IBS 2011 Conference Registration Form (School and College Radio). IBS - Intercollegiate Broadcasting System reliable information on college radio, high school radio, educational webcasting and streaming audio. Over 1,000 stations are IBS Members! Also: trusted information on webcast, webcasting streaming, and collegiate broadcasting from your trusted resource for 70 years, IBS. IBS is a member of National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Radio Television News Directors Association (RTNDA), National Federation of Community Broadcasters (NFCB), National Broadcasting Society (NBS), AERho (Honorary Broadcast Chapters), and College Media Advisors (CMA). IBS partners with the these groups to bring IBS Members special benefits: Live365.com, (Live365), CMJ, College Music Journal, SBE, Society of Broadcast Engineers, (CBT). IBS for the benefit of IBS Members negotiates with and has signed joint petition(s) to extend webcasting rates and terms through December 31, 2006. IBS is the voice of education radio, webcasting and streaming audio. IBS helps schools start radio stations. IBS has broadcast curriculum, radio programming, special grant access for educators starting radio stations or webcasting. IBS and its Washington, DC, office and legal team helps IBS Members with the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), copyright and FCC concerns. IBS protects and serves IBS Members.



IBS 2011 International School/ College Radio/Webcasting Conference
Friday-Saturday-Sunday, March 11-12-13, 2011
FAX your reservation TODAY! (FAX: 845-565-7446) - Check or Credit Card to follow!
To pay by credit card (VISA - MasterCard - Discover) call IBS 1-845-565-0003!
You may REGISTER AND PAY AT THE DOOR (Cash/Check/Credit Card)

At New York's Hotel Pennsylvania
New York City (Hotel Reservations: 1-800-223-8585) Please mention you are with IBS Radio to receive
the LOW PRICE IBS Room Rate!

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS)
367 Windsor Highway
New Windsor, NY 12553 - 7900

Telephone: 845 565-0003 - - FAX: 845-565-7446
email: IBSHQ@aol.com



Print this form, fill it in and mail with your payment check.
Your registration is not confirmed until we receive your check.

Mail to: IBS, 367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553 - 7900

Station Call Letters:____________________

School Name:__________________________

Station Phone: ______ _______________

Station FAX: ______ _______________

Station email address: _____________________

Station mailing address: _____________________________________

City: ______________________

State: ________ Zip: _________

Registration fee:

IBS member stations & IBS Professional Associates:

___ $80/person to November 2, 2010
___ $95/person after November 2, 2010

Non-member stations:

___ $95/person to November 2, 2010
___ $120/person after November 2, 2010

Overall registration fee schedule:
First delegate from each IBS Member Station- FREE
Second through Seventh delegates $80 each ($480 maximum total)
Eighth or greater delegates FREE (included in $480 maximum per station registration)

To be registered for IBS Convo FREE,
delegates MUST be preregistered by name/ title and
have a valid student ID card at registration in NYC
Names and Titles may be changed (updated)
as many times as necessary for FREE
up to and including March 1, 2011, when badges are printed

Our payment check for ___ people in the amount of $__________
is enclosed or has been, or will be, mailed to:
IBS, 367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553-7900

IBS Federal ID for your business office is: 23 705 9805

Please register the following people (please print clearly):

Person #1

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #2

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #3

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #4

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #5

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #6

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #7

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #8

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #9

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Person #10

First Name:_________________ Last Name: ___________________

Person's Station Job Title for Badge: _________________________


Please print any additional names & titles on a blank
sheet of paper and attach it with your check.

Note: This form DOES NOT cover hotel room reservations.
To make your hotel room reservations, call toll-free:
1-800-223-8585 Mention you are with IBS Radio for low IBS room rate.

New York's Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 7th Ave at 33rd St.
New York, NY 10001

Be sure to mention you're with the IBS RADIO -
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System convention
to receive our special rates while rooms may still be available.

Hotel reservations should be made by calling 1-800-223-8585
mention IBS Convention for room availability.