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Acquiring Domain Names

There are several sites that assign domain names.

One of the big ones is  You go to the site, give them the name you want, and your credit card number.  The cost depends on the name (if it's available).  It is about 16 dollars a year.

My Shasta College Web Page Design teacher uses  It offers both domain name registration and Web hosting for $7.95 per month

Other places to register a domain name are:


Web Hosting

Many people will rent disk space to host their website.  A search on Google produces a huge list of sites.

While doing research for Web hosting, I ran across "Roar's best sites for: Web Hosting".  This link displays a list of many hosting sites.

One hosting site is IPowerWeb.  It has 800 megabytes of web hosting space with FrontPage extensions support for $7.95 per month

Another nice hosting site I found is  They charge $13.99 a month for 350 megabytes of hosting space and this includes FrontPage extensions.

An alternative site is  They charge $10.00 a month for 100 megabytes of hosting space and includes FrontPage extensions.

We recently subscribed to DSL from  They include 8 email addresses.  Each email address can host up to 25 megabytes, giving a total of 200 megs, but they do not include FrontPage extensions.  This is at no additional cost to the DSL subcription.

Two domain name registration sites (PowWeb and Vaticus) also have Web hosting at very reasonable prices.  Both of these hosting sites have support for FrontPage extensions.


Publishing Your Web

First you need a place to host your Web files (see above for web hosting sites).  If you intend to use the proprietary Frontpage extensions, they must be installed on the web host site.  If the host does  not have the extensions, you can publish the Web pages, but the extensions won't work.  If your host site doesn't have the Frontpage extensions, you should publish using FTP to transfer the files to the host site.  You will of course need a user log-in and password that was given to you by the host site.

In order to test how the site looks on several different browsers, one should install the desired browsers.  View the Website with each browser.  Common browsers would include Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, and Opera.


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