About the Author

Michael Cropo was born in Batavia, New York, in 1965. He graduated from Cardinal Mooney High School in Rochester, New York, and went directly into the United States Army in 1984. He served almost nine years in the Army, serving six years with the famed 82nd Airborne Division, the premier Rapid Deployment Force for the United States Military. Among his awards are the coveted "Combat Infantryman’s Badge" and "Combat Parachute Wings" with a "Bronze Star" signifying a combat jump for his actions during The Invasion of Panama. The combat jump into the Republic of Panama was the largest Airborne Invasion of another country since World War Two. He served with The Emergency Operations Command, 193rd Airborne Infantry Regiment, and The United States Army’s Southern Command, during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. During his time in the military, he was able to travel to many different countries, and experience cultures from across the globe. He served six months with the Multi-National Force and Observers that currently provide Peace Keeping Duties in the Sinai Desert. He was able to travel to Tel Aviv, Israel, four times and train and socialize with Israeli soldiers of the elite “Golani Brigade”. Among the countries Michael has visited or conducted operations in are Panama, Honduras, Israel, Egypt, Italy, Sicily, and several European and Middle Eastern countries. Due to his duties with the 82nd Airborne Division and other units, he is unable to provide details on much of his career. He left the service in late 1992, due to injuries sustained while on active duty.

Michael is a “Yudansha” with a rank of “First Dan” in the Martial Art of Aikido, studying the “Yoshinkan” style, studying first in North Carolina, and continuing in New York. He holds an Open Water Deep Diver Certification with The Professional Association of Diving Instructors, PADI, with a Secondary Certification in Night Scuba Diving. He has participated in organized dives in the Red Sea, The Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. He has conducted dives on a Chinese freighter sunk in 169 feet of water outside the Caribbean entrance of the Panama Canal, and a German World War II U-boat off the coast of North Carolina.

Michael graduated from the Rochester Business Institute with a Degree in Computer Programming. He is currently employed by KAFL Inc. as a Case Manager and Network Coordinator, and consults with other firms. He lives and works in Rochester, New York. An avid Outdoorsman, hunter, and lover of wolves, he advocates protection for this beautiful and sometimes misunderstood animal. Mike is also a life long New York Islanders hockey fan and Buffalo Bills football fan.

This is Michael’s first book, and will not be his last.

Author’s Dedication: This story is dedicated to all my brothers and comrades that have been lost fighting in our war against terrorism and Operation Iraqi Freedom. And to all those who are risking their lives now, day after day, while we sit safe and free. Some of whom I know very personally, including my cousin Chad and my close friends Doug and Dennis Caylor, who are still fighting the good fight. Never forget that the American Warrior is the reason for your freedom. And that freedom is never free. What we take for granted has been bought and paid for by the blood of those that came before us.

As a quote from a decorated officer in Vietnam says;
“Hate war, but love the American Warrior” Harold Moore, Lieutenant General (ret), United States Army