Listed as youngest daughter of Johann Christoph Bohn at her wedding to Carl Geschwinde on 19 May 1822.
Listed as fifth son of George Knörndel at his wedding to Susanne Neugebaur on 20 May 1822.
Listed as oldest daughter of Gottlieb Neugebaur at her wedding to Ignatz Knörndel on 20 May 1822.
Listed as youngest son of Anton Pietsch at his wedding to Anna Maria Schwach on 17 Nov 1822.
Listed as third and youngest daughter of Friedrich Schwach at her wedding to Anton Pietsch on 17 Nov 1822.
First son of Anton Fritsche.
Listed as oldest son of Joseph Strehler at his wedding to Anna Maria Hantschke on 24 Nov 1822.
Listed as third and youngest daughter of Joseph Hantschke at her wedding to Carl Strehler on 24 Nov 1822.