Webcast - IBS - Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc. IBS provides information on educational webcasting for IBS Members! IBS helps schools start radio stations.

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), your trusted experienced resource for 70 years!
IBS - college radio, TV, webcasting, podcasting, streaming, and high school radio!
IBS - trusted resource for college radio, TV, webcasting, streaming, and podcasting

News for YOU, the IBS Member!

June 30, 2010 - CRB - Copyright Royalty Board REAFFIRMS their May 2007 that the $500 minimum rate stands.

July 10, 2009 - Case 07-1123: IBS v. CRB/SoundExchange (Intervenor) (US Court of Appeals- DC Circuit)
$500 Minimum Webcasting Fee (2006 - 2010) is vacated back to January 1, 2006!

The US Court of Appeals (DC Circuit) Case requesting review (Appeal), decides that the
$500.00 minimum webcast fee to SoundExchange is unjustified!

IBS Position:

1. The $500.00 minimum annual payment to SoundExchange, for 159,140 ATH per month, or a bulk minimum buy of 22,916,160 digital music performances of statutory music, is very much greater than the actual use of the statutory license by small and very small noncommercial webcasters.

The forced minimum bulk purchase for the use, webcast, of statutory music covers roughly 218 continuous listeners 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The reality is that virtually all new high school and college webcasters operated by public owed education entities do not exceed four (4) continuous webcast listeners (4 is 2% of 218). Many of these listeners are not hearing statutory digital music performances, but instead are listening to sports, talk radio, and other non-statutory digital music.

For eight (8) continuous listeners, roughly 4% of the 218 listeners included in the minimum $500.00 license fee the actual use of the license is about $20.00 worth per year. (4% of $500 equals $20). IBS describes this proposed rate as the webcast performance copyright annual fee for very small noncommercial webcasters.

For 21 listeners, roughly 10% of the 218 listeners included in the minimum $500.00 license fee the actual use of the license is about $50.00 worth per year. (10% of $500 equals $50). IBS describes this proposed rate as the webcast performance copyright annual fee for small noncommercial webcasters.

The above proposed IBS webcast annual webcast royalty rates for use of the statutory digital music license for which SoundExchange is the sole collective are: $20.00 annually for very small noncommercial webcasters and $50.00 annually for small noncommercial webcasters. These rates are based on the small noncommercial webcaster using only 10% (21 continuous listeners v. 218) and the very small noncommercial webcaster using only 4% (8 continuous listeners v. 218).

2. IBS proposes of the 2011 - 2015 webcast rate period, now under consideration, that thousands, perhaps even ten thousand educational, government owned/operated (State Colleges/Public Schools) would be allowed to use the Internet for webcasting if the annual webcast royalty rate equaled the actual annual digital music performance usage of 8 or 21 continuous digital music listeners at $20, or $50, annually. IBS does not recommend the much larger current minimum bulk license purchase of $500.00 for 159,140 ATH per month from SoundExchange, or 218 continuous webcast listeners annually (22,916,140 performances).

Note: Until, if, there is further action by the US Court of Appeals (DC Circuit), noncommercial webcasters annually owe SoundExchange the $500.00 minimum rate, subject to a later "true up" if the current $500.00 minimum rate payable to SoundExchange is ultimately determined to be a lower minimum rate, say $20 annually, or $50 annually. (IBS proposed rates) (Reference Appeal Action: IBS v. CRB - - Case 07-1123) payable to SoundExchange.

3. PUBLIC Education entities may be prohibited from using the Internet/Webcasting to teach America's Sons and Daughters about digital communications by the $500.00 minimum rate, a hugh minimum bulk purchase of 22,916,160 performances annually. Students should be allowed to learn/practice vital digital communication/Internet SKILL Sets required by them to survive in the Global World Economy!

4. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) receives annually from US Taxpayers, by Congressional Authorization/Appropriation over $400,000,000.00 ($400 Million Dollars). CPB pays, using Federal Taxpayer dollars the SoundExchange copyright royalty fees for all NPR and CPB Qualified, webcasters. State and local taxpayers often must pay SoundExchange webcast royalty fees. Federally funded high visibility mass audience (over 200 continuous listeners) are given preferential rates. State and Local Government funded training entities often with very low listenership (20, or even 5 or less listeners per minute), due to the minimum must pay the $500.00 minimum rate even though their pay per performance rate is less. Often the use of the statutory music license is only 4% of the federal funded NPR webcasts.

What is IBS's position on Webcasting?

1. IBS believes there is tremendous educational and operational value for education radio stations to stream their audio (and video) signal over the Internet.

2. IBS believes every IBS Member, educational radio station should be able to pay SoundExchange only for what they actually use of the license to stream their audio signal digitally on the Internet (Webcast)!

The value of streaming for an IBS Member Radio Station is:

To learn and practice the techniques and technology of digital communications. America's Sons and Daughters must compete in a global digital world. Vital communication skills are being learned by webcasting at USA schools and colleges.

To be able to reach out to alumni, parents, friends and other audiences with information and programming that cannot be provided by other broadcasting technology.

Constitutional FREEDOM-
The right to free speech and expression of views by American Education Entities and their faculty and students is vital to a FREE United States of America. Our GREAT NATION cannot long endure if we allow uncertainty to shut down school and college webcasts due to impossible to meet recordkeeping and unrealistic rates that apply to music and NON-MUSIC programming.

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Jeff Tellis, September 15, 1941 -- March 14, 2006