This new dedication page is for the Kansas City Wizards...the team I support. As a matter of fact, here's a picture of me performing with the Wizards!

Well, it is the end of the season. The 2008 Wizards started off well, but then went down hill during the last several weeks. Cuurently, they are second to last in MLS. Bummer.

Click on the logo above to go to the Wizards home page.

The only pro soccer in the St. Louis area are the Steamers, an MISL team. The Steamers were an indoor soccer team coached by Omid Namazi. And here are some pictures of the Steamers with my wife and I. First, mid-fielder Elvir Kafedzic helped my wife, Leigh, deliver pets during the 2005 X-mas holidays. Next, on April 1st, 2006, I won goalkeeper Bayard Elfvin's retro jersey at a charity auction

It has been announced that the Steamers will have to sit out the '06-'08 season. They were unabled to secure new ownership before the beginning of the seasons. No soccer for us this year (again!).

The Women's Professional Soccer League starts in 2009. Finally, some soccer in the area!

They finished in 1st place in the '05-'06 season. Unfortunately, Baltimore won the season finale.

The Steamers have won some post-season titles: