Priesthood of Korrim

Alignment: Lawful Good
Minimum Requisites: wisdom 9, strength 13
Major Spheres: All, Combat, Summoning, Guardian, Healing, Sun, Protection, Creation, Astral, Wards, Law, War, Divination, Charm
Minor Spheres: Animal, Elemental, Plant, Weather, Numbers, Thought, Time, Travelers
Unusable Spheres: Necromantic, Chaos.
Weapons Allowed: all
Armor Allowed: all

Korrim is the counter part to Sytch. As such the deity's influence extends to war, crusades, and justice. Korrimite clerics prefer red and silver dress, often adorned by the clenched gauntlet that is Korrim's holy symbol.

Unique Spells:
Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Korrim are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
area of effect: V, S
duration: 10 rounds +1 round/level
range: 0
saving throw: none
area of effect: 10'/level

This spell boosts the moral and abilities of troops friendly to the priest. All creatures in the area of effect fighting on the same side as the cleric gain a +2 to moral, a +1 to hit, and +1 to damage bonus. These effects are not cumulative with other such spells. Anyone moving beyond the area of effect loses these bonuses after one round. The reverse is true of anyone entering the area of effect.

2nd level
area of effect: V, S
duration: 10 rounds +1 round/level
range: 2
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 horse

Using this spell, the cleric can cause his mount to become in and of itself, a deadly weapon. The spell establishes a limited telepathic link between mount and rider, allowing the cleric to direct his mount's attacks. Furthermore, the spell gives the mount a THAC0 the same as that of the cleric. (Ignore if the mount has a better base THAC0.). It also gives the mount a +3 to all damage rolls, and makes any natural 19 or 20 a critical hit.

3rd level
Mass Heal
components V, S:
duration: permanent
range: 1
saving throw: none
area of effect: 10' +5'/level

A variant of the Cure Light Wounds spell, this spell heals 1d6+1 Hit Point/2 levels of the cleric on all damage on all of the cleric's allies within the area of effect. Only roll once for the entire group.

4th level
Spirit Armor
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn/level range: 0
saving throw: none
area of effect: self

When this spell is cast, the cleric becomes encased in a layer of white light. This armor grants the cleric an AC of 2 (ignore this if cleric already has a better AC), and 1 Hit Point/level of damage from all attacks. Though after absorbing 40 points of damage +10/5 levels, the spell collapses.

5th level
Holy Weapon
components: V,S
duration: 1 turn/level
range: touch
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 L or M weapon, or 5 S weapons

A portion of the cleric's divine power is imbued within a weapon(s). For the duration of the spell, the affected weapon(s) gain a +2 to hit and damage, but only against creatures who are in any way evil or chaotic neutral. If such a weapon is employed against undead, it is to be treated as a +5 weapon. Although this spell cannot be cast on a bow or crossbow, it can be cast on arrows or bolts.

6th level
components: V, S.
duration: 1 round/level
range: 10'/level
saving throw: -3/neg.
area of effect: see below

This spell is death to undead and other natives of the negative material plane. When the cleric casts the spell, it severs the link between the undead and the negative material plane. Unintelligent undead are utterly destroyed by this spell, and intelligent ones take 4d8+4 damage per round. They can take no action for the duration of the spell. Any undead making their save is unaffected, but only undead with an intelligence or 10 or higher are even allowed a saving throw. The cleric may use this spell against twice as many hit dice of undead as he/she has levels.

7th level
Light of Heaven
components: V, S.
duration: 10 rounds +1 round/level
range: 50' +5'/level
saving throw: none
area of effect: 5' diameter circle

This spell is characterized by a beam of white light shining down from the sky (or, if underground, just a glow emanating from the target. The target gains an extra attack per round, and these are at +4 to hit and +4 to damage above and beyond what they normally have. Furthermore, they gain 2 extra Hit Points/level of the cleric. The cleric must be sure that whoever receives this spell is pure at heart or is serving a just cause. Otherwise the cleric will lose use of this spell for the next month. This can be cast upon oneself. Only one target may receive this blessing.

Special Abilities:

Clerics of Korrim can turn undead at 1 higher than their true level.

At 3rd level, the cleric can detect evil intentions in one person by concentrating for 2 rounds.

At 7th level, the cleric can heal by laying on hands. Although there is no restriction to the number of times the cleric does this, they may only heal 1 point/level/day.

Upon reaching 12th level, the cleric gains a protective aura against creatures of evil or chaotic alignment. All such creatures suffer a - 2 to their attack and damage rolls against the cleric.

If a cleric of Korrim dies in an exceptionally valiant and selfless manner, and aids a worthy cause by doing so, there is a chance (5%) that Korrim will be so moved by this as to reincarnate the cleric in another body similar to their own.


Clerics of Korrim must tithe at least 10% of their treasure to a worthy (NPC) institution. Clerics of Korrim must not associate with people (especially priests) belonging to evil or chaotic neural deities. Penalties for this will very depending upon why and who they are associating with (a thief might be acceptable under some circumstances, a priest of Thanos isn't.)

Korrim's followers strive to bring justice to the world. As the leaders of this movement, his clerics must be examples of this ideal and must not be deceitful or unjust. The ends do not justify the means unless there is no other way.


Priesthood of Lythan

Alignment: Neutral Good
Minimum Requisites: 9 wisdom, 12 charisma
Major Spheres: Charm, Healing, Travelers, Animal, Plant, Divination, Guardian, Creation, Wards, Protection, Necromantic, Sun, Astral
Minor Spheres: Law, Chaos, Weather, Numbers, Thought
Unusable Spheres: War, Combat, Summoning
Weapons Allowed: Staff, dagger, man-catcher, bows, lasso, net
Armor Allowed: none

Lythan is the goddess of Love, Peace, and Beauty. Her priests tend to be female (though there are a few male Lythanites). Her priests prefer silvers and light blues and all carry the silver half-moon that is her holy symbol.

Unique Spells:
Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Lythan are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
Soothing Word
components: V, S
duration: 1 day +1 day/level
range: 1
saving throw: neg.
area of effect: 2'/level

When the priests casts this spell, they can remove hostile intent and feelings of doubt, anger or fear from everyone in the area of effect who fails their saving throw. Creatures affected regard the priest and everyone nearby as their friend, until the spell wears off, at which point they slowly shift back to whatever their earlier opinion of the other people was. It can only be used on creatures that understand the priest's language, have less than 16 intelligence, and have less than 10 Hit Dice.

2nd level
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn +1 round/level
range: 1
saving throw: none
area of effect: 5' radius/level

After this spell is cast, all weapons within the area of effect lose their ability to cause fatal damage. Instead, all damage in considered subdual damage (i.e. when someone reaches 0, they have merely been knocked unconscious). Weapons leaving the area of effect become normal, and weapons entering the area of effect (including ranged weapons) come under the spell's effect. Intelligent Magic Weapons, or weapons with alignments, get a save vs spell. If they succeed, they are unaffected by this spell.

3rd level
Life Force
components: V, S
duration: NA
range: touch
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 person

This spell allows the priest to heal as many points of damage as they wish upon one other creature. There's only one catch. Since the priest does this by transferring part of their life force, they lose 1 hit point for every 3 they heal. This is simply,y treated as damage (it is painless, but weakens the priest). It may be healed magically or normally.

4th level
Lythan's Blessing
components: V, S
duration: permanent
range: 0
saving throw: none
area of effect: self only

This spell instantly heals physical damage on the cleric for 5 Hit Points/level (not to exceed their maximum Hit Points), but only if cast within 5 rounds of receiving this damage. Unfortunately, it only heals physical damage and so will not recover Hit Points lost by casting Life Force.

5th level
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn /level
range: 50'
saving throw: Special (see below)
area of effect: 1 person

When this spell is cast on a person, they become subject to the forces of Karma should they fail save vs spell. They must save a -1/4 levels of the priest, however. If one fails to save, for every point of damage they inflict upon any living being for the duration of the spell, they take 2 points of damage in return. This includes the active damage caused by spells, innate abilities, etc., but not passive damage (like if he tripped a creature and if fell off a cliff, he would not be injured for that). For any active attack that does not cause damage (paralyze, and instant death attacks, for example.), the person employing this attack must save against their own spell (at a -2 penalty) or suffer its effects The targets of such spells are still affected normally.

6th level
Holy Rain
components: V, S
duration: 5 rounds +2 rounds/level
range: 50' +10'/level
saving throw: 1/2
area of effect: 20'+5'/level

This spell causes it to rain holy water. All creatures of evil alignment, or any intending harm upon the caster, take 1d4/2 levels of the caster. Undead and evil priests take 1d4+1/level each round they are exposed to the rain. Creatures friendly towards the caster and good priests heal 1 point of damage/ 2 levels of the caster every round they are in the rain. Damage from holy water cannot be regenerated or healed magically but must be allowed to heal naturally.

7th level
Persona Strike
components: V, S
duration: permanent
range: touch
saving throw: neg. -2
area of effect: 1 person

When this spell is cast, a blue bolt of energy flies between the priest's fingertips and the target. The bolt destroys all of the target's personality and remakes it. The target's only emotion becomes total and utter devotion to the priest. They become completely subservient, and will obey any command to the best of their ability, including to die, in which case they fall to the ground, dead. While so controlled, they retain all of their former abilities and memories, and can do everything they could have done before. Exceptions: If such abilities were actively granted and supported unto them from others (like a cleric's ability comes from their god), such abilities would soon vanish. A cleric's god would likely not replenish such a controlled cleric's spells, though he could use the ones they already had memorized. Casting this spell drains the priest of energy, and 1 hour after it is cast, the priest will collapse from exhaustion unless they are already resting. They must rest an entire day to recover. Each casting also has a 10% chance (non-cumulative) of permanently draining one point of charisma from the priest. This spell does not work on other Lythanites.

Special Abilities:

Lythanite clerics can turn undead normally for their level.

At 5th level, a Lythanite cleric can change water to holy water. For every 3 levels, up to one quart of holy water may be made.

Upon reaching 7th level, clerics of Lythan become immune to all fear spells and spell like abilities.

Upon reaching 12th level, Lythanite clerics become immune to all spells that effect their emotional state.


Lythan's clerics are charged with bringing peace and love to the world. Although sometimes it becomes necessary to kill, Lythan's clergy should not take life lightly, and should not kill unless there is no other way. Undead and clerics/priests of evil deities are an exception. Evil creatures are not.

Lythan's clergy are required to donate at least 10% of their wealth to local charity.

Finally, the spell Persona Strike is not to be used lightly or frivolously. Lythan frowns (or worse) upon using this spell without very good reason.


Priesthood of Anhren

Alignment: Chaotic good
Minimum Requisites: wisdom 12, Charisma 12
Major Spheres: Thought, Numbers, Divination, Time, Wards, Astral, Charm, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Creation, Chaos
Minor Spheres: Elemental, Guardian, Plant, Animal, Travelers, Weather
Unusable Spheres: Sun, War, Law, Combat
Weapons Allowed: Swords, club, dagger, Quarterstaff,
Armor Allowed: leather, chain, hide.

Anhren is the God of music, laughter, and enlightenment. His clerics all know at least one musical instrument, and many know how to brew unusually fine ale as well. His holy symbol is a Celtic knot.

Unique Spells:
Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Anhren are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
components: V, S
duration: NA
range: touch
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 person +1 more/3 levels

This spell removes the effects of drugs, waking up, or drink (including hangovers). The target is instantly brought to total clarity of mind. They can reason, move, and fight at peak efficiency.

2nd level
components: V, S
duration: 5 rounds +2 rounds/level
saving throw: none
area of effect: caster

The ultimate spell for barroom brawls, this spell raises both damage and accuracy in unarmed combat. The cleric gains 2 attacks per round at +2 to hit, and each inflicts 1d6+2 damage against unarmored opponents. Against opponents armored in non-metal armors, each hit inflicts 1d4, and no damage is caused against people in metal armor.

3rd level
components: V, S
duration: permanent
range: touch
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 dish or vessel/level

This allows the cleric to cause dishes of food to induce one of several effects in the people who partake of it. Effects possible include:

Cheer: The victim becomes incredibly cheerful and sees everything in the best light possible. Unfortunately, the victim also has trouble concentrating on anything for more than a couple seconds. The victim also becomes very talkative, and has a tendency to ramble on about odd things

Anger: The victim becomes extremely irritable and everything will be taken as provocation. Unless something is done, the victim is liable to haul off and slug somebody (at least). The side effect of this variant is that the victim's coordination is completely destroyed, and all rolls and checks suffer a -4 for the next 8 hours.

Sorrow: The victim will feel compelled to find someone and talk to them at length about their problems. The will be totally (and sometimes shockingly) honest. The victim will ask for advice from their newfound friend, and, if it pertains to their problem and seems reasonable, will often take it.

4th level
components: V
duration: NA
range: anywhere on the same plane
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 person

When the priest casts this spell, they sends a brief message to any one creature on the same plane of existence. The recipient cannot respond or even indicate that they have received the message, and they are free to act on it as they will.

5th level
components: V, S
duration: NA
range: 10'/level
saving throw: neg
area of effect: 1 person

This spell enables the cleric to search through the memories of a humanoid or animal. The actual contact last only an instant, though it may take awhile for the priest to sift through all the memory he has acquired. The caster will gain access to one year of the target's memory/point of intelligence the target has. The caster also gains access to all of the target's ambitions, motives, passions, interests, feelings, and thoughts that have taken place in the last 10 days.

6th level
Word of Binding
components: V, S
duration: see below
range: touch
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 person

The cleric can use this spell to force a creature to keep its oath. The creature's oath can relate to anything, from swearing to leave the area and never returning, to swearing to complete a quest or die trying. And the oath can be extracted in any manner, as long as the creature is in direct control of itself at the time. Thus, the creature cannot be charmed or under similar influence, but may be drunk, or have a dagger pressed to its neck. If the creature willfully fails to keep its oath, it begins to sicken and loses 2 points from each ability score until it dies (when one one stat reaches zero) or has a dispel magic cast upon it by a mage or cleric of higher level than the one who cast Word of Binding. Any cleric can cancel their own such spell by simply willing it.

7th level
Psychic Blast
components: V, S
duration: NA
range: 1
saving throw: see below
area of effect: 5'/level radius or 90 degree cone 5' long/level

The priest sends out a shockwave of mental energy to everyone in the area of effect. The shockwave overloads all sensory input functions simultaneously, knocking the target(s) into a coma like state for 1d10+1/level days. Anyone making their save retains consciousness but is stunned and unable to do anything but roll on the ground in pain while their mind sorts everything out for 2 rounds/level of the priest. This is lessened by one round for each point of the target's intelligence (not to be less than one round in any event).

Special Abilities:

All of Anhren's clerics gain for free NWPs for the following: one musical instrument, one ancient language, history, and brewing

Clerics of Anhren can drink darn near anybody under the table, including most dwarves and elves, as their tolerance for alcohol makes their first 10 drinks almost as intoxicating as water.

At 3rd level, Anhren's clerics can change one gallon/level of water into wine or ale.

At 6th level, Anhren's clerics gain a 4% chance/level to gain a general feel for the nature of any particular magical item, (not necessarily exact powers though).

At 9th level, Clerics of Anhren can instantly identify any foreign taste in a beverage they have had before.

At 12th level, Clerics of Anhren permanently gain 1 point of Charisma.


Clerics of Anhren tend to dislike authority, especially people telling them what to do or how to do it. As such, they don't get along very well with creatures of lawful alignment, (the DM is left to decide the mechanical effect of this).

Clerics of Anhren cannot turn undead at all.

Created summer of 2001 by Chris Taylor with (a lot of) help and suggestions from James L. R. Beach.

Posted August of 2001
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096