Invertebrate List


    Primitive Insects

  1. Common Silverfish -
    Lepisma saccharina *
  2. Dark Silverfish -
    Lepismatidae 1
    Lepismatidae 2
  3. Dark Bristletail -
  4. Two-pronged Dipluran -
  5. Cotton Springtail -
    Entomobrya unostrigata



  6. Golden Mayfly -
    Hexagenia limbata Female (subimago); Dark Varient; Golden Varient
  7. Hagen's Small Minnow Mayfly -
    Callibaetis ferrugineus hageni Male
    Callibaetis ferrugineus hageni Female
  8. Speckled Small Minnow Mayfly -
    Callibaetis pictus
  9. Small Minnow Mayfly 01 -
    Callibaetis sp.
  10. Small Minnow Mayfly 02 -
    Callibaetis sp.
  11. Spiny Crawler Mayfly -
    Ephemerella tibialis
  12. Small Minnow Mayfly 03 -
    Family Baetidae



  13. Oregon Forestfly (Stonefly) -
    zapada oregonensis
  14. Winter Black Stonefly -
    zapada cinctipes
  15. Forestfly Stonefly -
    Malenka sp.
  16. California Giant Stonefly -
    Pteronarcys californica



  17. Paddle-tailed Darner Dragonfly -
    Aeshna palmata
  18. Shadow Darner Dragonfly Nymph -
    Aeshna umbrosa
  19. Common Green Darner Dragonfly -
    Anax junius
  20. Olive Clubtail Dragonfly -
    Stylurus olivaceus *
  21. 12-Spot Skimmer Dragonfly -
    Libellula pulchella
  22. 8-Spot Skimmer Dragonfly -
    Libellula forensis
  23. 4-Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly -
    Libellula quadrimaculata
  24. Common Whitetail Dragonfly -
    Libellula lydia *
  25. Beaverpond Baskettail Dragonfly -
    Epitheca canis
  26. Western Pondhawk Dragonfly -
    Erythemis collocata *
  27. Striped Meadowhawk Dragonfly -
    Sympetrum pallipes Female #1; Female #2: Male #1
  28. Variegated Meadowhawk Dragonfly -
    Sympetrum corruptum
  29. Western Band-winged Meadowhawk Dragonfly -
    Sympetrum semicinctum male Sympetrum semicinctum female
  30. White-faced meadowhawk Dragonfly -
    Sympetrum obtrusum *
  31. Dot-tailed Whiteface Dragonfly -
    Leucorrhinia intacta
  32. Hudsonian Whiteface Dragonfly -
    Leucorrhinia hudsonica
  33. Male Crimson-ringed Whiteface -
    Leucorrhinia glacialis
  34. Hudsonian Whiteface Dragonfly -
    Leucorrhinia hudsonica



  35. Western Red Damselfly -
    Amphiagrion abbreviatum Female; Male
  36. Spotted Spreadwing Damselfly -
    Lestes congener
  37. Emerald Damselfly -
    Lestes dryas
  38. Orange Lestes Damselfly -
    Lestes sp.
  39. Northern Spreadwing Damselfly? -
    Lestes disjunctus Male
  40. Bluelet Damselfly -
    Enallagma annexum or boreale Male
    Enallagma annexum or boreale Female
  41. Male Boreal Bluet Damselfly -
    Enallagma boreale
  42. Female Tule Bluet Damselfly -
    Enallagma carunculatum
  43. Alkali Bluet Damselfly -
    Enallagma clausum Enallagma clausum
  44. Vivid Blue Dancer Damselfly -
    Argia vivida
  45. Emma's Dancer Damselfly -
    Argia emma
  46. Narrow-winged Damselfly -
  47. Western forktail Damselfly -
    Ischnura perparva Male
  48. Pacific forktail Damselfly -
    Ischnura cervuia 01 Male
    Ischnura cervuia 02 Male
    Ischnura cervuia Female

    Grasshoppers, Katydids, & Crickets

  50. Pallidwinged Grasshopper -
    Trimerotropis pallidipennis #1; #2
  51. Crackling Forest Grasshopper -
    Trimerotropis verruculata suffusa #1; #2; #3
  52. Fontana Grasshopper -
    Trimerotropis fontana #1; #2; #3
  53. Venerable Short-horned Grasshopper -
    Agymnastus venerabilis
  54. Undulant-Winged Grasshopper -
    Circotettix undulatus
  55. Devastating Grasshopper -
    Melanoplus devastator
  56. Spur-throated Grasshopper -
    Melanoplus sp.
  57. Pronotal Range Grasshopper -
    Cratypedes neglectus #1; #2
  58. Red-legged Grasshopper -
    Melanoplus femurrubrum
  59. Blue-legged Grasshopper -
  60. Sun Burned Grasshopper -
  61. Groove-headed Grasshopper -
    Conozoa sulcifrons
  62. Clear-winged Grasshopper -
    Camnula pellucida 01, # 2, # 3 # 4
  63. Marsh Meadow Slant-faced Grasshopper -
    Chorthippus curtipennis Nymph
  64. Dusty-Grey Band-winged Grasshopper -
  65. Awl-shaped Pygmy Grasshopper -
    Tetrix subulata
  66. Pacific Meadow Katydid -
    Conocephalus occidentalis
  67. Aberrant Shield-backed Katydid -
    Idiostatus aberrans
  68. Riley's Tree Cricket -
    Oecanthus rileyi
  69. Camel Cricket -
    Ceuthophilus sp. ?
  70. Inyo Camel Cricket -
    Ceuthophilus inyo 01
    Ceuthophilus inyo 02
  71. Spotted Camel Cricket -
    Pristoceuthophilus sp.
  72. Pacific Camel Cricket -
    Pristoceuthophilus pacificus
  73. Spring Field Cricket -
    Gryllus veletis Female; Male
  74. Ground Cricket -
    Acheta assimilis
  75. Big Jerusalem Cricket -
    Stenopelmatus sp.
  76. Mahogany-type Jerusalem Cricket -
    Stenopelmatus sp.
  77. Spiny Jerusalem Cricket -
    Stenopelmatus sp. #1; #2
  78. Orangish Jerusalem Cricket -
    Stenopelmatus sp. #1; #2



  79. European Mantis -
    Mantis religiosa



  80. Nevada Dampwood termite -
    Zootermopsis nevadensis #1; #2; #3
  81. Subterranean Termite -
    Reticulitermes sp.
  82. Subterranean Termite -
    Reticulitermes sp. Queen; worker



  83. European Earwig -
    Forficula auricularia



  84. Tobacco Thrip -
    Frankliniella sp. ?



  85. Shaggy Barklouse -
    Teliapsocus conterminus
  86. Common Barklouse -
    Amphigerontia bifasciata


    True Bugs

  87. Giant Water Bug -
    Lethocerus americanus
  88. The Brown Waterscorpion -
    Ranatra fusca
  89. Common Water Strider -
    Aquarius remigis
  90. Curveback Water Strider -
    Gerris incurvatus
  91. Distinct Smaller Water Strider -
    Rhagovelia distincta
  92. Kirby's Backswimmer -
    Notonecta kirbyi
  93. White-backed Backswimmer -
    Notonecta unifasciata
  94. Spinose Backswimmer -
    Notonecta spinosa
  95. Water Boatman -
    Hesperocorixa laevigata
  96. Big-eyed Toad Bug -
    Gelastocoris oculatus
  97. Pale-edged Black Bug -
    Corimelaena sp. *
  98. Black Bug -
    Galgupha sp.
  99. Damsel Bug -
    Nabis alternatus #1; # 2
  100. Speckled Lygus Bug -
    Lygus sp.
  101. Reddish Lygus Bug -
    Lygus sp. 01
    Lygus sp. 02
    Lygus sp. 03
  102. Bronzed Lygus Bug -
    Lygus sp.
  103. Green-bellied Lygus Bug -
    Lygus sp.
  104. Dark Brown Lygus Bug -
    Lygus sp.
  105. Black-bellied Lygus Bug -
    Lygus sp.
  106. Yellow-bellied Lygus Bug -
    Lygus sp.
  107. Yellow-&-black Lygus Bug -
    Lygus atriflavus #1; #2 ?
  108. Pale Legume Bug -
    Lygus elisus
  109. Shull's Lygus Bug -
    Lygus shulli ? 01
    Lygus shulli ? 02
  110. Neoneid Stilt Bug -
    Neoneides muticus
  111. Wickham's Stilt Bug -
    Jalysus wickhami
  112. Western Big-eyed Bug -
    Geocoris pallens
  113. Black Big-eyed Bug -
    Geocoris atricolor
  114. Ventral Assassin Bug -
    Rhynocoris ventralis #1; #2
  115. Rapid Plant Bug -
    Adelphocoris rapidus
  116. Pacific Plant Bug -
    Tropidosteptes pacificus
  117. Red-legged Plant Bug -
    Teleorhinus cyaneus
  118. Mahogany-colored Plant Bug -
    Ceratocapsus sp.
  119. Pointed Plant Bug -
    Ceratocapsus apicatus
  120. Rosy Phytocoris Plant Bug -
    Phytocoris sp.
  121. Brownish Phytocoris Plant Bug -
    Phytocoris sp.
  122. Pink-legged Phytocoris Plant Bug -
    Phytocoris sp.
  123. Salt & Pepper Phytocoris Plant Bug -
    Phytocoris sp.
  124. Coppertone Phytocoris Plant Bug -
    Phytocoris sp.
  125. Red-eyed Plant Bug -
    Deraeocoris sp.
  126. Green Plant Bug -
    Stenodema sp.
  127. Plant Bug -
    Dicyphus sp. ?
  128. Hollyhock Plant Bug -
    Brooksetta althaeae ?
  129. Three-spined Plant Bug -
    Stenodema trispinosum
  130. Hairy Grass Bug -
    Labops hirtus ?
  131. Evening-star Plant Bug -
    Dicyphus hesperus ?
  132. Frosted-green Plant Bug -
    Orthotylus albocostatus or stanleyaea #1; #2
  133. Orthotyline Plant Bug -
    Orthotylus sp.
  134. Orange-colored Plant Bug -
  135. Green Plant Bug -
    Macrotylus sp.
  136. Lateral Seed Bug -
    Melacoryphus lateralis
  137. False Chinch Seed Bug -
    Nysius tenellus
  138. False Chinch Seed Bug -
    Nysius sp.
  139. False Chinch Seed Bug -
    Nysius sp.
  140. California False Chinch Bug -
    Xyonysius californicus
  141. Gloomy Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Peritrechus tristis
  142. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Ashlockaria magna
  143. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Scolopostethus diffidens
  144. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Sphragisticus nebulosus
  145. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Megalonotus sabulicola
  146. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Eremocoris sp. 01
  147. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Eremocoris sp. 02
  148. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Eremocoris sp. 03
  149. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Ligyrocoris diffusus ?
  150. Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Ligyrocoris latimarginatus
  151. Bi-colored Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Malezonotus sp.
  152. Tri-colored Dirt-colored Seed Bug -
    Malezonotus sp.
  153. Lace Bug -
    Corythucha sp.
  154. Flat Bug -
    Aradus funestus Female
    Aradus funestus Male #1, Male #2
  155. Flat Bug -
    Aradus lugubris male
    Aradus lugubris female
  156. Flat Bug -
    Aradus falleni
  157. Poly-colored Flat Bug -
    Aradus proboscideus
  158. 3-Red-V's Flat Bug -
    Aradus fuscomaculatus
  159. Orange-rimmed Flat Bug -
    Aradus sp.
  160. Scentless Plant Bug 01 -
    Arhyssus sp.
  161. Red-marked Scentless Plant Bug -
    Arhyssus sp. ?
  162. Speckled Scentless Plant Bug -
    Arhyssus sp.
  163. Dark Scentless Plant Bug -
    Arhyssus sp.
  164. Scentless Plant Bug -
    Arhyssus barberi #1; #2
  165. Red & Green Scentless Plant Bug -
    Arhyssus lateralis
  166. Reflexulus Scentless Plant Bug -
    Harmostes reflexulus; Multi-colored variant; Golden variant; Green variant
  167. Scentless Plant Bug -
  168. Tiger Scentless Plant Bug -
    Brachycarenus tigrinus #1; #2
  169. Hyaline Grass Scentless Bug -
    Liorhyssus hyalinus
  170. Greenish Scentless Bug -
    Arhyssus sp.
  171. Red & Green Scentless Bug -
    Arhyssus lateralis
  172. Long-shield Scentless Plant Bug -
    Arhyssus scutatus 01
    Arhyssus scutatus 02
  173. Western Boxelder Bug -
    Boisea rubrolineata nymph
    Boisea rubrolineata Adult
  174. Small Milkweed Bug -
    Lygaeus kalmii
  175. Oxycarenid Bug -
    Anomaloptera disconotus
  176. Burrowing Bug -
    Chilocoris repetitus
  177. Tristis Stink Bug -
    Holcostethus tristis
  178. Abridged Stink Bug -
    Holcostethus abbreviatus
  179. Cream-tipped Stink Bug -
    Holcostethus limbolarius
  180. Consperse Stink Bug -
    Euschistus conspersus
  181. Kane's Stink Bug -
    Chlorochroa kanei
  182. Red-shouldered Stink Bug -
    Thyanta custator
  183. Related Rough Stink Bug - Brochymena affinis
    Brochymena affinis
  184. Furrowed Rough Stink Bug - Brochymena affinis
    Brochymena sulcata
  185. Western Red-shouldered Stink Bug -
    Thyanta pallidovirens Green Variant
    Thyanta pallidovirens Tan Variant
    Thyanta pallidovirens - Eggs!
  186. Sordid Stink Bug -
    Banasa sordida
  187. Hedgenettle Stink Bug -
    Cosmopepla conspicillaris
  188. Black & Red Stink Bug -
    Cosmopepla uhleri
  189. Rough Stink Bug -
    Brochymena sulcata #1; #2
  190. Colorful Stink Bug -
    Antheminia remota
  191. Americana Grass Bug Nymph -
    Aelia americana
  192. Predacious Plant Bug -
    Deraeocoris brevis
  193. Striped Shield-backed Bug -
    Eurygaster sp.
  194. Amber Shield-backed Bug -
    Eurygaster amerinda
  195. Plain Brown Shield-backed Bug -
    Eurygaster sp.
  196. Sedge Shield-backed Bug -
    Homaemus aeneifrons
  197. Ant Mimic Plant-Bug Nymph -
  198. Small Black Plant-Bug -
    Irbisia sp.
  199. Smooth Black Broad-headed Bug -
    Alydus sp.
  200. Dark-Gray Broad-headed Bug -
    Alydus sp.
  201. Brown Broad-headed Bug -
    Tollius sp.
  202. Shore Bug -
    Saldula sp.


    Aphids, Hoppers, & Cicadas

  203. Black Cherry Tree Aphid -
    Myzus cerasi *
  204. Manzanita Leaf Gall Aphid -
    Tamalia coweni
  205. Willo Leaf Gall Aphid -
    Pontania sp *
  206. Pink Aphid -
    Aulacorthum solani or
    Potato Aphid - Macrosiphum euphorbiae
  207. White Lily Aphid -
    Ericaphis scoliopi ?
  208. Chenopodium Aphid -
    Hayhurstia atriplicis
  209. Woolly Apple Aphid -
    Eriosoma lanigerum ?
  210. Sierra Plum Aphid -
  211. Red Leaf Maple Aphid -
    Periphyllus sp.
  212. Water Groundsel Aphid -
    Aphis sp.
  213. Cottonwood Leaf Aphid -
    Chaitophorus sp.
  214. Goosefoot Leaf Aphid -
  215. Green Winged Tulip Aphid -
  216. Choke-Cherry Aphid -
    Rhopalosiphum cerasifoliae ?
  217. Yellow Salsify Aphid -
    Brachycaudus tragopogonis
  218. Milkweeed aphid -
    Aphis nerii
  219. Lettuce aphid -
  220. Mealy Cabbage Aphid -
    Brevicoryne brassicae; Winged adult; Colony
  221. Dark Cicada -
    Okanagana sp.
  222. Red-veined Cicada -
    Okanagana rubrovenosa
  223. Van Dyke's Cicada -
    Okanagana vandykei #1; #2
  224. Mountain Cicada -
    Okanagana bella
  225. Black-backed Cicada -
    Okanagana nigrodorsata
  226. Rufous-sided Cicada -
    Okanagana ferrugomaculata
  227. Western Cicada -
    Okanagana occidentalis #1; #2
  228. Crowned Livia bug -
    Livia vernaliforma
  229. Psylloid Bug -
  230. Rose Leafhopper -
    Typhlocyba (Edwardsiana) rosae
  231. Geminate Leafhopper -
    Colladonus geminatus
  232. Red-eyed Leafhopper -
    Gyponana angulata
  233. Plane Green Leafhopper -
    Chlorotettix sp.
  234. Small Green Leafhopper -
    Kyboasca sp.
  235. Deltoid Leafhopper -
    Helochara deltoides
  236. Grex Leafhopper -
    Amblysellus grex
  237. Small Dark Leafhopper -
    Amblysellus sp.
  238. Privet Leafhopper -
    Fieberiella florii
    Fieberiella florii
  239. Boreal Leafhopper -
    Osbornellus borealis
  240. Long-winged Leafhopper -
    Ceratagallia sp.
  241. Small Leafhopper -
    Ceratagallia uhleri
  242. Gray Lawn Leafhopper -
    Exitianus exitiosus
  243. Lawn Leafhopper -
    Exitianus sp.
  244. Small Green Leafhopper -
    Cicadula sp.
  245. Variegated Leafhopper -
    Euscelidius variegatus
  246. Banded Leafhopper -
  247. Little Green Leafhopper -
    Empoasca sp.
  248. Willow Leafhopper -
    Graphocephala confluens #1; plague image
  249. Mottled Leafhopper -
    Paraphlepsius apertinus
  250. Beautiful Aspen Leafhopper -
    Idiocerus formosus #1; #2
  251. Common Whitefly -
  252. Achilid Planthopper -
    Cixidia henshawi
  253. Delphacid Planthopper -
    Nothodelphax consimilis
  254. Chubby Gray Delphacid Planthopper -
    Nothodelphax sp.
  255. Delphacid Planthopper -
  256. Iridescent Piglet Bug -
    Bruchomorpha tristis
  257. Aphalarid Plant Parasitic Bug -
    Aphalara sp.
  258. Cuerna Sharpshooter Leafhopper -
    Cuerna sp.
  259. Hieroglyphic Sharpshooter Leafhopper -
    Neokolla hieroglyphica
  260. Cateyed Spittlebug -
    Aphrophora sp.
  261. Spittlebug Nymph -
    Aphrophora sp.
  262. Ant Bug Mimic Nymph -
  263. Three-cornered AlfalfaTreehopper -
    Spissistilus festinus ?
  264. Pacific Green Buffalo Treehopper -
    Tortistilus pacifica Tortistilus pacifica or wickhami Brown Variant?


    Ground Beetles
  266. Oregon Tiger Beetle -
    Cicindela oregona
  267. Boreal Long-lipped Tiger Beetle -
    Cicindela longilabris perviridis
  268. Meadow Tiger Beetle -
    Parvindela lunalongas
  269. Caterpillar Hunter Ground Beetle -
    Calosoma eremicola
  270. Rhadine Ground Beetle -
    Rhadine jejuna 01
    Rhadine jejuna 02
  271. Dimorphic Ground Beetle -
    Anisodactylus alternans 01
    Anisodactylus alternans 02
    Anisodactylus alternans 03
  272. Porous Ground Beetle -
    Anisodactylus porosus
  273. Similar Ground Beetle -
    Anisodactylus similis
  274. California Ground Beetle -
    Anisodactylus californicus
  275. Ground Beetle -
    Harpalus fraternus #1; #2
  276. Deserted Ground Beetle -
    Harpalus desertus
  277. Ground Beetle -
    Harpalus fuscipalpis
  278. Ground Beetle -
    Harpalus sp.
  279. Ground Beetle -
    Harpalus sp.
  280. Ground Beetle -
    Dicheirotrichus cognatus
  281. Shoreline Ground Beetle - s
    Apristus subdeletus 01
    Apristus subdeletus 02
  282. Brown-margined Ground Beetle -
    Platynus brunneomarginatus
  283. Iridescent Ground Beetle -
    Bembidion iridescens 01
    Bembidion iridescens 02
  284. Shiny-bronze Bembidion Ground Beetle -
    Bembidion bifossulatum
  285. Purple-tinged Bembidion Ground Beetle -
    Bembidion sp.
  286. Spotted Bembidion Ground Beetle 01 -
    Bembidion sp.
  287. Spotted Bembidion Ground Beetle 02 -
    Bembidion sp.
  288. Small Ground Beetle -
    Bembidion nr. Scenicum
  289. Tiny Shiny Bembidion Ground Beetle -
    Bembidion quadrimaculatum dubitans
  290. Obtuse Ground Beetle -
    Trechus obtusus
  291. Pale-legged Ground Beetle -
  292. Common Sun Seed-eating Ground Beetle -
    Amara aenea 01
    Amara aenea 02
  293. Coppery Seed-eating Ground Beetle -
    Amara laevipennis 01
    Amara laevipennis 02
  294. Amber Seed-eating Ground Beetle -
    Amara apricaria 01
    Amara apricaria 02
  295. Autumn Seed-eating Ground Beetle -
    Amara quenseli #1 ; #2
  296. Confusing Seed-eating Ground Beetle -
    Amara confusa
  297. Black Seed-eating Ground Beetle -
    Amara scitula
  298. Handsome Ground Beetle -
    Agonum decorum
  299. John Muir Ground Beetle -
    Agonum muiri Steel-blue variant
    Agonum muiri Steel-bronze variant
  300. Coppertone Ground Beetle -
    Agonum cupripenne
    Agonum cupripenne Dark variant
  301. Harris's Ground Beetle -
    Agonum harrisii
  302. Coal-black Ground Beetle -
    Agonum brevicolle ?
  303. Funereal Ground Beetle -
    Anchomenus funebris
  304. Seedcorn Ground Beetle -
    Stenolophus anceps
  305. Seedcorn Ground Beetle -
    Stenolophus incultus 01
    ; 02
  306. Dark-brown Seedcorn Ground Beetle -
    Stenolophus limbalis01: 02
  307. Bi-colored Seedcorn Ground Beetle -
    Stenolophus rugicollis #1; #2
  308. Bi-streaked Seedcorn Ground Beetle -
    Stenolophus lineola
  309. Superior Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus lama
  310. Melanarius Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus melanarius
  311. Inane Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus inanis 01
    Pterostichus inanis 02
  312. Adstrictus Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus adstrictus
    Pterostichus adstrictus
  313. Flat-footed Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus tarsalis
  314. Hercules Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus herculaneus #1; #2
  315. Protracted Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus protractus #1; #2
  316. Woodland Ground Beetle -
    Pterostichus sp.
  317. Pitchblack Ground Beetle -
    Psydrus piceus
  318. Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle -
    Chlaenius sp.
  319. Vivid Green Metallic Ground Beetle -
    Chlaenius sericeus
  320. Gazelle Ground Beetle -
    Nebria eschscholtzii
  321. Cloud-bearing Ground Beetle -
    Bradycellus nubifer
  322. California Bradycellus Ground Beetle -
    Bradycellus californicus
  323. Illectus Ground Beetle -
    Axinopalpus illectus
  324. Ground Beetle -
    Anchomenus funebris
  325. Ground Beetle -
    Lionepha australerasa
  326. Bogeman's Ground Beetle -
    Sericoda bogemannii
  327. Little Shiny Ground Beetle -
    Harpalini (Subtribe Stenolophina)
  328. R&B-legged Ground Beetle -
  329. Colorful Foliage Ground Beetle -
    Lebia guttula

    Water Beetles
  331. Giant Black Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Hydrophilus triangularis *
  332. Small Black Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Tropisternus sp.
  333. Tiny Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Anacaena sp.
  334. Tiny Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Paracymus sp.
  335. Small Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Cymbiodyta sp. 01
    Cymbiodyta sp. 02
  336. Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Berosus sp.
  337. Lateral Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Tropisternus lateralis
  338. Tiny Greenish Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Helophorus sp.
  339. Cow-dung Water Scavenger Beetle -
    Sphaeridium scarabaeoides
  340. Whirligig Beetle -
    Gyrinus sp.
  341. Giant Green Water Beetle -
    Dytiscus marginicollis
  342. Colymbetes Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Colymbetes densus
  343. Agabinid Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Ilybiosoma seriatum
  344. Western Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Graphoderus occidentalis
  345. Striate Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Boreonectes striatellus
  346. Say's Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Hygrotus sayi
  347. Abbreviated Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Acilius abbreviatus
  348. Agabus Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Agabus sp.
  349. Dingy Diver Beetle -
    Laccophilus maculosus decipens
  350. Binatate Predaceous Diving Beetle -
    Rhantus binotatus


    Carpet Beetles & Kin
  351. Larder Beetle -
    Dermestes lardarius
  352. White-bellied Dermestid Beetle -
    Dermestes frischi
  353. Hide and Tallow Dermestid Beetle -
    Dermestes talpinus
  354. Varied Carpet Beetle -
    Anthrenus verbasci
  355. Agreeable Carpet Beetle -
    Anthrenus lepidus
  356. Schaeffer's Carpet Beetle -
    Attagenus schaefferi
  357. Black Carpet Beetle 1 -
    Attagenus brunneus
  358. Black Carpet Beetle 2 -
    Attagenus uincolor; Larva
  359. Trogoderma Carpet Beetle -
    Trogoderma sp.
  360. Reesa Carpet Beetle -
    Reesa vespulae
  361. Variegated Carpet Beetle -
    Megatoma variegata
  362. Pubesenct Carpet Beetle -
    Megatoma sp.
  363. Powder-post Beetle -
    Stephanopachys asperulus
  364. Powder-post Beetle -
    Lyctus carbonarius
  365. Lead Cable Borer -
    Scobicia declivis
  366. Drugstore Beetle -
    Stegobium paniceum
  367. White-spotted Spider Beetle -
    Ptinus sexpunctatus
  368. White-marked Spider Beetle -
    Ptinus fur Female
    Ptinus fur Male
  369. Spider Beetle -
    Ptinus fallax ?
  370. Small Ptinid Beetle -
    Vrilletta sp.
  371. Dark Death-watch Beetle -
    Ernobius sp.
  372. Plain Death-watch Beetle -
    Ernobius sp.
  373. Marbled Firewood Beetle -
    Utobium marmoratum 01
    Utobium marmoratum 02


    Click Beetles
  374. Western Eyed Click Beetle -
    Alaus melanops
  375. Snake-skin Click Beetle -
    Danosoma brevicorne
  376. Short-horned Click Beetle -
    Elathous brevicornis
  377. Red-shouldered Click beetle -
    Athous imitans
  378. Small Black Click beetle -
    Limonius consimilis
  379. Hairy Click Beetle -
    Limonius californicus
  380. Jones Click Beetle -
    Limonius jonesi
  381. Canus-complex Click Beetle -
    Limonius sp.
  382. Tiger Click Beetle -
    Pseudanostirus tigrinus
  383. Lesser Tiger Click Beetle -
    Pseudanostirus pudicus
  384. Edward's Selatosomus Click Beetle -
    Selatosomus edwardsi
  385. Black Selatosomus Click Beetle -
    Selatosomus sp.
  386. Purple-tinged Selatosomus Click Beetle -
    Selatosomus sp.
  387. Black-hearted Ampedus Click Beetle -
    Ampedus varipilis
  388. Rose-tinged Ampedus Click Beetle -
    Ampedus rhodopus
  389. Heartless Ampedus Click Beetle -
    Ampedus phoenicopterus 01
    Ampedus phoenicopterus 02
  390. Red & Black Click Beetle -
    Ampedus atripennis 01
    Ampedus atripennis 02
  391. Honey-colored Click Beetle -
    Ampedus melinus
  392. Red & Black Click Beetle -
    Megapenthes nigriventris
  393. Slender Agriotes Click Beetle -
    Agriotes ferrugineipennis 01
    Agriotes ferrugineipennis 02
  394. Plain-brown Click Beetle -
    Dalopius sp.
  395. Variable Common Click Beetle -
    Dalopius vetulus 01
    Dalopius vetulus 02
    Dalopius vetulus 03
  396. Invidious Click Beetle -
    Dalopius invidiosus.
  397. Brick-back Click Beetle -
    Dalopius sp.
  398. Orange-back Click Beetle -
    Dalopius sp.
  399. Lookalike Click Beetle -
    Dalopius sp.
  400. Brown Click Beetle -
    Dalopius sp.
  401. Click Beetle -
  402. Athoinid Click Beetle -
    Athous rufiventris rectithorax
  403. Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Paracardiophorus tumidicollis ?
  404. Two-spotted Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Paracardiophorus gemmifer
    Paracardiophorus gemmifer Spotless Variant
  405. Gray Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Cardiophorus sp.
  406. Brown Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Cardiophorus sp.
  407. Edwards Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Cardiophorus edwardsi
  408. Dark-gray Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Cardiophorus tenebrosus-complex
    Red-legged Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Cardiophorus tenebrosus-complex
  409. Black Heartbearing Click Beetle -
    Cardiophorus sp.
  410. Hemicrepid Click Beetle -
    Hemicrepidius falli 01
    Hemicrepidius falli 02
  411. Black Click Beetle -
    Hadromorphus sp.
  412. Chubby Click Beetle -
    Hadromorphus sp.
  413. Orange-legged Click Beetle -
    Horistonotus gracilis
  414. Red-domed Click Beetle -
    Hypoganus rotundicollis
  415. Rather-long Click Beetle -
    Melanotus longulus oregonensis
  416. Slender Click Beetle -
  417. Slender hairy Click Beetle -
  418. Blackish Click Beetle -
  419. Tinged Click Beetle -
    Hemicrepidius sp.


    Metallic Wood-boring Beetles; Jewel Beetles
  420. Western Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle -
    Chalcophora angulicollis
  421. Golden Jewel Beetle -
    Buprestis aurulenta 1
    Buprestis aurulenta 2
  422. Yellow Spotted Jewel Beetle -
    Buprestis confluenta
  423. Black Lyra Jewel Beetle -
    Buprestis Lyrata
  424. Orange-spotted Jewel Beetle -
    Buprestis laeviventris
  425. Sierra-Green Jewel Beetle -
    Buprestis adjecta
  426. Juniper Jewel Beetle -
    Chrysobothris semisculpta *
  427. Rough-backed Jewel Beetle -
    Chrysobothris leechi
  428. Flatheaded Cedar Borer Jewel Beetle -
    Chrysobothris nixa
  429. Turquoise Jewel Beetle -
    Chrysobothris viridicyanea
  430. Toothed-legged Jewel Beetle -
    Chrysobothris dentipes ?
  431. Flatheaded Cone Borer -
    Chrysophana placida
  432. Crassicollis Jewel Beetle -
    Dicerca crassicollis
  433. Frosted Jewel Beetle -
    Dicerca callosa frosti
  434. Firebug Jewel Beetle -
    Melanophila consputa #1; #2
  435. Black Firebug Jewel Beetle -
    Melanophila acuminata (or M. occidentalis) *
  436. Green-bellied Jewel Beetle -
    Anthaxia sp.
  437. Leconte's Jewel Beetle -
    Phaenops lecontei
  438. Fenyes's Jewel Beetle -
    Acmaeodera fenyesi *
  439. Striped Jewel Beetle -
    Acmaeodera gemina
  440. Van Dyke's Jewel Beetle -
    Acmaeodera vandykei
  441. Connected Jewel Beetle -
    Acmaeodera connexa


    Lady Beetles
  442. Seven Spot Lady Beetle -
    Coccinella septempunctata 01
    Coccinella septempunctata02
  443. Transverse Lady Beetle -
    Coccinella transversoguttata *
  444. Three-banded Lady Beetle -
    Coccinella trifasciata
  445. Convergent Lady Beetle -
    Hippodamia convergens *
  446. Parenthsis Lady beetle -
    Hippodamia parenthesis
  447. Apical Lady beetle -
    Hippodamia apicalis
  448. Sinuate Lady beetle -
    Hippodamia sinuata
  449. Painted Lady Beetle -
    Mulsantina picta
  450. Episcopal Lady Beetle -
    Macronaemia episcopalis
  451. Rathvon's Eyed Lady Beetle -
    Anatis rathvoni 01
    Anatis rathvoni 02
  452. Small Black Lady Beetle -
    Hyperaspis sp.
  453. Black & White Lady Beetle Larva-
  454. Red-headed Dusky Lady Beetle -
    Scymnus sp.
  455. Calaveras Dusky Lady Beetle -
    Scymnus calaveras
  456. Red-faced Dusky Lady Beetle -
    Scymnus sp.
  457. Tiny Four-spotted Lady Beetle -
    Hyperaspis sp. ?
  458. Small Black Lady Beetle -
    Hyperaspis sp. ?
  459. Northern Fungus-eating Lady Beetle -
    Psyllobora borealis
  460. Twenty-Spotted Lady Beetle -
    Psyllobora vigintimaculata
  461. Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle -
    Chilocorus sp.
  462. Western Blood-Red Lady Beetle -
    Cycloneda polita - Larva
  463. Unknown Lady Beetle Larva -
  464. Californicus Lady Beetle -
    Exochomus californicus
  465. Two Spot Lady Beetle -
    Adalia bipunctata #1
    Adalia bipunctata #2
    Adalia bipunctata #3
    Adalia bipunctata #4


    Leaf Beetles
  466. Metallic Skeletonizing Leaf Beetle -
    Scelolyperus sp.
  467. Aqua-green Flea Beetle -
    Altica sp.
  468. Green Flea Beetle -
    Altica sp.
  469. Steel-blue Flea Beetle -
    Altica sp.
  470. Little Bronze Flea Beetle -
    Chaetocnema sp.
  471. Rusty Flea Beetle -
    Crepidodera sp.
  472. Striped Flea Beetle -
    Disonycha maritima
  473. Black Leaf-mining Flea Beetle -
    Dibolia sp.
  474. Scriptured Leaf Beetle -
    Pachybrachis sp.
  475. Ravenous Leaf Beetle -
    Orsodacne atra
  476. Skeletonizing Leaf Beetle -
    Monoxia sp. 01
    Monoxia sp. 02
  477. Common-Sagebrush Leaf Beetle -
    Monoxia sp.
  478. Skeletonizing Leaf Beetle -
    Monoxia sp.
  479. Skeletonizing Leaf Beetle -
    Tricholochmaea punctipennis
  480. Chalepinid Leaf Beetle -
    Brachycoryna hardyi
  481. Aquatic Leaf Beetle -
    Plateumaris pusilla - Green variant
    Plateumaris pusilla - Purple variant
  482. Calligraphic Leaf Beetle -
    Calligrapha sigmoidea
  483. Cobalt Milkweed Beetle -
    Chrysochus cobaltinus
  484. St. Johnswort Beetle -
    Chrysolina hyperici Greenish-bronze Variant
    Chrysolina hyperici Blue-green Variant
  485. Case-bearing Leaf Beetle -
    Saxinis deserticola ?
    Saxinis deserticola ?


    Darkling Beetles
  486. Ridged Ironclad Beetle -
    Phellopsis porcata
  487. Pinguis Comb-clawed Beetle -
    Pseudocistela pinguis
  488. Amber Comb-clawed Beetle -
    Isomira sp.
  489. Oregon Platyderma Beetle -
    Platydema oregonense
  490. Cyanescens Comb-clawed Beetle -
    Stenochidus cyanescens ?
  491. Small Darkling Beetle -
    Blapstinus substriatus
  492. Small Red-legged Darkling Beetle -
    Blapstinus sp.
  493. Magna Darkling Beetle -
    Coelocnemus magna ?
  494. California Broad-necked Darkling Beetle -
    Coelocnemis californica # 1; # 2
  495. Oval Darkling Beetle -
    Coniontis sp.
  496. Long Oval Darkling Beetle -
    Coniontis sp.
  497. Woodland Darkling Beetle -
    Iphthiminus serratus
  498. Rough-butt Desert Stink Beetle -
    Eleodes scabriculus
  499. Desert Stink Darkling Beetle -
    Eleodes nigrinus
  500. Desert Darkling Beetle -
    Eleodes sp.
  501. Prickled Desert Darkling Beetle -
    Eleodes nunenmacheri
  502. Clear-cut Darkling Beetle -
    Helops spretus
  503. False Mealworm Beetle -
    Neatus tenebrioides
  504. Darkling Beetle Larva -


    Scarab Beetles
  505. Ten-Lined June Beetle -
    Polyphylla decimlineata
  506. June Beetle -
    Diplotaxis sp. 01
  507. Dark June Beetle -
    Diplotaxis sp. 02
  508. Silky June Beetle 01 -
    Serica sp.
  509. Silky June Beetle 02 -
    Serica sp.
  510. The Black June Beetle -
    Serica sp.
  511. Wandering May Beetle -
    Phyllophaga errans #1; #2
  512. Saber-toed June Beetle -
    Hoplia dispar
  513. Black Hoplia June Beetle -
    Hoplia sp. 01; Hoplia sp. 02
  514. Golden-bellied Hoplia June Beetle -
    Hoplia sp.
  515. Red=back Beetle -
    Hoplia callipyge ?
  516. Rathvon's Bumble Bee Scarab Beetle -
    Lichnanthe rathvoni Orange Variant
    Lichnanthe rathvoni Black Variant
    Lichnanthe rathvoni Brown Variant
  517. Pine Chafer Beeetle -
    Dichelonyx vicina ?
  518. Green Pine Chafer Beetle -
    Dichelonyx sp.
  519. Red-back Dung Beetle -
    Aphodius fimetarius
  520. Flightless Dung Beetle -
    Stenotothorax sp.
  521. Red Dung Beetle -
    Stenotothorax sp.
  522. Maculated Dung Beetle -
    Aphodius distinctus
  523. Granary Dung Beetle -
    Aphodius granarius
  524. Flightless Dung Beetle -
    Stenotothorax sp.
  525. Maroon Dung Beetle -
    Stenotothorax sp.
  526. Tumblebug Dung Beetle -
    Boreocanthon simplexx
  527. Leothorax Dung Beetle -
    Leothorax subaeneus
  528. Leothorax Dung Beetle -
    Leothorax sp.
  529. Leopard Dung Beetle -
    Pardalosus pardalis
  530. Meadow Dung Beetle -
    Diapterna sp.
  531. Montana Anteater Scarab Beetle -
    Cremastocheilus armatus montanus
  532. Earth-Boring Scarab Beetle -
    Odonteus obesus


    Longhorned Beetles
  533. Golden -haired Flower Longhorned Beetle -
    Lepturobosca chrysocoma #1; #2
  534. Douglas-fir Longhorned Beetle -
    Centrodera spurca #1; #2, #3
  535. Rough Longhorned Beetle -
    Arhopalus asperatus
  536. New House Borer Longhorn Beetle -
    Arhopalus productus #1; #2
  537. Rustic Long-horned Beetle -
    Arhopalus rusticus
  538. Coal Black Longhorn Beetle -
    Brachysomida atra
  539. Dimorphic Longhorn Beetle -
    Anastrangalia laetifica - red female 01
    Anastrangalia laetifica - red female 02
    Anastrangalia laetifica - black male
    Anastrangalia laetifica - orange & black male
  540. Obliterate Longhorn Beetle -
    Leptura obliterata Male; Female
  541. Spotted Pine Sawyer Beetle -
    Monochamus clamator latus
  542. Obtuse Pine Sawyer Beetle -
    Monochamus obtusus #1; #2
  543. White-spotted Sawyer Beetle -
    Monochamus scutellatus oregonensis
  544. Ponderous Borer Longhorn Beetle -
    Trichocnemis spiculatus Male
    Trichocnemis spiculatus Female
  545. Ponderosa Pine Bark Borer Longhorned Beetle -
    Acanthocinus princeps
  546. Hairy Pine Borer Longhorned Beetle -
    Tragosoma harrisii
  547. Red Milkweed Longhorn -
    Tetraopes basalis *
  548. Ribbed Pine Borer Longhorned Beetle -
    Rhagium inquisitor
  549. Oregon Flat-Faced Longhorn Beetle -
    Poliaenus oregonus
  550. Valida Longhorn Beetle -
    Ortholeptura valida
  551. Ring-of-Orange Longhorn Beetle -
    Crossidius punctatus
  552. Ring-of-Orange Longhorn Beetle -
    Crossidius punctatus
    Crossidius punctatus Male
  553. Lion Longhorn Beetle -
    Ulochaetes leoninus
  554. Vestitus Flower Longhorn Beetle -
    Stenocorus vestitus
  555. Nubifer Flower Longhorn Beetle -
    Stenocorus nubifer
  556. Flower Longhorn Beetle -
    Stenocorus sp.
  557. Striped-necked Long-horned Beetle -
    Enoploderes vitticollis
  558. Dicerca Longhorn Beetle -
    Dicerca sp. *
  559. Green Longhorn Beetle -
    Brachysomida californica Green Variant
    Brachysomida californica Brown Variant
  560. Callidiine Long-horned Beetle -
    Phymatodes hirtellus
  561. Blackhorned Pine Borer Beetle -
    Callidium antennatum
  562. Amethyst Longhorned Beetle -
    Semanotus amethystinum
  563. Cedar Tree Borer Long-horned Beetle -
    Semanotus amplus
  564. Clytus Longhorned Beetle -
    Clytus planifrons
  565. Woodtrecker Longhorned Beetle -
    Xylotrechus albonotatus
  566. Wood-runner Longhorned Beetle -
    Xylotrechus annosus emotus
  567. Thick-arrow Flower Longhorned Beetle -
    Xestoleptura crassicornis #1; #2; #3
  568. Judolia Flower Longhorned Beetle -
    Judolia instabilis
  569. Six-spotted Flower Longhorned Beetle -
    Judolia sexspilota *
  570. Amabilis Flower Longhorned Beetle -
    Stenostrophia amabilis
  571. Meadow Flower Longhorned Beetle -
    Gnathacmaeops pratensis
  572. Pine-root Longhorned Beetle -
    Neospondylis upiformis
  573. Opaque Sawyer Longhorned Beetle -
    Asemum striatum
  574. Brighter Longhorned Beetle -
    Asemum nitidum
  575. Obscure Flat-faced Longhorn Beetle - Pseudastylopsis nebulosus
    Asemum nitidum
  576. Red-shouldered Longhorned Beetle -
    Cortodera cubitalis 01
    Cortodera cubitalis 02
  577. Bramble Flower Longhorned Beetle -
    Neoalosterna rubida


    Rove Beetles
  578. Hairy Rove Beetle -
    Creophilus maxillosus
  579. Orange Ocellate Rove Beetle -
    Deinopteroloma sp.
  580. Black Ocellate Rove Beetle -
    Anthobium sp.
  581. Aleochara Rove Beetle -
    Aleochara sp. #1
  582. Aleochara Rove Beetle -
    Aleochara sp. #2
  583. Aleochara Rove Beetle -
    Aleochara sp. #3
  584. AleocharinaeRove Beetle -
  585. Death Black Rove Beetle -
    Tasgius ater
  586. Shiny-headed Rove Beetle -
    Heterothops sp.
  587. Crab-like Rove Beetle -
    Tachinus semirufus ?
  588. Symbiotic Rove Beetle -
    Xenodusa reflexa
  589. Quediid Rove Beetle -
    Quedius sp.
  590. Staphylinid Rove Beetle -
    Philonyhus sp. #1; #2
  591. Small Rove Beetle -
  592. Black-bellied Rove Beetle -
    Philonthus sp.
  593. Triangular Rove Beetle -
    Philonthus triangulum
  594. Xantholid Rove Beetle -
    Xantholinus sp.
  595. Black Rove Beetle -
    Philonthus sp.
  596. Ocellate Rove Beetle -
  597. Compost Rove Beetle -
    Quedius erythrogaster
  598. Xantholid Rove Beetle -


    Weevil & Snout Beetles
  599. Western Rose Weevil Beetle -
    Merhynchites wickhami #1
    Merhynchites wickhami #2
  600. Hollyhock Weevil -
    Rhopalapion longirostre Male
    Rhopalapion longirostre Female
  601. Black Vine Weevil -
    Otiorhynchus sulcatus
  602. Strawberry Root Weevil -
    Otiorhynchus ovatus
  603. Rough Strawberry Root Weevil -
    Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus
  604. Liac Root Weevil -
    Otiorhynchus meridionalis #1; #2
  605. Plantain Weevil -
    Mecinus pyraster
  606. Thread-like Snout Beetle -
    Listronotus filiformis
  607. Listronotus Snout Beetle -
    Listronotus sp. 01
    Listronotus sp. 02
  608. Grey-tones Snout Beetle -
    Listronotus sp.
  609. Margareta's Bean Weevil -
    Acanthoscelides margaretae
  610. Blue Defoliating Weevil Beetle -
    Magdalis gentilis
  611. Bronze Appletree Weevil -
    Magdalis aenescens
  612. LeConte's Snout Beetle -
    Magdalis lecontei
  613. Striped Snout Beetle -
    Scaphomorphus poricollis
  614. Dandelion Snout Beetle -
    Glocianus punctiger
  615. Terminal Lixus Snout Beetle -
    Lixus terminalis?
  616. Willow Gall Snout Beetle -
    Anthonomus haematopus
  617. Crusted Root Weevil Beetle -
    Romualdius scaber 01
    Romualdius scaber 02
  618. Broad-nosed Weevil Beetle -
    Trachyphloeus sp.
  619. Rough Brown Broad-nosed Snout Beetle -
  620. Abrupt Broad-nosed Snout Beetle -
    Panscopus abruptus
  621. Spotted Fungus Weevil -
    Trigonorhinus stricticus
  622. Horn's Woods Weevil -
    Nemocestes horni
  623. Rusty Pine-needle Weevil -
    Pachyrhinus californicus #1; #2
  624. Wintercress Weevil -
    Ceutorhynchus sp.
  625. Snout Beetle Weevil -
    Ceutorhynchus sp.
  626. Shepherd's Purse Weevil Beetle -
    Ceutorhynchus erysimi
  627. Tiny-egg Weevil Beetle -
    Microon canadense
  628. Hydrilla Stem Weevil Beetle -
    Bagous sp.
  629. European Curculionid Mullein Weevil -
    Rhinusa tetra 01
    Rhinusa tetra 02
  630. Castor Snout Beetle -
    Rhinoncus castor
  631. Cottonwood Weevil -
    Dorytomus inaequalis Male
    Dorytomus inaequalis Female
  632. Brown Broad-nosed Snout Beetle -
    Dyslobus sp.
  633. Lavender-leg Broad-nosed Snout Beetle -
    Dyslobus sp.
  634. Orange-legged Broad-nosed Weevil -
    Dyslobus sp. ?
  635. Willow Weevil -
    Dorytomus sp.
  636. Black Flower Weevil -
  637. Meadow Flower Weevil -
    Apinocis sp. ?
  638. Clover Weevil -
    Sitona hispidulus
  639. Sweet Clover Weevil -
    Sitona cylindricollis
  640. Clover Weevil -
    Sitona sp.
  641. Rocky Mountain Billbug (Weevil Beetle) -
    Sphenophorus cicatristriatus
  642. Billbug Grass Snout Beetle -
    Sphenophorus graminus 01
    Sphenophorus graminus 02


    Soldier Beetles
  643. Grandicollis Soldier Beetle -
    Cantharis grandicollis #1; #2
  644. Cantharis Soldier Beetle -
    * Cantharis sp.
  645. Cantharis Soldier Beetle -
    * Cantharis fidelis ?
  646. Pallid Soldier Beetle -
    Silis pallida ?
  647. Black-headed Soldier Beetle -
    Dichelotarsus sp.
  648. Tri-colored Soldier Beetle -
    Dichelotarsus sp.
  649. Frosty Soldier Beetle -
    Podabrus pruinosus comes #1; #2 ; #3
  650. Podabrus Soldier Beetle -
    Podabrus pruinosus diversipes
  651. Dark-headed Soldier Beetle -
    Podabrus sp.


    Other Beetles
  652. Red Turpentine Bark Beetle -
    Dendroctonus valens
  653. Ornate Checkered Beetle -
    Trichodes ornatus 1
    Trichodes ornatus
  654. Red-bellied Clerid Beetle -
    Enoclerus sphegeus
  655. August Checkered Beetle -
    Cymatodera angustata
  656. Small Carrion Beetle -
    Catops sp. #1; #2
  657. California Firefly Beetle -
    Ellychnia californica ?
  658. Western Banded Glowworm Beetle -
    Zarhipis integripennis
  659. Net-winged Beetle -
    Calochromus dimidiatus
  660. Bark-gnawing Beetle -
    Temnochila chlorodia Blue Variant
    Temnochila chlorodia Green Variant
  661. Birdseed Bark-gnawing Beetle -
    Tenebroides mauritanicus
  662. Dark Bark-gnawing Beetle -
    Tenebroides crassicornis
  663. Sculptured Bark-gnawing Beetle -
    Calitys scabra
  664. Flattened Bark-gnawing Beetle -
    Peltis pippingskoeldi
  665. Red Flat Bark Beetle -
    Cucujus clavipes
  666. Orange Scutellar Blister Beetle -
    Nemognatha scutellaris #1; 2
  667. Orange Blister Beetle -
    Nemognatha cribraria ?
  668. Oil Blister Beetle -
    Meloe angusticollis
  669. Oil Blister Beetle -
    Meloe sp.
  670. Punctate Blister Beetle ~
    Epicauta puncticollis
  671. Rabbit Bush Blister Beetle -
    Zonitis vermiculatus
  672. Black & Orange Blister Beetle -
    Nemognatha sp.
  673. Orange Blister Beetle -
    Nemognatha sp.
  674. Stout's Hardwood Boring Beetle -
    Polycaon stouti
  675. Red Turpentine Pine Beetle -
    Dendroctonus valens
  676. False Blister Beetle -
    Calopus angustus
  677. Brown False Flower Beetle -
    Canifa sp. 01
    Canifa sp. 02
  678. Black False Flower Beetle -
    Anaspis atrata
  679. Soft-winged Flower Beetle -
    Semijulistus flavipes
  680. Soft-winged Flower Beetle -
    Collops sp.
  681. Two-toothed Pine Beetle -
    Pityogenes carinulatus
  682. Bark Beetle -
    Hylastes sp.
  683. Punctured Stag Beetle -
    Ceruchus punctatus
  684. Sap Feeding Beetle -
    Glischrochilus vittatus
  685. Sap-feeding Beetle -
    Omosita nearctica
  686. Variegated Mud-loving Beetle -
    Heterocerus fenestratus
  687. Merdarius Clown Beetle -
    Margarinotus merdarius
  688. Lugens Clown Beetle -
    Saprinus lugens
  689. Oregon Clown Beetle -
    Saprinus oregonensis
  690. Flat-bodied Clown Beetle -
    Platysoma punctigerum
  691. Squirrel Burrow Clown Beetle -
    Aphelosternus interstitialis
  692. Red-legged Ham Beetle -
    Necrobia rufipes #1
    Necrobia rufipes #2
  693. Cosmopolitan Blue Bone Beetle -
    Necrobia violacea
  694. Reticulated Beetle -
    Priacma serrata
  695. Nevada Monoceros Beetle -
    Notoxus nevadensis
  696. Serrated Monoceros Beetle -
    Notoxus serratus
  697. Elegant Marsh Beetle -
    Herthania concinna
  698. Marsh Beetle -
    Cyphon sp.
  699. Garden Carrion Beetle -
    Heterosilpha ramosa
  700. Northern Carrion Beetle -
    Thanatophilus lapponicus
  701. Sexton Burying Beetle -
    Nicrophorus defodiens
  702. Slender-horned Primitive Carrion Beetle -
    Apteroloma tenuicorne
  703. Tahoe Primitive Carrion Beetle -
    Apteroloma tahoecum
  704. Shiny False Ground Beetle -
    Trachypachus inermis #1; #2
  705. False Metallic Wood-boring Beetle -
    Pactopus horni
  706. False Flower Beetle -
    Allopoda sp.
  707. False Darkling Beetle -
    Serropalpus sp.
  708. Small False Click Beetle - .
    Trixagus sp
  709. Black & Red Fire-colored Beetle -
    Pedilus abnormis #1; #2; #3 all Black
  710. False Blister Beetle -
    Ditylus quadricollis
  711. Minute Moss Beetle -
    Ochthebius sp.
  712. Confused Flour Beetle -
    Tribolium confusum
  713. Handsome Fungus Beetle -
    Aphorista morosa
  714. Handsome Fungus Beetle -
    Mycetina hornii
  715. Shining Flower Beetle -
    Phalacrus sp.
  716. Black Punctuated Antlike Flower Beetle -
    Anthicus punctulatus; Brown Variant
  717. Antlike Flower Beetle -
    Ischyropalpus nitidulus
  718. Short-winged Flower Beetle -
    Amartus tinctus
  719. Western Spotted Cucumber Beetle -
    Diabrotica undecimpunctata
  720. Two-hearted Minute Hooded Beetle -
    Clypastraea sp.
  721. Sap-feeding Beetle -
    Colopterus truncatus ?
  722. Sap-feeding Beetle -
    Pityophagus rufipennis
  723. Soft-winged Flower Beetle -
    Collops quadriguttatus ?
  724. Tumbling Flower Beetle -
    Mordella sp.


    Antlions, Lacewings and Kin

  725. Giant Lacewing -
    Polystoechotes punctatus #1; #2
  726. Brown Lacewing -
    Hemerobius sp.
  727. Brown Lacewing -
    Hemerobius humulinus ?
  728. Red-marked Brown Lacewing -
    Hemerobius stigma
  729. Gray-shouldered Brown Lacewing -
  730. Golden Brown Lacewing -
    Micromus sp. (montanus or remiformis)
  731. Brown Lacewing -
    Micromus variolosus ?
  732. Gray Shadow Lacewing -
    Eremochrysa punctinervis #1; #2
  733. Brownish Shadow Lacewing -
    Eremochrysa sp.
  734. Redish Common Lacewing -
    Chrysoperia sp. (downesi or johnsoni)
  735. Coloradan Green Lacewing -
    Chrysopa coloradensis #1; #2
  736. White-headed Green Lacewing -
    Chrysopa nigricornis
  737. Yellow-backed Green Lacewing -
    Chrysoperla sp.
  738. Red-cheeks Pale-Green Lacewing -
  739. Western Beaded Lacewing -
    Lomamyia occidentalis

  740. Green Lacewing Larva #1
    Green Lacewing Larva

  741. Bi-colored Snakefly -
    Agulla sp. Male
    Agulla sp. Female
  742. Black-headed Snakefly -
    Agulla sp.
  743. Red-headed Snakefly -
    Agulla sp.
  744. Unicolor Snakefly -
    Agulla unicolor.

  745. Snakefly Larva #1

  746. Square-headed Snakefly -
    Negha sp. Male
    Negha sp. Female
  747. Brachynemurid Antlion -
    Brachynemurini 1
    Brachynemurini 2
  748. Deadly Antlion -
    Myrmeleon exitialis #1; #2
  749. Papago Antlion -
    Myrmeleon papago Female
  750. Myrmeleon papago Male
  751. Antlion Larva -
    Myrmeleon sp.



  752. California Gray Fishfly -
    Neohermes californicus



  753. Black Alderfly -
    Sialis sp.



  754. Snow Sedge Caddisfly -
    Psychoglypha bella #1; #2
  755. Orange-marked Snow Sedge Caddisfly -
    Psychoglypha sp.
  756. White-lined Snow Sedge Caddisfly -
    Psychoglypha sp.
  757. Silver-striped Sedge Caddisfly -
    Hesperophylax designatus
  758. Longhorned Caddisfly -
    Ceraclea sp.
  759. Netspinning Caddisfly -
  760. California Netspinning Caddisfly -
    Hydropsyche californica
  761. Netspinning Caddisfly -
    Hydropsyche sp.
  762. Bushtailed Caddisfly -
    Gumaga griseola 01
    Gumaga griseola 02
    Gumaga griseola 03
  763. Orange Northern Caddisfly -
  764. Black-marked Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus sp.
  765. External Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus externus 01
    Limnephilus externus 02
  766. Bristled Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus sp.
  767. Shaded Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus sp.
  768. Brown Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus spinatus 01
    Limnephilus spinatus 02
  769. Bristle-backed Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus sp.
  770. Morrison's Northern Caddisfly
    Limnephilus morrisoni
  771. White-spotted Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus sp. New Species?
  772. Bristled Northern Caddisfly -
    Limnephilus sp.
  773. Lenarchus Northern Caddisfly -
    Lenarchus rillus
  774. Northern Caddisfly -
    Clostoeca disjuncta #1; #2
  775. Plain Amber Northern Caddisfly -
  776. Inconspicuous Longhorned Caddisfly -
    Oecetis inconspicua 01
    Oecetis inconspicua 02
  777. Longhorned Caddisfly -
    Oecetis sp.
  778. Yellow-ocher Longhorned Caddisfly -
    Triaenodes tardus #1; #2; #3
  779. Shiny Caddisfly -
  780. Microcaddisfly -
  781. Ten-spot caddisfly -
  782. White-spotted Microcaddisfly -
    Hydroptila rono
  783. Salt and Pepper Microcaddisfly -
    Agraylea multipunctata ?



  784. Monarch Butterfly -
    Danaus plexippus *
    Danaus plexippus Caterpillar
  785. Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly -
    Papilio rutulus #1; #2
  786. Pale Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly -
    Papilio eurymedon
  787. Anise Swallowtail Butterfly -
    Papilio zelicaon Adult *
    Papilio zelicaon Caterpillar
  788. Baldur Parnassian Butterfly -
    Parnassius clodius baldur
  789. Mourning Cloak Butterfly -
    Nymphalis antiopa
  790. Milberts Tortoise Shell Butterfly -
    Nymphalis milberti
  791. California Tortoise Shell Butterfly -
    Nymphalis californica
  792. Buckeye Butterfly -
    Junonia coenia
  793. Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly -
    Speyeria cybele
  794. Zerene Fritillary Butterfly -
    Speyeria zerene zerene
  795. Hydaspe Fritillary Butterfly -
    Speyeria hydaspe *
  796. Coronis Fritillary Butterfly -
    Speyeria coronis *
  797. Pacific Fritillary Butterfly -
    Boloria epithore
  798. California Sister Butterfly -
    Adelpha californica
  799. Lorquins Admiral Butterfly -
    Limentis lorquini
  800. Painted Lady Butterfly -
    Vanessa cardui
    Vanessa cardui Caterpillar
  801. Red Admiral Butterfly -
    Vanessa atalanta
  802. Great Arctic Butterfly -
    Oeneis nevadensis
  803. Great Basin Wood Nymph -
    Cercyonis sthenele 1
    Cercyonis sthenele 2
  804. Common Wood Nymph Butterfly -
    Cercyonis pegala
  805. Zephyr Anglewing Butterfly -
    Polygonia gracilis zephyrus#1; #2
  806. Northern Checkerspot Butterfly -
    Chlosyne palla 01
    Chlosyne palla 02
  807. Sagebrush Checkerspot Butterfly -
    Chlosyne acastus *
  808. Mylitta Cresent Butterfly -
    Phyciodes mylitta
  809. Field Cresent Butterfly -
    Phyciodes pulchella
  810. California Cresent Butterfly -
    Phyciodes orseis 01
    Phyciodes orseis 02
  811. Sierra Nevada Crescent Butterfly -
    Phyciodes orseis herlani *
  812. Field Crescent Butterfly -
    Phyciodes pulchella
  813. Alfalfa Butterfly -
    Colias eurytheme Male
    Colias eurytheme Female
    Colias eurytheme Female White Varient
    Colias eurytheme Side View
  814. Cabbage Butterfly -
    Pieris rapae
  815. Western White Butterfly -
    Pontia occidentalis
  816. Pine White Butterfly -
    Neophasia menapia Male
    Neophasia menapia Female
  817. Lustrous Copper Butterfly -
    Lycaena cupreus #1; #2
  818. Purplish Copper Butterfly -
    Lycaena helloides
  819. Lilac-bordered Copper Butterfly -
    Lycaena nivalis Male
  820. Edith's Copper Butterfly -
    Lycaena editha Female
    Lycaena editha Male
  821. Tailed Copper Butterfly -
    Lycaena arota
  822. Acmon Blue Butterfly -
    Plebejus acmon
    Plebejus acmon Male
    Plebejus acmon Female
  823. Greenish Blue Butterfly -
    Plebejus saepiolus Male 1; Male 2
    Plebejus saepiolus Female
  824. Pacific Echo Azure Butterfly -
    Celastrina echo echo 1
    Celastrina echo echo 2
  825. Western Square-dotted Blue Butterfly -
    Euphilotes battoides?
  826. Western Pygmy-Blue Butterfly -
    Brephidium exile
  827. Augustin's Hairstreak Butterfly -
    Callophrys augustinus 01
    Callophrys augustinus 02
  828. Nelson's Cedar Hairstreak Butterfly -
    Callophrys gryneus nelsoni #1; #2
  829. Western Pine Elfin Butterfly -
    Callophrys eryphon
  830. California Hairstreak Butterfly -
    Satyrium californica
  831. Hedgerow Hairstreak Butterfly -
    Satyrium saepium 01
    Satyrium saepium 02
  832. Sylvan Hairstreak Butterfly -
    Satyrium sylvinus
  833. Sylvan Hairstreak Butterfly -
    Satyrium auretorum ?
  834. Gray Hairstreak Butterfly -
    Strymon melinus
  835. Great Basin Ringlet Butterfly -
    Coenonympha tullia ampelos Coenonympha tullia ampelos
  836. Woodland Skipper Butterfly -
    Ochlodes sylvanoides
    Ochlodes sylvanoides Adult Male
    Ochlodes sylvanoides Caterpillar
  837. Sandhill Skipper Butterfly -
    Polites sabuleti Female
  838. Sonoran Skipper Butterfly -
    Polites sonora
  839. Western Branded Skipper Butterfly -
    Hesperia colorado Hesperia colorado
  840. Yuba Skipper -
    Hesperia juba
  841. Pacuvius Duskywing -
    Erynnis pacuvius
  842. Two-banded Checkered Skipper -
    Pyrgus ruralis
  843. Common Checkered Skipper Butterfly -
    Pyrgus communis


    Sphinx Moths - Family Sphingidae
  845. Clark's Day Sphinx -
    Proserpinus clarkiae
  846. Western One Eyed Sphinx -
    Smerinthus ophthalmica #1; #2; #3;
  847. Small-eyed Sphinx -
    Paonias myops
  848. Snowberry Sphinx -
    Sphinx vashti
  849. Elegant Sphinx -
    Sphinx perelegans #1; #2
  850. Western Snowberry Clearwing -
    Hemaris thetis
  851. White Lined Sphinx -
    Hyles lineata #1; #2


    Silk Moths - Family Saturniidae
  852. Elegant Sheep Moth -
    Hemileuca eglanterina - male
  853. Ceanothus Silkmoth -
    Hyalophora euryalus


    Tiger Moths - Subfamily Arctiinae
  854. Ornate Tiger Moth -
    Apantesis (Grammia) ornata #1; #2: #3; #4
  855. Argentata Tiger Moth -
    Lophocampa argentata
  856. Spotted Tussock Moth -
    Lophocampa maculata
  857. Vestal Tiger Moth -
    Spilosoma vestalis
  858. Fall Webworm Moth -
    Hyphantria cunea
  859. Wandering Tiger Moth -
    Spilosoma vagans #1; #2; #3
  860. California Tiger Moth -
    Leptarctia californiae
  861. Forget-me-not Moth -
    Gnophaela latipennis


    Erebid Moths - Family Erebidae
  862. Long-palped Mycterophora Moth -
    Mycterophora longipalpata
  863. Rubric Mycterophora Moth -
    Mycterophora rubricans
  864. Semirelict Underwing Moth -
    Catocala semirelicta #1; #2
  865. Hermia's Underwing Moth -
    Catocala hermia
  866. Shadowy Arches Moth -
    Drasteria adumbrata #1; #2
  867. Common Idia Moth -
    Idia aemula
  868. Anfracta Moth -
    Phobolosia anfracta
  869. Merry Melipotis Mothh -
    Melipotis jucunda
  870. Terminal Zale Moth -
    Zale termina
  871. Rubi Zale Moth -
    Zale rubi #1; #2
  872. Forage Looper Moth -
    Caenurgina erechtea
  873. Blue-sky Looper Moth -
    Caenurgina caerulea


    Noctuid Moths - Family Noctuidae
  874. Ridings' Forester Moth -
    Alypia ridingsii
  875. Langton's Forester Moth -
    Alypia ridingsii *
  876. Large Yellow Underwing -
    Noctua pronuba - 01
    Noctua pronuba - 02
    Noctua pronuba - 03
  877. Normal Dart Moth -
    Acerra normalis
  878. Gooseberry Dart Moth -
    Stretchia pictipennis
  879. The Thoughtful Apamea Moth -
    Apamea cogitata #1; #2 dark variant
  880. Glassy Cutworm Moth -
    Apamea devastator #1; #2 light brown variant; #3
  881. White-banded Cutworm Moth -
    Apamea sp.
  882. Quarter Moon Moth -
    Apamea scoparia #1; #2; #3
  883. Yellow-headed Cutworm Moth -
    Apamea amputatrix 01
    Apamea amputatrix 02
  884. Alias Dart Moth -
    Apamea alia
  885. Prechild Dart Moth -
    Apamea antennata 01
    Apamea antennata 02
  886. Snowy-veined Apamea Moth -
    Apamea niveivenosa
  887. Spalding's Quaker Moth -
    Apamea spaldingi
  888. Western Apamea Moth -
    Apamea occidens
  889. Tahoe Apamea Moth -
    Apamea tahoeensis #1; #2
  890. Streaky Dart Moth -
    Apamea cuculliformis
  891. Varigated Cutworm Moth -
    Peridroma saucia
  892. Alfalfa Looper Moth -
    Autographa californica
  893. Western Conifer Looper Moth -
    Syngrapha celsa
  894. Cabbage Looper Moth -
    Trichoplusia ni
  895. Olive Green Cutworm Moth -
    Dargida procincta #1; #2
  896. Orange Dart Moth -
    Dichagyris variabilis #1; #2
  897. Brown-faced Dart Moth -
    Protolampra rufipectus #1; #2
  898. Two-holed Dart Moth -
    Spaelotis havilae 01
    Spaelotis havilae 02
  899. Bicava Dart Moth -
    Spaelotis bicava
  900. Ashy-gray Swordgrass Moth -
    Xylena cineritia
  901. Bruce's Swordgrass Moth -
    Xylena brucei
  902. Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth -
    Spodoptera praefica
  903. Unipunctate Owlet Moth -
    Mythimna unipuncta #1; #2
  904. Lesser Wainscot Moth -
    Mythimna oxygala
  905. Oregon Wainscot Moth -
    Leucania oregona
  906. Wainscot Dart Moth -
    Leucania insueta
  907. Dia Dart Moth -
    Leucania dia
  908. Meadow Wainscot Dart Moth -
    Leucania farcta farcta
  909. The Herald Moth -
    Scoliopteryx libatrix
  910. Divergent Dart Moth -
    Euxoa divergens
  911. Per-Excellent Dart Moth -
    Euxoa perexcellens
  912. Gladening Moth -
    Euxoa laetificans
  913. Hollemam's Dart Moth -
    Euxoa hollemani
  914. Murdock's Dart Moth -
    Euxoa murdocki 01
    Euxoa murdocki 02
  915. Rockburn's Dart Moth -
    Euxoa rockburnei
  916. Choir Dart Moth -
    Euxoa choris
  917. Obelisk Dart Moth -
    Euxoa obeliscoides
  918. Northern Dart Moth -
    Euxoa septentrionalis 01
    Euxoa septentrionalis 02
  919. Western Dart Moth -
    Euxoa occidentalis
  920. Reaper Dart Moth -
    Euxoa messoria 01
    Euxoa messoria 02
  921. Good-Enough Dart Moth -
    Euxoa satis 01
    Euxoa satis 01
  922. Tessellate Dart Moth -
    Euxoa tessellata #1 Female; #2 Male; #3 Male
  923. Olivia Dart Moth -
    Euxoa olivia ?
  924. Short-winged Dart Moth -
    Euxoa brevipennis
  925. Bandit Dart Moth -
    Euxoa latro
  926. Plagiarist Cutworm Moth -
    Euxoa plagigera
  927. Black-collared Moth -
    Euxoa bochus
  928. Hairy Dart Moth -
    Euxoa comosa
  929. Henrietta's Dart Moth -
    Euxoa henrietta Euxoa henrietta
  930. Open Steppe Dart Moth -
    Euxoa albipennis
    Euxoa albipennis
  931. Army Cutworm Dart Moth -
    Euxoa auxiliaris Brown Variant
    Euxoa auxiliaris Black & White Variant
  932. Atomaris Dart Moth -
    Euxoa atomaris
  933. Dark Dart Moth -
    Euxoa punctigera
  934. Dart Moth -
    Euxoa sp.
  935. Orange-crested Dart Moth -
    Euxoa sp.
  936. Dimorphic Dart Moth -
    Euxoa adumbrata
  937. Robust Dart Moth -
    Euxoa sp.
  938. Penstemon Moth -
    Sympistis umbrifascia
  939. Figurative Moth -
    Sympistis figurata
  940. Reniform Celaena Moth -
    Helotropha reniformis
  941. Perditus Dart Moth -
    Acronicta perdita
  942. Lupine Dagger Moth -
    Acronicta lupini
  943. Deceptive Dart Moth -
    Anarta decepta
  944. Forked Dart Moth -
    Anarta crotchii
  945. Passionate Dart Moth -
    Paraseptis adnixa
  946. Character Dart Moth -
    Aseptis characta
  947. Rusty Shoulder Knot Moth -
    Aseptis binotata
  948. Invalid Dart Moth -
    Papestra invalida
  949. Sierra Chinquapin Moth -
    Perigonica pectinata
  950. Clemens Dart Moth -
    Rhyacia clemens
  951. Acute-lined Flower Moth - Schinia acutilinea
    Schinia acutilinea
  952. Sueta Flower Moth -
    Schinia suetus *
  953. Brown Arches Moth -
    Lacinipolia stricta
    Lacinipolia stricta Female + eggs
  954. Olive Arches Moth -
    Lacinipolia olivacea #1; #2
  955. Girdled Arches Moth -
    Lacinipolia circumcincta
  956. Pointed-winged Arches Moth -
    Lacinipolia acutipennis #1; #2
  957. Elegant Arches Moth -
    Lacinipolia comis
  958. Green-tinged Arches Moth -
    Lacinipolia sp.
  959. The Brother Dart Moth -
    Raphia frater
  960. Darker-spotted Straw Moth -
    Heliothis phloxiphaga
  961. Wandering Dart Moth -
    Abagrotis erratica 01
    Abagrotis erratica 02
  962. Variable Dart Moth -
    Abagrotis variata 01
    Abagrotis variata 02
  963. Ipsilon Dart Moth -
    Agrotis ipsilon
  964. Twirling Dart Moth -
    Agrotis sp.
  965. Antique Dart Moth -
    Agrotis antica
  966. Vancouver Dart Moth -
    Agrotis vancouverensis
  967. Violet-colored Dart Moth -
    Oligia violacea 01
    Oligia violacea 02
  968. Plumas County Dart Moth -
    Hadena plumasata
  969. Olivata Dart Moth -
    Mesogona olivata
  970. Free-flowing Dart Moth -
    Trichordestra liquida #1; #2
  971. Black-letter Dart Moth -
    Parabagrotis exertistigma
  972. The Pretty Quaker Moth -
    Orthosia pulchella 01
    Orthosia pulchella 02
    Orthosia pulchella 03
    Orthosia pulchella 04
    Orthosia pulchella 05
    Orthosia pulchella 06
    Orthosia pulchella 07
  973. Transparent Quaker Moth -
    Orthosia transparens
  974. Mys Quaker Moth -
    Orthosia mys 01
    Orthosia mys 02
    Orthosia mys 03
    Orthosia mys 04
  975. Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth -
    Orthosia hibisci
  976. Garden Cutworm Moth -
    Fishia discors Male
    Fishia discors Female 01
    Fishia discors Female 02
  977. Satyr Moth -
    Ufeus (plicatus) hulsti
  978. Grote's Satyr Moth -
    Ufeus satyricus
  979. Amber Sallow Moth -
    Ipimorpha nanaimo
  980. Yellow-green Sallow Moth -
    Ipimorpha viridipallida
  981. Oblique Brocade Moth -
    Xylomoia indirecta #1; #2
  982. Crucial Woodling Moth -
    Egira crucialis
  983. Brown Woodling Moth -
    Egira perluben
  984. Western Woodling Moth -
    Egira rubrica 1; 2
  985. Demaculated Dart Moth -
    Nephelodes demaculata 01
    Nephelodes demaculata 02
  986. Hooded-Owlet Moth -
    Cucullia antipoda 1; 2
  987. Dark Hooded-Owlet Moth -
    Cucullia pulla
  988. Corn Earworm Moth -
    Helicoverpa zea
  989. Mountain Peony Dart Moth -
    Euros proprius
  990. Angular-Winged Dart Moth -
    Perigonica angulata
  991. Mallow Moth -
    Tarache major
  992. Small Mottled Willow Moth -
    Spodoptera exigua #1; #2
  993. Sierra Dart Moth -
    Brachylomia sierra Variant 1
    Brachylomia sierra Variant 2
    Brachylomia sierra Variant 3
  994. Curvy-fascia Dart Moth -
    Brachylomia curvifascia
  995. Elda's Dart Moth -
    Brachylomia elda
  996. Loaded Dart Moth -
    Platypolia loda
    Platypolia loda
  997. Battered Sallow Moth -
    Sunira verberata 01
    Sunira verberata 02
  998. Flask Dart Moth -
    Protogygia lagena
  999. Protogygia milleri
  1000. Curtica Dart Moth -
    Protorthodes curtica #1; #2
  1001. Alfkens's Dart Moth -
    Protorthodes alfkenii
  1002. New-league Dart Moth -
    Neoligia invenusta
  1003. Bitterbrush Moth -
    Andropolia diversilineata
  1004. Poplar Catkin Moth -
    Anathix puta 01
    Anathix puta 02
    Anathix puta 03
  1005. Rare Sand Quaker Moth -
    Caradrina meralis
  1006. Simple-lined Dart Moth -
    Eremobina unicincta
  1007. Brown-streaked Rustic Moth -
    Hypocoena rufostrigata
  1008. Polia Pine Rustic Moth -
    Polia piniae
  1009. Virgin Panthea Moth -
    Panthea virginarius
  1010. Blackveined Pleromella Moth -
    Pleromella opter
  1011. Headdress Moth -
    Pleromelloida bonuscula 01
    Pleromelloida bonuscula 02
  1012. Ashy Pleromelloida Moth -
    Pleromelloida cinerea
  1013. Conserta Snowberry Moth -
    Pleromelloida conserta #1; #2
  1014. Brown-hooded Behrensia Moth -
    Behrensia bicolor
  1015. Swarty Dart Moth -
    Anarta fusculenta
  1016. United Cutworm Moth -
    Anhimella contrahens 01
    Anhimella contrahens 02
  1017. Weasel Dart Moth -
    Xestia mustelina #1; #2
  1018. U-Shape Dart Moth -
    Sideridis uscripta
  1019. Oxymoron Dart Moth -
    Admetovis oxymorus
  1020. Bitterbrush Dart Moth -
    Setagrotis pallidicollis
  1021. Northern Scurfy Quaker Moth -
    Homorthodes furfurata
  1022. Rough Skinned Cutworm Moth -
    Proxenus mindara
  1023. Plain Looking Cutworm Moth -
    Pronoctua peabodyae or P. pyrophiloides
  1024. Small Ranunculus Moth -
    Hecatera dysodea
  1025. Vaccine Moth -
    Schinia vacciniae
  1026. False Pinion Moth -
    Litholomia napaea 02
  1027. Pertorrida Pinion Moth -
    Lithophane pertorrida #1; #2
  1028. Large Grey Pinion Moth -
    Lithophane georgii
  1029. Incense Cedar Pinion Moth -
    Lithophane gausapata
  1030. Ponderosa Pinion Moth -
    Lithophane ponderosa
  1031. Plain Orangish Dart Moth -
  1032. Brrown White-lined Dart Moth -


    Prominent Moths - Notodontidae
  1033. Apical Prominent Moth -
    Clostera apicalis
  1034. Banded Pebble Moth -
    Gluphisia severa#1, #2
  1035. Rich Mans Dart Moth -
    Homoglaea dives
  1036. Zigzag Moth -
    Furcula scolopendrina 01
    Furcula scolopendrina 02


    Nolid Moths - Family Nolidae
  1037. Ceanothus Nola Moth -
    Nola minna
  1038. Pretty Nycteola Moth -
    Nycteola n-sp New Species!
  1039. Frigid Owlet Moth -
    Nycteola frigidana
  1040. Grey Midget Moth -
    Nycteola cinereana 1; 2


    Tussock Moths - Subfamily Lymantriinae
  1041. White Satin Moth -
    Leucoma salicis
    Leucoma salicis Caterpillar


    Tent Caterpillar and Lappet Moths - Lasiocampidae
  1042. American Lappet Moth -
    Phyllodesma americana
  1043. Distinct Tolype Moth -
    Tolype distincta 01
    Tolype distincta 02
  1044. Western Tent Caterpillar Moth -
    Malacosoma californica #1; #2; #3
  1045. Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth -
    Malacosoma disstria 01
    Malacosoma disstria 02


    False Owlet Moths - Family Thyatirinae
  1046. Tearle's Moth -
    Ceranemota tearlei


    Geometrid Moths - Family Geometridae
  1047. Buckthorn (Tissue) Moth -
    Triphosa haesitata #1; #2; #3; #4
  1048. Johnson's Euchlaena Moth -
    Euchlaena johnsonaria 01; #2; #3
  1049. Buckthorn Geometrid Moth -
    Eudrepanulatrix rectifascia #1; #2; #3
  1050. Spurred Wave Moth -
    Drepanulatrix unicalcararia #1; #2; #3; #4
  1051. Quadrate Drepanulatrix Moth -
    Drepanulatrix quadraria 1; 2 ; 3
  1052. Dark Drepanulatrix Moth -
    Drepanulatrix foeminaria #1; #2; #3; #4
  1053. Second Rank Drepanulatrix Moth -
    Drepanulatrix secundaria Male
    Drepanulatrix secundaria Female
  1054. Carnal Drepanulatrix Moth -
    Drepanulatrix carnearia #1; #2; #3
  1055. Nevada Drepanulatrix Moth -
    Drepanulatrix nevadaria 1; 2; 3
  1056. Falcate Drepanulatrix Moth -
    Drepanulatrix falcataria 1; 2
  1057. Hulsts' Drepanulatrix Moth -
    Drepanulatrix hulstii #1; #2; #3
  1058. Large Banded Wave Moth -
    Apodrepanulatrix litaria
  1059. Bank's Emerald Moth -
    Chlorosea banksaria #1; #2
  1060. Columbian Emerald Moth -
    Nemoria darwiniata 01
    Nemoria darwiniata 02
  1061. Day Emerald Moth -
    Mesothea incertata
  1062. Wavy-lined Emerald -
    Synchlora aerata
  1063. Mizon Pero Moth -
    Pero mizon
  1064. Western Pero Moth -
    Pero occidentalis
  1065. Behrens Pero Moth -
    Pero behrensaria #1; #2 ; #3
  1066. October Thorn Moth -
    Tetracis jubararia
  1067. Spring Slant-line Moth -
    Tetracis cervinaria 01
    Tetracis cervinaria 02
    Tetracis cervinaria 03
  1068. Pallulata Slant-line Moth -
    Tetracis pallulata
  1069. Quarter-Note Moth -
    Stamnodes marmorata #1; #2
  1070. Yellow Banded Inchworm Moth -
    Xanthorhoe defensaria
  1071. Wavy Xanthorhoe Moth -
    Xanthorhoe sp.
  1072. Xanthorhoe Moth -
    Xanthorhoe alticolata
  1073. Northwestern Phoenix Moth -
    Eulithis xylina #1; #2
  1074. Propelled Eulithis Moth -
    Eulithis propulsata 01
    Eulithis propulsata 02
  1075. Bordered Fawn Moth -
    Sericosema jutumaria
  1076. Immaculate Fawn Moth -
    Sericosema immaculata #1; #2; #3
  1077. Wilsons Fawn Moth -
    Sericosema wilsonensis
  1078. Edward's Pine Looper Moth -
    Sabulodes edwardsata
  1079. Sulphur Moth -
    Hesperumia sulphuraria 01
    Hesperumia sulphuraria 02
    Hesperumia sulphuraria 03
    Hesperumia sulphuraria 04
  1080. Canary Thorn Moth -
    Neoterpes trianguliferata *
  1081. Dark-bordered Granite Moth -
    Digrammia neptaria
  1082. Shaded Granite Moth -
    Digrammia curvata
  1083. Decorated Geometrid Moth -
    Macaria decorata #1; #2
  1084. Burney Granite Moth -
    Digrammia burneyata Dark Variant
    Digrammia burneyata Pale Variant
  1085. Nubiculata Granite Moth -
    Digrammia nubiculata
  1086. Pulmonary Moth -
    Stenoporpia pulmonaria #1; #2
  1087. The Gem Moth -
    Orthonama obstipata
    Orthonama obstipata Male
  1088. Pale Metanema Moth -
    Metanema brunneilinearia #1; # 2; # 3 Caterpillar
  1089. White Protitame Moth -
    Protitame subalbaria #1; #2
  1090. Simple Wave Moth -
    Scopula junctaria
  1091. Five-lined Wave Moth -
    Scopula quinquelinearia
  1092. Dusky Wave Moth -
    Scopula fuscata
  1093. Daytime Wave Moth -
    Scopula sideraria
    Scopula sideraria
  1094. Orangish wave Moth -
    Scopula sp.
  1095. Brownlined Looper Moth -
    Neoalcis californiaria 01
    Neoalcis californiaria 02
  1096. Curve-lined Geometer Moth -
    Perizoma curvilinea?
  1097. Sierra Hydriomena Moth -
    Hydriomena sierrae?
  1098. Nevada Hydriomena Moth -
    Hydriomena nevadae #1; #2
  1099. Shattered Hydriomena Moth -
    Hydriomena perfracta
  1100. Wood-colored Moth -
    Zenophleps lignicolorata
  1101. Black-banded Carpet Moth -
    Antepirrhoe semiatrata
  1102. Nevada Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia nevadata #1; #2
  1103. Mixed Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia misturata
  1104. Bryant's Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia bryanti
  1105. Agnes's Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia agnesata
  1106. Tearful Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia lachrymosa
  1107. Wavey Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia spermaphaga
  1108. Johnston Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia johnstoni
  1109. Rindgei Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia rindgei ?
  1110. Inauspicious Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia maestosa
  1111. Manzanita flower Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia gilvipennata 01
    Eupithecia scabrogata 02
  1112. Graef's pug Moth -
    Eupithecia graefii #1; #2
  1113. White Cretaceus Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia cretaceata
  1114. Leucata Pug Moth -
    Prorella leucata
  1115. Tri-colored Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia sp.
  1116. Tasseled Pug Moth -
    Eupithecia sp.
  1117. Mexican Pine Looper Moth -
    Phaeoura mexicanaria
  1118. Packard's Girdle Moth -
    Enypia packardata
  1119. Mountain Girdle Moth -
    Enypia griseata
  1120. Dark-ribboned Wave Moth -
    Leptostales rubromarginaria
  1121. Split-Lined Speranza Moth -
    Speranza bitactata
  1122. Golden Macaria Moth -
    Macaria adonis
  1123. Bitterbrush Macaria Moth -
    Macaria colata - Female; Male
  1124. Pale-marked Angle Moth -
    Macaria signaria
  1125. 4-lined Macaria Moth -
    Macaria quadrilinearia #1; Macaria quadrilinearia #2; Macaria quadrilinearia #3
  1126. Lorquin's Angle Moth -
    Speranza lorquinaria
  1127. Orange-barred Carpet Moth -
    Dysstroma hersiliata #1; #2
  1128. Colville's Carpet Moth -
    Dysstroma colvillei
  1129. Brown-barred Carpet Moth -
    Dysstroma sp.
  1130. Double-banded Carpet Moth -
    Spargania magnoliata #1; #2
  1131. Bruce's Spanworm Moth -
    Operophtera bruceata occidentalis
  1132. Packard's Snowberry Moth -
    Aethaloida packardaria
  1133. Western Carpet Moth -
    Melanolophia imitata 01
    Melanolophia imitata 02
  1134. Sharp-angled Carpet Moth -
    Euphyia intermediata
  1135. Dog-faced Geometer -
    Spodolepis substriataria
  1136. Mottled Gray Carpet Moth -
    Cladara limitaria
  1137. Conifer Looper Moth -
    Nepytia umbrosaria
  1138. Banded Gray Glena Moth -
    Glena nigricaria
  1139. Fortunate Idaea Moth -
    Idaea bonifata #1; #2; #3
  1140. Dyar's Looper Moth -
    Gabriola dyari
  1141. Powdered Bigwing Moth -
    Lobophora nivigerata 1
    Lobophora nivigerata 2
  1142. Pearsall's Geometrid Moth -
    Stamnoctenis pearsalli
  1143. Hulstina Geometrid Moth -
    Hulstina xera, or aridata ?
  1144. Indefinite Geometrid Moth -
    Archirhoe indefinata
  1145. Red Girdle Moth -
    Caripeta aequaliaria


    Pryalid Moths - Family Pryalidae
  1146. Meal Moth -
    Pyralis farinalis
  1147. Indian Meal Moth -
    Plodia interpunctella
  1148. Peorian Pyralid Moth -
    Peoria tetradella
  1149. Arta Moth -
    Arta epicoenalis
  1150. Acorn Moth -
    Myelopsis subtetricella
  1151. Dusky Raisin Moth -
    Ephestiodes gilvescentella
  1152. Red-tinged Pyralid Moth -
    Ephestiodes erythrella #1; #2
  1153. Dried Fruit Moth -
    Vitula serratilineella 01
    Vitula serratilineella 02
  1154. Relic Pyralid Moth -
    Phycitodes mucidella
  1155. Sugarbeet Crown Borer Moth -
    Ancylosis undulatella #1; #2
  1156. Funeral Moth -
    Phobus funerellus 01
    Phobus funerellus 02
  1157. The Dark Pyla Moth -
    Pyla rainierella #1; #2
  1158. Sparks-of-Light Pyla Moth -
    Pyla scintillans
  1159. Pine Coneworm Moth -
    Dioryctria rossi
  1160. Fir Coneworm Moth -
    Dioryctria abietivorella
  1161. Coneworm Moth -
    Dioryctria sp.
  1162. Coneworm Moth -
    Dioryctria pentictonella
  1163. Tricolored Acrobasis Moth -
    Acrobasis tricolorella
  1164. Gold-banded Etiella Moth -
    Etiella zinckenella
  1165. White-edged Pima Moth -
    Pima albiplagiatella
  1166. Mellinella's Pyralid Moth -
    Honora mellinella 01
    Honora mellinella 02
  1167. Greater Wax Moth -
    Galleria mellonella
  1168. Almond Moth -
    Cadra cautella
  1169. Bandera Pyralid Moth -
    Bandera virginella
  1170. Impressed Pyralid Moth -
    Homoeosoma impressalis
  1171. White Pyralid Moth -
    Homoeosoma sp.
  1172. Peppered Pyralid Moth -
    Homoeosoma sp.
  1173. Plain-gray Sarata Moth -
    Sarata sp.
  1174. Sarata Moth -
    Sarata sp.
  1175. Large Tabby Moth -
    Aglossa pinguinalis
  1176. Orange-shouldered Pyralid Moth -
    Sarata nigrifasciella ? 01
    Sarata nigrifasciella ? 02


    Crambid Snout Moths - Family Crambidae
  1177. Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth -
    Chalcoela iphitalis 01
    Chalcoela iphitalis 02
  1178. Back-spotted Grass Moth -
    Pediasia dorsipunctella #1; #2; #3; #4
  1179. California Grass-veneer Moth -
    Euchromius californicalis
  1180. Cranberry Girdler Snout Moth -
    Chrysoteuchia topiaria
  1181. Grote's Pyrausta Moth -
    Pyrausta grotei
  1182. California Pyrausta Moth -
    Pyrausta californicalis
  1183. Fodinal Pyrausta Moth -
    Pyrausta fodinalis #1; #2
  1184. Lethal Pyrausta Moth -
    Pyrausta lethalis
  1185. Shasta Snout Moth -
    Pyrausta perrubralis shastanalis
  1186. Prairie Pyrausta Moth -
    Pyrausta subsequalis #1; #2; #3; #3;
  1187. Pussy's Toes Pyrausta Moth -
    Pyrausta unifascialis 01
    Pyrausta unifascialis 02
  1188. Dusky Saucrobotys Moth -
    Saucrobotys fumoferalis 01
    Saucrobotys fumoferalis 02
  1189. Alfalfa Webworm Moth #1-
    Loxostege commixtalis
  1190. Alfalfa Webworm Moth #2 -
    Loxostege cereralis
  1191. Tricolored Cosipara Moth -
    Cosipara tricoloraliss
  1192. Curve-lined Vaxi Moth -
    Vaxi auratella
  1193. Ricksecker's Snout Moth -
    Crambus rickseckerellus
  1194. Wide-striped Snout Moth -
    Crambus unistriatellus
  1195. Sperry's Snout Moth -
    Crambus sperryellus
  1196. Gausapalis Snout Moth -
    Crambus gausapalis
  1197. Pasture-land Snout Moth -
    Crambus pascuella
  1198. Western Lawn Moth -
    Tehama bonifatella #1; #2; #3
  1199. Spotted Snout Moth -
    Agriphila attenuata
  1200. Lesser Vagabond Sod Webworm Moth -
    Agriphila ruricolella
  1201. Aquatic Crambid Moth -
    Petrophila confusalis #1; #2
  1202. Lucerne Moth -
    Nomophilla neartica
  1203. Crambid Snout Moth -
    Diastictis caecalis
  1204. Musteline Moth -
    Mecyna mustelinalis
  1205. Brown Phantom Moth -
    Anania mysippusalis #1, # 2
  1206. Crambid Snout Moth -
    Diastictis caecalis
  1207. Commortal Snout Moth -
    Eudonia commortalis
  1208. Eudonia Snout Moth -
    Eudonia torniplagalis
  1209. Eudonia Snout Moth -
    Eudonia rectilinea
  1210. Donacaula Moth -
    Donacaula sp.
  1211. Gesneria Snout Moth -
    Gesneria sp.
  1212. Subterminal Snout Moth -
    Evergestis subterminalis
  1213. Elegant Snout Moth -
    Choristostigma elegantale
  1214. Profound Snout Moth -
    Udea profundalis
  1215. Udea Snout Moth -
    Udea turmalis
    Udea turmalis ?
  1216. Udea Snout Moth -
    Udea sp.
  1217. Western Garden Webworm Moth -
    Achyra occidentalis
  1218. Versicolored Crambid Moth -
    Anatralata versicolor
  1219. Plain Crambid Moth -


    Clearwing Moths - Family Sesiidae
  1220. Scruffy Clearwing Moth -
    Zenodoxus heucherae
  1221. Buckwheat Root-borer Clearwing Moth-
    Synanthedon polygoni *

    Tortricid Moths - Family Tortricidae
  1223. Codling Moth -
    Cydia pomonella 01
    Cydia pomonella 02
  1224. Ponderosa Pine Seedworm Moth -
    Cydia piperana
  1225. Aspen Tortricid Moth -
    Cydia populana
  1226. Pandemis Leafroller Moth -
    Pandemis pyrusana #1; #2
  1227. Oblique Leaf Roller Moth -
    Choristoneura rosaceana
  1228. Spotted Fireworm Moth -
    Choristoneura parallela
  1229. Off-white Hedya Moth -
    Hedya ochroleucana #1; #2
  1230. Thread-bound Tortricid Moth -
    Apotomis sp.
  1231. Seneca Moth -
    Sparganothis senecionana
  1232. Avocado Leaf Moth -
    Amorbia cuneanum 01
    Amorbia cuneanum 02
  1233. Shasta Ancylis Moth -
    Ancylis columbiana shastensis
  1234. Ancylis Moth -
    Ancylis simuloides 01
    Ancylis simuloides 02
  1235. Pacific Ancylis Moth -
    Ancylis pacificana 1; 2
  1236. Mid-banded Ancylis Moth -
    Ancylis mediofasciana
  1237. Maxima Acleris Moth -
    Acleris maximana #1; #2; #3
  1238. Bowman's Acleris Moth -
    Acleris bowmanana #1; Acleris bowmanana #2; Acleris bowmanana #3
  1239. Hastiana Acleris Moth -
    Acleris hastiana 1
    Acleris hastiana 2
  1240. Acleris Moth -
    Acleris caliginosana ?
  1241. April Acleris Moth -
    Acleris sp.
  1242. Strawberry Acleris Moth -
    Acleris fragariana
  1243. Fruit-Tree Leafroller Moth -
    Archips argyrospila
  1244. Ugly-nest Caterpillar Moth -
    Archips cerasivorana
  1245. Plain Tortricid Moth -
  1246. Subplicana Epinotia Moth -
    Epinotia subplicana #01; #02
  1247. Orange Headed Epinotia Moth -
    Epinotia signiferana
    Epinotia signiferana Pale Headed variant
  1248. Orange-banded Epinotia Moth -
    Epinotia castaneana
  1249. White-headed Epinotia Moth -
    Epinotia albicapitana
  1250. Columbian Epinotia Moth -
    Epinotia columbia
  1251. Emarginate Tortricid Moth -
    Epinotia emarginana ?
  1252. Miscana Epinotia Moth -
    Epinotia miscana*
  1253. Black-n-White Tortricid Moth -
    Epinotia nigralbana
  1254. Silver-spotted Tortricid Moth -
    Olethreutes sp.
  1255. Dusky Leafroller Moth -
    Olethreutes undulana
  1256. Douglas-fir Cone Moth -
    Barbara colfaxiana 1 B. colfaxiana 2
  1257. Mormon Eucosma Moth -
    Eucosma mormonensis
  1258. Eucosma Moth -
    Eucosma sp.
  1259. Bractra Moth -
    Bactra furfurana *
  1260. Dark Bractra Moth -
    Bactra sp.
  1261. Sabina's Retinia Moth -
    Retinia sabiniana
  1262. Creamy-striped Eucosma Moth -
    Eucosma agricolana
  1263. Ponderosa Cone Borer Moth -
    Eucosma ponderosa
  1264. Orange-headed Pelochrista Moth -
    Pelochrista conspiciendana #1; #2; #3
  1265. Zeiraphera Tortricid Moth -
    Zeiraphera sp. *
  1266. Tortricid Moth -
  1267. Red-nosed Tortricid Moth -
    Platphalonidia campicolana; Dark Variant
  1268. Mountain Meadows Moth -
    Eucosma parvula
  1269. Mimic moth -
    Notocelia culminana
  1270. Tortricid Moth -
    Corticivora sp.
  1271. Tortricid Moth -
    Grapholita conversana
  1272. Pale-Maroon Tortricid Moth -
  1273. Tawny Tortricid Moth -
    Phtheochroa fulviplicana #1; #2; #3


    Carpenter Moths - Family Cossidae
  1274. Aspen Carpenter Moth -
    Acossus populi


    Cosmet Moths - Family Cosmopterigidae
  1275. Montisella Cosmopterix Moth -
    Cosmopterix montisella
  1276. Shy Cosmet Moth -
    Limnaecia phragmitella
  1277. Sweet-clover Root Borer Moth -
    Walshia miscecolorella


    Concealer Moths - Family Oecophoridae
  1278. Four-spotted Concealer Moth -
    Brymblia quadrimaculella
  1279. Brown House Moth -
    Hofmannophila pseudospretella #1; #2
  1280. White-shouldered House Moth -
    Endrosis sarcitrella dark varient
    Endrosis sarcitrella pale varient


    Clothes Moths - Family Tineidae
  1281. Big-wing Clothes Moth -
    Tinea sp. 01
    Tinea sp. 02
  1282. Large Pale Clothes Moth -
    Tinea pallescentella 01
    Tinea pallescentella 02
  1283. Casemaking Clothes Moth -
    Tinea pellionella
  1284. Pseudo-snout Moth -
    Phryganeopsis brunnea
  1285. Tineid Moth -
    Nemapogon molybdanella
  1286. Knotty Clothes Moth -
    Nemapogon geniculatella
  1287. Burrowing Webworm Moth -
    Amydria sp. ?
  1288. Clothes Moth 01 -
    Homosetia sp. ?
  1289. Clothes Moth 02 -
    Homosetia sp.
  1290. Rusty-headed Clothes Moth 03 -
    Homosetia sp.
  1291. Clothes Moth 04 -
    Homosetia sp.


    Grass Miner Moths - Family Elachistidae
  1292. Merriccella Grass Miner Moth -
    Semioscopis merriccella
  1293. White-spot Grass Miner Moth -
  1294. Grass Miner Moth -
    Pyramidobela sp.
  1295. Two-spotted Grass Miner Moth -
    Elachista sp.
  1296. Aspen Leaf-roller Moth -
    Exaeretia ciniflonella 01
    Exaeretia ciniflonella 02
  1297. Poison Hemlock Moth -
    Agonopterix alstroemeriana #1; #2
  1298. Clay-colored Grass Miner Moth -
    Agonopterix argillacea


    Momphid Moths - Family Momphidae
  1299. Autumn Willowherb Leaf Miner Moth -
    Mompha achlyognoma
  1300. Brown-banded Momphid Moth -
    Mompha sp.
  1301. 2-toned Brown Momphid Moth -
    Mompha sp
    Mompha sp
  1302. Dark gray-brown Momphid Moth -
    Mompha sp.
  1303. Fireweed Moth -
    Mompha unifasciella 01
    Mompha unifasciella 02
    Mompha unifasciella 03


    Metalmark Moths - Family Choreutidae
  1304. Metalmark Moth -
    Prochoreutis extrincicella


    Leaf Blotch Miner Moths - Family Gracillariidae
  1305. Clover Leaf Miner Moth -
    Micrurapteryx occulta
  1306. Alder Leaf Blotch Miner Moth -
    Caloptilia alnicolella
  1307. Leaf Blotch Miner Moth -
    Caloptilia stigmatella Brown Variant
    Caloptilia stigmatella Orange Variant
  1308. Leaf Blotch Miner Moth -
    Caloptilia sp
  1309. Leaf Blotch Miner Moth -
    Caloptilia strictella
  1310. Penstemon Leaf Blotch Miner Moth 4 -
    Caloptilia murtfeldtella


    Twirler Moths - Family Gelechiidae
  1311. Badia Twirler Moth -
    Helcystogramma badia
  1312. Plain Twirler Moth -
    Aristotelia planitia
  1313. Twirler Moth -
    Aristotelia sp.
  1314. White banded Twirler Moth -
    Aristotelia sp.
  1315. Cotton Stem Moth -
    Platyedra subcinerea
  1316. Variable Prolita Moth -
    Prolita variabilis
  1317. Recent Twirler Moth -
    Prolita recens
  1318. Lesser bud Moth -
    Recurvaria nanella
  1319. Oak Groundling Moth -
    Telphusa sedulitella
  1320. Black Twirler Moth -
    Syncopacma nigrella
  1321. Orange-spotted Twirler Moth -
    Dichomeris sp.
  1322. Orange Spruce Needleminer Moth -
    Coleotechnites piceaella
  1323. Conifer Moth -
    Coleotechnites coniferella
  1324. Needleminer Moth -
    Coleotechnites sp.
  1325. Plain Brown Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes sp.
  1326. Brown Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes sp.
  1327. Speckled Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes whitmanella
  1328. Six-spot Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes abitus
  1329. Banded Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes retiniella
  1330. Rhombus Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes rhombus #1; #2
  1331. Orange-tinged Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes sp.
  1332. Dark-gray Twirler Moth -
    Chionodes sp.
  1333. Twirler Moth -
    Filatima sp.
  1334. Many Speckled Twirler Moth -
    Filatima sp.
  1335. Twirler Moth -
    Argyrolacia bifida
  1336. Two-tone Gray Twirler Moth -
    Scrobipalpa sp.
  1337. Goldenrod Twirler Moth -
    Battaristis concinusella
  1338. Twirler Moth -
    Dichomeris leuconotella *
  1339. Xenolechia Moth -
    Xenolechia sp.
  1340. Six-spotted Twirler Moth -
  1341. Eight-spotted Twirler Moth -
  1342. Speckled Twirler Moth -
  1343. Ashen Twirler Moth -
    Gelechia sp.
  1344. Fringed-winged Twirler Moth -
    Monochroa sp.
  1345. Manzanita Twirler Moth -
    Pseudochelaria manzanitae
  1346. Perplexing Twirler Moth -
  1347. Busck's Twirler Moth -
    Pseudochelaria scabrella
  1348. Serene Twirler Moth -
    Monochroa placidella


    Casebearer Moths - Family Coleophoridae
  1349. Streaked Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora cratipennella
  1350. Disco-striped Pistol Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora discostriata
  1351. Hawthorne Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora irroratella #1, #2
  1352. Metallic Coleophora Moth -
    Coleophora mayrella
  1353. Narrow Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora sp.
  1354. Snow-white Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora sp.
  1355. Dusty-white Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora sp.
  1356. Pale Brown Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora sp.
  1357. Amber & White striped Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora sp.
  1358. JFL311 Casebearer Moth -
    Coleophora sp.


    Scavenger Moths - Family Blastobasidae
  1359. Faithful Scavenger Moth -
    Pigritia fidella 01
    Pigritia fidella 02
  1360. Tri-colored Scavenger Moth -
    Pigritia sp. i; 2
  1361. Scavenger Moth -
    Asaphocrita aphidiella
  1362. Speckled Scavenger Moth -


    Many-plume Moths - Family Alucitidae
  1363. Montana six-plume Moth -
    Alucita montana 01
    Alucita montana 02


    Plutellid Moths - Family Plutellidae
  1364. Cruciferous Diamondback Moth -
    Plutella xylostella


    Ypsolophid Moths - Family Ypsolophidae
  1365. Canary Ypsolopha Moth -
    Ypsolopha canariella
  1366. Snowberry Castella Moth -
    Euceratia castella 01
    Euceratia castella 02
  1367. Scruffy Ypsolopha Moth -
    Ypsolopha sp.
  1368. Duck-tailed Ypsolophid Moth -
    Ypsolopha falciferella


    Ermine Moths - Family Yponomeutidae
  1369. Shiny Head-Standing Moth -
    Argyresthia pygmaeella or chalcochrysa ?
  1370. Cedestis Moth -
    Cedestis sp.


    Other Moths
  1371. Ocher-collared Micro Moth -
  1372. White Manzanita Moth -
    Antaeotricha manzanitae #1, #2
  1373. Shasta Fruitworm Moth -
    Bondia shastana
  1374. Dark Trident Moth -
    Tridentaforma sp.
    Tridentaforma sp.
  1375. Pale Trident Moth -
    Tridentaforma sp.
    Tridentaforma sp.
  1376. Bud Moth -
    Lampronia sp. ?
  1377. Goosefoot Flower Moth -
    Scythris limbella
  1378. Cottonwood Leaf Miner Moth -
    Stigmella populetorum
  1379. Metalmark Moth -
    Caloreas occidentella ?
  1380. Six-spoted Yerba Santa Moth -
    Ethmia arctostaphylella
  1381. Silver Fringe-tufted Moth -
    Epermenia sp.
  1382. Douglas Fir Tussock Moth -
    Orgyia pseudotsugata
    Orgyia pseudotsugata Caterpillar
  1383. Scruffy-haired Ghost Moth -
    Phymatopus hectoides
  1384. White-spot Micromoth -
    Tineoidea ?
  1385. Bagworm Moth Larva -


  1386. Plume Moths - Family Pterophoridae
  1387. Geranium Plume Moth -
    Amblyptilia pica
  1388. Morning Glory Plume Moth -
    Emmelina monodactyla
  1389. Sage Plume Moth -
    Anstenoptilia marmarodactyla
  1390. Yarrow Plume Moth -
    Gillmeria pallidactyla
  1391. Hellinsia Plume Moth -
    Hellinsia sp. ?
  1392. Phacelia Plume Moth -
    Oidaematophorus phaceliae?
  1393. Evan's Plume Moth -
    Capperia evansi
  1394. White-socks Plume Moth -
    Oidaematophorus sp.


    Bee Flies
  1396. White-banded Bee Fly -
    Exoprosopa dorcadion
  1397. Smoky-winged Bee Fly -
    Poecilanthrax sp.
  1398. Burning-coal Bee Fly -
    Poecilanthrax sp.
  1399. Brown-winged Bee Fly -
    Poecilanthrax sp.
  1400. Speckle-winged Bee Fly -
    Anthrax sp.
  1401. Greator Bee Fly -
    Bombylius major
  1402. Gray-spot Bee Fly -
    Bombylius sp.
  1403. Lateral Bee Fly -
    Villa lateralis
  1404. Fringe-of-Orange Bee Fly -
    Villa sp.
  1405. Villa Bee Fly -
    Villa sp.
  1406. Country Bee Fly -
    Villa sp.
  1407. Little Villa Bee Fly -
    Villa sp.
  1408. Tint-winged Bee Fly -
    Villa sp. ?
  1409. Sinuous Bee Fly -
    Hemipenthes sinuosa
  1410. Banded-wing Bee Fly -
    Hemipenthes morioides
  1411. Banded-wing Bee Fly -
    Hemipenthes sp. 03
  1412. Sacken's Bee Fly -
    Conophorus sackenii
  1413. Black-horned Bee Fly -
    Conophorus melanoceratus ?
  1414. Striate Bee Fly -
    Lordotus striatus
  1415. Bulging Bee Fly -
    Lordotus gibbus
  1416. Scaled Bee Fly -
    Lepidanthrax sp.
  1417. Coal-black Bee Fly -
    Thyridanthrax atratus
  1418. White-bellied Bee Fly -
    Thevenetimyia sp.
  1419. Fuzzy Bee Fly -
    Bombylius sp.
  1420. Small Fuzzy Bee Fly -
  1421. Paravilla Bee Fly -
    Paravilla sp.


    Syrphid Flies
  1422. Cloudy-winged Syrphid Fly -
    Eupeodes fumipennis
  1423. Tenacious Drone Fly -
    Eristalis tenax #1; #2
  1424. White-spotted Flower Fly -
    Scaeva pyrastri; Spotless variant
  1425. Narcissus Bulb Fly -
    Merodon equestris #1; #2
  1426. Two-stripes Drone Fly -
    Eristalis sp.
  1427. Stipater Drone Fly -
    Eristalis stipater #1; #2
  1428. Drone Fly -
    Eristalis tenax
  1429. Hairy Drone Fly -
    Eristalis hirta #1; #2
  1430. Pollygramm Flower Fly -
    Lejops pollygrammus Female; Male
  1431. Two-lined Syrphid Fly -
    Lejops (Anasimyia) bilinearis ?
  1432. Western Bow-legged Flower Fly -
    Toxomerus occidentalis
  1433. Margined Flower Fly -
    Toxomerus marginatus
  1434. Yellow-banded Flower Fly -
    Sphaerophoria sulphuripes
  1435. Syrphid Flower Fly -
    Sphaerophoria brevipilosa ?
  1436. Pipiens Flower Fly -
    Syritta pipiens
  1437. Cheilosia Flower Fly -
    Cheilosia sp.
  1438. Paragus Flower Fly -
    Paragus haemorrhous; All Black Variant
  1439. Banded Syrphid Fly -
    Helophilus fasciatus male
  1440. Broad-faced Syrphid Fly -
    Helophilus latifrons
  1441. Yellow-spotted Syrphid Fly -
    Didea fuscipes
  1442. Wasp mimic Syrphid Fly -
    Chrysotoxum sp.
  1443. Bronze-backed Syrphid Fly -
    Syrphus opinator
  1444. Syrphid Fly -
    Lapposyrphus lapponicus
  1445. White-shinned Syrphid Fly -
    Xylota barbata
  1446. Black & Red Syrphid Fly -
    Chalcosyrphus piger
  1447. Broad-footed Syrphid Fly -
    Platycheirus stegnus
    Platycheirus stegnus ?
  1448. Green Syrphid Fly Larva -
    Allograpta exotica or obliqua
  1449. Yellow Banded Syrphid Fly -
    Blera scitula


    Robber Flies
  1450. Goshawk Robber Fly -
    Laphria astur
  1451. Montana Robber Fly -
    Cyrtopogon montanus
  1452. California Robber Fly -
    Neomochtherus californicus
  1453. Cunning Robber Fly -
    Machimus callidus Male; Female
  1454. Western Robber Fly -
    Machimus occidentalis
  1455. Small Robber Fly -
    Machimus ?
  1456. R&B-legged Robber Fly -
  1457. Orange-legged Robber Fly 1 -
    Stenopogon sp.
  1458. Orange-legged Robber Fly 2 -
    Stenopogon sp.
  1459. Big Red Robber Fly -
  1460. Big Red-legged Robber Fly 01 -
  1461. Big Red-legged Robber Fly 02 -
  1462. Big Red-striped Robber Fly -


    Crane Flies
  1463. Giant Western Crane Fly -
    Holorusia hespera
  1464. Jacinto Crane Fly -
    Tipula jacintoensis
  1465. Orange Tiger Crane Fly -
    Nephrotoma wulpiana
  1466. Green-eyed Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp. 01
    Tipula sp. 02
  1467. Bold Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp.
  1468. Small Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp.>
  1469. White-bellied Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp.
  1470. Dark Brown Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp.
  1471. Spo
  1472. Spotty-winged Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp.
  1473. Marbled-backed Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp.
  1474. Backstriped Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp.
  1475. Green-eyed Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp. ?
  1476. Plain Crane Fly -
    Tipula sp. ?
  1477. Seven-seven Crane Fly -
  1478. Two-redbar Crane Fly -
    Tipulidae #1; #2
  1479. Pentacolored Crane Fly -
  1480. Large Orange Crane Fly -
  1481. Amber-Winged Crane Fly -
  1482. Shiny Brown Crane Fly -
  1483. Hairy-eyed Crane Crane Fly -
    Pedicia septentrionalis
  1484. Hairy-winged Limoniid Crane Fly -
    Molophilus sp.
    Molophilus sp. a pair
  1485. Hairy-winged Limoniid Crane Fly -
    Molophilus sp.
  1486. Spotty-winged Limoniid Crane Fly -
    Symplecta cana
  1487. Small Pediciid Crane Fly -
    Pedicia sp.
  1488. Orange Limoniid Crane Fly -
  1489. Dark Limoniid Crane Fly -
  1490. Limoniid Crane Fly -
    Limonia sp.
  1491. Snowfly Crane Fly -
    Chionea sp.
  1492. Limoniid Crane Fly -
    Limnophila antennata
  1493. Winter Crane Fly -
    Trichocera sp.
  1494. Scullen's Phantom Crane Fly -
    Ptychoptera sculleni


    Tachinid Flies
  1495. Cylindromyia Tachinid Fly -
    Cylindromyia intermedia
  1496. Whitemouth Tachinid Fly -
    Leucostoma sp.
  1497. Grey-winged Tachinid Fly -
    Peleteria sp.
  1498. Red-belly Tachinid Fly -
    Peleteria sp.
  1499. Clear-winged Tachinid Fly -
    Peleteria sp.
    #1; #2; #3
  1500. Black Tachina Fly -
    Tachina sp.
  1501. Black & Orange Tachina Fly -
    Tachina sp.
  1502. Red-eyed Tachinid Fly #1 -
  1503. Earwig Parasite Tachinid Fly -
    Triarthria setipennis
  1504. Uniprobe Tachinid Fly -
    Mochlosoma sp.
  1505. Copper-brown Tachinid Fly
    Lydina sp.
  1506. Devouring Tachinid Fly -
    Linnaemya comta
  1507. Black-nox Tachinid Fly -
    Tsugaea nox
  1508. Small Tachinid Fly -
  1509. Dark Gray Tachinid Fly -
    Dexiini ?
  1510. Small Tachinid Fly -
    Chetogena sp. ?
  1511. Tachinid Fly -
  1512. Red-eyed Tachinid Fly
    Eutrixa sp. 01
    Eutrixa sp. 02
  1513. Big-eyed Tachinid Fly
    Phasia sp.
  1514. Tachinid Fly
    Gymnosoma sp.
  1515. Tachinid Fly
    Gonia reinhardi ?
  1516. Red-eyed Tachinid Fly -
  1517. Small Gray Tachinid Fly -


    Other Flies
  1518. Red Thick-headed Fly -
    Myopa rubida ?
  1519. Hairy Thick-headed Fly -
    Myopa sp.
  1520. Picture-winged Fly -
    Chaetopsis massyla
  1521. Silver Fly -
    Leucopis sp.
  1522. Tiny Red & Black Cheese-skipper Fly -
  1523. Violet-eyed Small Fly -
  1524. Small Frit Fly -
    Thaumatomyia grata
  1525. Orange & Black Frit Fly -
    Thaumatomyia rubida
  1526. Small 0range Fly -
  1527. Two-spot Vinegar Fly -
    Scaptomyza sp.
  1528. Vinegar Fly -
    Drosophila sp.
  1529. Spotless Variant Vinegar Fly -
    Scaptomyza sp.
  1530. False Peacock Fruit Fly -
    Chaetorellia succinea
  1531. Stary-winged Fruit Fly -
    Eutreta sp.
  1532. Spotted Wing Fruit Fly -
    Campiglossa sp.
  1533. Jones's Fruit Fly -
    Trupanea jonesi
  1534. Sunflower Seed Maggot Fly -
    Neotephritis finalis
  1535. Spotted Moth Fly -
    Paramormia sp.
  1536. Plain Moth Fly -
  1537. Silver-sided Long legged Fly -
  1538. Plain-gray Long legged Fly -
  1539. Western Long legged Fly -
    Condylostylus occidentalis 01
    Condylostylus occidentalis 02
  1540. Green Long legged Fly -
    Condylostylus sp.
  1541. Medetera Long-legged Fly -
    Medetera sp.
  1542. Blue-nosed Long-legged Fly -
    Medetera sp.
    Medetera sp.
  1543. Long legged Fly -
  1544. Metallic Long legged Fly -
    Dolichopus consanguineus
  1545. Greenish Long legged Fly -
    Dolichopus sp.
  1546. Spinny Long legged Fly -
    Pelastoneurus sp.
  1547. Green Bottle Fly -
    Phaenicia sericata
  1548. Cow Pie Fly -
    Neomyia cornicina
  1549. Common Green Bottle Fly -
    Lucilia sericata
  1550. Blue Blow Fly -
    Calliphora vicina
  1551. Blue Bottle Fly -
    Calliphora vomitoria
  1552. Broad-faced Blow Fly -
    Calliphora latifrons
  1553. Cluster Blow Fly -
    Pollenia sp.
  1554. Golden Dung Fly -
    Scathophaga stercoraria 01
    Scathophaga stercoraria 02
  1555. Furcata Dung Fly -
    Scathophaga furcata
  1556. Lesser Dung Fly -
    Lotophila atra
  1557. Lesser Dung Fly -
  1558. Black Lesser Dung Fly -
  1559. Spiny Lesser Dung Fly -
  1560. Black Dung Fly -
    Cordilura adrogans
  1561. Small Black Dung fly -
    Cordilura intermedia
  1562. Spiny Dung fly -
    Cordilura confusa
  1563. Dark Gray Dung fly -
    Cordilura sp.
  1564. Black Dung fly -
    Cordilura sp.
  1565. Spiny Black Dung fly -
    Cordilura sp.
  1566. Nearctic Flesh Fly -
    Sarcophaga nearctica
  1567. Flesh Fly -
  1568. Yellow-striped Stiletto Fly -
    Thereva sp.
  1569. Hairy Stiletto Fly -
    Thereva sp.
  1570. White-Banded Stiletto Fly -
    Ozodiceromyia sp.
  1571. Coloraden Deer Fly -
    Chrysops coloradensi #1; #2
  1572. Dark Deer Fly -
    Chrysops sp
  1573. Horse Fly Larva -
    Tabanus sp.
  1574. Western Horse Fly -
    Tabanus punctifer
  1575. Silver-eyed Horse Fly -
    Tabanus kesseli
  1576. Striped Horse Fly -
    Tabanus similis
  1577. Dictya Marsh Fly -
    Dictya sp.
  1578. Sepedon Marsh Fly -
    Sepedon sp.
  1579. Gray-striped Marsh Fly -
    Sepedon sp.
  1580. Tetanocera Marsh Fly -
    Tetanocera sp.
  1581. Snail-eating Marsh Fly -
    Atrichomelina pubera
  1582. Limnia Marsh Fly -
    Limnia boscii ?
  1583. Black Shore Fly -
    Dichaeta sp.
  1584. Tiny Gray Shore Fly -
  1585. Raptorial Shore Fly -
    Ochthera sp.
  1586. Black Fly 01 -
    Simulium vittatum ?
  1587. Black Fly 02 -
    Simulium sp.
  1588. Black Fly 03 -
    Simulium sp.
  1589. Gray Black Fly -
    Simulium vittatum species complex
  1590. Black Scavenger Fly -
    Sepsis sp.
  1591. Minute Black Scavenger Fly -
    Scatopse notada
  1592. Red-Legged March Fly -
    Bibio vestitus
  1593. White-haired March Fly -
    Bibio albipennis male
    Bibio albipennis male & female
  1594. Stiff-legged March Fly -
    Bibio sp
  1595. Orange Lauxaniid Fly -
    Minettia flaveola
  1596. Small Orange-eyed Fly -
    Anthomyza sp.
  1597. Small Orange Fly -
    Anthomyza sp.
  1598. Decorus Wood-eating Fly -
    Xylophagus decorus
  1599. Barbata Soldier Fly -
    Stratiomys barbata
  1600. Metallic Green Soldier Fly -
    Sargus viridis Male
    Sargus viridis Female
  1601. Brown Soldier Fly -
    Odontomyia sp.
  1602. Green-bellied Soldier fly -
    Odontomyia hoodiana
  1603. Tiger Fly -
    Coenosia tigrina
  1604. Small-headed Fly -
    Turbopsebius diligens
  1605. Small-headed Fly -
  1606. Orange-legged Fly -
  1607. Heleomyzid Fly -
  1608. Heleomyzid Fly -
    Orbellia sp.
  1609. Balloon Dance Fly -
    Hilara sp.
  1610. Black-winged Dance Fly -
    Rhamphomyia sp. ?
  1611. Hybotid Dance Fly -
    Platypalpus sp.
  1612. Hybotid Dance Fly -
    Tachypeza sp. ?
  1613. Stilt-legged Fly -
    Compsobata sp. Male
    Compsobata sp. Female
  1614. Pointed-winged Fly -
    Lonchoptera sp.
  1615. Black-toed Flesh Fly -
  1616. Orange-toed Flesh Fly -
  1617. Leaf Miner Fly -
    Cerodontha sp.
  1618. Grass Frit Fly -
    Thaumatomyia glabra ?
  1619. Grass Frit Fly -
    Chlorops sp.
  1620. Tiny Black Frit Fly -
  1621. Brown Striped Grass Frit Fly -
  1622. Slender Grass Grass Frit Fly -
  1623. Orange & Gray Heleomyzid Fly -
    Heleomyzidae rufiventris 01
    Tephrochlamys rufiventris
  1624. Grayback Flutter Fly -
    Pallopteridae 01
    Pallopteridae 02
  1625. Small Black Lauxaniid Fly -
    Calliopum sp. (livingstoni ?)
  1626. Common House Fly -
    Musca domestica
  1627. Lessor House Fly -
    Fannia canicularis
  1628. Fannia Fly -
    Fannia sp.
  1629. Small Grey-brown Fly -
    Schoenomyza sp.
  1630. Small-headed Fly -
    Turbopsebius diligens
  1631. Small Heleomyzid Fly -
    Trixoscelis flavida
  1632. Spotted Fly -
  1633. Orange-bellied Root-magot Fly -
  1634. Bicolored Root-maggot Fly -
    Pegomya sp.
  1635. Swift Root-maggot Fly -
    Botanophila fugax
  1636. Root-maggot Fly -
    Delia sp.
  1637. Gray Root-maggot Fly -
    Eutrichota sp.
  1638. Brown Root-maggot Fly -
  1639. Red-eyed Root-maggot Fly -
  1640. Orange Muscoid Fly -
  1641. Small Orange Muscoid Fly -
  1642. Small Gray Muscoid Fly -
  1643. Dark-gray Muscoid Fly -
  1644. Dark Brown Fly -
  1645. Dark Bronzed Fly -
  1646. Spiny Dark Brown Fly -
    Lispe sp.
  1647. Muscid Fly -
    Muscid Fly - Helina rufitibia
  1648. Muscid Fly -
    Muscid Fly - Helina evecta
  1649. Dark-striped Muscid Fly -
  1650. Dark 3-banded Muscid Fly -
    Muscidae 01
    Muscidae 02
  1651. Tinged-vein Muscid Fly -
  1652. Gray Gateway Meadow Fly -
  1653. Brown Muscoid Fly -


    Mosquitos, Midges, & Gnats


  1654. White-dotted Mosquito -
    Culex restuans
  1655. Western Encephalitis Mosquito -
    Culex tarsalis
  1656. Western Malaria Mosquito -
    Anopheles freeborni 01
    Anopheles freeborni 02
  1657. Unadorned Mosquito -
    Culiseta inornata
  1658. Western Treehole Mosquito -
    Ochlerotatus sierrensis
  1659. Hairy Mosquito -

  1661. Spotted Midge -
    Ablabesmyia sp.
  1662. Banded Midge -
    Cricotopus sp
  1663. Beautiful Midge -
    Procladius bellus
  1664. Charming Midge -
    Alotanypus venustus
  1665. Grayl Midge -
    Procladius sp. male; female
  1666. Bearded-foot Midge -
    Glyptotendipes barbipes Male

    Glyptotendipes barbipes Female
  1667. Dark Gray Midge -
    Glyptotendipes sp.
  1668. Green Midge 01 -
  1669. Green Midge 02 -
  1670. Green Midge 03 -
  1671. Light-Olive-green Midge -
  1672. Hairy Midge -
  1673. Multicolored Midge -
    Chironomus nr. atroviridis
  1674. Banded Midge -
    Chironomus cf. decorus 01
  1675. Black-banded Midge -
    Chironomus melanescens
  1676. Brown Midge -
    Chironomus maturus
  1677. Whitsel's Midge -
    Chironomus whitseli
  1678. Gray Midge -
    Chironomus sp.
  1679. Bold Midge -
    Chironomus sp.
  1680. Big Orangish Midge -
    Chironomus sp. #1 Male; #2 Male; #3 Female
  1681. Dark Gray Midge -
    Chironomus sp.
  1682. Banded Midge -
    Chironomus sp. 01
    Chironomus sp. 02
  1683. Orange Midge -
  1684. August Midge -
  1685. Bigger Black Midge -
  1686. Dark-Olive-green Midge -
    Chironomini Male
    Chironomini Female 01 Chironomus sp. Female 02
  1687. Polypedilum Midge -
    Chironomini Male
    Chironomini Female
  1688. Green Midge 04 -
  1689. Green Midge 05 -
  1690. Green Midge 06 -
    Endochironomus sp. ?
  1691. Green Midge 07 -
    Dicrotendipes sp. ?
  1692. Orange Midge -
    Cryptochironomus sp. ?
  1693. Tiny Black Midge -
  1694. Dainty Midge -
  1695. Small Brownish Midge -
  1696. Hairless Midge -
    Cricotopus sp.
  1697. Small Black Midge -
    Cricotopus sp.
  1698. Winter Midge -
  1699. Grey-tones Midge -
  1700. Polypedilum Midge -
    Chironomini Male
    Chironomini Female
  1701. Phantom Midge -
    Chaoborus flavicans
  1702. Hairy-winged Midge -
    Phaenopsectra sp.
  1703. Profuse Midge -
    Phaenopsectra profusa
  1704. Winter Midge -
    Diamesa sp. ?
  1705. May Midge -
  1706. Ornate Black Midge -
    Cricotopus ornatus ?
  1707. Small Black Midge -
  1708. April Midge -
  1709. Dark Midge -
  1710. Tiny Brown Midge -
  1711. Tiny Black Midge -
  1712. Tiny 2-toned Midge -
  1713. Dark Midge -
  1714. Midnight Midge -
    Psectrocladius platypus or P. spinifer ?
  1715. Spotty-winged Midge -
    Tanypus sp.
  1716. Pretty Tanypodid Midge -
  1717. Indistinct Small Midge -
  1718. Bold Midge -
    Tanypodinae - Pentaneurini
  1719. Small Midge -
    Procladius sp.
  1720. Biting Midge -
    Forcipomyia sp. Female
    Forcipomyia sp. Male
  1721. Wood Midge 1 -
    Cecidomyia sp. ?
  1722. Gall Midge 1 -
  1723. Gall Midge 2 -
  1724. Sponge Gall Midge -
    Rhopalomyia pomum
  1725. Betsy's Wood Midge -
    Catocha betsyae
  1726. Microtendipes Midge -
    Microtendipes sp.

  1728. Spiny-legged Fungus Gnat -
    Mycetophila sp.
  1729. Long-legged Fungus Gnat -
    Rymosia sp.?
  1730. Brown Fungus Gnat #1 -
  1731. Brown Fungus Gnat #2 -
  1732. Spotty-winged Fungus Gnat -
  1733. Dark-winged Fungus Gnat 01 -
  1734. Dark-winged Fungus Gnat 02 -
  1735. Dark-winged Fungus Gnat 03 -
  1736. Orange Fungus Gnat -
    Leia sp.



  1737. Gray Field Ant -
    Formica aerata Queen; Worker
  1738. Dark Field Ant -
    Formica microphthalma
  1739. Pacific Field Ant -
    Formica pacifica
  1740. Forest Ant -
    Formica neogagates
    Formica neogagates Queen
  1741. California Red Wood Ant -
    Formica integra ?
  1742. Red Wood Mound Ant -
    Formica integroides or F. propinqua Formica integroides or F. propinqua The Big Mound!
  1743. Red Wood Ant Queen -
    Formica ravida ?
  1744. Wood Ant -
    Formica sp.
  1745. Silky Black Ant -
    Formica sp.
  1746. Winged Black Ant -
    Formica sp. Male
  1747. Red & Black Queen Ant -
    Formica sp.
  1748. Red Pavement Ant -
    Manica invidia
  1749. Odorous House Ant -
    Tapinoma sessile Queen
    Tapinoma sessile Worker
  1750. Western Spine-waisted Ant -
    Aphaenogaster occidentalis
  1751. Hunter's Red Ant -
    Manica hunteri
  1752. Invidious Red Ant -
    Manica invidia
  1753. Western Black Carpenter Ant -
    Camponotus modoc Worker; Major Worker; Queen
  1754. Black Carpenter Ant -
    Camponotus laevigatus Worker
    Camponotus laevigatus Queen
  1755. Village Carpenter Ant Queen -
    Camponotus vicinus
  1756. Hyatt's Carpenter Ant -
    Camponotus hyatti Worker
    Camponotus hyatti Queen
  1757. Red & Black Carpenter Ant Worker -
    Camponotus sp.
  1758. Male Amazon Ant -
    Polyergus (mexicanus) ?
  1759. Lasius Ant Queen -
    Lasius sp.
  1760. Lasius Worker Ant -
    Lasius sp.


  1762. Honey Bee -
    Apis mellifera
  1763. Nearctic Bumble Bee -
    Bombus vancouverensis nearcticus
  1764. Black-tailed Bumble Bee -
    Bombus melanopygus
  1765. Yellow Faced Bumble Bee -
    Bombus vosnesenskii #1; #2; #3
  1766. Vandyke's Bumble Bee -
    Bombus vandykei
  1767. Central Bumble Bee -
    Bombus centralis
  1768. Hunt's Bumble Bee -
    Bombus huntii
  1769. Morrison's Bumble Bee -
    Bombus morrisoni
  1770. California Carpenter Bee -
    Xylocopa californica californica
  1771. Mountain Carpenter Bee -
    Xylocopa tabaniformis orpifex Male; Female
  1772. Small Carpenter Bee -
    Ceratina sp.; #1; #2
  1773. Parasitic Cuckoo Bee -
    Melecta separata ?
  1774. Parasitic Melectinid Bee -
    Xeromelecta californica
  1775. Small Mining Bee -
    Perdita sp. 1
  1776. Banded Mining Bee -
    Perdita sp. 2
  1777. Black-banded Mining Bee -
    Andrena transnigra
  1778. Diandrena Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1779. Trachandrena Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1780. Slender Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp. #1; #2
  1781. Hairy-legs Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1782. Blue-and-Black Mining Bee -
    Andrena nigrocaerulea
  1783. Black-faced Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1784. Orange-crowned Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1785. Golden Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1786. Red-tailed Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1787. White-crowned Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1788. Small Black Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1789. Slender Mining Bee -
    Andrena sp.
  1790. Orange-legged Prunus Miner Bee -
    Andrena prunorum
  1791. White-striped Mining Bee -
    Calliopsis sp.
  1792. Urban Digger Bee -
    Anthophora urbana Female; Male #1; Male #2
  1793. Pacific Digger Bee -
    Anthophora pacifica Male; Female
  1794. Digger Bee -
    Anthophora sp #1; #2
  1795. Green-eyed Dugger Bee -
    Anthophora sp
  1796. Agapostemon Green Bee -
    Agapostemon sp. male female
  1797. Black-faced Long-horned Bee -
    Eucera sp.
  1798. Yellow-faced Long-horned Bee -
    Eucera sp.
  1799. Bushy-legged Long-horned Bee -
    Melissodes sp.
  1800. Green-eyed Long-horned Bee -
    Melissodes sp.
  1801. Pugnacious Leaf-cutter Bee -
    Megachile pugnata pomonae
  1802. Leaf-cutting Bee -
    Megachile angelarum 01 Male
    Megachile angelarum ? 02
  1803. Banded Leaf-cutting Bee -
    Megachile sp.
  1804. Hairy Brown Leaf-cutting Bee -
    Megachile sp.
  1805. White-socks Leaf-cutting Bee -
    Megachile sp.
  1806. Coal-black Leaf-cutting Bee -
    Megachile sp.
  1807. White-tufted Leaf-cutting Bee -
    Megachile sp.
  1808. White-faced Nomada Cuckoo Bee -
    Nomada sp. 01
    Nomada sp. 02
  1809. Orange Nomada Cuckoo Bee -
    Nomada sp.
  1810. Black-topped Nomada Cuckoo Bee -
    Nomada sp.
  1811. Black & Yellow Nomada Cuckoo Bee -
    Nomada sp. #1; #2
  1812. Red-tailed Nomada Cuckoo Bee -
    Nomada sp.
  1813. "W" Cuckoo Bee -
    Triepeolus sp.
  1814. Mealy Sweat Bee -
    Halictus farinosus
  1815. Sweat Bee -
    Halictus sp.
  1816. Sweat Bee -
    Lasioglossum sp.
  1817. Small metalic Sweat Bee -
    Lasioglossum sp.; 02; 03
  1818. Bronze-colored Sweat Bee -
    Lasioglossum sp.
  1819. Red-tailed Monkey-flower Shortface Bee -
    Dufourea versatilis
  1820. Red-bellied Sweat Bee -
    Sphecodes sp.
  1821. Long-bodied Sweat Bee -
    Sphecodes sp.
  1822. Cellophane Bee -
    Colletes fulgidus ?
  1823. Thin-headed Masked Bee -
    Hylaeus leptocephalus
  1824. Black & White Legged Masked Bee -
    Hylaeus sp. #1; #2
  1825. Little Masked Bee -
    Hylaeus sp.
  1826. Red & Black bellied Cuckoo Bee -
    Sphecodes sp.
  1827. Black Mason Bee -
    Hoplitis sp.
  1828. Black Mason Bee -
    Hoplitis uvulalis ?
  1829. Monumetha Mason Bee -
    Hoplitis albifrons
  1830. Little Mason Bee -
    Ashmeadiella sp.
  1831. Cuckoo Leafcutting Bee -
    Coelioxys sp.
  1832. Least Cellophane-cuckoo Bee -
    Epeolus minimus
  1833. Golden Chimney Bee -
    Diadasia bituberculata
  1834. Black Chimney Bee -
    Diadasia sp.
  1835. Blue Orchard Mason Bee -
    Osmia lignaria propinqua #1; #2 ?
  1836. White-faced Green Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1837. Green-legged Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1838. Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1839. Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1840. Black Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1841. Husky Black Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1842. Husky Black Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1843. Green Mason Bee -
    Osmia sp.
  1844. Small-Mason Bee -
    Hoplitis sp.



  1845. Thread-waisted Wasp -
    Ammophila sp.
  1846. Blue Muddaber Wasp -
    Chalybion californicum
  1847. Black & Yellow Mud-Dauber Wasp -
    Sceliphron caementarium
  1848. Great Golden Digger Wasp -
    Sphex ichneumoneus
  1849. Red & Black Prionyx Thread-waisted Wasp -
    Prionyx sp.
  1850. Female Black Prionyx Thread-waisted Wasp -
    Prionyx sp.
  1851. Brown-backed Cutworm Wasp-
    Podalonia sp.
  1852. Red & Black Cutworm Wasp-
    Podalonia sp.
  1853. Black-backed Cutworm Wasp-
    Podalonia sp.

    Braconid Wasps
  1855. Braconid Wasp -
  1856. Black-capped Braconid Wasp -
  1857. Braconid Wasp -
    Meteorus sp.
  1858. Braconid Wasp -
    Spathius sp.
  1859. Tiny Braconid Aphid Wasp -
  1860. Red-legged Braconid Aphid Wasp -
  1861. Braconid Mummy Wasp -
    Aleiodes sp.
  1862. Coarse Braconid Wasp -
    Ascogaster sp.
  1863. Precious-stone Braconid Wasp -
    Chelonus sp.
  1864. Braconid Wasp -
  1865. Long Legged Braconid Wasp -
  1866. Longhorned Braconid Wasp -


    Ichneumon Wasps
  1867. Giant Ichneumon Wasp -
    Megarhyssa nortoni
  1868. White Spotted Ichneumon Wasp -
    Rhyssa sp.
  1869. Red-legged Ichneumon Wasp -
    Pimpla sanguinipes erythropus
  1870. Hover Fly Parasite Ichneumon Wasp -
    Diplazon laetatorius
  1871. Diplazontinid Ichneumon Wasp -
  1872. Short-tailed Ichneumon Wasp -
    Ophion sp. Ophion sp.
  1873. Brown Short-tailed Ichneumon Wasp -
    Ophion sp.
  1874. Short-tailed Ichneumon Wasp -
    Ophion sp.
  1875. Netelia Ichneumon Wasp -
    Netelia sp.
  1876. Purgatus Ichneumon Wasp -
    Enicospilus purgatus
  1877. Atrophinid Ichneumon Wasp -
  1878. Red & Black Atrophinid Ichneumon Wasp -
  1879. Ephialtinid Ichneumon Wasp -
    Ephialtini #1
  1880. Ephialtinid Ichneumon Wasp -
    Ephialtini #2
  1881. Ephialtinid Ichneumon Wasp -
    Ephialtini #3
  1882. Red Cryptinid Ichneumon Wasp -
  1883. Red & Black Cryptinid Ichneumon Wasp -
  1884. Cryptinid Ichneumon Wasp -
    Crirotica sp. ?
  1885. Sawfly Predator Ichneumon Wasp -
  1886. Small Ichneumon Wasp -
  1887. Orange-legged Ichneumon Wasp -
  1888. Small Ichneumon Wasp -
  1889. Small Ichneumon Wasp -
  1890. Red & Black Ichneumon Wasp -
  1891. Gelis sp.? Ichneumon Wasp -
  1892. Ichneumon Wasp -
  1893. Smokey-winged Ichneumon Wasp -
  1894. Small Black Ichneumon Wasp -
    Gelis sp.
  1895. Small Ichneumon Wasp -
    Campopleginae or Ctenopelmatinae
  1896. Small Campoplegid Ichneumon Wasp #1 -
  1897. Yellow-cheverons Ichneumon Wasp -
  1898. Small Campoplegid Ichneumon Wasp #2 -
    Campoletis sp.
  1899. Tri-colored Ichneumon Wasp -
  1900. Dark Orange Ichneumon Wasp -
  1901. Orange Ichneumon Wasp -
    Xorides sp.
  1902. Tri-colored Ichneumon Wasp -
    Exyston sp.
  1903. Fat-legged Ichneumon Wasp -
    Aplomerus robustus ?
  1904. Small Ichneumon Wasp -
    Phaeogenini #1; #2
  1905. Yellow-spot Ichneumon Wasp -
  1906. Dark-orange Ichneumon Wasp -
  1907. Orange Ichneumon Wasp -
  1908. Black & Red Ichneumon Wasp -
  1909. Yellow-faced Ichneumon Wasp -
  1910. Yellow-faced Ichneumon Wasp -
  1911. Black-headed Ichneumon Wasp -
    Stenichneumon sp.>/i> ?
  1912. Metalic-blue Ichneumon Wasp -
    Coelichneumon sp.
  1913. Yellow & Black Ichneumon Wasp -
    Ichneumon sp.
  1914. Slender Black Ichneumon Wasp -
    Anomalon sp.
  1915. White-spotted Ichneumon Wasp -
  1916. Tri-colored Ichneumon Wasp -
  1917. Black-eyed Ichneumon Wasp -
  1918. Dark-orange Ichneumon Wasp -
  1919. Dark-redish & BlacK Ichneumon Wasp -
  1920. Spot-legged Ichneumon Wasp -
  1921. Tipped-black Ichneumon Wasp -
  1922. Gateway Ichneumon Wasp -
  1923. Dark Orange Ichneumon Wasp -
    Pristaulacus sp.
  1924. Orange-tipped Ichneumon Wasp -


    Paper Wasps
  1925. Bald Faced Hornet -
    Dolichovespula maculata
  1926. Common Aerial Yellowjacket -
    Dolichovespula arenaria
  1927. Western Yellowjacket -
    Vespula pensylvanica 01
    Vespula pensylvanica 02
  1928. California Yellowjacket -
    Vespula sulphurea
  1929. Common Yellowjacket -
    Vespula alascensis
  1930. Prairie Yellowjacket -
    Vespula atropilosa
  1931. European Paper Wasp -
    Polistes dominula 1
    Polistes dominula 2
  1932. Gold-bearing Paper Wasp -
    Polistes aurifer #1, #2
  1933. Western Paper Wasp -
    Mischocyttarus flavitarsis
  1934. Pseudomasaris vespoides


    Other Wasps
  1935. Pollen Wasp -
  1936. Shield-handed Squarehead Wasp -
    Crabro latipes ?
  1937. Shield-handed Squarehead Wasp -
    Crabro sp.
  1938. Notched-eyed Square-headed Wasp -
    Trypoxylon sp.
  1939. Black Square-headed Wasp -
    Trypoxylon sp.
  1940. Shiny Black Square-headed Wasp -
    Larropsis sp. ?
  1941. Green-eyed Square-headed Wasp -
    Tachytes sp.
  1942. Square-headed Wasp #1 -
  1943. Square-headed Wasp #2 -
  1944. Square-headed Wasp #3 -
  1945. Red & Black Square-headed Wasp -
    Larropsis sp. ?
  1946. Square-headed Wasp #4 -
  1947. Constricted Crabronid Wasp 1 -
    Cerceris sp.
  1948. Constricted Crabronid Wasp 2 -
    Cerceris sp.
  1949. Red & Black Crabronid Wasp -
    Dryudella sp
  1950. Black Crabronid Wasp -
  1951. Bug Hunter Wasp -
    Astata sp.
  1952. Black & Yellow Beewolf Wasp -
    Philanthus pacificus ?
    Philanthus pacificus ?
  1953. Black & White Beewolf Wasp -
    Philanthus sp.
  1954. Mason Potter Wasp -
    Ancistrocerus tuberculocephalus #1; #2
  1955. Mason Potter Wasp -
    Ancistrocerus lineativentris #1; #2
  1956. Mason Potter Wasp -
    Ancistrocerus adiabatus
  1957. Mason Potter Wasp -
    Ancistrocerus catskill ?
  1958. Mason Potter Wasp -
    Ancistrocerus spilopterus ?
  1959. Mason Wasp -
    Pterocheilus sp.
  1960. Vertical Potter Wasp -
    Eumenes verticalis
  1961. Potter Wasp -
    Euodynerus foraminatus ?
  1962. Black & White Potter Wasp -
    Stenodynerus blandus
  1963. Edwards Cuckoo Wasp -
    Parnopes edwardsii
  1964. Blue Cuckoo Wasp -
    Chrysis angolensis
  1965. Blue-green Cuckoo Wasp -
    Chrysis angolensis
  1966. Cuckoo Wasp -
    Philoctetes sp.
  1967. Beautiful-beaded Cuckoo Wasp -
    Chrysura sp.
  1968. Green-beaded Cuckoo Wasp -
    Chrysura sp.
  1969. Cuckoo Wasp #1 -
  1970. Cuckoo Wasp #2 -
    Chrysis sp.
  1971. Cuckoo Wasp #3 -
  1972. Purple-tinged Cuckoo Wasp -
    Pseudomalus sp.
  1973. Dark Cuckoo Wasp -
  1974. Dark-Green Cuckoo Wasp -
    Omalus sp. ?
  1975. Blue-green Cuckoo Wasp - e
  1976. Ant-like parasitic wasp -
    Laelius sp.
  1977. Oak Gall Wasp -
  1978. Chalcid Parasitoid Wasp -
    Monodontomerus sp.
  1979. Chalcid Parasitoid Wasp -
  1980. Chalcid Parasitoid Wasp -
  1981. White-legged Chalcid Wasp -
    Eulophus sp. ?
  1982. Mossy Rose Gall Wasp -
    Diplolepis rosae
  1983. Parasitoid Bedeguar Wasp -
    Torymus bedeguaris
  1984. Proctotrupid Parasitic Wasp -
    Exallonyx sp.
  1985. Parasitic Chalcid Wasp -
    Brachymeria ovata
  1986. Parasitic Megaspilid Wasp -
    Trichosteresis glabra
  1987. Black Aphid Wasp -
  1988. Bi-colored Aphid Wasp -
    Mimumesa clypeata
  1989. Black & Red Aphid Wasp -
  1990. Small Aphid Wasp -
    Stigmus sp.
  1991. White-jawed Aphid Wasp -
    Passaloecus sp.
  1992. Black Aphid Wasp -
    Pemphredon sp.
  1993. Tiphid Wasp -
  1994. Small Black Sphecid Wasp -
    Psenini sp.
  1995. Velvet Ant Wasp -
    Dasymutilla sp. Wingless Female
    Dasymutilla sp. Winged Male
  1996. Orange Nocturnal Velvet Ant -
    Sphaeropthalma unicolor ?
  1997. Red-orange Nocturnal Velvet Ant -
  1998. Red-spotted Sapygid Wasp -
    Krombeinopyga pumila
  1999. Yellow & Black Sapygid Wasp -
    Sapyga angustata ?
  2000. Chyphotid Wasp -
    Chyphotes sp.
  2001. Carrot Wasp -
    Gasteruption sp.
  2002. American Sand Wasp -
    Bembix americana
  2003. White Banded Sand Wasp -
  2004. Yellow-petal Sand Wasp -
  2005. Bicolored Sand Wasp -
    Bembix sp.
  2006. Microbembex Sand Wasp -
    Microbembex sp.
  2007. Red-backed Sand Wasp -
    Harpactus sp.
  2008. Ageniella Spider Wasp -
    Ageniella sp.
  2009. Black Spider Wasp -
  2010. Little Black Spider Wasp -
  2011. Nysson Wasp -
    Nysson tristis 01
    Nysson tristis 02
  2012. Red & Black Nyssonid Wasp -
    Nysson rusticus
  2013. Hemiptera Hunter Wasp -
    Astata sp.

    Horntail Wasps

  2015. California Horntail Wasp -
    Urocerus californicus 01
    Urocerus californicus 02
  2016. The Blue Horntail Wasp -
    Sirex cyaneus - Female
    Sirex cyaneus - Male 01
    Sirex cyaneus - Male 02
  2017. Sirex Horntail Wasp -
    Sirex varipes
  2018. Sirex Horntail Wasp -
    Sirex sp.
  2019. Indecisive Horntail Wasp -
    Xeris indecisus

    Sawfly Wasps

  2021. Stem Sawfly -
    Calameuta clavata
  2022. Stem Sawfly -
    Calameuta sp.
  2023. American Cimbicid Sawfly -
    Abia americana
  2024. Bee-mimic Cimbicid Sawfly -
    Trichiosoma lanuginosum
  2025. Juncus Sawfly -
    Eutomostethus luteiventris ?
  2026. Mundane Conifer Sawfly -
    Neodiprion mundus
  2027. Smoky Sawfly -
    Macrophya fumator Black variant
    Macrophya fumator Red variant
  2028. Bracken Fern Common Sawfly -
    Strongylogaster tibialis
  2029. Distant Sawfly -
    Strongylogaster distans
  2030. Tri-colored Common Sawfly -
    Tenthredo varipicta
  2031. Yellow-faced Common Sawfly -
    Tenthredo obscuripennis
  2032. Red & Black Common Sawfly -
    Tenthredo sp.
  2033. Tri-colored Red-sholdered Common Sawfly -
    Tenthredo sp.
  2034. Y&B Striped Common Sawfly -
    Tenthredo sp.
  2035. Yellow-stigma Common Sawfly -
    Tenthredo sp.
  2036. Black Sawfly -
    Dolerus sp.
  2037. Little Xyelid Sawfly -
    Xyela sp.
  2038. Black & Orange Willow Sawfly -
    Nematus sp.
  2039. Green Willow Sawfly -
    Nematus sp.
  2040. Gateway Lime-green Willow Sawfly -
    Nematus sp.
  2041. Amberback Willow Sawfly -
    Nematus sp.
  2042. Green Sawfly -
    Rhogogaster sp.
  2043. Green Sawfly -
    Rhogogaster sp.
  2044. Willow-leaf Gall Sawfly -
    Pontania sp. *
  2045. Pale-legged Sawfly -



  2046. California Jumping Spider -
    Platycryptus californicus
  2047. Johnson Jumping Spider -
    Phidippus johnsoni male; Female
  2048. Green-fanged Jumping Spider -
    Phidippus sp. 01
    Phidippus sp. 02
  2049. American Jumping Spider -
    Habronattus americanus
  2050. Jumping Spider -
    Habronattus sp. 01
    Habronattus sp. 02
  2051. Tutelina Jumping Spider -
    Tutelina sp.
  2052. Black-barred Jumping Spider -
    Habronattus sp.
  2053. Jumping Spider -
    Phanias concoloratus
  2054. Proszynski's Jumping Spider -
    Evarcha proszynskii
  2055. Mayday Jumping Spider -
    Pelegrina aeneola
  2056. Zebra Jumping Spider -
    Salticus scenicus
  2057. Jumping Spider -
  2058. Black Jumping Spider -
  2059. Jewel Orb-web Spider -
    Araneus gemmoides #1; #2; #3
    Araneus gemmoides ? Spiderling cluster
  2060. Swarthy Orb Weaver Spider -
    Araneus sp.
  2061. Furrow Orb-web Spider -
    Larinioides cornutus
  2062. Eustala Orb-web Spider -
    Eustala sp.
  2063. Sixspotted Orb-web Spider -
    Araniella displicata
  2064. Western Parson Spider -
    Herpyllus propinquus
  2065. Columbian Ground Spider -
    Sergiolus columbianus #1; # 2
  2066. Iridescent Ground Spider -
    Micaria sp.
  2067. Ground Spider -
    Micaria sp.
  2068. Coal-black Ground Spider -
    Zelotes sp.
  2069. Speckled Ground Spider -
    Gnaphosa sp.
  2070. Silver-gray Ground Spider -
    Drassodes sp.?
  2071. Scruffy Ground Spider -
  2072. Sierra Crab Spider -
    Mecaphesa sierrensis
  2073. Tawny-spotted Crab Spider -
    Mecaphesa sp.
  2074. Goldenrod Crab Spider -
    Misumena vatia
  2075. Bark Crab Spider -
    Bassaniana utahensis ?
  2076. Black Crab Spider -
    Coriarachne brunneipes
  2077. Ground Crab Spider #1 -
    Xysticus sp.
  2078. Ground Crab Spider #2 -
    Xysticus sp.
  2079. Ground Crab Spider #3 -
    Xysticus sp.
  2080. Ground Crab Spider #4 -
    Xysticus sp.
  2081. Ferocious Ground Crab Spider -
    Xysticus sp.
  2082. Six-marked Ground Crab Spider -
    Xysticus sp.
  2083. Crab Spider -
    Ozyptila sp.
  2084. Slender Crab Spider -
    Tibellus oblongus
  2085. Slender Crab Spider -
    Tibellus sp.
  2086. Yellow-back Running Crab Spider -
    Philodromus sp.
  2087. Spiny-legged Running Crab Spider -
    Philodromus sp.
  2088. Long-legged Running Crab Spider -
    Philodromus sp.
  2089. Running Crab Spider -
    Thanatus sp.
  2090. Gray Running Crab Spider -
  2091. Orange Running Crab Spider #1 -
    Philodromus rufus pacificus ?
  2092. Orange Running Crab Spider #2 -
  2093. Speckled Running Crab Spider -
  2094. Mecaphesa Crab Spider -
    Mecaphesa sp.
  2095. Furrow Spider -
    Larinioides sp.
  2096. Branched Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #1 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2097. Striped Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #2 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2098. Puzzled Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #3 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2099. Wide-stripe Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #4 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2100. Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #5 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2101. Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #6 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2102. Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #7 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2103. Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #8 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2104. Dark-orange Longjawed Orbweaver Spider #9 -
    Tetragnatha sp.
  2105. Purple-marked Hammock Spider -
    Pityohyphantes sp.
  2106. Sierra Dome Sheet-web Spider -
    Neriene litigiosa Neriene litigiosa
  2107. Sheet-web Spider -
    Megalepthyphantes nebulosus
  2108. Platform Sheet-web Spider -
    Microlinyphia mandibulata punctata 01
    Microlinyphia mandibulata punctata 02
  2109. Hacklemesh Weaver Spider #1 -
    Callobius sp.
  2110. Hacklemesh Weaver Spider #2 -
    Callobius sp.
  2111. Pink-legged Ground Sac Spider -
    Castianera sp.
  2112. Ground Sac Spider -
    Castianera thalia
  2113. Red-abdomen Ground Sac Spider -
    Castianera sp. #1; #2; #3
  2114. Longbodied Cellar Spider -
    Pholcus phalangioides
  2115. Cellar Spider -
    Psilochorus sp.
  2116. Male Mesh Web Weaver Spider -
    Dictyna calcarata
  2117. Mesh Web Weaver Spider -
    Dictyna sp.
  2118. Mesh-web Weaver Spider -
    Mallos sp. ?
  2119. Mesh Web Weaver Spider -
    Cicurina sp.
  2120. Red Mesh Web Weaver Spiderling -
  2121. False Black Widow Spider -
    Steatoda grossa Male Steatoda grossa Female
  2122. Steatoda Cobweb Spider #1 -
    Steatoda sp.
  2123. Steatoda Cobweb Spider #2 -
    Steatoda sp.
  2124. Steatoda Cobweb Spider #3 -
    Steatoda sp.
  2125. Black Red-legged Cobweb Spider -
    Steatoda sp. ?
  2126. Broad-faced Cobweb Spider -
    Euryopis sp.
  2127. Little Cobweb Spider -
    Dipoena sp.
  2128. Funnel-web Spider #1 -
    Hololena sp.
  2129. Funnel-web Spider #2 -
  2130. Funnel-web Spider #3 -
  2131. Funnel-web Spider #4 -
  2132. Leafcurling Sac Spider -
    Clubiona sp.
  2133. Ghost Spider -
  2134. Spotted Ghost Spider -
    Anyphaena sp. Female
    Anyphaena sp. Male
  2135. Common House Spider -
    Tegenaria domestica #1; #2
  2136. Wolf Spider #1 -
  2137. Wolf Spider #2 -
    Pardosa sp.
  2138. Pardosa Wolf Spider #1 -
    Pardosa sp.
  2139. Pardosa Wolf Spider #2 -
    Pardosa sp.
  2140. Schizocosa Wolf Spider -
    Schizocosa sp. 01
    Schizocosa sp. 02
  2141. McCook's Wolf Spider -
    Schizocosa McCooki ?
  2142. Koch's Wolf Spider -
    Alopecosa kochi
  2143. Foxy Wolf Spider -
    Alopecosa sp
  2144. Western Lynx Spider -
    Oxyopes scalaris Gray variant
    Oxyopes scalaris Red variant
    Oxyopes scalaris Black & White variant
    Oxyopes scalaris Orange variant
  2145. Speckled Ground Spider -


    Other Arthropod Invertebrates

    Crustaceans - Subphylum Crustacea
  2146. Pill Bug -
    Armadillidium vulgare 01
    Armadillidium vulgare 02
  2147. Rough Sowbug -
    Porcellio dilatatus
  2148. Crayfish -

    Windscorpions - Order Solifugae

  2150. Straight-faced Windscorpion #1 -
  2151. Straight-faced Windscorpion #2 -


    Scorpions - Order Scorpiones

  2152. California Forest Scorpion -
    Uroctonus mordax
  2153. Northern Scorpion -
    Paruroctonus boreus

    Mites and TicKs - Subclass Acari

  2155. Dog TicK -
    Dermacentor variabilis, or D. occidentalis
  2156. Deutonymph Mite -
  2157. Red Velvet Mite -
  2158. Tiny Whirligig Red Mite -
    Anystis sp.
  2159. Tiny Midge-eye Water Mite -


  2160. Pseudoscorpions - Order Pseudoscorpiones
  2161. Pseudoscorpion -
  2162. House Pseudoscorpion -
    Chelifer cancroides ?


  2163. Harvestmen - Order Opiliones
  2164. Gateway Harvestman
  2165. Common Harvestman -
    Phalangium opilio *


  2166. Millipedes - Class Diplopoda
  2167. 260 legged Californiulus Millipede -
    Californiulus dorsovittatus
  2168. 200 legged Dark Millipede -


  2169. Centipedes - Class Chilopoda

  2170. Tropical Centipede -
    Scolopocryptops spinicaudus
  2171. Orange Stone Centipede -
    Order Lithobiomorpha
  2172. Dark-orange Stone Centipede -
    Order Lithobiomorpha
  2173. Soil Centipede -
    Order Geophilomorpha


    Other Non-Arthropod Invertebrates


    Snails & Slugs
  2174. Quick Gloss Land Snail -
    Zonitoides arboreus
  2175. Big-ear Radix Water Snail -
    Lymnaea auricularia
  2176. Small Water Snail -
    Succinea sp. ?
  2177. Ram's-horn Water Snail -
    Helisoma trivolvis, aka subcrenatum
  2178. Tawny Slug -
    Limax flavus
  2179. Gray Slug -
    Agriolimax laevis ?


  2180. Red Wiggler Earthworm -
    Eisenia foetida
  2181. Nightcrawler Earthworm -
    Lumbricus terrestris

  2183. Black fresh water Leech -

Welcome to my list of MMB invertebrates!

The photos on this page are just a small sampling of the many thousands that I have taken here in the Mountain Meadows Basin (MMB), including the town of Westwood, in Lassen County Northeastern California. Touching a photo with the cursor should reveal its name.

The list on the left represents 2157 species that I have collected and/or photographed here in the Mountain Meadows Basin. Generally accepted common names, and some of my own invented common names, are listed first, and then followed by the nearest level scientific name of the species.

I have placed many of my invertebrate photos on the "Bug Guide" website. These photos may be viewed by clicking on those scientific names that are linked in blue. Links to thumbnail photos of all my MMB invertebrates can be accessed Here. My profile page at the Bug Guide website may be viewed Here.

One of the main problems in making a list of invertebrate animals is that most of them have no common name. Birds, mammals, reptiles, fish - they almost all have common names - which makes it simple to make an easy to understand "list" of their kinds in a particular area. Another problem is the vast diversity of different species, with 2157 species added to this list thus far from the MMB, of which makes for a rather complicated list without proper identification. My "guess" is that there are many more invertebrate species living in this Basin; so this list will continue to grow year after year.

Although I have not done as much bug hunting within the Lake Almanor Basin, six miles west of Westwood, most of the these species will most likely be found there also.

As you may know, all creatures have a Latin scientific name - which is the "scientific" way of classifying life forms for precise naming. A butterfly that ranges over many states and countries may have several common names - and in different languages. But it will generally have only one universally accepted scientific name. For those of you who are somewhat unfamiliar with the process of classifying and naming animals and plants I have included a sample classification of an insect farther down on this page.

Fortunately almost all butterflies and dragonflies and larger "pretty" insects have common names along with their scientific names, and are usually easy to identify. Also with the help of a growing online image-identification database I have been able to identify and name quite a few others as well. I wish to express my thanks to all the scientists, experts, and fellow amateurs, who have help to put names on most of these small invertebrate wild animals.

Generally most people are more impressed with the bigger more visible animals such as birds and mammals, and game fish. Little animals such minnows, mice, frogs, and of course all those "bugs" simply do not get much attention.

However, the roll of the little guys to the big guys is critically important to the balance of life in the MMB and LAB. Many of the "vertebrate" animals in this area are 100% dependent upon invertebrates, as food, for their survival. Many plants, in our area, are dependent upon insects for survival through pollination. Local invertebrate "pests" affect our own health, our homes, even our industries. Each invertebrate species has it's own unique "life cycle" that is lived out year-by-year right here in the Mountain Meadows Basin.

However, for most people, this vast diversity of life represented by wild invertebrate animals in our area is mostly unknown, not fully understood, and often unseen due to their small size and secretive ways.

However, with the age of the digital camera upon us that is changing! More and more people, men and women, kids, teachers, scientists, researchers, etc.., more and more of these folks are getting hooked into the wonderful world of macro photography. And they are posting their beautiful photos on a variety of websites on the internet. Some folks specialize on a certain kind of creature, like butterflies, or dragonflies. Some folks specialize just on their own backyard gardens. Others, like myself, specialize on a small region. The net effect is a growing awareness of the complex world around and about us. Hopefully, my efforts here with this list may help someone else in their efforts to understand and protect the whole web of life that exists here in the Mountain Meadows basin. I strongly urge other folks to do the same with your cameras!

Please enjoy
Sincerely, Jim Moore




Listed below are links to thumbnail photos of select groups of MMB invertebrates that I have placed on the Bug Guide website (a good way to identify that bug in your yard or by your front porch light) :

  1. Silverfish
  2. Diplurans
  3. Springtails
  4. Termites
  5. Barklice
  6. Earwigs
  7. Thrips
  8. Mayflies
  9. Alderflies
  10. Stoneflies
  11. Fishflies
  12. Dragonflies
  13. Damselflies
  14. Grasshoppers
  15. Crickets
  16. True Bugs
  17. Aphids
  18. Cicada
  19. Beetles
  20. Lacewings, Ant Lions, & Kin
  21. Mantids
  22. Caddisflies
  23. Butterflies
  24. Moths
  25. Flies
  26. Midges
  27. Mosquitoes
  28. Wasps
  29. Horntail Wasps
  30. Sawflies
  31. Ants
  32. Bees
  33. Insect Larva & Nymphs
  34. Sow Bugs & Pill Bugs
  35. Spiders
  36. Harvestmen
  37. Solifugids
  38. Millipedes
  39. Centipedes
  40. Scorpions
  41. Pseudoscorpions
  42. Aquatic & Wetland Insects of the Mountain Meadows Basin




A Sample Classification

Kingdom: Animalia (Animals)
Phylum: Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Class: Insecta (Insects)
Order: Hemiptera (True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies)
Suborder: Heteroptera (True Bugs)
Family: Miridae (Plant Bugs)
Subfamily: Phylinae
Tribe: Pronotocrepini
Genus: Teleorhinus
Species: cyaneus


Species Scientific Binomial Name: Teleorhinus cyaneus

Species Common Name: No Common Name (but I call it the Red-legged Plant Bug)


On the list of names to the left:

  • If the Latin name ends with "idae" then the specimen has only been identified to Family level
  • If the Latin name ends with "inae" then the specimen has only been identified to Subfamily level.
  • If the Latin name ends with "ini" then the specimen has been identified only to Tribe level.
  • If the Latin name ends with the abbreviation "sp." then the specimen has been identified to Genus level; but not the species (sp.) level.
  • If the Latin name is composed of two separate names (Binomial) then this is the specimens species level Scientific Name (and is usually italicized).
  • If the Latin name is composed of three separate names then this means that the specimen has been identified to a "subspecies" level.



Interesting Facts About
Invertebrate Wild Animals
that Live Within the
Mountain Meadows Basin ~ MMB

The MMB invertebrate wild animal with the most legs is this millipede:

This millipede, which has about fifty segments, with 4 legs per segment - would have about two-hundred legs altogether!


Color-dimorphism sometimes favors the Males with a more showy coloration:
Greenish Blue Butterfly - Plebejus saepiolus - The male is on the left, and the female is on the right. The name "Greenish Blue" refers to some greenish tinge on the underside of the male's wings. Sometimes small groups of these butterflies can be seen on wet muddy patches in MMB Meadows.


Male Twelve-spotted Skimmer Dragonfly - Libellula pulchella, a common Dragonfly in the MMB:

Only the mature males have the white spots!
See "here" to view other MMB Dragonflies.

Xenodusa reflexa - a MMB Rove Beetle with a symbiotic, and yet parasitic, relationship with the Modoc Black Carpenter Ant:

This beetle has glands, on the back of it's exposed abdomen, which secrete a chemical substance that the ants like to eat. This substance both subdues the aggressive behavior of the ants, and causes the ants to adopt these Rove Beetles into their colony. The ants feed, clean, and protect the beetles and their larva. But, the Rove Beetles, being carnivorus, also prey upon the eggs and larva of the Carpenter Ants.
See "here" to view other MMB Rove Beetles.


The Devastating Grasshopper - Melanoplus devastator:

Severe population outbreaks of this West Coast grasshopper has caused significant damage to rangeland in California in the past. Within the Mountain Meadows Basin swarms of these grasshoppers can sometimes be seen crossing the highway near Goodrich Creek in the MMB, and occasionally in the weedy alleyways of Westwood. See "here" for a detailed Species Fact Sheet on the Devasting Grasshopper.
See "here" to view other MMB Grasshoppers.

The truth about Mosquito Eaters:

  1. This specimen is called the 'Giant Western Crane Fly' - Holorusia hespera
  2. This Crane Fly, and all other species of Crane Fly, do not ever eat Mosquitoes! In fact the adult rarely eats anything; except some species may occasionally sip some flower nectar. The adult only lives to mate and lay eggs: 10 to 15 days is about all. The larva live in damp soil, and eat decayed plant material, and sometimes roots.
  3. This MMB specimen is the biggest of all the 1500 species of Crane Flies found in North America! The body length is 1.5 inches long, with vertical leg-span of 4.5 inches.
  4. The smallest Crane Fly species are the size of a Mosquito!
  5. less than 2% of Crane Fly larvae have ever been discovered!
  6.See "here" to view other MMB Crane Flies.


A tiny seldom seen MMB Hitchhiker - a Pseudoscorpion:

This little Pseudoscorpion was one of two that crawled off of a large Longhorned Beetle that I was photographing.
This full grown Pseudoscorpion is just 2.5 mm long; and the Longhorned Beetle was 33 mm long. Pseudoscorpions use their claws to clamp onto larger flying insects - to get around to new food habitats. They also use their claws to catch and eat little bugs even smaller than themselves.

The Toad Bug:

This is the Big-Eyed Toad Bug - Gelastocoris oculatus.
After many years living here in the MMB, and walking the shore line of Walker Lake, I finally found my first Toad Bug. The lake level was way down due to the drought condition in this area - 2015. This bug was found on the exposed lake bed near to the receding waterline. It's color patterns were not well-camouflaged with the dark brown mud of the lake bed. But, I saw no others.
Toad Bugs are so called because of their buldging eyes, general shape and warty appearance; and because they are quite the hoppers. They are associated with shoreline aquatic habitats, and feed on small insects.



Almost every insect has some black color on it; black spots, black legs, black eyes, black something! Many, especially beetles, are almost all black, and some, like this Blister Beetle, are 100% all black! I do not think a 100% all 'some-other-color' insect exists; but there might be.
This MMB specimen is called the 'Punctate Blister Beetle' - Epicauta puncticollis.

And Now A Beetle Rainbow!
Red See
Orange See
Yellow See
Green See
Blue See
Purple See
One of the pleasures of photographing MMB invertebrate wild animals is seeing the tremendus variety of COLORS and patterns of color displayed by these creatures.


The Velvet Ant is Not an Ant!

It is a Wasp! Females are wingless, and Males are winged:

The female Velvet Ant, like many female wasps, can inflict a very painful sting, so do not pick them up in bare hands. Within the MMB the females may occasionally be seen in dry sandy areas, and males on certain flowers.

In the begining there were none to be seen.

This is a European Paper Wasp. Polistes dominula, a non native species. In the 1980's this wasp was not to be found in the MMB. But sometime afterwards some made there way into the MMB, and begin to increase their numbers thereafter year by year, until now, in 2015, they are quite common.
This wasp is an introduced species from Eurasia. It was first reported in North America in 1978 near Boston, Massachusetts; and has since spread to various locations across North America.


In the begining there were none to be seen.

This is a Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth. Chalcoela iphitalis , a native species. In the 1980's this moth was not to be found in the MMB; but I begin to see this species fairly often after the year 2000.
This moth is one of the very few moths on planet earth whose caterpillars are carnivorus! They are host specific on paper wasp larva, and primarily Polistes species, such as Polistes dominula, the wasp shown above!


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