Big Slide Mountain

October 7, 2000

Well, it took over a year but Joe got back to the Adirondacks.  Too many trips out west and a lot of solo hikes.  No theme to this trip.  It was relatively uneventful.  But a great day.  Alan tried hard to create a "memorable" trip by hurting either himself or others but he failed miserably.

The trip up The Brothers, Big Slide and Yard was chosen specifically for the views.  And boy did they get views!  The weather changed every 15 minutes but overall it was a great day to be in the mountains.  They experienced bright sun, fog, rain, snow, warmth and cold all before they made the summits.

Trip Photos

Looks like they hit the leaf color peak.  View of the Great Range from The Brothers.


Alan showing off his trekking pole.


Joe - still wearing the same shirt as in all the other trip photos.


"Are we there yet? The Pub that is."


The 'Big Slide' on Big Slide mountain.


"Hey, look!  I found the summit."


"Hey, Alan.  I know I didn't order snow.  Can we go to the Pub now?"


If only we had a tape recorder to let you hear what was said while making this crossing.



Copyright (Yeah, right).
Last revised: July 09, 2003.