Mike's Links to Social Studies Resources

The information age is here and it has revolutionary implications for education. This is extremely important for us, the next generation of Social Studies teachers. You will find it more efficient to research topic areas and plan class activities using the Internet and the World Wide Web. I have constructed this Web page to aid you in your search for educational material. Below are the sites that I have found the most useful:

Social Studies Resources--This should be your first stop. This site provides you with the primary links you'll need to access government databases, interactive games, and resources sites. This site is for both student and teacher. Start your search here. You won't go away disappointed. CHECK IT OUT!!!

Social Studies Sources--This is a tremendous site. This site includes all of the social science perspectives as well as World History. This is site is gigantic but has mucho value for the Social Studies teacher. By far, one of the most extensive and detailed pages I've come across. I highly recommend this site. Another great place to begin your Social Studies surfing on the net.

Social Studies--Another fantastic site. This guide includes teaching methods and strategies as well as 100's of lesson plans. Good site for general info and links to other resources. I'd visit this one!

History/Social Studies Web Site for K12 Teachers--This site is useful because it helps teachers learn how to integrate the WWW and the Internet into the classroom. A good site for beginners as well as experts. Some creative ideas here--find out for yourself.

American Civil War--A very comprehensive site on Civil War material. Great for in-class exploration.

American Studies--Another huge site that has links and information for just about anything you can imagine that has to do with America. Although this site is a little disheveled, check the American Studies Web for a more organized site with links to American History resources on the Internet.

@School--This site is designed for both the student and the K-12 teacher. This is a good site for all educators, in any content area.  Good for those interested in integrated curriculum. Classroom activities, library information, lesson plans, funding, and more.

Reinventing America--A very cool site! This is an interactive mock US Government. People from all over the country participate in this WWW Congress and debate current issues and create legislation to address modern American problems. Also provides info on what's going on in Congress. What should the US Government do? Let your students answer that question.

New York Social Studies Framework--Bound to change, but just what the title says. I guess this is the official cyberspace version.

Search.com--While you're here, you can seach the www for related materials from this page. This site has all of the popular search engines.

These are just a few of the many sites out there in cyberspace (I'm sure there will be more to come so keep updated) that I've selected. Hopefully, these sites will be a good start for those of you interested in exploring the WWW. Good luck and happy surfing!

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Michael Fantauzzo/mikef@frontiernet.net