Anne Jeris Serious Wethrin

Anne Jeris Wethrin was born in 727 A.E. in the village of the Veil of Mist near the head waters of Bishop's river and at the foot of Bishop's peak on the southern face of the Scale Mountain Range. The village has been known for centuries as one of the best producers of fine wines due to the enriched soil of he vineyards and the near constant mist which permeates the mountain side where the red grapes grow.

As an aside, it is generally believed that some in bred characteristic causes the orcs to kick their reproduction into over drive every 40 years. The eventual result is more orcs than food, a fight for control, and it ends with a wild orc frenzy in which they swarm over the country side killing indiscriminately. It has been the case that sometimes other affairs have been planned to coincide with these frenzies so the frenzy would provide a distraction. It has also been the case that certain individuals have been able to control this frenzy and use it more constructively and/or destructively. The last orc frenzy occurred in the years 730-731 A.E.)

Anne's father, Terron Wethrin, a man of strength and courage and of some importance, led the villagers of the Veil of Mists against the orcs in a fever pitched battle to prevent the orcs from over running the village in the last few days of the war. Eye witness accounts about what happened to Terron were sketchy, but it was generally said he was in large part responsible for turning the orcs southward into the ranks of the advancing Imperial guard where they were ultimately neutralized. Sadly, this heroic feat came at a high price, and Anne lost her father at the tender age of 4. Ever since that time, Anne has been a bit prickly and hard to understand, for she took the loss badly.

Now, all alone, Anne and her mother, Shemira, had to fend for themselves. Shemira was able to borrow a little money and set up a small business as a seamstress. She works very hard and has usually been able to make ends meet, but it has been a challenge. Perhaps more out of economic need or pressure rather than true love, Shemira remarried, a man named Vach and the son of a local business man, on 11/01/734. Things weren't exactly happy and loving at home, but 3 years later Tarvel was born and Anne, now 10 years old, had a little brother.

About 4 years after her brother was born, a family friend (of Terron's brother Tomel) was visiting the family and had occasion to spend nearly two years in the village for various reasons concerning his personal business. His name was Akron, and he was a mage, though not a particularly good one. At this time he had opportunity to discover Anne had an unusually high aptitude for magic, as well as little Tarvel, but only Anne, who was now 14, was of sufficient age to be trained in the arts. For those next two years, whenever he could manage the time, Akron would instruct Anne in arcane matters, but he could quickly tell he was not teaching such a bright pupil properly.

Unfortunately, also at this time, Vach started to show an interest in Anne as well, but of all the wrong sorts. It was during this two year period when Anne learned the ground work of mage knowledge, avoided her step father, fought with her mother over the typical things, and cared for her little brother. But eventually, Vach started to step up his interest, and something had to be done.

Shemira, after years of working her fingers to the bone, took all the money she had squirreled away and begged Akron to take Anne away where she would get proper instruction for her gifts and escape the overly watchful eye of Vach. And so, in the beginning of 743 A.E., Akron took Anne south to the village of Little Falls. It was here that Akron paid the money to the mage Serious Phonon Maurice Flinger, and though the actual cash was more that just a bit short of the mark, Serious took her as a student and trained her well. For the next two unrelenting years he worked her hard in order to make up for her earlier poor instruction, but her quick mind and determination saw her though, and on 20/18/744, Serious uncharacteristically summoned her to his study.

"You have done well my dear," he smiled at her affectionately, but Anne's eyes were following Shadow's controlled flight and landing through the room. She had come to love that old mage's familiar, Shadow, the white owl of the night. "Ahem...," he said, refocusing her attention, she saw he was handing her a small book. "I want you to have this as a parting present."

"Parting?" she asked, almost in disbelief.

"Yes, for now, at least for a time." he said as he reached for a rather arcane looking staff. "And I wish you take this as well," he said as he handed her the ancient looking piece of wood. "This, my dear, is, or rather, was quite a little wonder a long time ago. Unfortunately, it was somewhat.... deactivated in a rather horrific set of circumstances which I do not care to go into. Suffice it to say it is no longer.... complete. In fact, in its current state I'm not sure what may come of it, but I do know it is beyond my...consideration, so to speak, for me to keep it. One day, perhaps, you may take the time to explore certain possible....scenarios. Until then, however, it is an excellent staff and should serve you well. And though it is still magic, its residual camouflage intelligence is still functioning. Sorry to say all this currently seems to do it hide the fact the staff is magical from all but the most serious of detection probes, but it's still a curiosity in any event. Keep it well" he said as he tossed her the staff.

"Thank you, master Serious." was all she could think to say, for the thought of leaving here so soon had not been something she was quite willing to think about this suddenly.

He looked at her, his smile gone and his eyes now cold upon her form, "You must leave, and you may not return until you have proven yourself. You will know... when. Until then, it is up to you to decide where you will go and what you will do. Make me proud girl, for my name goes with you."

Anne's face lit up with surprise at that last part, for the passing of one's mentor's very name was a rare honor and would now forever be part of her own name. Anne Jeris Serious Wethrin, and all who know of Serious would also know that she had earned his highest respect, and from an old and exacting master, that is indeed a wonder.

And so, but a few days from the high holy day and the beginning of the year 745, Anne Wethrin found herself walking the streets of Little Falls with no where in particular to go and nothing in particular to do for the first time in many, many years.

The campaign begins.