The Story So Far

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to Book 01. As the IRC game continued and the chapters began mounting up, I decided to place them in separate books. This way, some natural breaks in the story line could be seen and it had the added advantage of keeping a long list of chapters from growing into something too unwieldy.

Book one is comprised of how the party got its start, from looking for the lost little boy in Little Falls and ending up in the mausoleum of Sir Gerald Cumferance, to the acquisition of Mandrake Manor, also in Little Falls, when the party (substantially changed in the first months since its inception) decided to break off their continuing pursuit into the dungeon complex of Sir Gerald and the Wizard Mireus. This does not mean, however, that they can never go back, nor does it mean the chapters will not have other valuable reference material for later chapters. You never know when something that happened before may be relevant today.

Thus, with this goal in mind, I have place the chapters below on their own separate page and called it BOOK 01. If you are visiting this story for the first time, I hope you enjoy reading of their exploits. But if you are more interested in what is currently happening in the game, may I suggest you skip ahead to the final few chapters? That way, if you've a mind to visit the session and watch a game in progress on on the channel #Orlantia, you may better understand what is going on and why.

© January of 2000
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096