IHS Class of 1955 Reunion
October 29, 2004
Greetings from the Class of 1955 Reunion
Committee. We are planning a wonderful and memorable 50th
reunion to be held in Rochester N.Y. on the weekend of September 16th
& 17th 2005.
We need your responses to the
questionnaire below (and attached) to help us arrange for your
Irondequoit weekend. Most of you can do the following: 1. hit
“reply” on your e-mail program, 2. read the questionnaire as it appears
in reply and place ‘x's on the lines for “yes” or “no”, 3. add
comments, and 4. send the e-mail
back. AOL users may need to highlight the questionnaire before hitting
reply in order to have it appear in the document to be returned. This
will be a tremendous help in guaranteeing a terrific reunion.
“reply” doesn’t work for you, open the questionnaire from the
attachment and respond as directed above. You may then paste the
completed document into an e-mail and send it to jfred212@fronteirnet.net.
Or you may send the completed document as an attachment to the same
address. If all else fails, you may snail mail: Fred Johnson, PO Box
212, Gilbertsville NY 13776. You may also find a copy of the
questionnaire on our website:
Note that costs mentioned are our best estimates at this time.
The Alumni banquet on Saturday evening will be held at Rochester Yacht Club at an approximate cost of $34 per person which includes hors’doeuvres. There will be a cash bar. Do you anticipate attending ? ___ Number attending ___
Would you be interested in any additional social events such as:
Friday night informal drop in get together at Keenan’s, a popular Irondequoit Restaurant and Bar - Cash Bar yes___ no___
Friday night Oktoberfest in Irondequoit - Half price admission - $3 yes___ no___
Breakfast served at 10 A.M. Saturday morning in the IHS Cafeteria - $6 per person yes___ no___
Tour of the newly renovated Irondequoit High School at 11:15 A.M.
following breakfast – No charge yes___ no___
A Saturday IHS homecoming football game at 1 P.M. – Tickets $1 yes___ no___
We will provide an alumni packet that will
describe additional entertainment venues and places of interest in the
Rochester area
Do you have interest in reduced group pricing
for lodging? yes___no___ and/or auto
rental ? yes___no___
In the space below
please add your name, address(es), preferred e-mail, and anything
else you'd like known. Also, please note anything else you’d
like to see incorporated into the weekend plan.