The young Irish trader also met and fell in love with Waub-O-Jeeg's young daughter Ozhaguscondaywayquay and asked Waub-O-Jeeg for her hand in marriage. The father liked the young man but answered, "Englishman, my daughter is yet young and you cannot take her as white men have too often taken our daughters. It will be time enough to think of complying with your request, when you return again to this lake in the summer. My daughter is my favorite child, and I cannot part with her, unless you will promise to acknowledge
her by such ceremonies as white men use. You must ever keep her and never forsake her." Johnston returned from Montreal the following year and in early summer, 1792, he and Oshaguscondaywayquay were married. He was thirty and she was sixteen. From then on he called her Susan.