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Thanks to all the contributors to this page.  Do you have pictures to share?  Want to show off your kids or pets?  Please send them as attachments to the Reunion Committee.

The 40th Reunion

It was a wonderful time, as evident in the pictures we've seen.  Click here to see a slide show of pictures from the 40th Reunion in August.

We Were So Much Younger Then....

Cherni Gillman, Lynn Downing-Racine and Francine Wernau-Green were nice enough to send us photographs of their first grade, third grade, and fifth grade classes. How many faces can you recognize?  (If you give up, click on the "key" link on each photo page).

Cherni also sent us a picture of her Temple Sinai Confirmation Class.  We looked pretty good as teenagers.

Diane Van Duzer-White and her husband Bill (MHS '68) sent us a picture of the 1967 Cross Country Team and from a recent vacation.

We'd love to show your pictures from way back when and from today on this page.  Please send them as attachments to the Reunion Committee.

35th Reunion Update -- The Years Just Melt Away

We hope you will enjoy seeing these photos of your classmates during our Reunion in August.  Click on the thumbnail picture to show a large version of the picture, then click on Next to display the next image.

The Ice Breaker -- August 13, 2004

The Dinner Dance -- August 14, 2004

Page last updated:  November 5, 2009

Copyright © 2004, 2009 by The Reunion Committee of Middletown (NY) High School Class of 1969.  The information provided on these web pages is strictly for the personal use of Middletown alumni in order to facilitate individual contact among them.  Any commercial use, mass-mailings, or other unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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