My Brothers in Arms

1st Sergeant Dennis Caylor/ 325th PIR 82nd Airborne Division

["dennis]"Along with his twin brother Doug and I way back in 1985, we were private e-nothings together. Awarded the Silver Star And Bronze Star for his actions in Iraq. Did a tour of duty in the Pentagon and was a Ranger School Instructor. Left the 82nd before Doug and I, but is the epitomy of a soldier's soldier. Finally got to see his son Connor a few weeks back when he came home from Iraq. "Continue the Mission" Dennis.

Chief Warrant Officer 3 Douglas Caylor/Special Operations Command

["doug]"Assigned to the same airborne company as me right out of basic. (Dennis was in B Co) Got our EIB's together, and he poked and prodded my sorry Italian ass at a dead run for the first 7 miles of the EIB road march. ROTC training, how many night jumps over Holland Doug? He moved on to the Special Forces "Q" course shortly before the Invasion of Panama, and then on to Warrant Officer School. Did a tour in the STAN beginning of this year with me sweating the entire time until he got home to his wife and daughter. Talk to him almost daily. Another warrior who has been there and done that.

Specialist Chad Cropo/ 3rd 504th PIR 82nd Airborne Division

["Chad]"My cousin Chad. Assigned to my old Regiment, the "Devils in Baggy Pants". Just returned from Afghanistan in August... came back a changed young man... but a better man. I'm so proud of him. Will list his decorations when I get them.