Spencerport Phillies


Phillies 9 - Yankess 3

The Phillies avenged a mid-season loss with a convincing win over the Yankees. Roger pitched the opening 4 for the win with Austin pitching a stellar final 3 innings for the save. Austin led the offense with 2 hits but the big damage was done in the bottom of the 5th when the Phillies overcame a 3-1 deficit with 9 hits and 6 runs. Defensively, Mike D turned in a fine play on a slow roller. Colby turned in a nice double play, snaring a liner at 3rd and doubling up a Yankee at first to Josh. The Phils also turned in a traditional 4-6-3 DP with Austin to Mike D to Aaron. The Phillies defense has been improving by the game and has been superb during the last few victories. The key to the offense has been the super aggressive running attack. Phillies record now stands at 8-2 with the playoffs next.
