Kirchenbücher Klein Tinz


Josef Carl Anton Staron

Vermerk zum Todeschein:

Beisetzung am 25.9.1942 14 Uhr 30 Min.
Umstattung am 23.10.1943 um 11 Uhr.
Standort Friedhof II in Königsberg (Pr.)
(Tapiauwfr.?) 9. Grabnummer 7164

Heutiger Name von Powunden, Ostpreussen ist Khrabrovo, Kaliningrad, Russland.

-- Michael Mayer-Kielmann, December 2002

Caroline Schroeder

SPECULATION: This might be the same person as Ernestine Karoline Schroeter born 1868, later married to Johann Carl August Titze.

Anna Oder

SPECULATION: Anna Oder's parent might have been Franz Oder and Josepha Stelzer. The location, Franz' occupation and his and Josepha's age match Anna's age presumed to be in her early twenties.

Ernestine Marsch

SPECULATION: Ernestine was possibly the wife of Gottlieb Seiffert, and mother of Pauline Seiffert.

Rosina Tschiersky

SPECULATION: There is a chance that Rosina Tschiersky who married Karl Seibt and Rosina Tschirscky the mother of Anna Martha Selma were two different persons. The reason is that Anna Martha Selma was buried in the catholic cemetery, while Rosina Seibt's confession was shown as protestant in 1894. However, because name, place and time match in all other respects, Anna Martha Selma Tschirscky was attributed to Rosina Tschiersky, later the wife of Karl Seibt.