IBS Professional Associate Live365.com page for college radio, high school radio, and educational webcasters!

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), your trusted experienced resource for 70 years!
IBS - college radio, TV, webcasting, podcasting, streaming, and high school radio!
IBS - trusted resource for college radio, TV, webcasting, streaming, and podcasting

IBS Members receive many benefits from Live365's streaming services.

An IBS Member signs up for Live365.com services by emailing gjamison@live365.com or dialing 1-866-LIVE365 (1-866-548-3365).

The many benefits of Live365.com IBS Member program are:

1. Excellent bandwidth quality!

2. Their own message board hosted by Live365.

3. Control of their Player Window for their own messaging.

4. Potential promotion of their station on the Live365 homepage.

5. Listing in the Live365 directory.

6. Advanced statistics on their station, including geographic location of listeners, usage stats, and even performance data when available.

Here is the IBS Member GREAT DEAL:

Our standard setup charge is $200 but IBS Members get 25% off, so it would be $150.

Our monthly streaming charges vary depending upon how much bandwidth one wants to use. They start at $75 per month list price, however IBS members get 15% off whatever monthly package they sign up for, in perpetuity!

Expand your IBS Member benefits by signing up for Live365.com today!

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Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc.,

367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY 12553-7900

Phone: 845-565-0003

Fax: 845-565-7446




Web site design and content by

Jeff Tellis, IBS Vice President for Information Services
September 15, 1941 - March 14, 2006