Lake Superior Chapter of ISEE

Fortune Bay, Lake Vermillion Tower, MN                                                  Thursday September 28th


7:00     Registration (coffee hosted by Austin Powder Company)

Session 1 Chairman Joe Hejny


7:30     Micheal Young, President of Lake Superior Chapter of ISEE 


8:00     Kurt Oakes, Olsen Powder Company

Securing the Blast Site

 8:30    Thomas Palangio, WipWare Inc.

Size Analyzers Measure Minnesota Taconite Blasting


9:00     Break (coffee hosted by Minnesota Explosives)

Session 2 Chairman: Joel Spaeth & Concurrent Session 3: Jerry Newton, Chair


9:30     Lyall Workman, Calder & Workman Inc.           9:30 Jerry Newton, Minnesota Explosives

         Blast Casting on the Mesabi Range?                                       Better Driving


10:00   Bill Everett, Cleveland Cliffs- United Taconite

           Separation Blasting Techniques

                                                                                          10:15 Randy Zahn, Minnesota State Patrol

10:30   Joe Hejny, Minnesota Explosives Company            Vehicle Inspections

           A New Twist with Straight Emulsions



11:00   Trade Show and Lunch


Session 4 Chairman: Tom Barkley


  12:30 John Capers, Austin Powder Company

Blasting Products & their Limitations

  1:15   Ed Borchardt, Atlas Copco Inc.

Pit Viper Drilling in Minnesota Taconite


  2:00   Break (coffee hosted by Orica USA)

Session 5 Chairman: Ron Fields


  2:30   Dan Wenzel, Orica USA

Initiation is Really Important!

  3:00   Tom Barkley , Dyno Consult

The Effects of Simple Electronic Timing Substitution on MineProductivity

  3:30   Closing Remarks

Shotgun Drawing