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Please Visit General Starlight's Fantasy Roleplaying Game Page



Whether I've pleased you or angered you or simply confused you, I am glad you have decided to email me. It is through these correspondences that I am able to make my game page even better. So with that in mind, I thank you for speaking your true mind.

My current email address is:


Or you may use the following link:


E-Mail Me Your Comments

I also hope you'll feel free to ask questions, seek advice, request articles on topics that interest you, or just tell me what has and hasn't worked for you in your games.

Again, I do thank you for writing. It's always good to hear other points of view. I seriously welcome them all. Though they cannot always move me, I am by some and often do make adjustments to my articles based on your input. I can't promise not to defend my point of view if you choose to critique it, but it is a fact I don't always simply defend my POV, but often adopt and adapt your views too.

In any event, thanks for visiting my Web Site and taking the time to respond to one or more of my articles. Many often miss this fact, but part of the game and roleplaying experience also includes just talking about it and sharing ideas and different points of view. I have mine and I'm sure you have yours, complete with good reasons why you prefer this or that, and I'd love to hear about them. Perhaps I'll see something new, and that, too, is part of the roleplaying experience.


Happy Gaming ;-)


James L. R. Beach


"I pray that our Heavenly GM may assuage the anguish of our bereavement, and leave us only the cherished memories of the characters loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be ours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of roleplaying."

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Please Visit General Starlight's Fantasy Roleplaying Game Page

© February of 2001
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096