Wednesday ISEE Certificate Courses


The Level One ISEE Blaster Certificate Course will be offered on Wednesday March 12th. You’ve probably heard of this certification course that the ISEE created. If you’ve wanted to become certified, but haven’t had the opportunity – here’s your chance. We are pricing this far below the cost of other blaster training seminars. Students are being offered an even lower rate below the actual cost of course materials. The Lake Superior Chapter is subsidizing the cost for full-time students. Sign up before March 1st to get our best rate. We will be ordering workbooks and must know if you want to insure having a seat in this excellent course. This certification makes a great stepping-stone for students, sales people and anyone recently assigned to a drill and blast related job. This is the fourth time we offered the course and the response has been overwhelming.

The Level Two course for Quarry and the Level Two Course for Construction will each be offered on Wednesday. Just as in the Level One Course, we are thrilled to have two experienced and knowledgeable instructors. These are concurrent half-day classes, so you can not take both. It is reccomended that you have completed Level One before taking level two. Do make sure to sign up early for two reasons: one, we need to order workbooks and two, the classrooms were filled last year. We may not be able to get you in, if you wait until the day of the conference.