Priesthood of Cain

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Minimum Requirements: Wis 9, Con 11.
Major Spheres: Combat, Guardian, Protection, Summoning, Divination, Creation, Astral, Sun, Law, Numbers, Thought
Minor Spheres: Necromancy, Healing, Weather, Plant, Wards, Time, Travelers
Unusable Spheres: Animal, Elemental, Chaos
Weapons Allowed: Hammer, Mace, Club, Flail, Lance, Morningstar
Armor Allowed: all

Cain is the God of Law and Order, and his priests are therefore charged with bringing order to the rest of creation. The methods they use aren't considered terribly important, only the results. Followers of Cain prefer white clothing and all will have the 'Staring Eye' that is Cain's emblem somewhere on their attire.

Unique Spells:

Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Cain are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
Detect Chaos
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn +5 rounds/ level
range: 200 yards
saving throw: none
area of effect: 10' path

This is identical to the 1st level priest spell, Detect Evil, except that it applies to chaos.

2nd level
components: V, S
duration: 6 rounds +1 round/level
range: 1
saving throw: none
area of effect: 200'

The priest must chant this spell for a full; round without interruption, at the end of which time everyone friendly to the caster within 200 yards gains +2 on morale and attack rolls.

3rd level
components: V, S
duration: 2 rounds +3 rounds/level
range: none
saving throw: none
area of effect: caster

After casting this spell, the priest becomes immune to all magical forms of confusion (including chaos, and maze), misdirection, and 1st level illusions. It also confers the ability to detect non-magical lies.

4th level
components: V, S
duration: 2 rounds
range: 40 yards
saving throw: half
area of effect: 1 person

This spell causes the target to begin to radiate white-hot light. The target itself takes 1d6 points of damage for every level of the caster on the first round and 1d4/level on the second, and everyone within 5 feet of the target takes 2 Hit Points/level on the first round, and 1 Hit Point/level on the second. On each round, anyone taking damage saves vs spell for half damage. For visual effect, think of light streaming from the victim's eyes/nose/mouth/ears).

5th level
Summon Guardian
components: V, S
duration: 1d10 +1/level rounds
range: NA
saving throw: NA
area of effect: NA

This spell summons a Stone Golem (pp 166, MM) to fight on behalf of the caster. If the caster desires, the guardian can perform other services as well. The golem is completely loyal, and is controlled through a telepathic link. It lasts until dispelled, killed, or until 1d10 + 1/level of the caster rounds have elapsed, at the end of which time it seemingly crumbles (actually, it returns from whence it came, should it survive, so what is seen is a rather interesting illusionary effect).

6th level
Mass Command
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn/level
range: 3"/level
saving throw: Special
area of effect: 10 people per level

This spell allows a Cainite priest to cause large numbers of people (1st level or lower) to follow them unquestioningly, regardless of their natural inclination. Roll one saving throw (using the save of a one Hit Dice monster) for the entire group. If they fail, they will obey the priest to the best of their ability (this assume they can understand the language the priest uses). If they succeed they will do whatever they would be inclined to do otherwise (goblins probably would attack, a crowd of humans might wander away disinterested, etc.) Targets of this spell must be humanoid and no larger than 9' tall and 900 lbs. Targets with more than one Hit Dice may each roll their own saving throw as normal and act accordingly.

7th level
Fanatical Followers
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn/level
range: 5"
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 person per level of the caster

This spell causes a number of people already loyal to the caster (including those under the effect of Mass Command) to gain a number of abilities. They gain +2 Hit Points per Hit Dice/level, their Thac0 and AC is improved by 3 each, they inflict double damage, and they never check moral. Targets of this spell must be humanoid and no larger than 9' tall and 900 lbs.

Special Abilities:

Cainite priests can cast Command (as per wizard spell) once a week per level.

At 8th level, priests of Cain can detect chaotic or criminal intent at will.

At 12th level, priests of Cain gain a +2 bonus to their attacks, AC, and saving throws when fighting chaotic opponents.

At 14th level, priests of Cain attract followers. These followers are determined by the DM. They will be lawful neutral, and will have Hit Dice that total twice the levels of the priest.


Followers of Cain are charged with bringing order and discipline to chaos. They often work hand in glove with government forces in seeking out criminals. It is not unusual for them to serve as bounty hunters, though at least 50% of any reward is donated directly to the church.

Priests of Cain must obey all of the local laws to the letter. The word of a Cainite priest is binding.


Cain's followers gather for service every 7 days. Cainite priests should be there unless they have more pressing business.


Priesthood of Culrann

Alignment: Neutral
Minimum Requirements: Wis 13
Major Spheres: Plant, Animal, Healing, Elemental, Sun, Weather, Time, Travelers, Charm, Creation, Summoning, Thought, Divination
Minor Spheres: Chaos, Guardians, Wards, Numbers,
Unusable Spheres: War, Combat, Necromantic, Law
Weapons Allowed: Javelin, Axe, Spear, Dagger, Knife, Bows, Quarterstaff
Armor Allowed: Leather, hide.

Culrann is the goddess of nature. Her followers include hunters, farmers, woodsmen, and others who rely upon the earth's mercy. Her holy symbol is an ebony wolf's head.

Unique Spells:

Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Culrann are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
components: V, S
duration: 5 rounds +1 round/level
range: touch
saving throw: neg
area of effect: 1 person

This spell causes the target to become silent and scentless for the duration of the spell. If the target speaks, the spell ends. While under the influence of this spell, the target can automatically move silently, and animals will not pick up any discernible smells. Unwilling targets receive a saving throw.

2nd level
components: V, S
duration: 1 round/level +2d4 rounds
range: 5 feet
saving throw: none
area of effect: 30'

This spell causes objects/creatures to blend in almost perfectly with their surroundings in any wilderness setting. Anyone actively searching for something similar to the hidden objects/creatures rolls a save vs. spell. If successful, they see whatever was hidden by the spell, but if they fail, they don't see it. Applications of this spell include hiding the entrance to a lair as a search party approaches, or concealing an ambush party lying in wait for a group of monsters.

3rd level
components: V, S
duration: NA
range: 5" +5 feet/level
saving throw: Half
area of effect: see below

Using this spell, the cleric causes an existing fire to explode into a fireball. Small, candle-like flames explode in a sphere measuring 1"/level and cause 1 point of damage/level. Torch sized flames explode up to 2"/level and cause 1d4/level. Explosion from small fires are 3"/level and cause 1d6/level, those from larger fires explode outward to 4"/level and do 1d8/level. Any combustibles must save vs. fire or burst into flame (possibly causing more damage). Anyone in the blast radius may save vs. spell for half damage.

4th level
components: V, S
duration: see below
range: see below
saving throw: see below
area of effect: see below

This spell allows the cleric to wrest control of a summoned creature from its summoner. Both cleric and summoner roll 3d6, but the summoner adds their level to the result while the cleric adds twice their level. Whoever has the highest total gains control of the summoned creatures. If the Cleric gains control, they retains it until the spell that summoned them expires. After that the creatures become free willed (if they remain). Only creatures native to the prime material plane are affected by this spell.

5th level
Animate Plant
components: V, S
duration: 2 rounds/level
range: 30' +10'/level
saving throw: none
area of effect: one large plant/level, one large tree/2 levels, or 9 ft 2 /level

Using this spell, the cleric causes plants to come to life and attack the cleric's enemies. The DM should decide upon what kind of abilities, attacks, and AC the plants possess. Plants have THAC0 equal to the cleric's. Suggested examples are: trees HD 4, AC 4, 2 attacks/round, 2d8 each. Tall grass, inflicts 1d6+victim's AC per round.

6th level
Spirit Link
components: V, S
duration: see below
saving throw: see below
area of effect: see below

Through the use of this spell, the cleric can transfer his life force to that of an animal companion. When this happens, their other body dies in all respects. Inside this animal companion, the cleric is merely an observer. He cannot control his companion's body, though he can communicate with his companion's psyche. If an acceptable host body is found (not dead more than 1 week) and the companion goes through a special ceremony, the cleric's spirit can be placed in the host body with the cleric's ability scores of intelligence and wisdom intact, and their level and spells are the same as before. But the cleric must rest for 1 week before he can even get out of bed on his own, and suffers a -2 to all rolls and checks (due to the unfamiliar body) for another month. The remaining statistic scores (dexterity, strength, charisma, and constitution) will be those of the former host, but will not exceed the cleric's old scores. So if the host had been stronger, the cleric's STR would not improve, and if the host body had a lesser score, this will be the cleric's new score from then on (other magic notwithstanding).

7th level
Summon Storm
components: V, S,
duration: 1 turn + 2 round/level
range: NA
saving throw: see below
area of effect: see below

Using this spell the cleric causes a storm to form around him. He may choose from two types:

Lightning Storm - Thick black storm clouds will gather in the sky in a 1 mile/level radius around the cleric. By the third round wind will increase so as to reduce all movement rates by half, knock small and man sized flying creatures out of the air, and make small missile fire impossible. Starting on the fourth round, the caster can call a bolt of lightning once every other round. Each bolt does 3d8+1d8/level, but targets may save for half damage. Bolts must be used against creatures within 5"/level. At the end of the spell's duration, the wind dies down and the cleric can no longer call lightning, but the storm remains until dispersed naturally. This form is most often used on land.

Tempest - Pale gray clouds will begin to form within a radius of .5 miles/level. On the third round a driving wind will hit from any direction the cleric chooses. The wind starts out at 30 mph, and the cleric can change it by 30 mph up or down, each round, to a max. of 90 mph. At 30 mph small flying creatures are knocked from the sky and small missile fire becomes useless. At 60 mph, man sized creatures are knocked from the sky, small ships must make seaworthiness checks, and the masts and rigging on larger ships must save vs. crushing blow or begin to tear and break. Also, Man-sized or smaller creatures may only move at 1/3 normal. At 90 miles an hour, all creatures are knocked from the sky, all ships must make seaworthiness checks, and, even if the larger ships pass, their mast and rigging will be hopelessly mangled. All movement rates are reduced to nil, and M or smaller creatures must save or be blown by the wind, houses may be flattened, and trees will be uprooted. After the spell ends, the wind slows by 30 mph each round. This version is most often used at sea.

Special Abilities:

All of Culrann's clerics have tracking proficiency at no extra cost. They receive a +1 to this ability every 4 levels. They may also receive animal lore, animal handling, herbalism, set snares and swimming at 1Ú2 normal cost.

In addition, they gain the following abilities:

Starting at 3rd level, they have the ability to move silently and hide in shadows. Both start at 25% and gain 5%/level until they reach 95%. Also, the cleric can find enough food for themselves and 4 others in any familiar wilderness environment that has a decent amount of wildlife.

Upon reaching 5th level, the Cleric may choose one species of animal to develop a special affinity with (This should be generic, i.e. "great cat" rather than just "leopard" and "hawk" rather than "western red tailed hawk"). These creatures will be well disposed towards the cleric under almost all circumstances (provided they are not hurt by the cleric). The Cleric can communicate with them through a form of empathy and convey images and feelings. The Cleric need not chose this immediately upon reaching 5th level and may choose one at any time before 10th level, but once a creature type is chosen, it may not be changed. It must be a natural creature (a lion is a natural creature, a sphinx isn't. A sleek is also a natural creature even though it is not a resident of our earth.)

At 7th level and afterwards, once the Cleric has chosen an animal, they begin to develop some of its characteristics. One sense or ability also greatly improves. (yellow eyes and night vision if wolf, slit eyes and infravision if pit viper, or grace and a +1 to dex if cat, etc. The DM will decide).

Upon reaching 9th level or sometime thereafter, the cleric gains an animal companion of his choice (with the DM's consent of course). However, if the cleric has already chosen his special animal type, the DM is fully justified making it that animal. In any case, the same guidelines about natural animals apply to this. The companion will be a superior example of its species, have a minimum of 3 on each of its Hit Dice and an intelligence 5 higher than normal (though not higher than 12 in any case). It communicates with the cleric through a telepathic link that conveys words, pictures, and emotions. The companion is completely loyal to the cleric unless he does something to change this (ordering the companion to do something obviously suicidal for example.)

At 12th level. the cleric can change into one form of his preferred animal type and back twice per day. He gains that animal's physical attacks and movement, but loses the ability to cast spells, use most magical items, or speak while in animal form. It should be noted that only the cleric changes; their clothes and weapons remain behind (unless they somehow fit), and should probably be shed before transformation.


Culrann is the goddess of nature, and as such her clerics are charged with protecting nature as a whole. If a cleric fails to uphold his charge (it is left up to the DM to decide what this means) they may begin losing powers until they correct the wrong. Clerics of Culrann may not own more treasure than they can carry between them and one mount.


Culrann's holy days are the summer/winter solstices and the spring and fall equinoxes. Her clerics must spend these days in prayer and meditation.


Priesthood of Draeth

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Minimum Requirements: Wisdom 8, Dexterity 13,
Major Spheres: Elemental, Animal, Astral, Charm, Combat, Necromantic, Sun (reversed), Summoning, Weather, Chaos, Travelers
Minor Spheres: Creation, Healing, Plant, Protection, Wards, Time
Unusable Spheres: Divination, Law, Numbers, Thought,
Weapons Allowed: All piercing and slashing
Armor Allowed: Leather, Hide, Chain

Draeth is the patron deity of Gamblers, Cons, Thieves, and Lunatics. It is unclear whether Draeth is a god or goddess however. Draeth's religion has no official holy symbol, though each priest has their own, unique, object. The followers of Draeth can also wear any color they please.

Unique Spells:

Upon attaining a new spell level, the followers of Draeth are automatically granted a unique spell in addition to their normal spells.

1st level
components: V, S
duration: 1 round
range: 5"
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 person

This spell allows the priest to discern how rigidly the target is inclined to adhere to the law. For example, it might show whether or not an official is likely to accept bribes, or if it might be possible to fast-talk a guard into letting them into a restricted area.

2nd level
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn/level
range: touch
saving throw: none
area of effect: 1 person

This scrambles the results of any divination regarding the target (detect magic, know alignment, detect lie, etc.). The caster has a 50% + 3%/level chance of controlling the result of the divination. Otherwise, the result is randomly determined by the DM.

3rd level
Persona Exchange
components: V, S
duration: 1 turn/level
range: 100 yards
saving throw: neg
area of effect: 1 person/2 levels of the caster

This spell causes the targets to be covered by an illusion that switches their appearance, smell, and voice with each other. For example, a priest is at the local bar when an officer of the law walks in the door with a warrant for his arrest. The priest casts Persona Exchange on the guy next to him. The officer see the "priest" (the innocent patron), and apprehends him while the patron might protest his innocence and claim (in the priest's voice) that he hasn't done anything. Meanwhile the priest may slip away, looking like the other man.

4th level
components: V
duration: NA
range: 1"
saving throw: 1/2
area of effect: special/90 degrees in front of the caster for 10' +5'/level

The priest utters a bloodcurdling and deafening scream. All creatures within 5'/level are deafened for 1 round/level of the priest. All glass within 10'/level shatters, and all creatures in the 90 degree area of effect (above) take 1d10 damage plus 1 Hit Point/2 levels of the priest, from the powerful vibrations. Creatures who cannot hear cannot be deafened, but still suffer damage. Incorporeal creatures (wraiths, shades, anything ethereal, etc.) do not suffer any damage. Naturally, done under the right conditions, this spell may cause avalanches of rock, dirt, or snow, but that's up to the DM to decide when and where this might work.

5th level
components: V, S
duration: 1 round/level +1d10-3 rounds
range: special
saving throw: none
area of effect: special

Once cast, this spell causes all other spells cast against the priest or their allies (including clerical spells and the spell like functions of magical items and scrolls) to cause a wild surge. When rolling for a wild surge, subtract 1 from the roll per level of the Draethen priest. If the result is negative, spell fizzles and dissipates harmlessly.

6th level
components: V, S
duration: 1 round
range: 10'/level
saving throw: -3, neg
area of effect: 1d10 S creatures or 1d8 M creatures or 1d6 L creatures or 1 G creatures/level

This spell causes some form of destruction appropriate to the environment (cave in, lightning strikes, killer insect swarm, whatever). What form it takes isn't really important so long as it is damaging (having a red dragon burst into flame or and earth elemental hit by an avalanche isn't really fair). All affected creatures take 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster. Roll once for the whole group, and every die that comes up as a 5 or 6, add another dice into the pile and roll that as well, counting both results (if the additional die comes up a 5 or 6, repeat, counting all all results, stopping only when no further 5's or 6's appear). Every die that comes up as a 1 or 2 does no damage, so take those out. Creatures that make their saving throws have managed to avoid the effect.

7th level
components: V, S
duration: NA
range: 500'
saving throw: -6, neg
area of effect: 5' per level

This spell causes a gigantic explosion which inflicts 1d20/level of damage to everyone in the blast radius. The caster has a 50% chance of being destroyed utterly (in which case nothing short of a wish can bring him or her back). Otherwise, the caster is reduced to 1 Hit Point (or -9 if the hovering on deaths door rule is used), and is helpless and unconscious for 10+1d8 days. The caster must be allowed to heal normally. Any magical healing (except, perhaps, a wish) is useless. No ability, spell, or magical item will alter the priest's chance to live.

Special Abilities:

Priests of Draeth have the following thief like abilities:

Hide in shadows, Move silently, Pick locks.

They start out with 20 points to divide amongst these three skills and gain 10 points per level. The same penalties and bonuses that apply to these abilities for thieves (race, dex, etc.) apply to Drathen priests.

At 5th level, Draethen priests gain the ability to backstab.

At 10th level, Draethen priests gain LUCK once per week. How this luck works is that their player (or the DM is an NPC) may reroll one dice immediately, and choose which of the results take place.


A holy symbol of any lawful deity held by a priest of higher level then the Draethen will keep them from coming within 50 feet of that person. The church of Draeth has little or no structure or organization. It is incredibly difficult to get Draethen priests to make a concerted effort to do anything


The followers of Draeth revere fire (and anything else that causes awesome destruction, like tornadoes, earthquakes, avalanches, hurricanes, floods, etc, are all considered holy events) Holy sites for Draethen priests include things like: volcanoes, fault lines, and natural lightning rods.


Created summer of 2001 by Chris Taylor with (a lot of) help and suggestions from James L. R. Beach.

Posted August of 2001
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096