Listed as only son of Theresia Zimmer at his wedding to Theresia Grabsch on 27 Sep 1874.
Bemerkung zum Todeseintrag: "Stürzte von einem Baum und zerschmetterte sich den Kopf." Todesursache: "in Folge eines Sturzes schwer verletzt 2 Stunden nachher verstorben."
Listed as the Chaussee-Wärter-Witwe Theresia Geschwinde, geb. Grabsch, at her wedding to Gottlieb Zimmer on 27 Sep 1874. Her age entry was heavily smudged and difficult to interpret; it was read as 34. The first number was clearly a 3, but the second number could be something else.
Listed as the Chaussee-Wärter-Witwe Theresia Geschwinde, geb. Grabsch, at her wedding to Gottlieb Zimmer on 27 Sep 1874. Her age entry was heavily smudged and difficult to interpret; it was read as 34. The first number was clearly a 3, but the second number could be something else.
Listed as oldest daughter of Johann Carl Brückner at her wedding to Johann Nickel on 17 Jan 1875.
Listed as oldest son of Joseph Birnfeld at his wedding to Pauline Schnabel on 30 May 1875.
Listed as oldest daughter of Carl Schnabel at her wedding to August Birnfeld on 30 May 1875.
Wedding entry of his son, Franz Rother, places Striegelmühle in Kreis Schweidnitz.