This Elven youth seems, for lack of a better word, relaxed. He wears comfortable clothing, and though he bears arms (a short Oriental blade and two daggers), he does not wear any armor. His lithe body and flowing coppery hair match his clothing in fluidity. There is little else of note, save for his unusual and continuous semblance of alertness.

Janjit tends to be conscious of his appearance, but not overly so. He tends towards comfortable clothing in darker shades (conducive, of course, to rogue skills), and at times imitates some of the fashion trends of human or Elven nobility. This is both a fashion statement and a stab at the ever-disliked ruling classes.

Janjit thrives on the energy and unity of society, but does not appreciate its rules. He will go out of his way to make targets of those he perceives as strict, narrow-minded, unthinkingly greedy, or disregarding of the common people.

Much of this attitude is unusual given his background: Janjit Rook was actually a member of a small noble family. However, he was an illegitimate child, and thus would never stand to gain a significant inheritance. As a youth, he was given duties as a courier and messenger within the city, which led him to learn etiquette and writing as well as street smarts. Friends found him to be entertaining, talented, and generous with what money he could acquire. However, he developed an unfortunate gambling habit, which led to his being cast out of the family after certain valuables were 'removed' from the Rook estate, to pay off a debt. He skipped town, and began again elsewhere. He moderates his gambling, and keeps a low profile while learning the skills of a real rogue, though he also sometimes finds employment as an entertainer.

"Treasure hunting" is his most recent hobby, and though he recently left a party of adventurers who did this with abandon, he felt it the right choice. But treasure is still important to him, even if he won't do anything to get it.

posted November of 1999
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096