
The Pictures are of actors and actresses I invision playing the parts if it ever becomes a movie. They are in no way affiliated with the book or this site.

The Arcturians

Rynn Barak

The Arcturian King's nephew. Prince and career military officer. The youngest man in Arcturian history to hold the rank of Admiral/Colonel. A brilliant tactician and ruthless warrior, but very compassionate to those who deserve and need help. A young man written about in the Ancient Scrolls of Arcturia because of his unique and fascinating eyes. A deep Emerald green in Emerald green. A young man who many believed would one day rule the Empire with a beautiful and unique Queen at his side. A young man that was worshiped by many... and totally feared by many more. A young man who avoided politics and everything involved with them. A young man who, unknowingly and unwillingly, would one day guide the future of his people, and bring forth a war unlike any seen in the history of the Universe..

Alexandra Barak

A human raised as a slave for the Arcturian Triot Clan since age seven. Her asian ancestery coming through in her raven colored hair and shape of her flawless face and perfect skin. Adding to that were her rare and unique Jade green eyes, making her an extremely beautiful young woman. A young woman who had all but given up hope of ever being free. Until one day a handsome Arcturian Prince came into her life and captured her heart and soul with breathless intensity. And with that, a part of the Anicent Arcturian Scrolls came true. Together they would share a love more powerful than any ever seen before. A love that would see the rebirth of a people, or destroy the Universe with its power in a war that could destroy everything... or reshaped it with its strength.

Rani Barak

The most popluar King in Arcturian history. Loved by the people as a King for the people. Always pushing his people forward to better themselves. He raised Rynn as his own son when Rynn's father was killed in battle. A powerful man who was unafraid of any challenge or threat to his people. A man who knew the only hope for his people and their future lay with one young man. A young man who has never wanted any involvement in government of any kind. A young man with ideals and values that have all but been forgotten. A Prince who cares more for others than for himself. A Prince who is not even in line for the throne.

Valene Barak

The devoted and loving wife to Rani Barak, and covertly a senior member of the Brotherhood. The super secret religious Order that protects the Royal Family and the Ancient Scrolls of Arcturia. A Queen who must attempt to control two powerful souls and minds and guide them in the right direction as they try to rebuild and shape their Empire. Yet... can anyone control two people who don't want to be controlled? Two people who have the power and ability to ensure they are never controlled by anyone or anything other than their hearts. A King and Queen no one would have ever imagined.

Rorta Barak

The King's oldest son. A cruel and brutal man who has slowly gained power in the Arcturian Senate. His ultimate goal is to be King of the Arcturian people, and he cares not how he achieves this goal. Or the evils he has to order in the process. Nor does he care that he has aligned himself with the only race of beings that ever brought the Arcturian Empire to the brink of extinction.

Ravel Barak

The youngest son of Rani Barak. An impressionable young man who Rorta had planned to exploit. Until his father sent him to stay with Rynn and learn how to be a true leader of men. A young man who will play a major role in the war that lies ahead.

Goral Remdar

The Guardsmen First to Rynn Barak. A grizzled warrior who has seen Rynn grow into the man he is today. Rynn's most trusted and honored confidant. A man who would willingly throw himself into a blazing sun to save the life of his Prince. A man who must decide how to best protect a Prince who would be King. A man who possesses more power than any he has ever seen.

Tranor Renha

The Guardsmen First to Alexandra Barak. Another warrior who has watched Rynn grow, and who assumed the high honor of protecting his Prince's Fulani. But like Goral, how do you protect two people who have power and abilities unlike any ever know to exsist, and no desire to be protected.

Anala Zolfo

The Brotherhood Priestess assigned to protecting Alexandra. A beautiful young woman herself, who still has yet to master her emotions. Her sworn duty is to protect her charge, but in doing so, she learns new things about herself and her emotions, that just might possibly change her future.

The Humans

Admiral Ben Rivers

The Senior Officer within the United Earth Alliance Forces. An experienced and realistic man respected by all those who serve with him. A man who witnessed the worst of the war with the Arcturians. A man who had lost friends and comrades in the war, but was one of the first to support peace. Now he must battle the politicians before they bring the UEA to the brink of destruction.

Admiral Paul Owens

An arrogant pompous officer who earned his rank through political connections alone. The Commander of the UEA Intelligence Division. A man who has crushed the careers of many officers who do not subscribe to his way of doing things. And a man who hates Arcturians with a passion.

Captain David Owens

Cut from the same mold as his father and raised to hate and distrust Arcturians. Military liasion officer to the UEA Embassy on Arcturia. A self proclaimed ladies man who feels he is above everyone else. What will change when he meets an Arcturian beauty unlike any he has seen. A beauty that just happens to be a Priestess of the Brotherhood and protector of Alexandra.

Charles Winslow

Ambassador to Arcturia. A position he had lobbied for endlessly after the end of the war. A former military officer and experienced politician. He will play a large role in the future of the Arcturian Empire and the UEA. He just doesn't know it yet.

Claire Redmond

The new President of the United Earth Alliance. A woman who hates and distrusts anyone not like her. A woman who cares not for the people she is suppose to represent, but only for the power she can wield. A woman who could very well be the downfall of the UEA.