Anderson Family Photos

Cornelius Anderson home in Davenport, Iowa, about 1910

Anderson Family about 1913, Mrs. Jane (Davidson) Anderson center front.

Cornelius Anderson Children about 1880

Anderson Family about 1913: l - r: Elizabeth, Frederick, Cornelia, Jane

Bertram is the maiden name of Mrs. Cornelius Anderson's mother, this is a shot of the Bertram family men taken in Canada, home to an Uncle of Jane (Bertram) Anderson.  Photo about 1900

Cornelius V. Anderson about 1880

Jane (Davidson) Anderson about 1913

Jean Bertram Davidson about 1850.

Anderson girls: Elizabeth, Jane, Cornelia about 1915

Jane Eliza (King) Anderson: mother to Cornelius V. Anderson

Roger Davidson, father to Jane (Davidson) Anderson.  Roger and his wife emigranted to US from Scotland about 1834 via sailboat first landing in Canada.

Stobo Castle in Scotland, Stobo, Scotland and where roger Davidson's father worked in early 1800s.




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