1. Skip To Potion Table One
  2. Skip To Potion Table Two
  3. Skip To Potion Table Three

Chemistry is the closest thing to alchemy that we have on Earth, and I'm not talking about that poor excuse for alchemy that was the forerunner of modern chemistry on Earth. Turning lead into gold isn't what AD&D fantasy alchemy is all about. On Orlantia, and in my universe, alchemy is much more advanced than chemistry because it takes into account all the unusual properties of matter on and off the PMP that chemistry doesn't even begin to recognize. An ideal example would be holy water. It is a very real and different kind of thing than regular water. A chemist, of course, couldn't possibly tell you which vial of water was holy water and which one was regular water. As far as they are concerned, they are chemically identical. But everybody knows there must be some difference. And if this difference can't be found while confined to the PMP in the lab, it must have some interplanar properties chemistry can't see or detect.

Interplanar properties are the heart and soul of alchemical work. You may even be quite surprised at the amazing little things that can make a difference. "Unseen" water collected from the "back" of a waterfall during a "full moon" is very different from the stuff you can get from the front of it at any old time. Mistletoe harvested during the full moon using a silver scythe is quite different than any harvested at other times and with other tools. A four-leaf clover actually has properties that could amaze you. Life blood, that is enough blood taken to have killed the individual, or all their blood immediately after the individual is slain, is different than just a lot of blood from said individual. Oh sure, it may still be useful in some ways, but it's not the same at all.

Only your alchemist knows for sure. As far as magic is concerned, the only other more demanding study is the art of being a full-fledged magic user. Even then, if we're talking about alchemical properties, the alchemist far surpasses his field adventuring cousins the magic users. This is why if a lower level magic user wishes to make potions he must employ an alchemist. It's also why the upkeep in cost and equipment for an alchemy lab is so high. They must continually experiment if they are to be useful in their art. A lot of trial and error is involved in the discovery of these hidden differences. (Any DM looking for a great source of story ideas needs to look no further than this. An alchemist will always need difficult to obtain ingredients and a group of adventures to obtain them, perhaps paying them with a few potions rather than gold, naturally keeping the rest of the potions for themselves (and for sale)).

Of course, the magic user eventually learns enough to get by on his own by the time they are of name level, but they'd still be much better off keeping an alchemist in their employ rather than making a go of it alone if they plan to manufacture potions in any great quantity.

The biomagical journals are an on going collection of works that describe, in detail, the effects of known magic on humans and other typical PC races. Typical information such as what components from which creatures may be useful for making particular potions may be found in such journals, and these journals may be found in the alchemy shops in any major city in the Alodarian Empire, as well as the major cities of the Nahechaian Dynasty, The Alderami Isles, The Larns Archipelago, and The Kingdoms of the Mostoli. An adventurer may look through these journals for the pittance 1 gp. That is, for some small amount of money the DM will inform the PC of the specific information, if available, on what they seek, but the DM should never give the PCs entire lists of possible materials. This helps the DM maintain a greater control over the direction each scenario takes and prevents the players from going every which way.

Now, as a general rule of thumb, alchemist will buy materials from adventurers if they were properly preserved and the alchemist is not already over stocked with those kinds of materials (they can only use so many lion's hearts). The alchemist will usually pay 1/10th of what they might be able to sell the manufactured potion for from said materials. For example, an alchemist will buy water naga blood or the proper nixie organs for 100 GP/possible does. They can make water-breathing potions and sell them for 1,000 GP per dose, which is 10 times more.

Now you may be wondering, doesn't this promote the murder of nagas or nixies? The answer is, typically not. It frequently cost more to quest for various materials than one might make by harvesting those materials. For instance, it's a practical certainty it cost at least several water-breathing potions for a group to come across a water naga or a nixie - no profit there. But, you understand, if somebody happened to gather such things while conducting other business, such materials could help off set any cost one might incur along the way. Or the PCs may still do it just for the adventure and experience. Besides, in the fullness of time, all such considerations of good over evil really aren't the business of the alchemist anyway, and most of them, in their quest to make the ultimate discovery, will turn a blind eye to where these materials may be coming from.

As such, the alchemy shops keep pretty busy. If one considered it, alchemy potions would be like batteries of a non-rechargeable variety. Like those batteries, over the long haul potions are quite expensive. Sure, only 1,000 GP for a water-breathing potion, but 20,000 GP for a ring that will do the same and always work, provided it isn't destroyed some day, is a considerably better deal. Unfortunately for lower-level adventurers, they can't afford 20 K GP even if such a ring was available, and so the alchemists continue to sell their goods and services. Anything ranging from simple material components, healing potions (a popular favorite) to philters of love.

You can find some, but not all, of the current working potion tables I use in my campaigns below. A few notes, however, are in order. Use percentile dice to roll on the potion tables. When rolling for potions, go to the next higher number for in between numbers. For example, if you roll 09 - a number that isn't on the table ذ then 10 is the next higher number. If you roll higher than a particular table goes, you then go to the next table and roll again.

The COST given for each potion is the price in gold pieces per dose. One tenth of this is the worth of the material components when selling them to an alchemist (assuming they were properly preserved, he is not overstocked, and he will buy them). 1/10th of the cost is also the awarded experience points if the PCs find and keep the potion for themselves. Finally, if the PC decided to sell the potion, they can expect to get between 50% and 75% of the listed cost, but if they can find, and wish to buy, a particular potion, they must pay full price. The DOSES is both the number of doses the PCs may find when they come across such a potion as well as the number of doses the alchemist may make from the listed ingredients. Any COST is always a cost/dose.

Usually, once per gaming session, if the PCs visit an alchemist shop, the alchemist will have 2D6 randomly determined potions for sale. If the adventures wish to buy some or all of them, fine, and if not, the DM should not roll for more potions beyond the 2D6 potions, nor relent and provide the desired potion if it wasn't rolled (the DM may, however, include a particular potion without randomly rolling it if they feel it might be useful for that session's adventure, but they shouldn't tell the players that. Just their good fortune if they decide to buy it, I guess).

If the PCs wish a specific potion (and will pay the 1 gp price to find out the information from the biomagical journals), the alchemist will tell them what material components they will require to make that potion, perhaps giving the adventures something to do. Depending on the difficulty (and the amount harvested) the alchemist may pay them with a single dose of the potion (after he makes them from what they brought), or he may opt to pay them 1/10 the list price/dose.

RD = Randomly Determined at the time of purchase or discovery.
Duration: I,Y, M,W,Day,Hr,T,R=Infinite,Year,Month,Week,Day,Hour,Turn,Round.
As always, an infinite duration simply means until something else changes the situation. Like a healing potion would be of infinite duration, but the PC can always be subsequently damaged.

Sometimes, when it's obvious, the duration may be omitted. Also, some potions grant the ability to cast a spell. If the spell is instantaneous, the duration given is the length of time the imbiber has to choose to cast that spell. If not cast before then, the potion fades. If cast, the spell's duration is similar to the standard spell's duration.

Finally, most potions have default duration of 4T +1D4 T. If no duration is listed, and then this is probably that potion's duration (unless you can pretty much tell it should have been infinite, like a healing potion).




%, POTION, Notes, Duration

Cost and Doses Found

Material Components

02 Animal Control (Mammal/RD)

500gp 1D3d

Organ or gland of representative type

04 Animal Control (Avian/RD)

600gp 1D2d

Brain tissue and feathers of representative type

05 Animal Control (Reptile/Amphibian/RD)

500gp 1D3d

Brain tissue and scales of representative type

06 Animal Control (Fish/RD)

300gp 1D6d

Blood and spinal cord of representative type

08 Clairaudience

1200gp 1d

Human thalamus gland/ear of keen hearing animal

10 Clairvoyance

1500gp 1d

Human thalamus gland/eye of keen sighted animal

11 Climbing

1600gp 1D3d

Giant Insect Legs

12 Detect Lie (1 Hr)

1800gp 1d

1 pint of blood of 12+ Lev. Cleric with Detect Lie

14 Detect Magic (Clerical Kind) 1 T

500gp 1D3d

1 pint blood of cleric who currently has the spell

15 Detect Magic (Magic User Kind) 1 T

1000gp 1d

Vellum Scroll with spell written in Mage Blood

16 Diminution

1500gp 1D2d

Kobold Horn or were rat blood

18 Dragon Control (RD p142 DMG Reroll 17+)

3000gp + 250X the D20 roll 1d

Appropriate Dragon's Brain

20 E.S.P.

2100gp 1D2d

Mind Flayer or Other creature's brain with E.S.P.

22 Feather Fall (As ring p130 DMG) 1 Hr

250gp 1D3d

10 lbs. of feathers + Life blood of a flying animal

24 Fire Resistance

1200gp 1D3d

Fire Elemental Phlogiston or Fire Salamander Scales

26 Flying

800gp 1D3d

Hippogriff Feathers or Wyvern Blood

27 Fog (100 ft^3) 1 T

500gp 1D3d

Phlogiston of Fog Para-elemental

28 Gaseous Form

750gp 1d

Vampire Dust or Ogre -Magi Teeth

30 Giant Control (RD p126 DMG Reroll 18+)

3000gp+250X The D20 1d

Brain of appropriate giant type

31 Growth

900gp 1D3d

Ogre -Magi Gland

33 Healing (3D4)

1000gp 1D3d

1 pint of blood from a cleric of 7th + level

35 Healing (3D4 + 3)

1200gp 1D2d

As Above + Holy Water

37 Healing (3D6)

1400gp 1D3d

1 pint of blood from a cleric of 9th + level

39 Healing (3D6 + 3)

1600gp 1D2d

As Above + LG Holy Water

41 Healing (3D8)

1800gp 1D3d

1 pint of blood from a cleric of 12th + level

43 Heroism (Fighters Only)

1500gp 1d

The fierce Heart of a Giant Cat (Lion is Best)

44 Humanoid Control (RD p126 DMG)

2000gp 1D3d

Vampire Eye or Nixie Blood

45 Ice Formation (Freezes 10 ft^3 of liquid)

500gp 1D3d

Phlogiston of Ice Para-elemental

47 Infravision (1 Day)

1000gp 1d

Vellum scroll/mixture Mage blood and Infravision creature's blood mixture

48 Invisibility

1500gp 1d

Invisible Stalker Ichor

49 Invulnerability (Fighters Only)

1500gp 1d

Gargoyle horn or skin of +1 to hit creature

51 Leathery Skin+2 to AC of armor less) 1 Hr

500gp 1D3d

Skin of Tough hide animal

53 Levitation

1200gp 1D3d

Beholder Eye Stalk or Will o Wisp Essence

54 Oil of Etherealness

1500gp 1D3d

Shedu Fat or Demon Brain

56 Oil of Slipperiness

1000gp 1D3d

Purple Worm Gland or Liver of Giant Pike

58 Philter of Love

2000gp 1d

Dryad Hair

60 Philter of Persuasiveness

1500gp 1D3d

Tongue of Harpy or Devil

61 Plant Control

1000gp 1D3d

Shrieker Spores and Umber Hulk Eye

63 Polymorphself

750gp 1D3d

Mimic Skin or Succubus Hair

65 Protection from Evil (Personal) 1 Day

1000gp 1D4d

1 pint of LG 9th + Level Cleric Blood

66 Remove Fear (As Clerical Spell)

500gp 1D3d

1 pint of 7th + Level Non-Evil Cleric

68 Speed

1500gp 1d

Pegasus Heart and Giant Weasel Blood

69 Super-Heroism(Fighters Only)

2500gp 1d

Giant Wolverine Blood and Minotaur Heart

71 Sweet Water

300gp 1D6d

Water Elemental Eye or Triton Blood

72 Treasure Finding

3000gp 2d

Gold Dragon Scale + 6 different powdered gems(600gp)

73 Undead Control (RD p127 DMG)

1500gp + 100 X The D10 roll 1d

Recently unanimated undead parts

74 water-breathing

1000gp 2D6d

Water Naga Blood or Nixie Organs

75 Water Walking

600gp 1D3d

As Above + Blood from a Cleric able to cast the spell

76+ Roll on table Two






%, POTION, Notes, Duration

Cost and Doses Found

Material Components

01 Alter Plane (Once Removed)

3000gp 2D3d

Mundane objects from 5 different planes

02 Animal Control (Insects Generalized)

800gp 1D2d

50 different kinds of insects

03 Animal Control (Mammal Generalized)

1200gp 1D2d

Drops of fresh vampire and Harpy blood

04 Animal Control (Avian Generalized)

1500gp 1D3d

Feathers and brain tissue of 20 avian species

05 Animal Control (Above 2 Generalized)

1600gp 1D4d

Nervous system tissue of 10 species

06 Animal Control (INT< 3 Generalized)

2500gp 1D3d

Vampire Brains and Eyes (makes 2D3d)

07 Anti-Aging (Proof vs. undead aging) 1 W

3000gp 1d

Entire remains of an undead with aging effect

09 Bless (As Clerical spell)

1200gp 1d

G Holy Water + Mundane item touched by a G god

11 Clair Potion (Audience+Voyance)

1500gp 1D2d

Human Thalamus Gland + Eye+ear of Keen etc.

13 Detect Enemy 1 T

750gp 1D3d

A dagger taken from the back of its victim

14 Detect Luck or Magical Aid 1T

1500gp 1D2d

Eyes of a creature that sees invisible things

16 Dimension Door (As MU spell p155 PHB)

2500gp 1D3d

1R Blood of an astral creature

18 Find Trap (As spell p204 PHB 1 Hr)

750gp 1D3d

1 pint of blood from a 7th + level cleric

20 Gaze Reflection (As convenient mirror) 1 Hr

750gp 1D3d

Mirror and rubber tree sap

21 Ghast Control (1D4, 12 Hr)

2500gp 1d

The remains of 4 ghasts

22 Ghost Control (1D2, 2Hr)

3000gp 1d

The remains of 2 ghosts

24 Healing (3D8 + 3)

2000gp 1D3d

1 pint of blood from a cleric of 13th + level

26 Healing (3D10)

2200gp 1D2d

As Above + LG Holy Water

28 Healing (3D10 + 3 )

2400gp 1D3d

1 pint of blood from a cleric of 14th + level

30 Healing (3D12)

2600gp 1D2d

As Above + LG Holy Water

32 Healing (3D12 + 3)

2800gp 1D3d

1 pint of blood from a cleric of 15th + level

33 Longevity (1D12 standard p126 DMG)

5000gp 1d

Lifeblood of Elf or Treant or 1 gal. of dragon blood

34 Longevity(1D20 standard)

7500gp 1d

As above + Life blood of a deep ocean creature

38 Magic Ink (10 spell levels/d)

350gp 5D10d

Squid or Octopus ink,10gp gem dust,your blood

40 Magic Missile (As per Wand p136 DMG) !Round/dose

1500gp 1D3d

Powdered Meteorite

44 Neutralize Poison (Within 1 T)

3000gp 1D3d

1 Pint of blood of G 12th+ level cleric + suspend poison

46 Plus 1 Blade (1 Day, Maximum of +1)

500gp 1D4d

1 Sword,axe/d - 3 darts,arrows/d) Phase spider blood

48 Plus 2 Blade (1 Day,Maximum of +2)

750gp 1D3d

As above, Phase spider Blood + Ghost Ectoplasm

50 Plus 1 Bludgeon (As +1 Blade)

500gp 1D4d

1 Mace or 3 stones/dose, As +1 Blade

52 Plus 2 Bludgeon (As +2 Blade)

750gp 1D3d

As Above, As +2 Blade

56 Portent of Dreams

750gp 1D6d

The brain of an astral creature

57 Protection from Magic Missiles 1 Day

2500gp 1d

Mirror,an image of a man,a gold ring,a full pipe(tobacco)

58 Protection from Undead 6 Hr

40000gp 1d

The complete remains of 8 different types of undead

61 Sanctuary (As clerical spell p202 PHB) 1 Day

1000gp 1D6d

Small silver mirror,blood of retired cleric

62 Shadow Control (1D5, 1 Day)

2000gp 1d

The remains of 5 shadows

63 Skeleton Control (1D20, I duration)

7500gp 1d

Dust of 20 skeletons(Never Animated)

64 Sleep (Ingest. 12 Hr, save vs. poison)

1000gp 1D3d

1000gp 1D3d

65 Specter Control (1 Specter, 1Hr)

3500gp 1D3d

The remains of 2 specters

71 Suspend Poison (1 Day)

1000gp 1D4d

3 different poisons(plant,animal,mineral)

74 Stone to Flesh I duration

2500gp 1D3d

The life blood of 2 different F to S creatures

75 Undetectable Lie (As spell p217 PHB) 1Day

1500gp 1D3d

A brass mirror and some varnish

76+ Roll on Table Three






%, POTION, Notes, Duration

Cost and Doses Found

Material Components

01 Acid (1D3 Dice RD Which Dice, X=4,6,8,10, or 12)(Save for half damage)

Ngp N =250X (1D3 roll X)

Various Minerals, or Organic Acids

02 Alter Reality Now (Oops. Within 1 T)

30000gp 1d

Unknown (Relic Status)

03 Broadcast Thought (100 Mile Radius)

1000gp 1D2d

Brain of dead psionic creature

05 Displacer 1Day/d Like cloak p140 DMG

4000gp 1D3d

Brains,eyes, and blood of displacer beast

06 Find Friendly Familiar(similar to spell)

20000gp 1d

(Minor Relic Status) DM grants familiar to any class

08 Fire Ball (5D6 Save for Half) 1R

2000gp 1D3d

Sulfur and Phlogiston of Fire elemental

09 Fire Ball (10D6 Save for half) 1T

5000gp 1D2d

As above but 3 elementals

11 Fortitude (Over Max HP by next 3 cures) 1W

5000gp 1d

Blood of 3 clerics LG,NG,CG 1 pint each

12 Genii (Fight 12HD,Favor,minor wish) Relic Status

50000gp 1d


13 Golem Control (D4 flesh,clay,stone,iron) 1Day No Save

Ngp N= 3000+1000(D4)

Dead Golem

16 Heal (As Clerical Spell 100K PHB)

6000gp 1d

Life blood of G cleric or blood from a Greater God

19 Healing (3D20)

3000gp 1D3d

5 pints of blood from a cleric of 13th + level

22 Healing (3D20 + 10)

4000gp 1D2d

As Above + LG Holy Water

25 Healing (5D10 + 10 )

4500gp 1D2d

5 pints of blood from a cleric of 14th + level

28 Healing (6D12)

4000gp 1D2d

As Above + LG Holy Water

31 Healing (4D20 + 20)

5000gp 1D2d

5 pints blood from cleric 15th+level+LG Holy Water

36 Improve Secondary Ability I

Ngp dependent on the ability

(Minor Relic Status) UNKNOWN

37 Increase Charisma I


1d for each potion. These potion have the same effect

38 Increase Constitution I


a full powered wish would on the respective statistic.

39 Increase Dexterity I


That is straight to 16,16 to 17, 17 to 18,+10% until

40 Increase Intelligence I


20 max. Each dose can be split for to lesser potions

41 Increase Strength I


with the effect of a limited wish. That is straight to

42 Increase Wisdom I


14,14 to 15,15 to 16,+10% after 16 until 18,+1% after 18 until 20. Max of 20. Relic Status

44 Lightningbolt (5D6 Save for Half) 1R

2000gp 1D3d

Amber and Copper rod hit by lightning

46 Lightningbolt (10D6 Save for Half) 1T

5000gp 1D2d

As above except gold rod

47 Longevity (Special:1D20+5 no roll)

20000gp 1D2d

Life Blood of ancient dragon + some blood of any Deity

48 Luck (30% or +3 on D20) 1H

7500gp 1d

A gem held by Tyche (The Goddess)

50 Mirror Image (As spell p144 PHB) 1H

2000gp 1d

Blood Scroll,mirror, 5 prisms

52 Mist of Confusion (+5 to AC 1 Day)

5000gp 1d

Water Elemental Phlogiston, mirror, prism

53 Omni Vision 1R

50 - 100Kgp 1d

Ask any question.Get the Whole answer (Relic Status) UNKNOWN

55 Plus 4 Blade (1Day,Maximum of +4)

2000gp 1D2d

1 major or 3 minor weapons/d

57 Plus 4 Bludgeon(1Day,Max of +4)

2000gp 1D2d

may hit +N needed to hit creatures: Blood and skin of such a creature

59 Plus 3 Blade (1Day,Max of +3)

1500gp 1D3d

As Above

61 Plus 3 Bludgeon (1Day,Max of +3)

1500gp 1D3d

As Above

62 Poison (RD D4,D6,D8,or D10:1D3 D's,-1D3-1 Modifier) (Save for Half)

N =600 X (D4 XD3XD3) 1D2d

All poisons 1d

63 Poison (Death or Neg if save) (-1D4-1 to save)

N =5000X( D4)

Poisons may come from nearly anywhere

65 Potion of Excellent Health

5000gp 1d

Cure blindness,disease,insanity,etc.(Minor Relic)

67 Project Image (As spell p180 PHB) 1H

15000gp 1d

Blood scroll, Crystal Ball, mirror, image of a man

69 Spell Turning (Reflects next spell)1Day or until used(One spell)

2500gp 1d

Mirror,Vellum parchment

75 Sunburst (10"Radius,6D6 to undead)

3000gp 1D6d

Eyes,eye sockets of 3 types of undead+magnesium

76 Sustain without Air 1Day

2500gp 1D2d

The gills of a 5HD+ sea creature kept in a vacuum 1Y

78 Sustain without Food 6M

3000gp 1D2d

A layer of fat from a 5HD+ subterranean creature

80 Sustain without Water 1M

4000gp 1D2d

The stomach of a camel immersed in water for 1M

84 Telekinesis 10XD20 lbs.

Ngp N = 300 X(D20) 1D3d

Magnet+Brain of levitating creature

88 Teleport (As spell p172 PHB) 1R

2000gp 1D2d

Eyes+blood of a creature and can Teleport or dimdoor

92 Tongues (As spell p153 PHB) 1 Day

1000gp 1D6d

Brain of a creature with e.s.p. as a natural power

94 Unseen Servant (As spell p138 PHB)1D7 Days or until dismissed

1500gp 1D4d

String,wood,MU blood

96 Weapon Improvement Oil

50K to 150Kgp 1D2d

1D10 1:destroyed,2:nothing,3-10: IMPROVED!! (Relic Status)

00 Z Potion (Create one on the spot)

?GP ?d


Potion Write Ups

For the most part, almost all of these potions are either self explanatory or they should already be familiar with someone who owns a Dungeon Master's Guide. Thus, I will now only write below about the most unusual potions that may require further explanation. If you still don't understand, I'm sorry. You can either make something up or you may actually write me, asking for an explanation or suggesting a better write up. Thank you.

Email Jim Your Comments (Send Praise, Critique, Complaints, Suggestions, Ideas, or Submissions).

  • Alter Plane - Imbiber + one other may move to an adjacent plane (as plane shift)
  • Anti Aging - Imbiber is immune to the aging effect of undead for one entire week.
  • Plus N Blade and/or Bludgeon - This will make a weapon up to +N (even a magical one). However, no more than +N can be achieved. The weapon reverts to its normal properties, magical or otherwise, after the duration expires.
  • Protection From Undead - This makes the imbiber immune to all harmful effects from any undead (except direct melee attacks) for the duration.
  • Suspend Poison - This puts the poison on hold, arresting the effects, until a better cure may be administrated or until its duration runs out.
  • Alter Reality Now (Oops) - If imbibed within 1 turn of an event, time reverts to just prior to that event, with everything back as it was except a) the potion is gone and b) the imbiber knows what did happen.
  • Broadcast Thought - The imbiber may transmit a single 25 word sentence or thought to every intelligent (8 or higher) creature within 100 miles of them. That is all.
  • Displacer - The imbiber is treated as if they were wearing a displacer cloak for the next day.
  • Find Friendly Familiar - The imbiber gets a familiar, but does not gain or lose hit points due to its proximity or death. It is standard, otherwise, except all classes may benefit.
  • Fortitude- The next three Cure Light Wound spells may exceed normal maximum. Then, treat their maximum as that number for the next week. After that, revert to their normal maximum hit points.
  • Genii -the imbiber must fight a 12 HD genie. If they win, the genie will grant a limited wish or favor.
  • Improve Secondary Ability- the imbiber's % score of a secondary ability is permanently increased by an amount determined by the DM. Not to exceed 95%.
  • Longevity (Special No Roll) The normal roll to see if all longevity potions revert is not made with this potion.
  • Omni Vision-The PC may ask one specific question about the game and the DM must truthfully answer to the best of their ability (even the most cherished secrets).
  • Weapon Improvement Oil -Rub this on a non-magic or magic weapon. Roll 1D10. 1 indicates the weapon is utterly destroyed. 2 has no effect. 3-10 indicates the weapon is permanently improved is some way decided by the DM. This will even effect artifacts, but to a much lesser degree.
  • Z Potion- No attempt to identify this potion will work. Once imbibed, the DM will then decide a random effect.


    The term "Blood Scroll" refers to a vellum scroll written by a magic user in all normal ways except two. His/her blood is used instead of the expensive ink and no special feather is required.

    The term "Retired" refers to anyone who has not engaged in combat or cast an offensive spell in over a year, thus purifying himself or herself.

    Other undead control potions are possible. If the DM wishes, he should substitute an unlisted one for a rolled one.

    The term "Life Blood" refers to nearly all the blood of a recently slain individual who must remain dead at least until the potion is completed.

    All materials gathered from the field must be kept sealed in airtight glass containers and used within 1 year unless "Fresh" is specified. Then it must be used within one week of harvest. If the proper container is unavailable, the materials will last only a week at best. Certain magic spells may help preserve some components.


    1D10 1-7 liquid, 8 jelly, 9-0 powder form. Potions are usually not labeled. They are frequently contained in glass or crystal vials, but sometimes in metal containers or simply folded up in paper, the powder to me mixed with water before drinking it.

    As these tables contain notes and reminders to me, they may not always be as clear as I would like. Try to remember when using these tables, potions are usually relatively weak, temporary things. Unless the duration says I or infinite, it probably isn't unless the spell it duplicates would be permanent. Also, as a general rule, potions tend to give the imbiber the ability to discharge the power as a spell like function. Unlike casting a spell, this is difficult to prevent. Once discharged, the residue within the body is virtually harmless and useless. It is typically no longer the source of magic. The only thing you must be concerned with is the fact that mixing potions may produce toxic or other unusual side effects. Sometimes, though rarely, even magical side effects may result from mixing apparently non-magical residues within the body.

    In addition to all the above services, the alchemist can also typically be relied upon to sell one almost any material components the magic user doesn't have the time or inclination to round up for themselves. Of course, there is a price, but what do rose petals cost anyway?

    © May of 1999
    James L.R. Beach
    Waterville, MN 56096