The following 40 pages or so is a complete listing of James Starlight's abilities and items. Take it with a grain a salt - if you will - but take my word for it; all he is and all he has is a true product of several "properly" run campaigns, none of which were, in my opinion, "Monty Haul" campaigns. Well, what do you expect after over a decade and a half of playing the same character? Hell, even I wouldn't believe this character if someone handed it to me and said it was a product of something other than munchkinism or a Monty Haul campaign. Only the fact it is rather high level, the product of over a decade or more of play, and has been through more than just one or two games (six actually), each of which lasted at least 1 to 2 years, might make me think otherwise. But when seeing a character like this for the first time, those qualities are simply not visible, so I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking this a munchkin like character without seeing its history (not provided here, BTW), yet someone asked to see it so I have decided to put it out there for view by all. It does bother me, however, that as an active force, if you will, against munchkinism that one may look at this character and say "Yeah, right!" Sigh.

And if that isn't bad enough, some of Starlight's things were simply a product of design rather than random chance. For example, I do not claim to have rolled Jim's initial statistics. Rather, they were created to make a character on the higher side of normal to begin with in order to qualify for certain restrictions necessary to play a dual class fighter magic user and to play a character with exceptional abilities. His final stats, however, are a more legitimate product of campaigns and the things that happen in them, so even though his stats are very high and look unrealistic, you should know they started kind of high to begin with by design.

Finally, Starlight's background is not typical and does indeed look like something a munchkin would do. My only defense is that as a roleplayer I have tried to play characters of many different sorts - both the weak and the powerful (though usually a mix of both these things is desired). Starlight just happens to be one of the more powerful ones. So even though a true munchkin may only like playing characters of this power and unrealistic looking abilities and strength, and even though a true munchkin may have nothing but characters that look like this, and even though a true munchkin may not even realize this character looks a lot on the munchie side, the vast majority of my characters look nothing like this. Thus, I claim Starlight is an unusual character and would never claim there isn't anything unnatural about him at all, the way a munchkin might (no, gee, really, I actually rolled this one). I just don't like the idea of anyone calling me a munchkin when I'm not, and they may easily come to that conclusion when all they see is a character like this.

Anyway, with that said, here he is.


  • STRENGTH: 18/10 (+1 to hit, +3 to damage) 18/00 (From Gloves +3 , +6)
  • INTELLIGENCE: 20 (Immunity- 1st and 2nd level illusion/phantasm spells)
  • WISDOM: 19 (Immunity-Fear, Charm, Command, Friends, Hypnotism spells)
  • DEXTERITY: 18 (+2 reaction adjustment, -4 Defensive adjustment)
  • CONSTITUTION: 17 (18 from Ioun Stone 99% S.S. 100% R.S. # of deaths = 1).
  • CHARISMA: 15 (16 from Ioun Stone)

These are, naturally enough, his current stats and not his original stats. His original stats were 17,18,15,16,18,14 respectively. Now don't get me wrong here; I didn't "roll" these original stats, but created them for the purposes of playing a fantastic dual class character. I still consider this acceptable as a TRUE character since a non-Monty Haul DM allowed it. Also, if a player wished to play such a starting character in my world as an exercise in the overly powerful, I would probably allow it, so I feel no shame in having such good stats to begin with. Finally, as written in his bio, these beginning stats are somewhat justified since Starlight is the great, great grandson of Zeus, though Starlight doesn't know this, and Zeus probably doesn't care. I will say, however, that Athena probably does know this and has cut Starlight some slack because of this relation to her own "father." Perhaps this is even part of the reason for his honorary title and the abilities that come with it.

As he had believed it to be his destiny when he was younger, Starlight was disappointed when he was not chosen to be a paladin of Athena. Considering his devotion to the goddess, I would say this was primarily because of his lower starting charisma score. Nevertheless, Starlight is still in some respects a paladin wanna-be. However, even he has come to the conclusion he can do far more to promote Athena's just causes as a magic user/fighter/monk than he could as a paladin or even as a cleric. (Though a paladin would have greater respect within the community, Starlight's character classes make him much more powerful than a paladin could ever be. As such, his power can be used to do Athena's true bidding, and not used so much for her PR work). It has been commented by several DMs that Starlight frequently acts more like a cleric than someone of that character class, and one DM even went so far as to grant Starlight the title and abilities of Honorary Cleric of Athena. It was his opinion that Starlight was more clerical and concerned, religiously speaking, than even the two clerics of Athena played by two other players in that particular campaign. Thus, the titles and abilities of honorary cleric were bestowed upon him after a quest. Simply put, this means Starlight has all of the abilities of a fourth level cleric of Athena with the following exceptions.

  1. Magic items that work only for or only against "clerics" will not work for or against him,
  2. It takes double the time in rest and prayer to obtain his clerical spells,
  3. He has NO ability to turn UNDEAD,
  4. He never increases or decreases in clerical experience or levels,
  5. He is not expected to perform any of the normal duties of a cleric, and
  6. He must maintain his standing in the church, getting this special dispensation each year to maintain his honorary titles and abilities. (This has come to mean simply that if the current DM so wishes, he or she can take away the abilities, but in deference to the system, should have a "reason" along the lines of why Starlight has failed to live up to Athenian and/or Lawful Good standards).

Starlight is, in case you haven't picked up on this yet, a Lawful Good worshiper of the goddess Athena. Not that I'm going to get into the reasons here, but the emphasis is more on GOOD and Justice than on LAW and Order within Starlight's character. There are some surprising parallels between the Starlight character and the Greek hero Theseus; surprising because this was not by design, but by accident, and only discovered later when I came to be more familiar with the character Theseus. Finally, before I get to nuts and bolts of the AD&D mechanics of the Starlight character I will simply say that it is perhaps one of James Starlight's highest aspirations to become an archangel of Athena. (This would ensure a measure of fame and immortality to be sure, but his reasons for this are quite simply the desire to work more closely with Athena and promote the philosophies of good and law for millennia to come).

Starlight was born in the year 687 A.E. on the planet of Orlantia, in the capital city of Alodar, in the Alodarian Empire. His parents were Marcus and Jillian Starlight. In case you were wondering, his relation to Zeus is this:

  • Zeus (The Father of the Greek Gods)+ Marimony Lawton beget Areena Lawton;
  • Kile Irrideum + Areena (Lawton) Irrideum beget Ashley Irrideum;
  • Jornel Starlight + Ashley (Irrideum) Starlight beget Marcus Starlight;
  • Marcus Starlight + Jillian (Empyreal) Starlight beget James Starlight;
  • James Starlight + Stephanie (Quarters) Starlight beget Raylor, Hijel, (twin boys) and Ariel Starlight (a girl). These are James' only children, that he knows of; wink-wink, say no more, say no more:-)

Starlight has actually traced his paternal lineage back to Marimony Lawton, but the existing records simply indicate she was an unwed mother. The father was unknown, and since Marimony died at a relatively young age (for Hera is a very jealous women), Marimony took that knowledge to the grave with her. (Even then, since Zeus was being Zeus and had seduced her in mortal guise, Marimony may never have known who the father really was, but only knew the guise of Zeus).

Starlight was accepted as a potential candidate in 694 A.E., studied for 13 years and became a candidate in 707 A.E., was geased into office as Emperor in 719 A.E., and left office in 722 A.E. at the age of 35. He imbibed his first longevity potion at that time, becoming 23 or so, and set off on his life of adventure. He was fully qualified as a first level fighter, had almost completed his mage training, and had laid the groundwork for becoming a monk. (This essentially made it possible for him to switch character classes later in life with a minimum of "off" time for basic training). Under the name of Robert, he fled to the planet of Simhar were he took up with a group of adventurers and signed on as a first level fighter, as well as a student of the Elven mage Jilerb. (If you are really interested in the whys and wheres and whens, this is all written up in greater detail in the "Creation History of the Planet Orlantia.")


As of this writing, James Robert Tiberius Starlight's character classes include Fighter (14th level), Magic User(16th level), Monk(14th level), and Honorary Cleric(4th level). This is after nearly 2 decades of real world time of on and off playing, and over a quarter of a century of game time. Currently, his full title, not that he uses it, is:
"His Former Imperial Majesty, The Lord, Wizard, General James Robert Tiberius Starlight, Honorary Cleric and Curate of the Goddess Athena, Protector of The Alodarian Empire, Master of Autumn."

He prefers to be called "General" or simply "Jim" by his friends or fellow Athenians. A brief write up of the innate abilities of his character classes follows:

FIGHTER 14th level, LORD, (1,745,780 xp): 2 Attacks/round, +4 constitution bonus to all HD. Base THAC0: 7.

MAGIC USER 16th level, MAGE, (2,588,345 xp):
5-1st, 5-2nd, 5-3rd, 5-4th, 5-5th, 3-6th, 2-7th, 1-8th level spells. But he typically has 10-1st and 10-3rd level spells due to the ring of wizardry, and also has 5 blue pearls which he can cast any memorized spell through the pearl once/day and not forget that spell. (Though they must come from his natural spell slots and not the artificial spell slots created by the ring of wizardry).

HONORARY CLERIC 4th level, CURATE, (special xp):
5-1st, 4-2nd level spells (this already includes his wisdom bonus)

MONK 14th level, MASTER OF AUTUMN (2,145,762 xp):
Natural Abilities of 14th level monks: AC (-1), Move 28", 3 open hand attacks/round (4 with the Gloves of Agamemnon) (5D4 per hit) (5D4+8 damage with +5 to hit for a total open hand THAC0 of 9 while wearing the Gloves of Agamemnon) (That's an average of 82 hit points of damage/round, assuming he hits all four times).

  1. Speak with animals.
  2. ESP only 10% chance of working against him.
  3. Immunity to diseases, and haste and/or slow spells.
  4. Can appear dead for 4.67 hours.
  5. May heal own body for 1D4+8 once/day (Twice/day with Gloves of Agamemnon).
  6. Speak with plants.
  7. Only 25% chance beguiling, charm, hypnosis and suggestion spells will work. High INT and WIS may supersede this.
  8. Telepathic attacks made as if INT were 18 (20 INT supersedes this).
  9. Immunity to all poisons, unless he wishes to be affected.
  10. Geas and Quest spells can be blown off, unless he pledges to keep them.
  11. Quivering Palm, 1/week, within 3/rounds of the statement of intent to use it, if opponent is touched, has less than 15 hit dice, has less than 287 hit points, is on the same plane of existence, can be commanded to DIE, no save, within 14 days. Only one such active quivering can exist at a time for any given monk.

As a monk, he can fall any distance and not take damage if he can periodically make contact with some surface on the way down.
He can make saving throws and take no damage if he makes them and 1/2 damage if he fails for attacks which normally do full or 1/2 damage.
He can dodge missiles by making his save vs. petrification, and even catch them if he makes the save twice in a row, but if he tries this and fails his second save, he gets hit by the missile. He is only surprised 8% of the time, or at least a 1 on a die 10. (With DEX bonus and monk ability, this should really be closer to 1 in 20).(With his "army" of homunculi, it is even harder to surprise him).

  • OPEN LOCKS: 95%
  • HEAR NOISE: 95%
  • CLIMB WALLS: 95%

He may have some other abilities a normal thief has, like pick pockets, but he never does this and has no practice in it, so it may be less than a 1st level thief's abilities.

While fighting with open hand attacks, his THAC0 is 9 (14 as 14th level thief (monk), and because of the +2 to hit from gloves/+3 to hit from strength because of the gloves=+5 bonus to hit from the Gloves of Agamemnon). (Starlight must still fight on the thief table, and not the fighter table, while using his open hand attacks as it was ruled the monk style of fighting was necessary, and that is done on the rogue combat table (though another DM may want this done on the cleric table or even allow it on the fighter table). If a new DM feels it isn't, his THAC0 would be 2). If he rolls 5 or more on a D20 of what he needs to hit, the opponent is stunned. If the opponent is stunned, there is a chance (Opponent's AC +7 %, i.e. AC -5, 2% chance, AC 10, 17% chance) that Starlight will outright kill him (but it has been ruled he may deliberately choose not to kill as well simply because he stuns someone). Starlight can't stun or kill somebody he can't also affect with the quivering palm. (This is from a ruling). Also, from a ruling, anyone capable of the quivering palm ability has immunity from other's using it against them (or at least, they can use their quivering palm to negate another's if it is in their own body).


HIT POINT RECORD: The first nine are fighter hit dice, 10 and 11 mage hit dice, and subsequent hit dice are monk hit dice.

10 /07 /06 /09 /08 /08 /10 /09 /09 /04 /03 /04 /04 /04 /+1/+1/ / /


Super Humanism allows Fighter Con Bonus for the first 9 hit die(when you are a fighter or fighter subclass), then up to +2/hit die afterwards.

9 X 4 = 36. 5 X 2 = 10.

36 + 10 + 97 = 143.

TOTAL MAXIMUM HIT POINTS: 143. (So far. Progressing further as a monk, Starlight could conceivably get 4D4+8-2 more hit points. The -2 is because the +1,+1 from MU is replaced with monk hit dice. The +8 is for +2X4 constitution bonus for those hit dice he would get going up monk levels).


Over the years, Starlight has picked up a few quirky abilities which are non-standard, to say the least. Also, certain other abilities that are incorporated into the character himself and no longer within a "magic item" he carries are listed here as well. These include the following:

1). Somewhere between 100 and 150 geas spells are body/soul bonded to Starlight. The vast majority of these convoluted spells have absolutely no effect while Starlight is in another DM's world. They are mostly only applicable to certain Imperial concerns, oaths of office, and other secret matters, none of which can be applied when Starlight is both away from Orlantia and "out of touch" with the empire. This is always the case when he ends up in a parallel world. (i.e. Another DM's world).

Some of these geases, however, are applicable. Most notably, Starlight has geased himself to never give away his magic items to a person he hasn't personally known for more than a month. This, essentially, is protection from a rather nasty Beguilement magic item that (though it is too nasty to even exist on my world), may exist in another DM's world. This is how the geas works. If told to do something like give away some magic to a "stranger" who was using a rod of beguilement, the normal character must do so, with no save. Starlight, however, would get a save because of his scarab of protection. Failing that, he would then be doing something that is, in essence, suicidal since he would violate his geas, and therefore he gets another save. It is suicidal since it violates a geas, and doing that will kill him, and since it is suicidal this entitles him to another save at substantial bonuses (which anybody would get if asked to do something which would "clearly" be suicidal. The trick is, of course, that only Starlight would know such a suggestion would be suicidal while a beguiling mage would not). Of course, failing such a second save will violate his geas and kill him, so it's a gamble (but he'd have to fail two saves in a row for this to happen, and as he pretty much only fails on a 1, this would happen at best one in 400 times, so the risk is minimal). It's just assumed, since his saves are so good, that giving away his magic items to a total stranger is probably more dangerous in the long run.

Since geases are body/soul bonded, there is no way to get rid of them sort of a wish, or the psionic ability aura alteration. Even then, Starlight is geases not to try this or allow it, and many of his geases are also redundant (that is, pairs or triples of identical geases (just in case something happens to corrupt the first two). Even dying and subsequently being brought back from the dead will not remove a geas. (This is from a ruling which says all geas/quest spells, when accepted, are body/soul bonded. However, if it were the actual geas spell that killed him, then the spell would be expended and no longer around upon being raised from the dead).

Finally, though Starlight has a natural immunity to geas/quest spells from his natural monk abilities, it has been ruled that a monk can still be effected if he so desires. Jim did, and he may no longer choose to ignore those geases already accepted.

2). Starlight has up to four homunculi with him. They are invisible, by 1st ed. spell, and hardly ever attack or get too close to the real action. (They are usually up to 48" away, but always pick the safest spot within that range). It was ruled that a wizard could create one such homunculus for each point of intelligence over 16 and still not get confused by sensory overload (or just one at any intelligence and not get confused). As such, Starlight usually sees and hears things simultaneously from five different angles and still keeps things straight in his head (though he largely ignores most of the extraneous data unless concentrating on it, so it is sort of like having 5 TVs running in the same room, with the volume low on 4 of them, but the option to adjust the volume whenever you see something worth looking at or listening to).

Each homunculus can fly at 18" or walk at 6". A homunculus typically has 10 hit points and an AC of 6 (but since it is usually invisible, an effective AC of 2). If they do attack, they will become visible, have a THAC0 of 19, do 1D3 damage, and the victim makes save vs. spell or falls asleep for 5D6 rounds. If the homunculus is killed (taken to -10 hit points) Starlight suffers 2D10 points of damage. If the homunculus is damaged, it can be repaired, but only in an alchemist laboratory or Starlight's stronghold which includes such a laboratory. If it needs total replacement, it can be done in 1D4 weeks for 5D4X100 gold pieces and 1 pint of blood from Starlight, and the casting of sleep, mirror image, mending, and the wizard eye spells. A simple repair job requires a mending spell and a loss of blood (in hit points from Starlight) equal to the number of hit points required to heal the little bugger. Some cure lights usually immediately follow this for Starlight.

3). Starlight, if you wanted to label him as a specialist of sorts, has done a rather extensive study of temporal phenomenon, dimensional space, and parallel existences, and might enjoy the subclassification of "Physicist." In particular, he has learned one useful trick that he was able to incorporate into his version of the magic missile spell. So far, no other spell can use this temporal trick or temporal loop. Starlight has the ability to cast the magic missile spell in 1/10th of a segment instead of 1 segment. If he so desires, this spell has the speed of psionic activity. All other restrictions still apply. It is still verbal, still counts as a spell, etc. It just makes him a quicker "draw" than most.

4). Starlight has three "Avoid any situation once" abilities still in him. Since these are hard to use and define, and since they are extremely useful, it is unlikely he would ever use them unless it was a matter of something slightly more important than mere life or death.

5). He has been granted one use of an Athenian ANTI-MAGIC-SHELL. This will last 20 rounds, has a 20' radius, and prevents any spells or magic items from functioning in the field unless such spells or magic items belong to Starlight or Athena.

Since he can use this only once, it too is unlikely he will ever use it trivially. (In fact, just keeping it makes him potentially more powerful, and thus one step closer to ascension and archangel Status). Thus, he would be loathed to actually use it since it may never be replaced.

6). Starlight has three precast "contingency" wishes on his person. They cannot be dispelled, since "they" are not really there until the contingency occurs. They are:
A). A Time Stop or Temporal Stasis on Starlight will activate this wish, freeing Starlight.
B). An Imprisonment or Trap the Soul (as above).
C). Upon failure of resurrection survival, or after being dead more than 20 days, a direct link is established to Athena whereupon Starlight and the actual Deity can confer. (This may allow Starlight an extra chance to become an Archangel, but it will not bring him back to life. Though Athena may decide to bring him back herself if all it requires is a resurrection or less).

7). An Actozollian Spirit lives inside Starlight's mouth. This is a 16HD creature which usually does absolutely nothing in the way of most AD&D mechanics. The spirit lives on bacteria and tiny food particles, essentially cleaning Starlight's mouth. The spirit excretes a substance that is similar to "mint." It does this immediately after a good meal, which usually happens soon after Starlight has finished eating something. All of this simply keeps Starlight's mouth, teeth, and gums free of some nasty microbes, thus preventing cavities, bad breath, gingivitis, or similar problems, while giving him kissing fresh breath.

8). Starlight has the following spells on him which were made permanent with a permanency spell or by some other means:

A). Protection From Normal Missiles.
B). Detect Invisibility. (Invisible, concealed, hidden, etc.).

9). Starlight can read at 1,800 words per minute, and retains 95% of everything he reads, even that quickly.


Due to his current levels, starting classes, and some other minor considerations, Starlight has the following weapons proficiencies:

  1. Long Sword,
  2. Spear,
  3. Long Bow,
  4. Natural Body Weapons (Hands, Feet, Elbows, Knees, etc.),
  5. Staff,
  6. Dagger,
  7. Flail,
  8. Hand or Throwing Axe,
  9. Sling,
  10. Throwing Stars, Darts,
  11. Short Bow,
  12. Heavy Cross Bow,
  13. Two Handed Sword,
  14. War hammer,
  15. Whip.

Due to his skill as a monk, most of these get an additional +7 to damage (Current Monk Level/2) except for the whip, natural weapons, and thrown or missile weapons do not get this bonus.

Due to his background and/or current levels, Starlight has the following secondary skills, non-weapon proficiencies, and/or abilities:

  1. Reading/Writing, any of his known languages.
    1. Common/Trade Talk (This usually is free for any DM's world).
    2. Elvish/Alderami/(Limited Drow)
    3. Dwarvish/Mostoli/(Limited Gray Dwarf)
    4. Kobold/(Limited Hill Giant)/(Very Limited Mountain Giant)/(Average Storm Giant).
    5. Gold Dragon
    6. Latin (Prevalent ancient)
    7. Lizard Man
    8. Orcish
    9. Pegasi
    10. Pixieish
  2. Sign Language (Abbreviated common battle language, but, essentially, common).
  3. Woodworking/Carpentry
  4. Flute (To a lesser degree, some other wood wind instruments)
  5. Swimming
  6. Battle Tactics/Logistics/Chess
  7. Navigation/Map Making/Astronomy/(Astrology to a lesser degree)
  8. Blind-Fighting
  9. Local History/Ancient History (Orlantia, and to a lesser degree, Planets in the net).
  10. Running (Free as part of my monk ability. This IS the 28")
  11. Gaming (Mostly cards, Dice, games with Probabilities and games of chance).
  12. Gem Cutting/Gem Appraisal/Treasure Evaluation
  13. Healing 0,1,2 and 3.
  14. Herbalism
  15. All other listed abilities in the PHB at 10% proficiency, except tracking (With standard non-ranger penalty, this would be lower than 0%. These extras were bestowed upon Starlight as a result of a fierce spiritual battle. To the victor.... He just had all abilities at 10% if he didn't already have them, and can increase their % if he studies and/trains for 3 months on one. (This gives him a 100%-Current% chance to go up 1D6%. So far, he has been too busy to do this).


Paralyzation,Poison,Death Magic:
BASE: 05

BASE: 05

BASE: 06

Breath Weapon:
BASE: 05

BASE: 06

At this point in his development, and with the amount of magic Starlight typically has with him, unless there is good reason to believe otherwise, it is assumed Starlight fails all of his saves only on a 1. (1 automatically fails, even for Jim). Even then, as a monk, this frequently is still just 1/2 of the adjusted damage. That is if he fails, then armor, protections, resistances, etc. are applied to the damage, then he takes 1/2 of that remaining damage.


Starlight has an owl familiar. It is a special owl, blessed by Athena herself. This owl, whose name is Serenity, has the following characteristics:
Owl (Female, Intelligent, Talking).
AC:2, HD:5, HP:40, INT:18, WIS:18, Fly:48"(A), 3 Attacks, 2D4, 2D4, 1D6+1,
120' Infravision, Normal Daytime vision, Superior Hearing, Never Surprised.

Serenity can go Invisible at will (except when attacking), but only up to once per turn.
She speaks the languages of all avian creatures and all creatures that have flying as a natural ability, as well as the common and Lawful Good languages.
Her feathers are a metallic silvery white, and are considered magical: they can be used by mages for writing spells. One such feather per month can be harvested without harming her.

The owl is itself a special class of mage, having the abilities to cast the following spells at 12th level, once per day for each spell:

  • Affect normal fires,
  • Detect Magic,
  • Shield,
  • Sleep,
  • Blur,
  • Detect Invisibility,
  • Mirror Image (on itself only), and
  • Dispel Magic.

Starlight's connection to this owl is a non-standard familiar connection. It is more of a follower/henchman, than a familiar. Starlight does not "see" through its eyes, but as long as they are within 1 mile of each other, Starlight's vision and hearing are at least as good as Serenity's. They can communicate telepathically while in range. They do not share hit points or augment each other in anyway as far as hit points or constitution is concerned. If the familiar is harmed or killed, it will not physically affect Starlight, but since they are friends, one could expect an emotional and psychological loss.

Starlight will never willingly place Serenity in harm's way, and will actively do much to avoid situations that might result in harming his friend. This usually means Serenity is always invisible and pretty close to 1/2 to 1 mile away at any giving time. Even then, this is usually behind Starlight where Starlight has just come from, and not scouting ahead where danger may still lurk.

Starlight has an intelligent black panther which he keeps at his home in Alodar. (This cat is intelligent due to its "possession" by a non-corporal spirit. So it's really the spirit we're talking about, since the original "spirit of the cat" was displaced. The cat can speak common, but usually communicates with Starlight via the monk's ability to speak with animals).

Shadow, the cat's name, hangs out in Starlight's gardens. There, the great cat presides as "LORD" of the cats, being the "King" over about 250 normal wild cats. These cats are one of the primary features in the gardens. (The other main features of the garden include the statues, the fountains, the artificial waterfall, the hedge maze, the rock garden, and the central artificial lake/swimming hole). It's always rather fun to watch the cats frolicking about. Oddly enough, a complex pecking order (a sort of political hierarchy) exists amongst these cats. Naturally, Shadow is at the top, but he is content to watch his "court" rather than interfere with it. (On a darker side, this political fighting often results in the maiming of some of the cats, as well as the occasional death of some of the cats. But it keeps the population down, so what are you going to do?) Oddly enough, there seems to be some carry over from Shadow's spirit into this community of cats, and as a whole, they are more intelligent than your typical cats and have an unspoken but real sense of laws and cat community standards. For example, it is wrong to commit murder of another cat, and there may be serious social consequences for doing so; it is a sort of death penalty. In fact, it was after accidentally witnessing the execution of one cat by the other cats that Starlight sort of had serious misgivings about keeping them, but he still does. Perhaps simply not enjoying them as much since they no longer strike him as innocent animals. This makes the cat community in the garden something to be watched as well as studied.

Though they really aren't considered part of his animals, Starlight breeds mice for various reasons. Apart from certain experiments, they are mostly set free within the confines of the cat's walled domain, thus providing sport and food for the cat population.

Other than his intelligence of 14 and his general appearance, Shadow's statistics are very similar to the "Wild Tiger" in the Monstrous Manual on page 36. The only other difference is Shadow's expected life span of about 200 years. (This is the spirit's influence). The other 250 cats kept there are a cross between the domestic cats and the wild cats on page 38. (They were originally chosen for their individual beauty, and when he has the time, Jim selectively breeds them for certain characteristics (mostly, beauty)).

Starlight has also had occasion to befriend a rather special horse. This horse is named Osmium. It is an intelligent horse (due to its proximity to an unfortunate discharge during the destruction of an intelligent magic item). Osmium just happened to be a tamed wild horse Starlight picked up and was using at that time. Now, after the accident, Osmium can speak the common language, has an intelligence of 12, and a movement of 24, as well as other pertinent stats under the heading of "wild horse" in the Monstrous Manual on page 194. Osmium is "kept" by Starlight, but never adventures with him. They occasionally travel together while confined to the city of Alodar, and only rarely outside of Alodar. This is usually done for social reasons, rather than practical reasons. Just to keep each other company and catch up on the latest news. Osmium frequently informs Starlight of any strange comings or goings in and around the livery stables near the north gate of Alodar. This is where Starlight has paid to keep Osmium in style with quality food and care. Since many adventurers keep their horses there, as it is both the closest stables as well as the best, a considerable amount of information is filtered through this horse "spy." Starlight has concocted (and cut or made a dilute form) of a potion of longevity for Osmium. With it, under his care, he can expect Osmium to live for over a hundred years.

All other animals that Starlight owns are completely normal. These include a few horses and of course, the cats (though these animals are now primarily for his children's use and/or amusement).


* Indicates a more detailed write up of the item after the complete listing.
# Indicates a standard item or an item, though changed, is obvious in how it works.

#Bracers of Defense: AC 2. (Superfluous due to natural monk AC of -1)
*+2 Plate Mail (Damage absorption 2 hit points/source)
#+3 Cloak of Displacement.
*+3 Boots of Protection/Elven Kind.
#+3 Shield.
#+1(Bullet shield (non-magical))
*Ring of Wizardry. (Doubles 1st and 3rd level spells)
*Ring of Purified Spell Storing.
*Ring of Spell Storing.
#Ring of Warmth.
#Ring of Free Action.
#Ring of Fire Resistance.
#Ring of Invisibility.
*Ring of Alchemy.
#Ring of Telekinesis (200 lbs.).
*Ring of Vampiric Regeneration.
#Ring of +3 Protection.
*Ring of Ring Holding.
#Scarab of Protection. (Base 20 save vs. attacks that normally allow NO SAVE).
*Cube of Force.
#Brooch of Shielding (38 magic missile spells)
#Brooch of Shielding (58 magic missiles)
#Periapt of Wound Closure.
*Periapt of Immunity to Poisons (Superfluous due to natural monk ability).
*Magic Belt (Either Fire shield, 1/day, (verbally activated - "Flame Us")
*Magic Belt Buckle (Holds Stoneskin, Stoneskin, No Error Teleport, Dimension Door, Clairvoyance, Project Image. Each must be replaced by casting the correct spell in the slot).
#Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location.
*Gloves of Agamemnon.
*Staff of Power (Special)
*Frost Brand (Special)
#+3 Longsword.
#+2 Scimitar.
*+3 Long Bow of Folding.
#1(+3 dagger), 2(+2 daggers), 5(+1 daggers).
*Wand of Mana Disruption (82 charges left)
#Rope of Entanglement.
*Free Dancing Long Sword.
*Wand of Frost (95)
*Wand of Illumination (95)
#+3 Spear.
*THE SWORD OF DEATH (1 charge left)
*ARROWS OF SLAYING (2(Evil), 2(Chaos), 1(Assassin).) (each is +3 to hit)
*5 Javelins of Lightning.
*+2/+4 NG Giant Slayer (Detect Enemies 3/day, long sword, normally +2, +4 vs. giant class creatures).
*Vampiric Sword (Natural 20 expends a charge (opponent loses 1 level (12 charges left. Long sword))
*+1 Psionic Disrupter Sword (Long sword, charged (17 left) cancels all psi abilities for 1 turn, drains 50/50 off str/def for all psionic individuals in the area(10" R)
*GUN (30(+3 hollow tip bullets) 1D20 +23 damage, non proficient -2 to hit)
#Pin (Tongues spell 3/day).
*Robe of 3 Suits.
*Bowl of Water Elemental Command.
*Swizzle Stick (Wand of detect enemies (88 charges))
*Book of Infinite Spells (30 pages, currently on page 4, Raise Dead)
*Ruby of Life (Cast raise dead as a 16th level cleric, 1/day).
*Sapphire of Mana Detection and Displacement.
*Diamond of Kane.
*Improved Amulet of the Planes.
*+2 Luck stone.
*Portable Hole (10 feet by 10 feet by 30 feet).
*Phylactery of Faithfulness.
*Pin of Aura opposite alignment.
*Pin (3 Athenian Detect lie/week and 1 undetectable lie/month)
#Clasp (Detect Invisibility 3/day, detect Traps 3/week).
*Mirror of Mental Prowess.
#Chime of Opening (76 charges left).
#Medallion of ESP (60 foot range).
*Double Scabbard of Holding.
*Time Stop Box (Currently holds +4 crossbow and 10(+3 (blessed) crossbow bolts))
*Helm of Clairvoyance/Clairaudience.
*Silver Hammer of Libram.
*+1 Scalpels of self cleaning.
*White Kryptonite, continual heat rock, waterbed of accelerated resting.
*Bloody Artifact of Potions.

*Rainbow, *Lavender, *2 Orange, *3 Red, *2 Pink, *5 Blue, *Cream, *5 Ivory

#Wisdom, *Charisma, #Constitution, #+1 Protection, (*Spell Storing (9 levels))

I know, I know. He's a walking arsenal. It's so bad I can't even keep track of all the stuff he's gathered up, commissioned, or made over the years. And I'm not even counting the scrolls, potions, or other ephemeral magic he has as well. (And the fact he is so reluctant to even use a charged item, he tends to keep a lot of stuff). I have always gotten special dispensation for having too much as far as a monk is concerned (mostly due to the fact that all the DMs, myself included, felt it was a very arbitrary rule, and I won't even play in a world where I can't get the same consideration, at least to some degree). (Not that I think monks need this stuff, but fighters and magic users certainly do).

Now many of the above items are more or less standard AD&D magic items (#), but many are not (*). Frequently, they have been altered, tweaked, or destroyed over the years (naturally, the destroyed ones are no longer on the list, but if they were, the list would at least be twice as long as it is now). As such, where needed, I will now elaborate on the non-standard magic items from top to bottom.

*+2 Plate Mail (Damage absorption 2 hit points/source).
This is full plate (AC 1), and it is +2 (so it's really AC-1). It affords the same protection as my natural monk AC, but its special ability is very nice. The first 2 hit points of damage that I would normally take from each physical source simply vanish, never even hurting me. Thus, I could stand in a swarm of bugs that do 2 hit points/round and never get hurt. Or, I could take 16 points of damage, but really only take 14 from that blow. For each physical attack that hits me, 2 points of damage are absorbed and dispersed. Overloading it with damage cannot destroy the armor, but other means are possible. It also gives +2 to saves where appropriate, just like normal +2 armor. It weighs only 5 lbs. It is totally black, covered in a sort of plastic like shell, but it is treated as +2 metal, (for saves) but it isn't really metal (so it is immune to rust monsters and similar considerations). It's nice.

*+3 Boots of Protection/Elven Kind.
These are rather nice. An accident on the elemental plane of earth combined several magic items together in one, and destroyed several other magic items. The DM was just cleaning house, I think. The boots are simply a combination of standard boots of Elven Kind and some +3 boots of protection. The protection is cumulative with armor, cloaks, robes, rings, etc. Furthermore, due to the elemental origins of these boots, anytime the boots must make save vs. fire, water, earth, or air attacks, it gets +5 for being similar, as well as +3 more for its own +3 bonuses. They are pretty decent.

*Ring of Wizardry. (Doubles 1st and 3rd level mage spells)
This ring is more or less standard. I write it up here to simply note the following ruling. If the ring is taken off, any spells in these extra spell slots are lost to memory. You must relearn them after you put the ring back on. Thus, I never take off this ring unless I really, really have to. Also, when using a blue pearl (an item which 1/day keeps a spell cast through it from fading from memory) I cannot use the spells from these extra 10 slots since they are not in my memory, but the ring's.

*Ring of Purified Spell Storing.
This ring holds any one spell cast into it until a verbal command from the wearer releases the spell. The spell goes forth at the same level it was cast. The ring can then be purified and then recharged with another spell (not necessarily the same spell). This process takes 1 day, cost 500 gp (in addition to what ever the spell might normally cost), and can only be done in a major city or temple. After purification, the one spell can be cast into it at any time, even in the field.

*Ring of Spell Storing.
This particular ring holds 5 specific spells. They are:
Feather fall, (If I'm already wearing this ring, the spell can be cast in 0.6 seconds).
Dimension Door,
Strength, and
Mirror Image (Which automatically yields 4 images and me).

All spells (except feather fall) are "cast" at the 5th segment after the command word is given. Once cast, they can simply be replaced by a spell caster casting that spell back into the ring. The spells operate at the level of the caster who put them there.

*Ring of Alchemy.
This ring will pour forth a variety of liquids and/or gases 5 times/day, but never from the same number line twice in a single day.

  • 20 gallons of salt water OR Oxygen at 1 atmosphere.
  • 10 gallons of fresh water OR Helium at 1 atmosphere.
  • 5 gallons of beer OR Cow's Milk.
  • 2 gallons of Ale OR Vinegar.
  • 1 gallon of red wine OR white wine OR a sweet drink similar to lemonade (but not)
  • 1 quart of ammonia, OR Whiskey, OR Orange Juice.
  • 1 pint of Greek fire oil, OR Brandy, OR Pineapple Juice, OR Apple Juice.
  • 8 oz. of Aqua Regia OR Human Blood.
  • 4 oz. of Pure Methyl Alcohol, OR Holy Water of NG OR NE Alignment.
  • 1 oz. of Chlorine, OR Diamond Draught (Gets you drunk and cures 1D8 hit points).
  • 1/2 oz. of Cyanide OR Nitroglycerine (1D20 damage if used properly).

All liquids will disappear in a 24-hour period unless they are first consumed or used, so they cannot be saved and accumulated.

*Ring of Vampiric Regeneration.
This little number adds hit points to me by curing the wearer. The hit points may never exceed their maximum hit points, and the amount added is equal to 1/2 the amount of damage they wearer inflicts with their hands, or hand held weapons. It is also special in a non-standard way. Though it does not regenerate without the wearer physically harming another, if they KILL an opponent (of 1HD or greater) in hand to hand combat, it has the same effect as casting a regeneration spell on the wearer. Thus, even lost limbs, etc., can be grown back.

*Ring of Ring Holding.
This little baby makes it possible to have and use many rings in a realistic manner. The ring holds up to 10 other magic rings. Of course, besides this ring itself, only one of those rings will be active at a time. The prohibition of no more than 2 rings is still more or less in force. On his left hand, Starlight wears the ring of wizardry. On his right, this ring of ring holding. By placing another ring on that finger, this ring will absorb it, and hold it in slot A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, or J. Like a stack function in an RPN calculator, if I concentrate for one round, I can bring up any one of the 10 rings. That ring will then function at the top of the following round just as if Starlight is wearing only that ring on the right hand. Naturally, he can do little else during this "concentration" except move up to 1/2 his movement rate, drink a potion if its handy, or activate one of the psionically activated class of magic items. Essentially, this rings only saves the trouble of holding 10 rings in various pockets, fumbling around to find the right one, and finally putting it on instead of the one he was wearing already. It usually saves time and can be done more covertly. The ring cannot be destroyed unless the force can hit the prime material plane, ethereal plane, and astral planes simultaneously. If this happens, (and the ring is destroyed) the 10 other rings will simply fall to the ground by the wearer, whatever plane he is on at the time. Starlight currently wears all his magic rings (except the ring of wizardry) in this ring. He always has the ring of +3 protection up, unless told otherwise. For example, he frequently brings up the Vampiric regeneration just before expected combat unless he is also concerned for his saving throw. Any ring on top of the stack can simply be removed by taking it off, and therefore, out of the ring of ring holding.

*Cube of Force.
This item has 36 charges, but recharges itself each day. It creates a mobile cube 10' per side around the item. It is on page 165 of the DMG.

cost per turn/ movement === keeps out
1/1" gases, wind, etc.
2/8" non-living matter.
3/6" living matter.
4/4" magic
6/3" all things, including light, but not gravitons.

Certain attacks take extra charges, but I won't list them since I'm lazy. Page 165 DMG.

*Periapt of Immunity to Poisons (Superfluous due to monk ability).

This is a fantastic item that grants total immunity to all poisons. Naturally, I think it's too powerful, but the DM gave it out. Even if it were toned down, when combined with my natural monk ability, I'd still be totally immune to all poisons.

*Magic Belt (Either Fire shield 1/day (verbally activated - "Flame Us")

This belt contains the spell ability of Fire Shield (either version, protection from cold or heat) and can be activated once/day.
See The Fire Shield Spell, page 158 PHB. +2 to save vs. fire/cold, save 1/2 or none, take double damage if fail vs. opposite type attacks, opponent take damage equal to damage inflicted during hand to hand. (If it gets past opponent's magic resistance).

*Magic Belt Buckle
(Holds 2 Stoneskin, No Error Teleport, Dimension Door, Clairvoyance, Project Image).
Each must be replaced by casting the spell in the slot. Starlight uses this item to cast clairvoyance to keep an eye on his projected image, frequently working through the image. The 2 Stoneskin spells are usually in addition to the one he naturally has up. The dim door is always handy, and the No Error Teleport is an emergency escape.

*Gloves of Agamemnon.
These gloves are technically an ARTIFACT. These extremely fine mithral mesh gloves are so fine that Starlight frequently forgets he is even wearing them. He can perform any action with his hands that he could while not wearing gloves. (He can even wear magic rings over the gloves, and cast spells with complex somatic components. The gloves radiate magic if detected for, but normally, they cannot be seen at all, even by the wearer). The gloves are naturally +2 weapons. They increase the wearer's arm/shoulder strength to 18/00 and allow strength to hit and to damage bonuses even for a monk's open hand attacks. (To the maximum of 18/00) As 18/00 has a bonus of +3/+6, and the gloves are also +2/+2, they are effectively +5/+8. These can hit creatures that can be hit only by magic weapons as if they were +5 weapons. The Gloves of Agamemnon also confer several special abilities when worn by a monk. They allow double the natural healing of a monk, they add a 50% bonus to be split up among the thief like abilities, they grant one extra open hand attack/round, and they confer a 10% magic resistance to the wearer.

*Staff of Power (Special)
The following abilities drain 1 charge:
Continual Light,
Darkness 10' Radius,
Magic Missiles (6D4 +6)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Range 3", Duration 8R, 35% STR loss, save Neg).
Fireball (12D6)

The following abilities drain 2 charges:
Shield (5' Radius, 40 Rounds)
Globe of Invulnerability (1 Turn)
Paralyzation (Up to 16HD, save Neg, Range 8", 2"X2"X2" cube, until dispelled or 24H)

While using it, the staff of power also is +2 to AC, +2 to Save, and this one is also +4 to hit and +4 to damage (Base 1D8 for this heavy staff and taking exceptional strength to wield, 1 charge will make it 2D8)
This staff has a problem with non-magic users touching it, doing 1D6 electrical damage to any who try to pick it up if they are not magic users. The staff also has a special retributive strike. It must be purposefully done by the mage. 2 times the number of charges left is the number of D8s rolled. Each 5' out takes out the highest remaining D8 until all are gone. For example, if 20 charges were left, 40D8 would be rolled. Those within 5' take 40D8 or half; between 5 and 10' take out the highest D8, the remaining damage, that or half; between 15 and 20' take out the next highest, that or half, etc., etc., until the last D8 at 200 feet, that or half. The central mage has a 50% chance of going ethereal and a 50% of being disintegrated.
The staff can simply be charged by one point for each special "3rd LEVEL CHARGE" spell cast into it. Starlight typically keeps this item close to the maximum of 25 charges.

*Frost Brand (Special)
This is close to a standard Frost Brand except it is +4, +8 vs. fire using creatures. It can put out normal fires 100% of the time within a 10' Radius, and magical ones that burn for more than a short duration 50% of the time (a fireball burns for a short duration as is not affected by this item). It radiates light in subzero temperatures, and grants protection from fires as a ring of fire resistance except the protection is (total vs. normal fires, 5 hp/round vs. very hot like lava, +6 to save vs. all fire attacks, -3 per die of damage (never less than 1 per die. Very hot fires do up to 24hp/round and exceptionally hot do more than 25).

*+3 Long Bow of folding.
This is a very special bow of Ironwood. Only someone with 18/00 strength or greater can string it or even use it. It fires sheath arrows for standard 1D8 damage. It also gets +3 to damage from the +3 bonus. Also, the bow confers strength bonuses of +3,+6, but no more even if you are stronger. Thus, non-magic sheath arrows fired from this bow are +6 to hit, 1D8 +9 to damage. It fires the standard 2 arrows/ round. If magic arrows are used, the plus on the arrow will add to the "to hit" bonus, but not the "to damage" bonus, unless it is +4 or greater, where it will add +1 more to hit and to damage for every plus above +3. The weapon will hit creatures that need +3 weapons to hit, but not higher, unless a +4 or better arrow is actually used.
Finally, the bow will fold up on itself so that it is about the size of a 2-foot stick. (Naturally, a command word will bring it back to normal size, but a round must be taken to then string the bow again).

*Wand of Mana Disruption (82 charges left)
This wand shoots out a pale green ray of light. The user must roll to hit the AC of the opponent (but non-magical armor bonus does not count. i.e. +2 plate, AC0, is treated as +2 skin, AC8). If it hits, a randomly selected magic item from those visible to the wand (if any) the opponent is carrying out in the open, will be destroyed 50% of the time. The item gets +5% off for each plus it has, each special ability, and +25% if it's intelligent. Ephemeral magic like active, nonpermanent spells, scrolls, or potions get a -50% penalty, making it 100% certain they are destroyed if they are the eventual target. This wand does not affect artifacts. (They won't even be targeted). Active spells count as items for this wand. i.e., it hits a fighter who has a fly spell, a +3 magic shield, +2 magic sword, +1 magic plate, and boots of speed, and a protection from normal missile with a permanency on it. This is 6 targets. Number them, randomly determine which one is hit, make a % roll to see if it is destroyed or dispelled. If it hits the fly spell, 100% it will be dispelled, the shield, 35%, the sword, 40%, the plate, 45%, the boots, 45%, the protection from normal missiles, 45%.
Naturally, using this item is pretty rare since I don't like to destroy possible treasure.

*Free Dancing Long Sword.

If the owner of this sword is fighting with another sword, this sword will immediately begin dancing. It attacks as a +3 long sword with a THAC0 of 10 (This already counts the +3). 1 attack/round, 1D8+3 damage, vs. the opponent the owner is already fighting and no other opponent. The dancing sword will follow its owner until he or she stops fighting. The dancer then falls to the ground where it can be picked up.

*Wand of Frost (95)
This is standard, but I write it up here anyway as a reminder of all its functions on page 156 DMG.
Ice Storm (1), (3D10, no save, 60' range, 15' Radius).
Wall of Ice (1), (half a foot thick, 600 square feet)
Cone of Cold (2). (60' long, 20' terminal base, 6D6, save for full or half).
This can be recharged with a forth-level charge spell. Unless very busy, Starlight keeps this item between 80 and 100 charges).

*Wand of Illumination (95)
This is standard, but I write it up here anyway as a reminder of all its functions on page 157 DMG.
Dancing Light (1),
Light (1),
Continual Light (2),
Sunburst (3).
The sunburst is the best reason to keep this wand. It delivers 6D6 damage, no save, vs. any undead in a 40' diameter blast within the range of 12". Non-undead simply save vs. wand or are blinded for 1 round, unable to do anything else.
This can be recharged with a forth-level charge spell. Unless very busy, Starlight keeps this item between 80 and 100 charges).

*THE SWORD OF DEATH (1 charge left)
This +1 two-handed Sword is a charged item that cannot be recharged by a mortal. If a natural 20 is rolled, the victim must save vs. death at -5 or die. (If they die, this sword then expends a charge to keep the victim dead). A raise dead spell will not bring such a slain individual back, but a resurrection may. The individual must roll their resurrection survival roll at -25% of their normal roll. Failure means irrevocable death. When the last charge is expended, the sword disappears, presumably to be recharged by its creator to 5 charges and placed somewhere again (probably just for their amusement).

*ARROWS OF SLAYING (2(Evil), 2(Chaos), 1(Assassin).)
These are one shot (hit or miss) +3 magic arrows. If the target is of the intended type, the target is simply killed, no save. Nasty, these.

*5 Javelins of Lightning.
Treated as +2 (though no actual bonus to hit or damage), 9" range, if it hits, a 5' wide, 30' long bolt of lightning shoots forth. The target takes 1D6 +20, no save, and any in the bolt's path take 20 or 10.

*+2/+4 NG Giant Slayer
(Detect Enemies 3/day, long sword, normally +2, but it is +4 vs. giant class creatures).

*Vampiric Sword
(Natural 20 expends a charge (opponent loses 1 level (12 charges left. Long sword))

*+1 Psionic Disrupter Sword
(Long sword, charged (17 left) cancels all psi abilities for 1 turn, drains 50/50 off str/def for all psionic individuals in the area(10" R) Verbal command word activates this function. The sword turns to dust after all the charges are gone.

(30(+3 hollow tip bullets) 1D20 +23 damage, he's non proficient, so -2 to hit)
This is a crude weapon that takes 1 round to load and can be fired the next round. Pre loading is bad since it can accidentally discharge. Starlight has it and knows how it works, but the magical propellant explosive (not gunpowder) is beyond him, so more bullets are not possible. He has, however, designed a replacement which, theoretically, could be made and would do 1D6 +5. (It would operate as water explosively turned to steam in a confined chamber, propelling the missile out). This would be expensive, the bullets wouldn't be magical, and quite frankly, Starlight felt building the device would be a waste of time and money since the spell would cost more than a magic missile and do less. He rarely uses the gun, let alone, takes it out of its case.

*Robe of 3 Suits.
One of my favorite items since it greatly adds to my character's versatility. This robe can be worn with anything. Certain "items" can be given a value of 0,1, 2, or 3. Items given a value of 0 are unaffected. Items given another value are placed in one of three extra dimensional spaces, held in the proper orientation. When the wearer of the robe spins it clockwise, or counter clockwise, all items of value 1, for example, are put away while items of value 2 are brought out. Essentially, this allows 3 different mode of dress, armament and weaponry, and general appearance. Thus, Starlight can go from plate mail, sword, shield, etc. straight to robe, cloak, bracers, staff, etc., changing from one set to another in a single round. One "set" is out at all times, as well as 0 valued items. Anything picked up naturally defaults to 0 until given another designation (which take a round to do for each item. An item can be given any value in that round).
The items are held in a dimension unknown to Starlight's "science." No more can be so held within one set than the character can carry. So far, the robe appears to be totally immune to all forms of attacks, (probably because you'd have to simultaneously hit the prime material plane as well as the "unknown" plane). but the robe doesn't lend any protection to the wearer. (Oddly enough, normal warmth on a cold winter night is also absent). This item may be a relic or even a relatively low powered artifact. There is some indication that it is intelligent, but so far, Starlight has not been able to communicate with it. It does its job, however, and that's good enough for now. (The DM assured me, via commune with Athena) that items would never be lost or misplaced and the cloak will not hide the items in dimension). Thus it is safe to use.

*Bowl of Water Elemental Command.
Fill this with water and 1 round later a 12HD water Elemental appears to do your bidding. If salt water is used (and I always have some via the ring of alchemy) +2 to each hit die is given). (Ave. hit points, 78). No other water need be in the area to sustain the elemental. The bowl is made of green malachite and is relatively fragile. If broken while the elemental is here, the elemental will attack the user. You need +2 weapons to hit an elemental. It has a THAC0 of 9, 1 attack, 5D6 damage, 12' tall.

*Swizzle Stick

(Wand of detect enemies (88 charges))
This wand is in the form of a small glass swizzle stick used to stir drinks. It was made to stir the drinks offered by possible enemies (poison your know?) and the detect enemies would indicate such people, thus making it unlikely I would drink something if any enemies were anywhere to be seen).
The detect enemies will register anyone "intending" to do you or yours harm within a 24H period. "Yours" is defined as your obvious friends, comrades, coworkers, fellow adventurers, and the like. It is always the DM's call who "YOURS" includes.

*Book of Infinite Spells (30 pages, currently on page 4, Raise Dead)
Oddly enough, this is not a standard book. It differs in two ways. 1). It only brings up clerical spells, and 2), the chance to flip the page is only 5% per use. It can be used once/day by non-clerics (like me) but up to four times/day by clerics.
The user can purposefully flip the page while in the field and know what the next spell is. Of course, there is no turning back. Once the 30th page is flipped, the book simply disappears. The "owner" of the book is the last person to hold it for more than 1 hour. Starlight keeps it in his portable hole since this doesn't cut off his access to it. It is currently on page 4 and that page has the spell "Raise Dead."

*Ruby of Life
(Cast raise dead as a 16th level cleric 1/day). This ruby is about the size of a standard D20.

*Sapphire of Mana Detection and Displacement.
This highly useful gem has two functions, each of which can be used 5 times/day.
It cast dispel magic at 20th level.
It cast detect magic (of the magic user variety, also at 20th level).

*Diamond of Kane.
This gem houses a guardian spirit who has all the abilities of a moondog - see page 92 MMII. It will reduce any thieves chance of picking Starlight's pocket, sneaking up on him, etc., by 50% (that's after Starlight's level and abilities have already reduced it to any normal degree). If an assassin tries to kill Jim or a thief tries to back stab him, the spirit will warn Starlight, and them immediately attack the assassin or thief as a moon dog, actually taking the form of a moon dog. If the enemy flees or dies, the spirit will return to the diamond. If the moon dog is killed, the diamond turns to dust (but can be used for material components).

*Improved Amulet of the Planes.
This device will take the wearer, and up to 7 other individuals, to any known plane with the following restrictions. It can only move 1 plane at a time and then only to an adjacent plane. It can never move deeper than the first level of any of the outer planes. Finally, there can be up to 2 special locations at a time (decided by the wearer, and attuned ahead of time by actually being at such a location) on the prime material plane. The wearer and his/her group can instantly "shift" to one of these locations. The travel is absolutely safe (between planes), but there is no guarantee you will not encounter something nasty while there. His home is Alodar is practically always one of these two locations, the other is frequently set in the field for a particular use, such as a dungeon's entrance.

*+2 Luck stone.
Simply a double strength stone of good luck. It adds +2 to all saves, and up to 20% for all rolls where luck is involved. Starlight does not use this item against his friends to give him an unfair advantage, but he will use it against anybody else. (Except in fair games of chance where he wouldn't use it for alignment considerations. That would be cheating!)

*Portable Hole (10 feet by 10 feet by 30 feet).

Where would Starlight be without his portable home? This 10 x 10 x 30 foot portable hole is made from an extremely sheer, but incredibly strong piece of black, silky cloth which can be folded up to as small as a handkerchief. To open it requires 10 X 10 feet of open, relatively flat, nonvertical space. (It can only be opened on certain planes. It can't be opened on the ethereal or astral planes, but can be opened on the elemental planes for example). The 10 X 10 opening leads down (via a small metal spiral staircase) into the first of three rooms, each 10 x 10 x 10 feet. A wooden frame structure has been built, with walls, bookcases, and furniture that have been placed inside. (There is even a wooden ceiling which lines the stone ceiling in the other two 10X10 sections. In the first room, the ceiling is removable, but usually, a large trap door there suffices to load the hole with anything big I might want to put in or take out. The entire ceiling may double as a serviceable raft). Most things Starlight isn't actively using are kept here (and that's most of what you are reading here, for who can use all this magic at one time?). The place has myriad wards, glyphs, and other protective devices, as well as extra magic to prevent the destruction of the hole. This costly magic was developed and employed over the years and added to the hole. For example, no bag of holding, or any other extra dimensional space, can even pass the barrier, if said EDS would destroy the hole. (It has been ruled that the bag of holding and portable hole incompatibility is the exception, rather than the rule. Most EDS can go into the hole without problem). Other magic have been added to protect the cloth, and the small mithral cigarette case which holds it, vs. fire, cold, electrical, acid, disintegration, etc. Essentially, he has to fail his save. Then, if he did fail, the case need fail its save that means rolling a 1 on a D20. Then, only if that fails, the cloth would need to make a similar save. This multi layer protection is pretty good, but I suppose it could happen that Starlight would lose a lot of stuff if this item ever were destroyed. Even then, it would only destroy the opening, leaving the concrete 10 x 10 x 30 bunker in deep ethereal space without anyway to access it. Starlight could, however, reconstruct a new portable hole since he knows the coordinates of the deep ethereal space. This would take a month or two and cost approximately 1,500,000 gp to replace all the magic protections and manufacture the portable hole, but he would get all the stuff back again. Also, this assumes he can find phase spiders and obtain their webs. Finally, for extra protection, Starlight has enchanted the cloth such that it may not be closed without a special command word.

*Phylactery of Faithfulness.
Anytime Starlight is about to do something the DM feels isn't quite LG or Athenian, and which the DM feels would result in disfavor with the goddess or result in "alignment" damage, the DM simply reminds me of such consequences. Oddly enough, no DM has ever needed to do so. Starlight still wears this, though sometimes he wonders if it really works. It would become "cold" if he was doing something he shouldn't, and he would notice this despite any protections from cold and temperature shifts. He keeps it mostly to ensure he does not lose his honorary clerical status due to inappropriate actions.

*Pin of Aura opposite alignment.
The wearer of this pin will appear to have an opposite aura as far as alignment is concerned. I.E. A LG would look CE, a LN would look CN, a NE would look NG, and an NN would look like a randomly determined corner alignment. Of course, some sort of detect alignment, true seeing, detect good/evil, or similar "sight" must be employed, or nobody will notice anything. This pin doesn't actually change alignment, and a protection from "good" will still give its protection if a good person, despite the fact that the person looks evil wears the pin. It is merely meant to fool anybody looking in such a fashion.
Starlight only wears this pin when attempting dangerous missions in "enemy" territory, so to speak. It normally is kept in the portable hole.

*Pin (3 Athenian Detect lie/week and 1 undetectable lie/month)
The Athenian detect lie is better than a regular detect lie insofar as it will penetrate an undetectable lie spell.

*Mirror of Mental Prowess.
This is standard, but written up here anyway. The powers include:
1). The owner can read the thoughts of any reflected in the mirror.
2). Scrye with Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, even to other planes.
3). Use it as a portal or gate to another location (if known well or studied for more than a day).
4). 1/Week, Get the answer to one short question regarding a currently being scryed individual.

Starlight keeps this mirror mounted above his waterbed in the third room of the portable hole. Being able to read the thoughts of his lover has certain advantages. (No, I'm not talking about an invasion of privacy, but an increased level of intimacy. His lover would know of the mirror's use and could probably use it herself). The mirror can easily be removed and placed against a wall if he wishes to use it as a portal.

*Double Scabbard of Holding.
This belt has two extra dimensional spaces, each of which can contain a sword of any standard size, which will take the blade up to the hilt. Thus, only the two sword hilts are on the PMP, leaving the blades elsewhere. The EDS are a fixed location in the deep ethereal and are not immediately adjacent to the PMP where the wearer just happens to be standing.

*Time Stop Box
(Currently holds +4 crossbow and 10(+3 (blessed) crossbow bolts))
This box actually hold things in total stasis while it is closed. Limited duration are put on hold, items remain fresh, etc. The box is 2 feet deep by 4 feet wide by 4 four long. Starlight frequently keeps harvested body parts here to keep them fresh (You know? Dragon brain, heart of Minotaur, or whatever is good for making potions). The crossbow bolts are blessed so they may be used vs. Rakshasa, but so far, he has never seen them again after the first time that prompted him to set this up.
The box is believed to have been something used by an ancient race known as "SLAVERS." This box is kept in room 2 in the portable hole.

*Helm of Clairvoyance/Clairaudience.
This helm, in addition to casting the clairs, also "completes" any magical plate worn by the wearer of the helm. That is, it simply can be used with any plate armor and not effect the overall AC given by the plate.

*Silver Hammer of Libram.
This one shot item is too powerful to use, but I still have it. Simply throw it at the intended target. In the first round it automatically hits (no save) that individual for 50% of their hit points. (Only MR can prevent this, or a scarab of protection would give a base 20 save, but no other magic will stop it, including Stoneskin, displacement, or whatever). On the second round, it finished the job (by outright killing the target no matter how many hit points they may have left (even if they were healed between strikes)), unless stopped by the person who threw it, or the target has move to another plane of existence (and not just some place else on the same plane). Once thrown, the hammer disappears on the third round.
This is really too nasty to exist, but I'd be a fool a throw it away. I'd never give out such an item without huge restrictions on its use. i.e., no gods, greater demons or devils, no unique individuals could be affected, etc., and even then, it's probably too powerful for its own good. As a DM, I'd recommend any other DM disallow it in their game.

*+1 Scalpels of self cleaning.
This is a set of scalpels that are actually +1. They always keep their edge and are sharper than a surgeon's scalpels. The have a small metal case. When placed inside and closed, any organic material slowly fades away, and any moisture disappears, leaving the scalpels dry and free of blood, gore, germs, or whatever. Starlight uses these mostly to dissect animals and harvest various components, but they could actually be used to operate on an individual.

*White Kryptonite, continual heat rock, waterbed of accelerated resting.
This waterbed is made of whale skin and sealed with mending spells. It is very tough. The white kryptonite contained inside kills any bacteria or any living reaction that generates air bubbles. The continual heat rock keeps it at 80 degrees F. (This needs to be replaced about once/decade). The entire bed is enchanted with a peculiar spell like effect by virtue of its wood, which came from an odd tree with strange properties. The tree was friendly, intelligent, and helpful. (His name was Grandebough). Unfortunately, enemies subsequently killed the tree. Since Starlight couldn't bring the tree back from the dead, he saw no great harm in using his friend's body for good use (organ donation has a similar feel, and if Starlight were beyond hope of life, he wouldn't philosophically object to someone making "good" use of his body, so it's all right). The wood confers a special rest/recuperative power upon any individuals sleeping in the waterbed surrounded by the wood. It resembles the abilities of a smoke pearl. The following formula is used. {1/[1/2X(INT + WIS - 24)]}. For example, Starlight's INT + WIS is 39, 39-24 =15, 1/2X15 = 7.5, 1/7.5 =0.1333... . It takes Starlight only 0.1333 times the normal time it would take to rest for spells. That is, if he would normally need to rest for 12 hours, he can get the same rest in 0.1333X12 or 1.6 hours. He then can memorize spells at the normal 10 min./spell level rate. This bed is kept in the third room of the portable hole, comfortably sleeps two, but can hold four adults, all of whom can gain the sleep benefits. It is a canopy bed, has a bookcase as a headboard, and four draws per side as a base. It is also surrounded by mosquito netting, not that it's used to keep out pest so much as a small measure of privacy.

*Bloody Artifact of Potions.
The strange device if a bowl and odd spiral tubing arrangement which eventually funnels down into a waiting flask. If you put in the blood supply of a human (which would kill him if he weren't already dead) it will filter down, power the device, and create a randomly determined potion. This device in not typically used as conveniently dead humans are frequently not handy, and Starlight will not "make" dead people for this evil purpose. It does, however, happen sometimes that the irrevocably dead do come his way and can be used, so why not?

*Rainbow, *Lavender, *2 Orange, *3 Red, *2 Pink, *5 Blue, *Cream, *5 Ivory
All these pearls are standard on my world. I have taken the liberty to replace certain items Starlight had for their equivalent in a pearl if it existed. The following briefly describe each of the above pearls:

*Rainbow, 1 use, grants a full powered wish, then becomes clear (useful for psi).
*Lavender, 1/day/ "cast" the HEAL spell at the speed of though, psi activated.
*2 Orange,1/day,heals 20hp, speed of thought, non fighters make System shock or die.
*3 Red, 1/day,heals 10hp, speed of thought, non fighters make System shock or die.
*2 Pink, 1/day,heals 5hp, speed of thought.
*5 Blue, 1/day, a Mage can cast a mage spell through this pearl and not forget the spell. You must tell the DM when you plan to use this in the statement of intent, or it is assumed you cast the spell out of your head. Only spells in your head can be cast through these "spell" pearls. the caster still pays for material components and/or ages are required number of years.
*Cream, Fertility pearl. Prevents or ensures pregnancy during sexual intercourse.
*5 Ivory, each can control 1HD of already animated skeleton, until the skeleton is destroyed or released (no save vs. this control). Starlight will use these vs. skeletal undead, but will always give them proper burial as soon as it is convenient. (Keeping undead for long periods of time (and certainly making them) is generally considered evil). Starlight will, however, keep them if he comes across them and use them to fight a greater evil in the immediate area, or he will usually outright destroy them if such an evil is not on hand. If such a use prevents him (or makes it inconvenient to do so) from giving proper burial to them afterwards, this is regrettable, but not something he would lose any sleep over. After all, they aren't any worse off than when he acquired them, and probably better off since they are now destroyed and free of the abomination of the animation spell. Rest, my friends.

The psi-activated pearls simply act at the speed of thought. The orange and red pearls require a system shock if used on a non-fighter or non-fighter subclass. Failure means death, but they can be raised as normal. Most pearls must be attuned to the individual, a process that takes a week, a month, or some other set period of time. Not all pearls need this attunement. Greater details on the pearls can be found by following this link.

The Magic Pearls Of Orlantia

#Wisdom, *Charisma, #Constitution, #+1 Protection, (*Spell Storing (9 levels))
These are all standard, but some special rulings may apply. For example, it has been ruled that the charisma ioun stone makes itself, and all other ioun stones circling that individual, invisible if said individual is alive.
Starlight owns these stones, but does not necessarily use them all. In this list, he is currently not using the wisdom (which is 18 max anyway).
The spell storing one carries 9 levels of spells. This changes from time to time, but typically holds the following:

Color Spray (1st),
Sleep (1st),
Sleep (1st),
Unseen Servant (1st),
Wizard Lock (2nd),
Water Breathing (3rd). This totals nine levels of spells.


It is believed that the fitted (full) plate armor of the higher ranking Imperial guards contain many spell storage capabilities; each piece of armor essentially being a separate magic item. Such spells as sleep, e.s.p. magic missile, hold person, hold monster, fireball, cone of cold, ice storm, suffocate fire, dimension door, teleport no error, heal , major globe of invulnerability, and disintegrate (but only one of each spell) may be typical of any guard's armor over the rank of lieutenant. A general's armor may be even more awesome. Starlight does have such armor, but will only wear it while in a major city of the empire, and only then if he plans on staying awhile. This stuff is, in a sense, false, as it was given to the character in NPC fashion. Starlight doesn't have it while off adventuring in another DM's world, nor does he even carry it in his portable hole, preferring to keep it in Alodar. (Actually, the imperial guard probably keeps it and uses it while Jim is away).
Most notably, the extra spells contained in a general's armor include:
Limited Wish,
Power Word Kill,
Holy Word, and
Conjure Fire/Air/Earth/or Water Elemental.
Also, this armor is actually +5. The Shield is also +5, but only generals have armor this good. Frequently, when planning on an extended stay within the city, Starlight will prefer to use his own equipment rather than this armor. However, under such circumstances, other governmental issue magic items and spell storing devices may be given to high-ranking individuals. In Starlight's case, since he wears he own armor, if any at all, he is given several insignia pins so that he may carry the full compliment of spells all generals are required to carry while in the city. This is by no means common knowledge.
Like every single imperial guard, Starlight also has an I/O amulet while in a major city; even if he's planning on being there for less than a day, he will pick one up. This amulet allows access to the data storage and retrieval system and is tied to the TRUE STONE ARTIFACT. For a better understanding of this, see

A Brief Look At Imperial Alodar
The Rise Of The Alodarian Empire And The First Council Of Generals

Almost out of habit, Starlight will pick up an I/O amulet and visit his horse Osmium, relaying any interesting information into the TRUE STONE ARTIFACT so that all imperial guards have this information in each of the five major cities.


Changes too often, and these Imperial devices will not be listed.


Changes too often, and these Imperial devices will not be listed.


Since Starlight has an intelligence of 20 (The human maximum) and has had many years to work on it, it is no surprise that he has every standard (non-named) spell in the PHB with but few exceptions. Every spell below 7th level, if it isn't a named spell, is somewhere in Jim's spell books. He even has some named spells, as well as a plethora of non-standard spells he has found or researched himself. Therefore, as it is assumed he has most, if not all, of the standard non-named spells, I will only list the named and non-standard spells he has here. Starlight has three spell books for each level. He carries one set in his portable hole, keeps one set in Alodar at home, and keeps one set in Alodar at the Parthenon, (The main Temple of Athena where his mother happens to live and work).

Detect Level. (This spell only separates "people" into two broad groups. Those that are 1st level or higher (in at least one thing), and those who are not even that. Despite its name, it does not detect "7th" level or "12th" level or anything like that, but merely helps identify the possible sources of problems (adventures). It essentially "detects" life energy levels strong enough to register. Detect "levels," yes or no.

First Level Charge. This spell recharges certain magic items when used in conjunction with Enchant an Item.
Temporal Magic Missiles. (20 INT, allows caster standard magic missile in 1/10th of a segment).
Tenser's Floating Disk.

Leomund's Trap.
Melf's Acid Arrow.
Wall of Holding. This spell is a non-mobile extra dimensional space. Its duration last until dispelled. It must be cast on a stone wall. It creates 1 cubic foot/level of the caster. The caster can always see it, detect magic can see it, detect invisibility and true seeing can see it. If dispelled, anything inside simple falls to the floor. In can also be found as a secret door can be found, but only if someone is actively looking for such things, and even then, only on a 1 on a D6.

Melf's Minute Meteors.

Evard's Black Tentacles.
Leomund's Secure Shelter.
Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer.

Bigby's Interposing Hand.
Leomund's Secret Chest.
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound.

Bigby's Forceful Hand.
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere.

Bigby's Grasping Hand.
Drawmij's Instant Summons.
Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion.

Bigby's Clenched Fist.
Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere.
Serten's Spell Immunity.





Some of this stuff was too ordinary to include, at least for now, or changes too frequently to bother with.

The character James Starlight, after many years of playing him, is now more or less permanently retired to NPC status. This is because

  1. he is too powerful for most other DMs to deal with,
  2. his abilities (magic items and skills) are too hard to kept straight in my head with all that stuff, it is ridiculous to try,
  3. I no longer play him frequently enough to keep his mind set straight (something I can do while playing a character frequently enough so I don't forget the little but important things the PC should and would be concerned with), and
  4. I wouldn't want to risk him under just any DM, and finding a good DM is hard enough, let alone one that is running a game at such a high level.

Thus, as an NPC, I can at least still use him, though even I must confess to do so in more than a peripheral way would be almost similar to having gods interact too frequently with the PCs or high level characters interacting with such mundane matters it is quite beneath them and sort of unrealistic.

When Starlight does occasion to interact with PCs, it is more in the nature of scholarly or sage advice rather than an actual vulgar display of power and muscle. I will never change Starlight's xp, stats, items, etc. in any significant way while he is an NPC so I may one day still play him, but this is unlikely to ever happen again.

I do, however, occasionally play Starlight in Free Form IRC settings, but these have little or no lasting effect on his abilities and items. It is just a way to dust off the old boy every now and then.


Least one get the impression a character like Starlight is all powerful, be aware that most game considerations still bind him. One action/round, for example. Having so many choices doesn't mean, for example, he may employ more than one action in a round, so the power is bottle necked in that fashion. And also, Starlight frequently adventures on other planes of existence, and many, if not most of his magic items simply do not work there. They were probably designed to work on the prime material plane, so either they work at lesser values, not at all, or worst, intermittently.

In any event, it would be wrong to think of this character in terms of normal leveled PCs and normal settings. It might give you the wrong idea. Though it is true he is no longer overly concerned about the threats that may be found in normal walks of life, where he deigns to use his powers is most often not in such settings. Thus, Starlight not being too worried about things at home on the PMP is not really much different than, say, a mid level character no longer being overly concerned about counting his change. But believe me, there was a time when every copper piece counted, and under unusual circumstances, they could count again.

And here's is the point. Munchkins tend to play characters of power, but that's a relative term. More powerful than the PCs and NPC encounters would be the mark. And such a character as this, when played in settings such as his last (and interplanar expedition) is not powerful in comparison to the PCs he travels with, or the NPC encounters that threatened them. But that's a quirk of high level campaigns, and I won't go into that here.

© July of 1999
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096