USA News Network, an IBS Professional Associate Member. IBS - Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, college radio, high school radio, and educational webcasting

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), your trusted experienced resource for 70 years!
IBS - college radio, TV, webcasting, podcasting, streaming, and high school radio!
IBS - trusted resource for college radio, TV, webcasting, streaming, and podcasting

A Ten Year IBS Professional Associate Member!

Used by MANY IBS Members!

Link directly to the USA NEWS NETWORK Website: Click here!

Attn: News Directors!

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367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553-7900

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Fax: 845-565-7446



Web site design and content by

Jeff Tellis, IBS Vice President for Information Services
September 15, 1941 - March 14, 2006