Windows 95 OSR2 and the AMD K 6-2 @ 350 MHz  Solution

       One example of an upgrade  problem  that I recently found involves the Windows 95 OSR2 operating system and the AMD K6-2 at 350 MHz CPU. It is a problem that has been solved in Windows 98. But  Windows 95 OSR2 will not start up properly every time unless you download and install a patch to Windows 95, amdk6upd.exe, at the microsoft site- /kb/articles/q192/8/41.asp - Be sure to read the instructions provided by Microsoft before downloading and installing the patch.

    The errors that you may get, until you install the patch called amdk6upd.exe, will be these:

IOS error. You must reboot your computer.
Write Protection Error. You must reboot your computer.

    The computer will, usually after a few tries, restart Windows successfully and then run  normally until the next time  you restart Windows at which time it may run into these errors or start normally.

    This is not a defect of the CPU. It's a  Windows 95 deficiency because Windows 95  OSR2 was written about 3 years before AMD designed the K6-2 350 MHz CPU.  So it's not the fault of Microsoft.

    After you install the patch, Windows 95 OSR2 will start and run properly.

    Microsoft has made a good, easy solution for a problem that was caused by computer speed increases.

