Listed as daughter of the Häusler Franz Helbig at her wedding to Carl Wilhelm Tschirschke on 13 Jul 1880. It is likely that the Zimmer-Polirer Franz Helbig who married Elisabeth Brix on 19 Nov 1848 and the Häusler Franz Helbig mentioned here are the same person.
Anna Maria Hedwig Tschierschke
Bemerkung zum Todeseintrag: Als einziges Elternteil wird die verwitwete Johanna Tschierschke, geb. Helbig angegeben. Es ist nicht klar, ob das Kind ehelich vor dem Tod von Carl Wilhelm Tschirschke erzeugt wurde, oder ob es, wie drei folgende Kinder, unehelich war. Auch ist nicht erkennbar, ob das Kind den Nachnamen Tschierschke trug, oder den Mädchennamen der Mutter.
As an illegitimate son, Franz Joseph should have taken his mother's maiden name HELBIG rather than her married name TSCHIERSKE (or TSCHIRSCHKE) as his last name. However, his brother Carl August who was also born illegitimately two years earlier used the last name TSCHIERSCHKE, and presumably so did Franz Joseph.
As an illegitimate son, Joseph Franz should have taken his mother's maiden name HELBIG rather than her married name TSCHIERSKE (or TSCHIRSCHKE) as his last name. However, his brother Carl August who was also born illegitimately four years earlier used the last name TSCHIERSCHKE, and presumably so did Joseph Franz.
In his birth entry, the father's name is omitted. This usually indicates an illegitimate birth. His mother is listed as a widow. As an illegitimate child with an unknown father, Carl August should carry his mother's maiden name as his last name. However, a remark in the margin attesting to his marriage shows that he used his mother's married name as his last name. If he were conceived before his mother's husband died, his birth entry should show his father's name. Since it does not, this could indicate more than nine months having passed since the husband's death. The most probable explanation is that he was allowed to carry the husband's last name to save face.
Remarks on his baptismal entry: "Aug. Tschierschke wurde am 1. Juni 1914 in der kath. Kirche zu Dittmannsdorf Kr. Waldenburg mit Hedwig Langer (kath) copulirt. Thiel, Pfarrer"