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A Panorama of the Mountain Meadows Basin


On this page I have included a few photos that I hope will illustrate the beauty of this unique mountain basin.

A photo taken from The Westwood Overlook looking north-northeast. The Town of Westwood is near the center with Mountain Meadows Reservoir in the fore ground. The mountain behind Westwood, to the east a bit, is called Goodrich Mountain. The mountain on the center horizon is called Pegleg Mountain. The un-forested area adjacent to Westwood, on the east side is where the Lumber Mill was located.

A photo taken from The Westwood Overlook looking down at Walker Cove, as the locals call it, and the Indian Ole Dam that backs up Mountain Meadows Reservoir.

A photo taken from near the dam looking eastward over Walker Cove.

A photo taken from near the dam looking back westward over Walker Cove.

A photo taken from the Westwood Overlook looking over the Mountain Meadows Basin towards Lassen Volcanic National Park in the Cascade Range.

Mount Lassen, in the center at 10,500 feet, last erupted between the years 1914 - 1917.

The eastern area of Mountain Meadows Reservoir, also known as "Walker lake" by the local folks. This photo was taken from up on Goodrich mountain.

The mountains are within the High Sierra Nevada Range.

A view, from the south side of Westwood, of the Dyer Mountain ridge area.

The peak of Dyer Mountain can be seen just behind the ridge called the Westwood Overlook.

A spring time meadow just north of Westwood in the woods.

The flowers are called Mountain Meadow Knotweed -
Bistorta bistortoides.

The old lumber mill pond in Westwood in the spring time.

The pond dries up in the summer, making way for a different habitat of grasses and wildflowers.

Snowy scene in the woods within the Mountain Meadows Basin.

Dry summer meadow near Pinetown in Westwood.The yellow flowers are Sulphur-flower Buckwheat,Eriogonum umbellatum.

Skipper Butterfly on Eriogonum umbellatum, Sulphur-flower Buckwheat.

Bach's Calicoflower, Downingia bacigalupii, growing within the McKenzie Meadows on the north side of Goodrich Mountain.

These flowers are found in various waterlogged meadows within the Mountain Meadows Basin.

Oregon Junco Eggs found near Rice Lake about three miles north of Westwood.

I am sure the Mother bird was happy to see us leave, especially since this was a ground nest.

A interesting plant, called Woolypod Milkvetch, with it's fuzzy little seed pods.

This plant was photographed growing on the slopes of Goodrich Mountain.

This plant is called Prostrate Ceanothus. Unlike most other Ceanothus species, which grow as upright bushes, this species grows very flat on the ground, like a mat. Other common names are Pinemat, and Mahala Mats.

The flowers are a lavender blue color, and are sometimes quite showy.

Close up detail of Snow Plant, Sarcodes sanguinea.

These brilliant red plants can be viewed in many locations within the woods of the Mountain Meadows Basin in the early spring time. It is a perennial mycoparasitic herb.

Close up photo of the leaves of Corn Lily, Veratrum californicum.

Found growing near Duck Lake four miles north of Westwood.

Close up detail of the underside of a large mushroom growing within the woods just north of Westwood.

Flowers of Common Camas - Camassia quamash.

There are meadows in the Basin that turn almost blue in the springtime when these plants are blooming.

Close up detail of a Wild Wood Rose flower - Rosa woodsii.

These wild roses can be found in many places within the Basin.

Big-eared Radix Water Snail - Lymnaea auricularia.

These water snails are quite common within Mountain Meadows Reservoir.

Seven Spot Ladybird Beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, on the flower of Common Yarrow, Acillea millefolium.

Just one of well over Sixteen hundred species of insects that live within the Mountain Meadows Basin's many habitats.

I hope you enjoyed these photos!

All Photos Copyright Jim Moore
Licensed under a Creative Commons License

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