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Intercollegiate Broadcasting System

2011 - East Coast Radio and Webcasting Conference

November 5, 2011 - Simmons College Boston



8:00 - Registration - Coffee - Mingle


9:15 - Session Block #1


- Building Your News & Information Image

  Panel Host: Len Mailloux - 30-year veteran radio news director


- Entrepreneurship in Media

Panel Host: Mark Wood - Independent Media Producer


- Management Tips & Techniques

Panel Host: Larry Miller - Veteran Broadcaster - Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for helping to start Underground Radio in America


- Web Design for Your Station

Panel Host: Sarah Dulaney - Independent Web Designer and Consultant


- Radio Engineering

Panel Host: Fred Krampitts - WTCC - Springfield Technical Community College


10:30 - Session Block #2


- Tips for Better Production

Panel Host: Larry Miller


- Backpack Journalism

Panel Host: Mark Wood



- FCC Bootcamp

Panel Host: Allen Myers - IBS Vice President for Regulatory Matters and 30-year FCC veteran


- Marketing Online Without a Budget

Panel Host: Sarah Dulaney


- Use of Social Media in Your Station

Panel Hosts: Dr. E. Michael Harrington - William Paterson University

Matt Cunningham - Supervisor - WCRX, Columbia College


11:45 - Gather for Lunch and Keynote Speaker


Noon - Keynote Speaker

Michael Harrison - Publisher of "Talkers" magazine - the bible of the talk radio industry.

Radio - Changes - Challenges & the Future


1:15 - Session Block #3


- Underwriting and Fundraising

Panel Host: John Murphy - Veteran WHUS General Manager - IBS Board


- Starting Your Own Station

Panel Host: Fritz Kass - IBS COO


- Creativity Workshop

Panel Host: Len Mailloux


- Future of Music

Panel Host. Dr. E. Michael Harrington


- Finding That First Job

Panel Host: Lee Dickman - CBS Radio, Boston




2:30 - Session Block #4


- Music Copyrights and Royalties

Panel Hosts: Fritz Kass, IBS - Walter McDonough - Future of Music Coalition


- Exploring and Finding Alternative Jobs in Radio

Panel Host: Lee Dickman

- Marketing Your Station on Campus and in the Community

Panel Hosts: John Murphy - IBS Board - Len Mailloux - IBS Board


3:30 - Wrap Up Session - Idea and Information Exchange








