November 2013
Dear Friends,
Recent weeks have been filled with speaking engagements, Missions Conferences and even a concert at several churches. We have met many new people in our travels. We have also had a visit from some dear ones from Niger. What a blessing! Our desire to return to Niger has not dimmed! In fact, we have to struggle sometimes with contentment at still being here.
About a month ago, while visiting a church in Florida, we saw a longtime friend. She was clearing out some of her books and brought one for us - He Leadeth Me by V. Raymond Edmun. We recently read an excerpt written by Amy Carmichael as she watched Andrew Murray go through a particularly difficult time.

Andrew Murray rested in the fact that he was in the situation;
By God’s appointment
In His keeping
Under His training
For His time.
This is crucial for any one of us who desires to know God’s unfailing guidance.
As an elementary child, Kathleen would stand with her father (Pastor of a local church), holding his free hand while he shook hands with parishioners by the church door. One time, a deacon was standing in her Dad’s normal spot while he stood on the other side of the door. Approaching them, she didn’t look up, as it was habit to stand on the right side by her Dad. Reaching up, she took the hand that was offered and immediately knew it was not her Dad’s hand. The deacon was a wonderful man that was dear to the family, but he wasn’t Dad. Kathleen knew her father’s hand without looking. That is how well we want to know Christ; that His hand and His leading would be so clear to us that we recognize it as His, without question. Keep praying for that in our lives and yours.
Thanks for standing with us as we return to Niger. We are currently at 65% and still need more partners. Attending language school next fall is crucial for us to return to Niger at the same time the SIM Niger Treasurer position becomes vacant. This is a critical need as the Niger field hosts over 100 missionaries. Please keep praying for more partners and if you aren’t currently a part of our team, please join us.
Serving Together,