The Tailgate Party Calculator

The Bills open their 2010 schedule at home on Sunday September 12th as we squish the fish, and Two Bills Drive will be there again as we hold our 11th annual season opening tailgate party!

This page will help you figure out exactly how much $ to send.

Our tickets are still a bargain at only $47 each!

The party fee remains $6/person. How do we use this party fee?

To find out how much $ to send, fill out the form below. Simply enter the number of game tickets you'd like, the number of people attending the tailgate, and whether you want your tickets sent to you via certified mail.  If you will be using paypal to pay for your tickets, click that checkbox.  Click the 'Calculate' button and the page will display the exact amount to send.

To send a check, mail to:

Jacob Rosen
8 Esternay Lane
Pittsford, NY 14534

To use Paypal, the account to use is: jacobrosen @ (take out the spaces!)

Don't get caught on the outside looking in!  Put in your ticket order today!


Number of game tickets ($47 each):
Number attending the tailgate ($6 each):
Send tickets ($3.24 certified mail)?
Pay with Paypal ($0.30 + 2.9% fee)?
Amount to Send: