Lindsey Anderson – Promotions Director at WAAF – Boston will lead this session of idea sharing, problem solving and creative thinking.


The Trials and Tribulations of Management – Are you a station manager? Are you sometimes up to your ears in other peopleÕs problems? Do you sometimes feel that youÕre talking to a brick wall instead of an interested and dedicated air staff? Or are you running a pretty smooth ship at the moment? Regardless of your situation, this session with veteran radio news director and programmer, Len Mailloux, now IBS Chairman and a member of the Simmons College Communications faculty and Lisa Zinsius, veteran Boston market radio personality and General Manager of WKKL, Cape Cod Community College, will help you look at your management style and offer techniques and tips on being more effective in this important role.


11:30 – 12:45 – Lunch


Luncheon Keynote Address: The Future of Radio – 11:45 – 12:45 - "Right now, we are witnessing no-less-than a societal migration from broadcast to broadband consumption of information and entertainment content. Is radio 'a mature industry?' No question! But would you rather be a newspaper? Or a record label? When it comes to multi-platform publishing, radio has a unique and measurable advantage over all other 'old media.' In this session, we will explore specific opportunities."


Holland Cooke is News/Talk consultant for McVay Media, radio's largest program consulting firm. Previously, he was VP of a new media unit at USA Today; and he managed WTOP/Washington for 7 years."


Michael Harrison is publisher of ÒTalkers MagazineÓ – The bible of talk radio and new talk media. ÒTalkersÓ is the leading-edge publication read by the top people in the talk radio field. Michael hosts seminars and speaks at conferences around the country.




IBS SRN Live Remote Demonstration/Workshop The new IBS Student Radio Network by Backbone (IBS/SRN) is a growing collaborative of stations around the country that are joining to form the worldÕs first academic internet radio network.  Backbone Networks, which handles the streaming and technical side of IBS/SRN will be on hand to demonstrate how easy it is to participate in and broadcast with the IBS SRN ÒRadio Station in a BoxÓ concept which will allow you to stream 24/7 with full remote capability. BackboneÕs George Capalbo and Paul Kamp will be joined by independent recording star Samantha Murphy to demonstrate how easy it is to do a remote stream from almost anywhere.




Simmons College Radio – Studio Tours and On-Air Lunch – The facilities are so new, we havenÕt taken the price tags off the headphones yet. Take some time at lunch to see the new Simmons College Radio studios and join us on air to promote your own shows, stations and schools!

Session 3 – 1:00 – 2:00


Women in MediaOnly a generation ago, the number of women working in the broadcast media was very small. To the benefit of the industry and the audience, women are now involved in every aspect of media from top management to the trenches. Join Mary Cardaras, veteran CNN Producer and now chair of the Digital Media department at The New England Institute of Art, Liz Solar, veteran Boston broadcast personality and national voice-over talent and Greater MediaÕs award-winning public affairs host Candy OÕTerry for a discussion on the opportunities, problems and the future of women in the broadcast world.


Future of Music - WhatÕs happening in the world of music? How has the onset of satellite, I-Pod, file sharing and other technologies and practices affected the music world? What is the relationship between the music industry and the broadcaster and what is that relationship likely to be in the future? Get an inside look at the music world with this panel of top producers, managers, label owners and legal experts. Hosted by Barry Marshall, an Indie music producer, performer, head of Naked Ear Records and a member of the Audio faculty at The New England Institute of Art and joined by Walter McDonough, lawyer, co-founder of the Freedom of Music Coalition, and Member of the SoundExchange Board of Directors, this panel will look at what is happening throughout the music world.


Community Radio – Getting Involved and Getting AlongCommunity Radio is truly broadcasting in its purest formÉradio by the people and for the people. Join Bridgett Ellis, General Manager of WCNI Radio – Connecticut College and Karen Robinson of WLLO-LP Radio – Londonderry, N.H., both among the finest Community Radio Stations in the northeast to discuss creative ideas, share programming ideas and common problems including staff relations, format issues and much more.


Podcasting - So you do your show and itÕs over, right? Not necessarily. By posting it on a Pod Cast site, you can add volumes of new listeners through downloads. Find out cheap and easy ways to do this at your station and make all your shows available all the time. Join successful Podcast Producer Mark Wood who can give you all the ins and outs about this exciting new option for webcasters.


Production Tricks For Less - Just because you are a ÒcollegeÓ radio station doesnÕt mean you canÕt sound like a major commercial station in NYC.  Join Shawn Novatt, a former Production Director with the Long Island Radio Group, and learn about producing skills, and production programs.  Hear samples of great production pieces, as well as what to avoid.  Bring your own production samples on a flash-drive or CD for the group to hear!


Underwriting and FundraisingWhile there are a great many radio stations, none of them are free. It doesnÕt matter how big or small your broadcast operation may be, there are bills to pay and that requires sources of funding. Join General Manager John Murphy of the University of ConnecticutÕs WHUS and Fran Berger, one of the pioneer General Managers of Emerson CollegeÕs WERS and currently Director of Public Relations for The New England Institute of Art. They will discuss tips and methods for generating financial support for your station.


Session 4 – 2:15 – 3:15


How to Start a StationEverybody thinks it would be great to have a radio station on campus. OkayÉmaybe not everybody. How do you sell the idea to your administration? What are your broadcast options? Do you go for a full FCC license, LPFM license, Internet, Carrier Current? Join Len Mailloux, General Manager of Simmons College Radio and All Independent Radio at The New England Institute of Art, along with George Capalbo of the Backbone Networks, John Robinson of WLLO-LP in Londonderry, N.H. and Fritz Kass of IBS for answers to those questions and many more. TheyÕll cover equipment, studio setup, trainingÉthe works. If youÕre thinking about starting a station or taking your product to new heights, this session is for you!



Obscenity/IndecencyItÕs the never-ending dilemma of the broadcaster: what can and cannot be said on the air. What makes something ÒobsceneÓ as opposed to ÒindecentÓ?

Join long-time FCC veteran Allen Myers and attorney Paul Kamp of Backbone networks  to discuss the cloudy issues of on-air content, changes in enforcement and increases in the fine structure for violations. Make sure youÕre within the boundaries of the law and keep your content out of controversy.



Finding That First Job - Getting your foot in the door is never easy. Find out what real programmers are looking for and how to get noticed out there. This session will answer your questions and give you ideas on how to position yourself for that most-important first job. Resumes, cover letters, internships and good contact skills are all crucial to getting noticed Òout thereÓ. Let radio veteran Jerry Goodwin of The New England Institute of Art Radio faculty, Judy Garrick, NEIAÕs Career Advisor in Broadcasting and Lindsey Anderson of BostonÕs WAAF Radio show you how to get your career started in the right direction.


The DoÕs and DonÕts of Web Design Want to make your stationÕs website look great, attract attention and hold the interest of your listeners? Join Shawn Novatt of the Long Island Radio Group for a great session on creating a fantastic website. Learn what works and what doesnÕt from people who know. Your website IS your station image and they can help you make it shine.


Community and Administration Relations If a station is going to succeed, it must maintain a good working relationship with the school administration. Many stations also reach out into the community beyond the campus. Join John Murphy of WHUS Radio, The University of Connecticut, Ben Shaiken – Operations Director at WHUS, Univ. of Conn.  and Fran Berger, Director of Public Relations at The New England Institute of Art for some valuable insights on building support and partnerships with your school and community.


New Media We are in the middle of a telecommunications revolution. Equipment, software, new production technologies and more have led to some innovations in the type of media product being offered today. Join veteran television news director and CNN producer Mary Cardaras, now the chair of the Digital Media Department at The New England Institute of Art, Judy Richland, an expert in animation, video and design and a member of the Simmons Communications faculty along with Mark Wood, an entrepreneur in the field of Podcasting and an expert in emerging blog technologies. The will look at new and emerging technologies and the changing face of media in our society. Learn where you can fit into the new media world.




Live Music Broadcast and Wrap Up – 3:30


Before you head out to explore the Boston nightlife, join us for a live performance to be broadcast on the new Simmons College Radio and All Independent Radio at The New England Institute of Art. ItÕs also a final chance to get contact information from your fellow academic broadcasters, share ideas and unwind after a great day of seminars!