Pultneyville Yacht Club

Celebrating our 60th year!  1944 - 2004

The best kept secret on Lake Ontario

About PYC
Join Our Club!
Visiting PYC
PYC Officers
Club Calendar & OOD
PYC Soundings
PYC Power Page
Reciprocal Clubs
Photo Album
Boating Links
For Sail & For Sale



Club Events Schedule


Date Event
February 8th Winter Cabin Party
April 24th & 25th Launch Boats
May 1st Fleet Captain Work Day
May 8th Work Day #1
May 15th Work Day #2
May 29th Commodore's Review
May 30th Bowersox Memorial Day Race & 
PYC 60th Anniversary Celebration
June 12th Commodore's Brunch, New Member
Reception & General Meeting
June 19th Work Day #3
June 26th Open Boats & BYO Picnic
July 17th Pultneyville Homecoming
July 30, 31,& 
August 1st
Club Cruise
August 13th PYC Board Meeting
August 14th Pig Roast
August 21st Commodore's Challenge (PYC hosting)
September 4th BYO Picnic
September 11th Bown Race
September 18th Fall Picnic & PYC General Meeting 
(with elections) 
September 18th First Cradle Day - 8:00 AM start
September 25th First Haul-out - 7:30 AM start
October 16th Second Cradle Day - 8:00 AM start
October 23rd Second Haul-out - 7:30 AM start
November 13th Fall Banquet
December 5th Annual Meeting @ Fire Hall


Officer-Of-The-Day Schedule


Officer-Of-the-Day (OOD) duty is performed by each club member.  Our historical membership level is high enough to dictate each member gets the duty about once every 3 sailing seasons.  There are exceptions.  Officer of the day duty is relatively easy and usually fun.  Main duties include reception of visiting boats and temporary dock assignment. Please download and print the OOD Instructions for more information.  If you arrange a date swap with anyone then please contact Dick Darrow so he can update his master copy of the schedule as it is beneficial to know exactly who should be on duty for a given day. The schedule for year 2004 is: (under construction)

Date PYC Member OOD
September 14th  John & Mary Doe
September 15th  John & Mary Smith



Launch Time!
Be sure to see the April Soundings for details about launch day, assignments, and work party times.  The sailing season is back - yahoo!!!


Racers: On your marks...
...get set, set your marks!  The Fleet Captain needs your help on May first to get the race course setup for this season's fun.  Please come out and lend a hand.


OOD Schedule Conflict?
Please contact Dick Darrow to report any changes you have arranged as soon as possible so we can keep the schedule current.



Copyright © 2004 Pultneyville Yacht Club