What Have Bicycles Got to do With Computers?

Are you wondering what bicycles have to do with computers? They are related in what they require of those who maintain them. If you were to look at the requirements listed in the book  "Oportunities in Computer Maintenance Careers" by Elliot S. Kanter, published by VGM Career Horizons, a division of NTC Pubishing Group copyright 1995, you would find listed, in chapter 2,  Educational Requirements, many of the same requirements for one who is going to maintain computers as for a bicycle mechanic. In fact if you add knowledge of electronics and computer software to the requirements of a good bicycle mechanic, you have basically the requirements for a good computer technician. They both must be able to troubleshoot sucessfully. They both must have knowledge of fastening hardware and the ability to use it. They both must be able to use tools safely, including but not limited to hand tools and power tools. They both must be able to write reports and keep records. Most of the improvements made to bicycles over the years came from bicycle mechanics not a research lab or "think tank". And there were even a couple of bicycle mechanics known for an invention that alowed man to travel across land and sea without even touching land and sea except to take off and land, (the airplane).

Computers and bicycles are related by sharing some of the same mechanical requirements. And today some bicycles even have computers built in for such things as suspension control and readings of mileage and speed.