Kirchenbücher Klein Tinz


Rosina Tschiersky

SPECULATION: There is a chance that Rosina Tschiersky who married Karl Seibt and Rosina Tschirscky the mother of Anna Martha Selma were two different persons. The reason is that Anna Martha Selma was buried in the catholic cemetery, while Rosina Seibt's confession was shown as protestant in 1894. However, because name, place and time match in all other respects, Anna Martha Selma Tschirscky was attributed to Rosina Tschiersky, later the wife of Karl Seibt.

Karl Gustav Emil Seibt

Bemerkung zum Geburtseintrag:
Legitimiert per matrimonium subsequens als Sohn des Fleischermeisters Karl Seibt zu Kl. Tinz lt. standesamtl. benachrichtigung (Zaumgarten d. 12 Jul 1902).
Kl. Tinz den 10 August 1902
das Kath. Pfarramt
Pfr. Richter Administrator

Ida Clara Bertha Seibt

Bermerkung zur Geburt:
"Legitimiert per matrimonium subsequens als Tochter des Fleischermeisters Karl Seibt in Kl. Tinz lt. standesamtl. Benachrichtigung (Zaumgarten, 12. Juli 1902).
Klein Tinz, den 10. August 1902
das kath. Pfarramt
Pfarrer Richter

Josefa Grabsch

Listed as natürliche (natural) daughter of Theresia Grabsch, now married Zimmer, at her wedding to August Ruppelt on 26 Dec 1893.