Trekken Antar is a large man in his early twenties. He has always felt a strong bond with the mighty god Thor, god of thunder, throughout his life, so upon becoming a man he entered into Thor's service as a fighter and novitiate. Soon thereafter, in a dream, Thor himself visited Trekken and proclaimed him to be one of his chosen warriors, born to spread Thor's word far and wide and proclaim his holy name in the face of undaunting evil. And so it came to pass that Trekken Antar became a Holy Warrior of Thor.

Trekken has a large, sturdy build, standing about 6' 4" with long, blond hair and intense, piercing green eyes. He is an extremely attractive man and frequently the woman can be seen glancing at him, whispering, and sighing. Trekken also has a rather captivating personality. In fact, people tend to believe almost everything he tells them simply due to his innate charm and charismatic aura. These traits sometimes make him the subject of jealousy from other men.

Trekken is an extremely skilled warrior. In fact, he is almost never out of his holy plate mail except when he sleeps. He is skilled in the one-handed bastard sword, short sword, and the smithy hammer. He usually fights with the one handed bastard and the short swords, but in honor of Thor he uses the hammer on occasion for specially hated foes. Trekken is a very courageous man who will, and has rushed into dangerous situations without a second thought. This tends to make his friends angry at him, but his good traits usually outweigh his exuberance and those who get to know him usually end up liking him.

Thor and his honor are the most important things to Trekken, and although women love him, he typically doesn't have to time to fool around with them. He will do everything and anything for Thor and his glory; even laying down his life for his god without a second thought.

Posted November of 1999
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096