Contact information for the IBS - Intercollegiate Broadcasting System. An association for college radio, high school radio and education webcasting

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), your trusted experienced resource for 70 years!
IBS - college radio, TV, webcasting, podcasting, streaming, and high school radio!
IBS - trusted resource for college radio, TV, webcasting, streaming, and podcasting

Contact Information for Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS)

IBS World Headquarters office location for the last 37 years:

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS)
367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553-7900

e-mail for 24 hour IBS Member Services:
telephone: 845-565-0003 .... fax: 845-565-7446

24/7/365 IBS Member Service e-mail:

IBS World Headquarters: 367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553 Phone: 845-565-0003 FAX: 845-565-7446
Coast-to-coast across North America IBS branch offices/local telephone service are closer to YOU! (see below)
New York City: 917-338-7572
Boston, MA: 617-395-7993
Chicago, IL: 312-235-6566
Washington-DC: 202-465-4340
Los Angeles, CA: 213-291-1634
Atlanta, GA: 404-474-8884
San Francisco, CA: 415-738-0548
Seattle, WA: 206-274-4668
Nashville, TN: 615-469-2400
St. Louis, MO: 314-754-8447
Tampa, FL: 813-426-3642
Detroit, MI: 313-281-4001
IBS CANADA call: Montreal, Quebec-514-448-1886; Ottawa, Ontario-613-482-2222; Vancouver, British Columbia-604-484-7036
IBS United Kingdom call: London, England 44-2071-019-630 (Our IBS London Office serves European Union IBS College Radio)

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Contents of this site copyright 1996 - 2010, all rights reserved by the

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc.,

367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553-7900

Phone: 845-565-0003

Fax: 845-565-7446



Web site design and content by

Jeff Tellis, IBS Vice President for Information Services
September 15, 1941 -- March 16, 2006