AP Physics Special Project

Computer Presentation of Physics Topic


Your forthcoming college years will require a considerable knowledge of computers. Often, term papers are written and e-mailed to the professor rather than using traditional paper. Class projects and research are often developed and presented as a computer presentation.

Several software programs, such as Microsoft's Power Point™ and Corel's Presentations™ allow you to develop a presentation with relative ease. Adding graphics, transitions, sound, movies, etc to your presentation can be accomplished with minimal effort.


1. Using a presentation program (Microsoft Power Point™), develop a computer presentation that explores in considerable detail a topic in physics, electronics, astronomy, science history, chemistry, biophysics, or some other approved subject such as a laboratory investigation.

2. Learn how to download graphics from the internet for inclusion in a presentation.

3. Learn how to use a scanner and/or digital camera to produce images for your project.

4. Present your presentation in class using the LCD panel and overhead projector.

5. Optional: Develop an HTML web page of your presentation using an HTML editor for upload to the BHS science web page.


1. Decide on a topic or experiment you would like to develop as a presentation. Let it be general in nature at first, then become more specific as you gather more information from textbooks and the internet.

2. Learn the basic skills of Microsoft Power Point™ such as inserting text, graphics, and transitions.

3. Organize your topic into a slide show. Gather images off the internet, from a scanner and/or a digital camera.

4. Test run your slide show on the computer, correcting any errors and anticipating questions from an audience.

5. Run your slide show in class on the LCD panel.

6. Optional: Convert your presentation to a HTML web page for use on the BHS Science Page.

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