Priesthood of Thanos

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Minimum Requisite: 9 Wisdom, 13 Intelligence
Major Spheres: Necromantic, Astral, Combat, Healing (reversed), Sun, Summoning, Elemental, Divination, Thought, Time, War
Minor Spheres: Charm, Creation, Weather, Law, Chaos, Numbers, Wards
Unusable Spheres: Animal, Plant, Travelers, Guardian, Protection
Weapons Allowed: Sickle, dagger, hand crossbow, knife, short sword, scimitar, staff
Armor Allowed: none

Thanos is the God of both death and undeath. His followers prefer black or light gray and always carry their holy symbol (a steel skull on a chain, one of the eyes replaced with a precious stone). This holy symbol is the material component of all their unique spells.

Unique Spells
Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Thanos are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
components: V, S, M
duration: NA
range: 50 yards
saving throw: for half
area of effect: 1 person

The priest can cause the air around one person to go sub-zero. This halves their movement, attacks, and doubles casting time for that round and the next. It also inflicts 2 Hit Points of damage/level on the target on the round it is cast. This doesn't harm creatures used to arctic conditions, and isn't powerful enough to be a counter to fire spells.

2nd level
components: V, S, M
duration: 1 turn +1 round/level
range: self only
saving throw: NA
area of effect: caster

This is identical to the 3rd level spell Feign Death except that the caster can only use it on themselves.

3rd level
Animate II
components: V, S, M
duration: permanent
range: 150 yards
saving throw: none
area of effect: NA

Similar to the Animate Dead spell, this allows the priest to animate undead followers from the corpses of fallen humanoids. The difference is that the priest can opt to animate up to 3 + 1 Hit Dice/level, and that the undead must either be skeletal (same Hit Dice as original form), or as Ghouls (only man-sized creatures can be animated as ghouls). Skeletons understand only single sentence commands. Ghouls have the intelligence and cunning of an orc or goblin.

4th level
Wall of Bones
components: V, S, M
duration: permanent
range: 10 yards
saving throw: none
area of effect: special

When this spell is cast, a wall made from the bones of dead humanoids rises up from the ground. The wall is 1' thick and 10' long, and 1.5' high for every level of the priest. Someone with a blunt weapon can clear 3 cubic feet of wall every round. Someone with a slashing weapon clears 2 cubic feet every round, and someone with a piercing weapon clears only 1 cubic foot per round. The wall grows back 5 cubic feet every week. Fire spells are useless. Ice or cold spells as well as lightning spells clear 9 cubic feet for every 5 Hit Points of damage caused.

5th level
components: V, S, M
duration: 1 round/every 4 levels
range: 25 yards
saving throw: neg
area of effect: 1 person

This spell establishes a link between the priest, the target, and the negative material plane. Ropes of black lightning will appear back and forth between the caster and target for the duration of the spell. While the spell is in effect, both the target and caster are unable to move. Each round, 1 level of life energy is transferred from the target to the priest. The priest doesn't instantly jump a level. For each level drained, the priest gains 1d4+4 temporary hit points and one additional use of a first level spell. The temporary hit points last for 1 turn/level. The spell lasts until used. If the target is reduced to 0 life energy levels, they die. If the spell continues until the target has negative life levels, then the priest may animate the corpse (using Animate II) as a Wraith under the priest's command. If the spell's victim survives, lost levels are regained at a rate of 1 every 4 days.

6th level
components: V, S, M
duration: 5 rounds +1 round/ level
range: self
saving throw: none
area of effect: caster

This spell transports the caster to and from the demi-plane of shadows via shadows in the prime material plane. In other words, the caster can, in the time required to take one step, move from one shadow to any other shadow in their line of sight (within 500 yards). For shadows to be used for this spell, they must be big enough to conceal the whole priest. If the Priest chooses to, they can simply remain inside a shadow in a semi-ethereal state (they can see, smell, and hear everything around them, but they are completely undetectable) though they can leave at will. Note that it is fully possible for a priest to shadowrun through solid objects (including walls/windows/etc) as long as they can see a shadow on the other side of the object.

7th level
Soul Burn
components: V, S, M
duration: 1 round
range: 15 yards
saving throw: see below
area of effect: 1 person

When this spell is cast, "Fire" made of negative energy shoots up from the ground, engulfing the target. The target must save vs. death or be charred beyond recognition (dead, obviously). If the save is made, the target still takes 3d8 points of damage, and will probably have some scars. Anyone killed by this spell can be reanimated by the priest who killed them (using Animate II). They have all of their former non magical abilities, i.e. HP, THAC0, etc. Spells and magical ability are lost during the transformation to undead status. These reanimations appear as the did in life except that their clothes may be a bit charred, and their pupils glow red in star or moonlight. It is worth noting that these animations can speak all their former languages and can pass themselves off as living beings. Creations of this spell are free willed, and although technically servants of the priest, they may try to arrange his or her demise so they can gain their freedom. To recover someone lost to this spell, a limited wish is required in conjunction with a resurrection or raise dead. If the target is a faithful follower of Anhren, Korrim, Lythan, or any other powerful good deity, he or she gains a +4 to their save, takes no damage if the save is made, and cannot be reanimated as their patron deity protects their body and soul.

Special Abilities:

All of Thanos' followers develop a "link" with the Negative Material plane. It is from this that their abilities come.

Due to their link with the Negative material plane, the Priests of Thanos turn undead and Paladins at 1 level higher than they actually are.

Thanite Priests take only half damage from undead; additionally, all undead attack them at -4 to hit.

At 8th level, Priests of Thanos become immune to all mind-affecting spells (just as skeletons and mindless undead are).

At 13th level, Thanite Priests can speak to dead (as the spell) once per week.

At 16th Level, Thanos followers can enter and survive on the Negative material plane once a month/ 5 levels (round down. This takes 1 day of preparation (praying, sacrifices, etc.)


Due to their connection to the negative material plane, holy water burns Thanite priests for 2d8 Hit Points of damage/vial, and they can be turned as undead, although they cannot be destroyed in this way. Thanite Priests must be turned as if they had 2 more Hit Dice than they actually have.

Animals tend to dislike Thanite priests. Domesticated animals will become very agitated in their presence and most wild ones will attack them or flee.

Thanite priests face persecution in almost any civilized nation.

Thanos is a very unforgiving god. Any Thanite priest who strays from the path is liable to face serious punishment.


Every new moon at midnight, a Thanite priest must make a human sacrifice, the ritual takes about an hour. Demi-humans are also acceptable. If the priest fails to make an acceptable sacrifice, he (she) is stripped of all spells and powers until one is made.


Priesthood of Sytch

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Minimum Requisite: Wisdom 9, Strength 13
Major Spheres: Combat, Summoning, Protection, Elemental, Weather, Sun (reversed), Healing (reversed), Chaos, War, Wards
Minor spheres: Guardian, Creation, Necromantic, Plant, Animal, Astral, Traveler, Time
Unusable Spheres: Charm, Divination, Thought, Numbers, Law
Weapons Allowed: All
Armor Allowed: All

Sytch is the god of war and treachery. His followers are charged with conquering, and eventually ruling, the world in his name. His clerics prefer shades of dark red and brown for their clothing and all bear his symbol, a grinning goat horned skull.

Unique Spells:
Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Sytch are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
components: V, S,
duration: 2 rounds +1 round/level
range: 1
saving throw: spell fails
area of effect: 5' + 1'/level radius

This spell causes the caster to radiate fear. All creatures in the area of effect must save vs. magic or flee in panic for the duration of the spell. Once someone has saved against the fear aura of a Cleric of Sytch, they are forever immune to that particular cleric's aura.

2nd level
components: V, S,
duration: 1 turn +1 round/level
range: self only
saving throw: none
area of effect: caster

This spell lowers the caster's armor class by 4, and improves saving throws by 2 for the duration of the spell.

3rd level
components: V, S,
duration: NA
range: 60 yards
saving throw: for half
area of effect: see below

This spell can be cast either on a person or on a point. In the case of the former, the air around the target explodes with a concussive force for 1d6 Hit Points of damage per level of the Cleric (save for half). In the case of the latter, everyone within 1 yard/level of the Cleric takes 1d4/level of the caster (save for half). This damage is from the shock wave radiating outward from the blast point. This spell can also be used to achieve special effects (blowing up a bridge's keystone, punching a hole in the side of a ship, etc.) If used for siege purposes (or against a ship) 1 cubic foot of metal is destroyed per level of the priest. This increases to 2 cubic feet/level when used against hard stone, 3 cubic feet/level for soft stone, and 4 cubic feet/level for wood. This spell has no effect whatsoever against magical enchanted material (like magic armor or swords, or even an enchanted castle's walls).

4th level
components: V, S,
duration:1 turn+1 round/level
range: 30 yards
saving throw: none
area of effect: special

Similar to both the wizard spell Monster Summoning and the priest spell Animal Summoning, but superior to both. The caster may summon any creature or combination of creatures he wishes, within limits. The Caster cannot summon a creature with more than half as many Hit dice as he or she has levels. The caster can only summon Hit Dice of creatures totaling twice his or her level. The creatures must be compatible with the present environment (a Kraken isn't suitable for anything that's not within a mile of water. A Gryphon would be suitable in any non-arctic, non-aquatic environment) Finally, the summoned creature must be a resident of the prime material plane. Once summoned, the creature(s) will obey the caster for duration of the spell, after which, they may do as they please. If the priest wishes, he may dismiss them at the end of the spell.

5th level
components: V, S,
duration:2 turns/level
range: self
saving throw: none
area of effect: caster

Upon casting this spell the Cleric can transform himself into any creature (magical or non magical) with the following restrictions: (a) the base height/weight limits are 10'/2500 lbs. This is increased by 1'/200 lbs per level of the Cleric. (b) Although the Cleric gains all physical abilities and attacks, they retain their own mental abilities. (c) The priest must immediately reroll Hit Points using the Hit Dice of the new form. These become the cleric's Hit Points for the duration of the spell. All Hit Point losses carry over however. (If a cleric takes 25 damage as a gargoyle with 56 Hit Points, when the cleric reverts to his original form, he will subtract 25 from his current Hit Points.) If this puts the cleric below 0, they faint and go into a cataleptic state in which they stay for 1 day for each point of damage under 0 (unless such damage is sufficient to kill them, in which case they are simply dead). The Hit Dice of the new form may not exceed 3/2 of the priest's level. (e) if the priest loses all their hit points as the new form, they die and revert to their original form. So, for example, a 10th level Cleric uses the spell to become a 12 Hit Dice earth elemental. He rolls 12d8 for Hit Points, has an AC of 2, and inflicts 4d8 per attack, but he retains his own Thac0, and is unable to move through solid earth as a true elemental would, and even non magical weapons can hit them.

6th level
components: V, S,
duration: 1 round/level
saving throw: for half
area of effect: 1 yard/level

When this spell is cast, a raging fire sweeps outward from the caster is a circular area. On the first round everyone inside the blast (other than the cleric) takes 1d6/level of the caster (save for half). Each subsequent round, anyone (friend or foe) remaining inside this area will take this damage again, though the highest rolled remaining die is first remove. Example: A 13th level priest casts Inferno and everyone within 13 yards takes 13d6 (save for half) These 13 dice are rolled only once. Unless forced to stay, willing to stay, or unable to move out of the area, it will be assumed everyone leaves to save themselves. Now the highest die is removed, leaving 12 dice of damage. Anyone remaining must make save again (taking full or half). Once a successful save is made, however, that individual becomes immune to these flames for the duration of the spell. The flames steadily dwindle, removing the highest remain die each round until they are all gone. Unless trapped somehow, anyone may easily avoid these flames by keeping their distance after the first round. This flame does not spread out to fill any particular volume, so if a wall (or something solid) meets it before its range runs out, it simply stops there. Naturally, the flames will burn flammable materials in the area of effect (unless they also make save vs magical fire).

7th level
Blood Wrath
components: V, S, M
range: 50 yards
duration: NA
saving throw: for half
area of effect: 1 person

When casting this spell, the cleric opens up a vein in his right wrist and holds their hands in the air, spraying the ground with their blood. By calling upon Sytch to witness their sacrifice, they may channel a portion of the god's destructive power against one of their opponents, causing 3d20+20 damage. However, since Sytch is an evil and treacherous master, the cleric themselves takes half of the damage rolled for the target (the target still takes full unless they make their saving throw vs. death, in which case, they also take only half damage).
Special Abilities:

Berserker Rage

The cleric can incite a killing fury in one creature for every 3 levels of the cleric. The creatures gain an extra attack every round, inflict a +5 damage bonus, and fight until they reach -10 Hit Points. Unfortunately, enraged creatures will not use spells or missile weapons, preferring to melee, and their armor class is also worsened by 4. This ability can be used once per week per 3 levels of the caster. The caster can cast it upon himself. Unwilling recipients receive a saving throw.

Clerics of Sytch turn undead as though they were 1 level lower.

At 6th level, clerics of Sytch can detect good and evil by concentrating on a specific person.

At 10th level, clerics of Sytch become immune to all magical forms of fear.

At 14th level, clerics of Sytch can cause 3d6 damage by touching an opponent. This can be done once per day.


Clerics of Sytch aren't trusted by anyone, even other evil creatures, or even by each other.

Few lawful or good societies tolerate followers of Sytch.


Clerics of Sytch are required to participate in battles that further the cause of evil. If they are already engaged in a venture or actively hiding from enemies, this is waived.

Clerics of Sytch are required to kill paladins and priests of Korrim whenever possible. If this would mean certain death for the priest, and they cannot find way to do it, they don't have to.


The cleric must spend an hour praying every sundown, and a minute or two praying before going into battle. Otherwise they suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls during the engagement.


Priesthood of Ba'al

Alignment: Lawful evil
Minimum Requisite: Wis 14
Major Spheres: Necromancy, Healing (reversed), Sun (reversed), Summoning, Astral, Combat, Weather, Law, Time, War
Minor Spheres: Plant, Elemental, Divination, Creation, Guardian, Animal, Numbers, Thought, Wards
Unusable Spheres: Charm, Chaos
Weapons Allowed: Whip, scourge, Scimitar, Flail, dagger, knife,
Armor Allowed: Hide, chain, leather, St. leather,

Ba'al is the Deity of Disease famine and plague. His Priests wear grays, whites, and browns. His holy symbol is a cross entwined by a viper. As a god, Ba'al is believed to take pleasure in the pain of those weaker than he and it is to this end that his priests spread disease and suffering wherever they go. His followers are spared this plight, and thus those wishing to avoid this awful fate may worship him.

Unique Spells
Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Ba'al are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
components: V, S
duration: 4 rounds
range: 20 yards
saving throw: none
area of effect: see below

This spell creates a huge fog cloud that can be seen through, but reduces the range of vision greatly. In normal use, all sighting distances (see the Player's Handbook) are divided by 5 (round down). The priest can create mist in one 25x25x10 area for each level. Infravision will not work through Mist.

2nd level
components: V, S
duration: 4 rounds
range: 20 yards
saving throw: Neg
area of effect: 1 person

This spell can only be used on someone who has open, bleeding, wounds. If successful, it causes the victim incredible pain (i.e. they can do nothing except roll on the ground screaming in pain). It also causes 1d4 +1 Hit Points of damage/2 levels, on the first round, and 1 Hit Point/2 levels on the second and succeeding rounds. The victim may attempt to make save each round. After a successful save, they are immune to further affects for the duration.

3rd level
components: V, S
duration: variable (permanent)
range: 300 yards
saving throw: spell fails
area of effect: see below

The priest causes a debilitating disease to infect all those within 10 feet/level. This disease does several things: (a) it prevents all infected from receiving any kind of benefit from cure wounds spells or abilities. (b) it causes the victim to lose 1 point each of strength, constitution, charisma, and dexterity each week. (c) it causes the victim to lose 1d8 Hit Points per week until the victim reaches 10% of their maximum Hit Points. The disease lasts for 1d8+10 weeks unless cured by a Cure Disease or similar spell. After the spell ends all Hit Point losses may be regained at normal rates, and ability scores at 1 point of each/2 days.

4th level
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn +1 round/level
range: NA
saving throw: none
area of effect: see below

This spell turns the priest's whip or scourge into a magical weapon that gets two attacks each round for 1d4+3 each. This also causes the enchanted weapon to become +3 in all respects until the spell wears off.

5th level
Summon Scorpion
components: V, S
duration: 7 rounds +1 round/level
range: NA
saving throw: none
area of effect: special

This spell causes (casters option) either 4d4 large scorpions, 2d4 huge scorpions, or 1 Giant scorpion. These creatures will arrive in 1d6 rounds and will (for the duration of the spell) serve the caster to the best of their ability. When the spell expires, the scorpions will disperse if the priest specifically commands it. If, however the priest is unwilling (or unable) to do so, they will remain in the area, and will probably begin to attack the nearest creature.

6th level
Phobia Amplification
components: V, S
duration: 2 rounds/level
range: 4 yards
saving throw: INT check, spell fails
area of effect: 1 person

When cast, this spell discerns the target's deepest fears (spiders, things burrowing under their skin, constricting rooms, whatever). The target then comes to believe that their worst fear is coming true (someone who suffers from arachnophobia would believe that thousands of spiders were crawling over their skin, sinking their fangs into their flesh, crawling in their mouth and nose and ears). In any case, the target takes 2d8 +2/level of the caster Hit Points of damage per round. This ends when the spell expires or the target is dead. (although their carcass will continue to twitch and thrash until the spell wears off). In any case, the victim is likely to have nightmares for the rest of their life unless a Heal or similar spell is cast.

7th level
components: V, S
duration: permanent
range: 10 yards
saving throw: spell fails
area of effect: see below

This infects one person with a dormant plague. 2d4 days after the spell is cast, the victim will feel pain in their abdomen and experience nausea. Within 9 or 10 days, they will be unable to keep food down, and will lose one point from each ability score each day. When a score reaches 0, the person afflicted with the plague dies. Much worse, this plague is contagious. Any one having more than momentary contact with the victim after the onset of symptoms must save vs. death (with a +2 bonus) or contract the plague. These people go through the same phases as the original victim and are also capable of spreading the plague (as is everyone who catches it). 100 Hit Dice of creatures/level of the caster may eventually be affected by this plague before its power dwindles to nothingness.

Special Abilities:

Because of their influence over disease and sickness, priests of Ba'al are immune to all magical and non-magical forms of disease, infection, and harmful drugs. (this includes curses such as lycanthropy).

Ba'al's followers may turn undead (and paladins) as a normal evil priest of their level.

Upon reaching 7th level, Priest of Ba'al may create a whip-like weapon called a Scourge of Pestilence, and this has the following abilities:

2 attacks each round for 1d6+4 each.

The whip inflicts double damage (2d6+8) against all holy warriors and strongly good aligned people and creatures (rangers, paladins, good priests, etc.).

The whip functions as a +2 weapon.

Upon reaching 10th level the Priests of Ba'al become immune to all poisons.


A cure disease spell cast upon a cleric of Ba'al will cause 1d4 damage/level of the caster.

Ba'al is not a forgiving god. Transgressions will be punished.

Few Civilized societies tolerate priests who openly serve Ba'al


Each winter solstice, all the priests of Ba'al within a preset area (usually no more than 100 miles or so) gather and hold meetings, sacrifices, burnings, initiations, and other rites. This lasts for 6 days, at the end of which the priests disperse and return to the homes.

Every ten years, all the priests on the continent gather for six weeks.


Priests of Ba'al:

May not associate with any good aligned creatures, especially priests or magic users.

Priests of Ba'al are honorable. As such, their word is binding (to the letter, if not the spirit). They disdain traps, backstabbing, and retreat as tools for the cowardly and weak.

Created summer of 2001 by Chris Taylor with (a lot of) help and suggestions from James L. R. Beach.

Posted August of 2001
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096