Sixth Drill & Blast Trade Show on the Mesabi Range


 Join these companies who have already signed up:


Stemlock Inc.

The International Society of Explosives Engineers

Rothenbuler Engineering

Eloranta & Associates Inc.

Dyno Explosives

Wipware Inc

Orica USA

Tread Corporation

Viking Explosives



The Lake Superior Chapter is offering its 14th Safety and Training Day. This year we are pleased to announce that we will again have a trade show. The trade show is something that vendors have asked about for several years. There is no other such targeted event. The SME has long held a trade show in Duluth. However, the distance from the Iron Range and the lack of focus on drilling and blasting; has made MinnBlast a popular event for both customers and suppliers of blasting related services.


This venue is uniquely suited for distant vendors who find it difficult to showcase their capabilities in this district where some 60,000 holes are drilled and well over 100 million pounds of blasting agents are consumed annually. We have registered over 120 people at past events.


The dates are March 31st and April 1st. Setup time will start Tuesday evening, but Wednesday morning provides ample time. Booth areas will be open from 4 to 8:00 pm on Wednesday and during an extended lunch break, from 11 am to 12:30 pm on Thursday. Lunch and refreshments will be served in the booth area and people who visit every booth will be entered into a grand prize drawing.


This is the place to meet your existing and future customers. The $300 fee includes two registrations for your company. The money raised from this event helps fund our scholarship program and other Chapter activities. $60,000 has been awarded to students across the country in the past 12 years. A special price of $100 is available to our sponsoring companies. Become a sponsor and you can offset the entire $200 toward your registration.


Host an event:


Your company can be recognized by hosting a coffee break or a reception. Host an entire  reception or coffee break or sign up as a co-host. Sign up early as they will be allotted on a first-come basis.


For more information, please contact  Jack Eloranta toll free at (877) 342-2666 or