I've just started dolling (July, 2005), so I haven't very many dollz yet;
this issue will be resolved quickly *g*

For a doll the fabrics challenge at LST

Base byHaich
August BOTM challenge at FF and my AV for Aug & Sept.

Base by Cha Lia
Kitt. For a princess' challenge on FF.

Base by Wayuki
My muse, I think. I dreamed her up one night.

Base byOyye Vey
My first finished attempt:
Baby Ferrets
These were created for the zoo challenge at Fractured Fairytales.

Base by AngyChan
"Cowgirl Jontee"
For the Jontee Base Edit Contest at Dollz of Flavor

This entry was submitted as "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy".
My first AV, made to use on Fractured Fairytales

She was supposed to be for a challenge on FF, but I got the wrong time period, and was already in love with her, so I kept her!
Base by Velvet Kisses
Frame Base by Critter

Base by Wayuki
Fairy Frankendoll
for a challenge on Fractured Fairytales

Doll Base by LilacBlizzard
Wings by Kath and Crazie Cathie
For a challenge on The Realm

Base by Wayuki
